Infernal Artist

Chapter 365 Strange authority!

"I have absolutely no idea what's going on."

Liu Ping spread his hands.

He said to the gravel in his hand and to the void.

What martial arts, what awakening——

What's going on here?

Guizang Mountain once again sent out a slight vibration.

The mist dispersed, and stone steps extended from below, opening up a long path leading to the top of the mountain.

At the same time, lines of burning small characters appeared in front of Liu Ping’s eyes:

"Please keep going."

"This operation interface has completed two-way authentication with Guizangshan."

“There’s something you need to go to the top of the mountain to witness.”

Liu Ping had no choice but to move on.

ten minutes later.

He finally stood on the top of Guizang Mountain.

The mountain breeze is freezing.

There was a fog all around and nothing could be seen clearly.

There is nothing else here except a huge stone tablet.

Liu Ping stood in front of the stone tablet and saw lines of small words floating on it:

"Everything goes back to the hidden mountain, and the existence of the most powerful martial arts scripture is created."


"Six trillion years have passed since you last logged into Guizang Mountain."

"It has been detected that you have wandered between life and death many times, and I will give you a basic explanation:"

"Guicang Mountain is a storage point recognized by all strange beings."

"You can store your belongings anywhere in Guizang Mountain without having to worry about being taken away by other beings - generally speaking."

"The current world rules detection is completed and the statement is as follows:"

"All strange beings can only temporarily break away from the seal and complete the killing of intruders when they feel and see other strange beings."

"Once the killing is completed, the strange person will immediately return to the seal, otherwise it will be completely absorbed by the current world seal and turn into pure strange power to protect the seal."

"Please be careful!"

"Finally, you have something stored in Guizang Mountain. Do you want to take it back?"

After all the small characters appeared, they stopped moving.

Liu Ping read it quickly and said to himself: "Wandering life and death? In other words, I stored things on Guizang Mountain in a certain life in the past."


"Of course, let me see what I have left in my past."

On the stone tablet, all the small words disappeared, and new words quickly appeared:

"Instruction confirmed."

"You have paid the fee and this storage is completed."

Rumble, rumble——

The mountain shook again.

The bare ground suddenly cracked open, and something was slowly lifted up and appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes.

-That's a coffin.

The whole coffin looked tattered, separated only by a few wooden boards, and then pieced together, it became a coffin.

Liu Pingping took a few breaths and sighed: "I think I haven't died enough, so I left a coffin for myself?"

Guizangshan remained silent.

- Its service has been completed.

But soon, lines of burning small characters appeared in the void:

"You are a troublesome person, so you simply left no explanation and only left this coffin."

"If you want to understand your past, please lie down in this coffin."

No need to think about it?

My past has always been a mystery. Now that the opportunity is right in front of me, how can I give up?

Liu Ping walked towards the coffin, suddenly woke up, looked at the coffin again and said, "Wait a minute, this coffin is very similar to the countless coffins in the seal."

Another line of burning small characters appeared:

"Please note!"

"If you don't lie down in the coffin within three minutes, it means you are willing to give up everything in the past and start living a new life."

"All the causes and effects of the past will be severed from you, and you will leave history directly."

"Time will no longer be with you, and you will not have to face the enemy of all living things with it."

"Please make your decision immediately."

Liu Ping was silent for a few breaths.

In a peaceful era, if I were truly reborn, I could give up everything in the past and start a new life——

I don't know how happy it will be.

But right now, it's a life-and-death situation between humans and strange monsters.

And the huge corpse climbing the Void Divine Pillar!

If you don't get rid of it, how can you live a comfortable life without caring about anything?

Liu Ping walked to the coffin, opened the lid and lay down in it.

Two lines of burning small words quickly appeared:

"You made your choice."

"Witness that of bygone times."

The flames emanating from the small characters became more intense, as if conveying the extremely unstable mood of the heroic spirit interface.

The coffin lid slowly closed.

The surroundings turned into darkness and nothing could be seen.


Guizang Mountain splits.

