Infernal Artist

Chapter 345 Three Teenagers


The messenger hurried in, knelt on the ground, and presented the information in his hand to the prefectural lord who was sitting in the chair.

"Just read it."

"Yes! There are traces of cult activities in the southeast, about thirty people, suspected to be scouts."

"There are more people in the southwest. More than fifty people have been found. They all have evil spirits on their bodies. They kill everyone they meet. They are extremely fierce."

"There are traces of cults in several other places, but there is no information about cult activities in the mountainous areas in the north."

After the messenger read the last sentence, everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

One of the staff said: "It seems that an encirclement has not yet formed. Sir, why don't we call up the generals and go out to kill them first."

On the high platform, the county man pondered: "The evil cult always moves its troops quickly. Why are there no manpower deployed in the north? Is there a scam?"

"We have made many inquiries and found no enemies," the messenger said.

"Who is responsible for exploring the mountains to the north?"

"Patrol room, Liu Ping."

"Has anyone been sent to check?"


"Using soldiers is a matter of life and death. Go to a few people and see if there are any traces of the cult in the places he checked."


North of the county.

Mountain forest.

Liu Ping walked down the mountain road, turned to a narrow path, and walked for a few more miles. He cupped his fists at the two men in black who suddenly appeared in front of him and said, "Please take me to see the envoy of the Holy Religion."

One person looked at him and said: "You are——"

Liu Ping said in his local accent: "I am the messenger from Wangjia Village fifty miles ahead. Didn't you give our village an ultimatum? Our whole village wants to join the religion, and the village chief sent me to report to the Holy Messenger."

The two looked at each other, smiled and said, "Follow me."

They led Liu Ping all the way to the cave, one person stared at him, and the other went in to report.


A sturdy man walked out surrounded by people.

The man asked: "Didn't your Wangjiacun report to the official? Why did you suddenly become smart and know how to surrender?"

"Sir, the government thieves don't care about the life or death of our fellow villagers. After much thought, we still have to join the church to enjoy immortal blessings and live forever," Liu Ping said.

"There are two handsome girls in your village, one is called Zhao Hui, and what is the name of the other one?" the man asked, squinting his eyes.

"It must be Wang Siniang - I don't know her name, I just know that everyone calls her that." Liu Ping said confusedly.

The man nodded secretly and said: "Okay, since your whole village is willing to join the religion, and you will be brothers in the religion from now on, you go back and ask the village chief to bring Zhao Hui and Wang Siniang to see me, and your village will be saved from death today."

The surrounding congregants burst into laughter.

"Thank you, sir... I have one more thing that I need to tell you, sir." Liu Ping said.


"Our village chief is a suspicious person. Some time ago, someone pretended to be a holy sect and deceived others. Our village chief was afraid of encountering another liar, so he sent me to screen everyone to see if they had been deceived again."

"You are a young man, what can you tell? Your village chief must have lost his mind!"

"I know some boxing and kicking skills, and I defeated those two crooks last time, but I don't know if you have the true skills of the Holy Cult in your hands."


The burly man randomly clicked on someone, pointed at Liu Ping and said, "Fight him, don't beat him to death."


The man walked out with a smile, stretched out his foot and kicked Liu Ping on the waist, cursing in his mouth:

"Young boy, let me tell you what martial arts is."

Liu Ping was kicked out and said angrily: "You made a sneak attack!"

Everyone laughed.

"Okay, then be ready this time."

The man laughed, clenched his fist and hit Liu Ping.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ping let go of his fist with a flick of his head, and slashed the opponent's neck with his hand.

The man threw himself on the ground, closed his eyes tightly, and fell into coma.

There was silence all around.

Liu Ping said disdainfully: "That's it? I've gone up the mountain to kill tigers, so you guys must be a bunch of liars."

The leading man laughed ferociously, nodded and said: "Okay, okay, okay, someone who can kill a tiger is really capable. No wonder your village chief dares to send you here - let me teach you a few tricks and let you know how high the sky is." !”

Everyone around dispersed.

As the man walked into the arena, a bright white light suddenly appeared from his body, and his entire figure suddenly grew larger.

——He turned into a giant with gray skin and more than five meters tall!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The giant rushed towards Liu Ping with steps, raised his palm as big as a cattail leaf fan and slapped Liu Ping.


Liu Ping yelled and hurriedly grabbed the unconscious man on the ground and stood in front of him.

Just heard a muffled sound.

The giant's hand pierced the man's chest. The man's head tilted and he died on the spot.

The giant was stunned.

Liu Ping was also stunned, and quickly waved his hands and said: "It's not my fault, you killed the person."

He dropped the body, clasped his fists towards the giant and said, "I will go back and report to the village chief that you are indeed members of the Holy Cult, and I will kidnap Zhao Hui and Wang's wife immediately."

The giant raised his finger and pointed at him, not knowing what to say.

This man was indeed unable to hold back his hand and accidentally killed him.

——But why didn’t I stop?

