Infernal Artist

Chapter 338 Effort and Conversation

The dark gray water stretches as far as the eye can see.

The majestic mountain-like corpse floated on the boundary between the sea and the sky, rising and falling, occupying the entire sight.

——This is a half-human, half-fish being.

Liu Ping looked at it carefully and found that it was completely different from the mermaid in the magical world.

The mermaid doesn't have such a huge body, nor does it have three vertical pupils on its face, nor does it have scales all over its body, or staggered convex and concave sharp teeth.

This monster's body is surrounded by a faint gray mist, as well as various blurred lights and shadows.

Liu Ping watched the monster calmly and reached out to open the card book.

I saw that most of the cards in the card book were turned upside down, as if they could not be used.

Lilith's voice sounded from above her head:

"Liu Ping, there is a huge 'strange field' here, which limits Kashu's soul fire power."

"Will everyone die if they come out?" Liu Ping asked.

"Only Andrea, Yana and Hua Qingkong who have reached level 50 can come out to help you, and only one of them can come out at a time - I can only guarantee that one person's soul fire will remain alive." Lilith said.

She was a little aggrieved and unwilling to say: "It's all my fault. I wasted such a long time and lost too much strength. Now you have to fight, but I can only guarantee that one person's soul fire will not be extinguished."

"It's okay. It's really dangerous here. Even I don't know how to start..."

Liu Ping collected the card book and looked toward the village.

He saw the skinny monkey boy.

The young man was still carrying a monster covered in scales on his back, but he didn't notice it at all. He quickly walked to a low stone house, opened the door with a key, and went in.

Liu Ping said:

"'Emergence' is the intersection of multiple laws. Because it is too complex and unpredictable, it can easily surpass our inherent cognition, so it appears extremely strange."

"From this point of view——"

"When both sides of the battle have mastered the 'emergence' of strange levels, they should not dare to make mistakes."

"Because no one has any confidence."

Liu Ping stepped forward and walked slowly along the dusty gravel road.

There was banging and banging and crying in the village. It was obvious that Ah Hong's family was holding funeral arrangements for him.

Liu Ping squeezed into the crowd and glanced into the house.

I saw the young man's body lying on the bier, as if he was asleep.

This is Ah Hong.

If the monster wasn't covered in scales, it would actually look exactly like him.

Liu Ping turned around and walked away, walking through the narrow and damp alley and arriving in front of Shouhou's house.


The door opens.

"Brother Liu? Why are you here?" the thin monkey boy asked in a panic.

Liu Ping glanced inside and said with a smile: "My uncle and aunt are all at home. It's okay. I'll talk to Shouhou."

A man's voice came from the room:

"Have you eaten? Come on, come in and play."

"have eaten."

Liu Ping walked in, pulled Shouhou with him, and entered his room.

The door closes.

"Brother Liu, what do you want from me?" Thin Monkey asked anxiously.

——This kid is actually secretly worried.

After all, he was the only friend who visited Ah Hong before his death.

"I learned a new skill, it's very powerful, now I'll teach it to you." Liu Ping said.

"What move?" Thin Monkey's eyes lit up.

"Watch it -"

Liu Ping's hand pressed on his neck like an afterimage.

The thin monkey collapsed on the bed and fell into a coma.

The monster was still clinging to his back.

Liu Ping's eyes fell on the monster and he whispered: "I want to talk to you."

The monster suddenly raised its head and stared at Liu Ping with a pair of vertical pupils.

"You-can you see me?"

it asked in a hard and stiff tone.


Boundless gray fog spread from it, completely covering the entire room.

Liu Ping stood in the fog and couldn't see anything.

He suddenly stretched out his hand, as if holding something, and stabbed behind him gently.

A soft sound.

The monster roared angrily and disappeared into the mist again.

"Sealing my vision? Even though I was blind before, I was not afraid of this method. I advise you not to annoy me."

Liu Ping said.

"Your tone is too loud." The monster said.

Almost at the same moment, Hua Qingkong’s voice sounded: “I caught you!”

There were dense stabbing sounds.

The gray fog suddenly dispersed.

I saw countless intersecting spikes appearing in the room. The monster was pierced through both hands and feet, and was imprisoned in the air.

Hua Qingkong stood beside Liu Ping, one hand turned into countless ferocious thorns, holding the monster firmly.

Liu Ping said: "I always believe that we can communicate with each other."

The monster stared at him, and its figure gradually turned into nothingness, gently sliding down from among the many spikes.

"You've learned a few tricks and you dare to talk to me?" the monster said sarcastically.

Hua Qingkong was about to take action, but Liu Ping suddenly said: "Back off!"

Hua Qingkong disappeared instantly.