The coffin sank slowly downward along the inside of the mountain.

Liu Jing lay quietly in the darkness, slowly feeling the changes around him.

I don’t know how much time passed.

The rumbling sounds all around disappeared.

He heard the sound of water flowing.

The walls of the coffin suddenly became transparent, and the scene outside could be seen.

There is a vast ocean outside.

Densely packed coffins are scattered throughout the ocean.

They float on the sea and build up toward the depths of the sky, seemingly endless.

——You entered the sealed world?

Liu Ping was slightly surprised.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared in front of his eyes:

"Please don't make any noise, otherwise you will be completely destroyed."

Liu Pingxin said how dare he move. Guizangshan had already emphasized that any strange power discovered would be immediately killed by these monsters lying in the coffin.

He held his breath slightly and watched the coffin float slowly in the ocean.

Strangely enough, an undercurrent soon emerged from the depths of the abyss, carrying the coffin and floating it in one direction.

As if someone was controlling the coffin, it quickly sank into the depths of the ocean and continued to dive with the undercurrent.

Liu Ping discovered that the abyss was also filled with all kinds of coffins.

These coffins vary in size. The largest one is almost larger than the Guizang Mountain just now, while the smallest one is only half the size of an arm.

But most of them are normal-sized coffins.

They are piled together irregularly, swaying gently with the water waves from time to time, like dense aquatic plants underwater.

There was silence in the abyss.

——This is a completely sealed world.

Under the power of that undercurrent, Liu Ping's coffin continued to dive in one direction.




As the depth increases, the number of underwater coffins becomes more and more numerous.

Although they were tightly closed, they released waves of majestic power that made people feel heart-stopping.

——I don’t know what kind of existence is sealed inside.

Who sealed them?

At this depth, the surroundings have already turned into complete darkness.

The undercurrent also slowed down, carrying the coffins around one coffin after another at an extremely slow speed——

It seems like even the undercurrent has become cautious.

Once Liu Ping's coffin almost collided with another iron coffin engraved with countless strange patterns.

The existence in the iron coffin seemed to be sensed, and dozens of female voices sounded from inside:

"Who came to save me?"

Dead gray hands stretched out from the gaps in the iron coffin one after another, gradually filling the surrounding area of ​​the iron coffin.

Fortunately, the speed of the undercurrent was a little faster at this time.

Liu Ping's coffin adjusted its direction slightly and moved away from the iron coffin silently.

Everything looked safe.

But Liu Ping found that before he knew it, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

Keep diving.



——Finally, the coffins around began to become fewer and fewer.

In the end, no coffins could be seen in the abyss.

Only the coffin that Liu Ping was in stayed quietly in the abyss, slowly rising up so that Liu Ping could see the scene outside.

Liu Ping looked around.

In the darkness, there seemed to be an unparalleled behemoth lurking at the bottom of the abyss.

It was motionless, as if dead.

But its outline occasionally emits tiny shimmers, allowing people to roughly see what it is.

Liu Ping looked carefully for a few breaths and finally understood.


This is impossible.

——Why is it!

Why is it here?

Why did I, in my previous life, take myself to see such a thing!

Is it life or something else?

Liu Ping wanted to shout, but in the end he tried his best to control his emotions.

He clenched his fists tightly and stared intently at the huge creature at the bottom of the abyss.


This behemoth is the huge corpse that keeps climbing on the Void Divine Pillar, eventually destroying the Four Holy Pillars and the real world!


It looks a little different again.

What exactly is different?

Liu Ping stared at the huge corpse, desperately trying to turn the feeling echoing in his heart into a true judgment.

At this time, lines of burning small characters turned into blood and quickly appeared in front of his eyes:

"It's been an infinite amount of time."

"You have finally come to the time when you should meet it again."

"You have witnessed the historical consequences of a strange world."

"You discovered the source of the strange war:"

"The authority of strange laws, the robe of the king of all worlds, the herding emblem of all living beings, the legacy of the infinite king of strange things, the armor of all laws."

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