"Everyone, I'll be right back!"

Liu Ping said again, hurriedly ran outside, and soon disappeared.

Everyone fell into silence.

The giant slowly retracted his body, kicked the corpse on the ground, and cursed: "I can't withstand even one move, I deserve to die."

He glared at everyone around him and said, "Bury him. Call me when the people from Wangjia Village arrive later."

"Yes." Everyone accepted the order.

"If no one comes for an hour, we will massacre Wangjia Village."

"Yes!" Everyone responded again.

The strong man nodded, turned around and went back to the cave to rest.

Half an hour later.

Two congregants broke in again and reported: "Sir, someone is coming."

The burly man was originally resting with his eyes closed. After hearing this, he opened his eyes and said, "Is it someone from Wangjiacun? It's quite fast."

"No, sir."

"Huh? Who is that person? The government has sent troops?"

"No, I heard that someone from another nearby village, Lijia Village, sent here."

"We didn't even have time to go...they sent someone here?"

"Yes, it is said that he wants to join the religion."

"Hahaha, it seems that our progress is very fast."

The strong man smiled, stood up happily, and walked out of the cave with his two men.

Then he saw someone.

——Still the same boy.

Just listen to the young man speaking in an airy voice: "This is the messenger sent by the head of Lijia Village."

"Asshole! Aren't you from Wangjiacun? How did you become from Lijiacun?" the strong man yelled angrily.

The young man was stunned and said to the two people beside the strong man: "You didn't tell him?"

One of them suddenly understood and said: "Sir, he is the brother of the young man just now. He has lived in Lijia Village since he was a child. He is also proficient in martial arts, so he was sent here."

The strong man opened his mouth, and suddenly said with a fierce expression:

"Boy, are you kidding us?"

The young man waved his hands quickly and said: "Misunderstanding, I am really not my younger brother. His strength is too bad, how dare he compare with me?"

As he spoke, he took out his long knife and slashed at the big tree on the side of the road.

The tree fell to the ground with a crash.

Everyone was quiet for a while.

Without ten years of sword-skilling, how could one achieve such a slash?


The kid just made one move, and knocked out one person on his side with his knife.

And that kid just now didn’t have a sword!

Besides, in these years, it is a great blessing to be able to obtain a boxing book and practice it.

He is a country boy from Wangjia Village, where can he get sword manuals?

The young man put away the knife and said with an arrogant expression: "My younger brother practices boxing and kicking, but I am proficient in swords and guns - I can beat five of them with myself."

"Are you really not him?" the strong man asked.

"I have a mole here, but he doesn't." The boy pointed at his face.

Everyone looked at it.

"He really has a mole! That kid just now doesn't have one!" someone shouted.

The strong man endured it and asked, "What do you want to say when you come to our place?"

"We in Lijia Village are ready to devote ourselves to the Holy Cult." The young man said.

"Where is your village chief?" the strong man asked.

"He is old-sighted, ignorant of the pros and cons, and wholeheartedly supports the government. I have already killed him!" said the young man.

A human head was thrown over.

Sure enough, it was the head of an old man.

A new member of the church looked at his head and suddenly said, "It's him! The head of Lijia Village! I know him!"

Now more people believe it.

The strong man looked at the young man again and saw a murderous aura on his body, as if he had just killed someone.

This kid.

Much better than his younger brother.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw the young man throwing something over.

The burly man took a look.

But it is a heavy gold ingot.

"This is a filial gift to you, sir. I hope you will support me more in the future," the young man said.

The burly man smiled.

"You are very enlightened, yes - I will order a few people to go to your Lijia Village to complete the initiation ceremony first." He said.

"No problem." The young man said happily.

The burly man ordered seven or eight people to prepare various items for joining the cult, and waved them to follow the young man on the road.

"Master, aren't you coming?" the young man asked.

"I'll wait for the people from Wangjia Village here, and I'll join you in a moment." The strong man said.

"Okay." The young man said.

He took the seven or eight people with him and left quickly.

The strong man thought about it again and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he returned to the cave to rest.

A quarter of an hour later.

It's getting quieter outside.

The burly man suddenly felt something was wrong.

He stood up and walked out of the cave, only to see a young man standing outside with a spear in his hand, surrounded by the corpses of his followers.

——This boy has no moles on his face.

"Damn boy, you Wangjiacun are all going to die today!"

The burly man roared.

A white light emerged from his body and gradually turned into a five-meter-tall giant.


The young man waved his hand.

"What are your last words?" asked the giant.

"You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. I'm not from Wangjia Village."

The young man said: "I am the messenger of Zhaojia Village. Our village chief heard that the head of Lijia Village was planning to take the initiative to convert to Christianity, so he ordered me to kill you all to scare the head of Lijia Village and stop him from deceiving people and luring the villagers into evil ways. .”

He inserted his spear into the ground and said with a smile: "Seeing that you are so angry, you must have seen my two brothers."

"Asshole! You are obviously the same person!"

The giant roared and charged forward.

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