Andrea appeared behind Liu Ping and shouted: "Cave-Guarding Shield!"

Almost at the same moment, Liu Ping stood still, just put away the invisible long knife and held the scabbard tightly.

A line of small burning characters flashed instantly:

"You have activated the power of the Sheath of the Four Sacred Pillars: 'Revolution'. All damage will be borne by the armor or spell first."


The monster's body suddenly exploded.

Boundless strong winds blew down from the sky, flattening all the stone houses in the entire fishing village.

Everything turned into powder.

All people, all livestock, and all living creatures were wiped out.

The world turned into a plain.

Behind Liu Ping, a giant rune shield tens of meters high was covered with cracks.


With a soft sound, the entire giant shield completely shattered and fell to the ground, stirring up large amounts of smoke and dust.

The monster floated quietly in the air and said unexpectedly: "Not dead?"

Liu Ping smiled and said, "I still think we can communicate well."

The monster said: "You——"

Its voice was suddenly interrupted.

Liu Ping drew the prison knife the moment it opened its mouth.

Vacuum Slashing Method·Void Slashing Style!

Countless sword lights emerged from the void, converging into an invisible sword light and slashing at the monster's face.

Almost at the same time——

The whole world flashed away.

A majestic and majestic shadow world descended.

It was a giant pillar that reached the sky entirely composed of golden light, and it was filled with countless beings holding long swords and holding different postures.

They raised their swords high and shouted in unison: "Suppress."

Heaven and earth are helpless·Secret Cut Three Styles!

In an instant, the golden light emitted by the giant pillar spread and quickly formed a world.

The world had just come into being, Liu Ping took a step and escaped from it.

The monster was knocked to the ground by the Void Slashing Technique. Just as it was about to take action, it was wrapped up in that world.


Rather than being wrapped up in the world, it would be better to say that it is in two worlds at the same time.

I saw a lingering black light all over its body, shouting fiercely, and attacking randomly in all directions.

But everything around him was unaffected.

——All its defenses and attacks are sealed in another world, but its body is in another world and the current world at the same time!

Liu Ping walked up to the monster.

The monster couldn't see him at all, but raised its head, as if looking at the distant Tianzhu.

Liu Ping raised his sword and said:

"If you ask me, please don't penetrate any more attacks this time. It will be good for everyone."

The words fell.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"You are a very popular actor on the weird side. With your scolding, the opponent's weird power that can penetrate any attack has been sealed."

The shrill sound of a knife flashed by.

The monster's limbs were severed and it lay on the ground.

"Your strange power is about to return to zero."

Liu Ping glanced over, and Yana's figure suddenly appeared behind him——

A pale golden holy light burst out from her whole body, she stretched out her hands, gently pressed Liu Ping's shoulders, and said:

"Holy Resurrection."

After her words fell, she disappeared into the void.

A line of small words jumped out in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"The strange power you have consumed has been replenished again. The current strange power is: 10."

Liu Ping returned the sword to its sheath.

All the dark light on the monster disappeared.

It fell to the ground, raised its head in disbelief, and looked at its severed limbs.

"A rather ancient and strange skill. Who are you?"

It said hoarsely.

A shadow floated from it.

Liu Ping's heart skipped a beat.

This phantom was exactly the same as the corpse floating on the sea, except that it was much smaller.

It is half white bones, half fish scales and flesh, with three vertical pupils on its head, and long purple hair floating around on its head, but if you look closely, they are all tentacles.

The shadow looked down at Liu Ping and said softly:

"You are qualified to see me, but why do you need to come to see me?"

The tone of this sentence was full of confusion.

Liu Ping thought for a while and roughly understood what the other party meant.

Qualified to see——

This means that the other party recognized the sword technique he just performed.

In fact, it wasn't just sword skills. He had already used all his strength and skills, and even used the performance-type tricks he had just acquired, to make the other party look at him.

But the other party seems to think that there is nothing to talk about when the two sides meet except fighting.

"I said, we can actually communicate well."

Liu Ping said.

"Communication... No matter what kind of reincarnation you are, you are far from my level, so every word I say is a secret, and you will die if you listen to it - you dare to communicate with me in this way? " Xuying said.

Its three vertical pupils narrowed slightly, revealing a strong sense of malice.

Just listen to it say:

"Forget it, let me tell you one thing -"

"After today, the overlap between me and your world will end. I will slide down from your world and fall into complete death."

The prison sword in Liu Ping's hand shook slightly.

Burning small words quickly appeared in the void in front of him:

"With the power of silence, you can hear all secrets without fear."

"——The sheaths of the Four Holy Pillars protect you."

There was silence all around.

The phantom waited for a moment and saw Liu Ping still standing in front of it.

Liu Ping nodded and said seriously:

"Please continue."

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