Infernal Artist

Chapter 384 Dungeon, Magician, Baby Girl

"Are you safe?" the baby girl asked.

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

"Very good, then the three of us are safe." said the baby girl

Liu Ping took a breath and picked up the baby girl.

He walked out of the ruins and looked back, only to see that it was a long-abandoned building.

On the street outside the building, cars of all kinds were lying here and there.

The car was already covered in rust.


"No, I remember the whole world was destroyed. How could such a place still exist?" the baby girl asked.

Liu Ping remained silent, squatting in front of a car and taking a closer look, and then walked around the abandoned houses along both sides of the road.

"The civilization style here is obviously not like the real world. It is more like a sealed world." Liu Ping said.

The real world developed towards martial arts, and elemental martial arts were born.

In the Sealed World, human society has moved toward a technological civilization and begun to use firearms.

"You mean, the umbrella holder didn't destroy the sealed world?" the baby girl asked.

Liu Ping said: "I don't know why it left such a world, and - it seems to be inhabited -"

The words fell.

Several people suddenly appeared on the street corner ahead.

They held axes and long sticks in their hands, their eyes fixed on Liu Ping - and the baby girl in his arms.

"Hand over all the food. Also, keep the baby."

The bald man at the head held the ax and spoke.

Liu Ping took a few steps back.

Unexpectedly, not far behind him, seven or eight men and women also came out, blocking the retreat.

Liu Ping looked around and said thoughtfully: "These people are the surviving humans in Endless City."

Suddenly, a line of small words jumped out quickly and appeared in front of him:

"The laws of earth, water, fire, and wind come together to give an early warning to this sequence:"

"This world only allows the use of technological power."

"Except for the strange power of the umbrella holder, any other type of power in this world cannot be used, otherwise the umbrella holder will be awakened immediately."

"——This place has become a huge trap."

After Liu Ping read it at a glance, he suddenly knew what was going on.

It turns out that the umbrella holder has turned this place into a trap. Any strange force that does not belong to it will wake it up immediately once released.

In this way, your cards and other powers cannot be used.

Just as he was thinking about it, the infant girl suddenly sent a voice message: "Liu Ping, I'm hungry."

"Okay, I'll get you something to eat. By the way, don't use any spells." Liu Ping said.

"Why?" asked the baby girl.

"This place has become a spider web. Any non-technical force will cause fluctuations and attract the umbrella holder." Liu Ping said.

"Okay, I'm hungry." The baby girl emphasized again.

Liu Ping was silent for a moment.

——Fortunately, I absorbed a kind of power from the umbrella holder.

That kind of power sprouted in his body, and now he has evolved into the professional embodiment of a "magician".

Not only do we have to deal with these people in front of us...

We also need to find food for Mizhu, Hua Qingkong and her spirit.

The baby girl's body is still small now and she must eat.

Liu Ping looked at the people opposite and said, "These people should have something to eat. By the way, we can also see how they are doing."

He walked towards several people.

Seeing this, those people were silent for a moment, then suddenly burst into laughter.

"Boy, do you think you are very powerful?" the leader of the bald man said.

"That's not true. I just want to earn a living with my fists and kicks." Liu Ping said with a smile.

"Then you made the wrong calculation."

The bald man threw the ax to the person next to him and took out a pistol from his waist.

The crowd's laughter became louder.

"Our boss has a gun!" said a thin man.

Liu Ping stopped as expected and said with interest: "So, is this your trump card? Great, please take a closer look at the gun in his hand. I invite you to witness the following scene."

He held the baby girl in one hand and pulled a pistol from his arms with the other hand.

"You also have a gun?" The bald man's expression darkened.

"Yes, I do have a gun, but you don't." Liu Ping said.

The bald man looked into his hand and saw that the gun in his hand had turned into a broken can.

Liu Ping raised his gun, pointed it at him and said, "I'm hungry, bring me some food, thank you."

Half an hour later.

Liu Ping was sitting in front of the fire, feeding a box of milk to the baby girl in his arms.

Opposite him, a bald man carefully handed over a bottle of strong liquor.

"I offend you so much, I hope you won't take it personally."

he said.

Liu Ping smiled, put the liquor on the chair next to him, and said:

"Don't be nervous, we'll leave as soon as we have something to eat - by the way, where do you get your food?"

The bald man said: "I bought it."

"Where do you live?" Liu Ping asked.

"Underground." The bald man said matter-of-factly.

"Underground? Where?" Liu Ping asked.

"It's the underground city." The bald man said.

Liu Ping: "..."

It would be great if I could still use the Soul Searching Technique on the cultivation side. This kind of communication is really a waste of time.

He looked towards the bald man, and saw that the thin man from before was moving his eyes wildly, as if he couldn't stand it.

"You tell me." Liu Ping pointed at him.

The thin man said respectfully: "We come from the livestock farm in the 37th Underground City. I'm afraid you can guess that we were originally livestock workers. This time we went to the ground to collect supplies during the holiday and see if we can make a little fortune. .”

Underground city...

"When do you plan to return to the dungeon?" Liu Ping asked.

"We must go back before dark, otherwise there will be no way to survive when those things come out." The thin man said.

What are those things?

It’s hard to ask now. You’ll know after you take a look at it later.

"Everyone, can you take me to Dungeon No. 37?" Liu Ping asked.

"Okay, as long as you follow us, you don't have to worry about safety tonight." The thin man said.

"Okay, I will go to the dungeon with you, but I will leave you immediately after I go there and won't cause you any trouble." Liu Ping said.

He looked at the baby girl in his arms.

The baby girl drank enough milk, closed her eyes and began to sleep.

"Mizuki, are you considered an ally?" He couldn't help but send a message.

"Mizuki has fallen asleep. I am the spirit of Hua Qingkong." The baby girl responded.

"..." Liu Ping.

The bald man glanced at the sky outside the ruins and said, "It's getting late."

"Then let's go." Liu Ping said.

Several people got up and led him outside.

The group quickly walked through the abandoned streets and arrived at a subway entrance.

They walked along the subway entrance and found a sewer manhole cover next to the subway tracks.

When I opened the manhole cover, I saw a long cement step inside.

There were messy footprints on the steps, and it was obvious that someone had been walking here frequently recently.

Liu Ping followed the steps and walked down with everyone.

About ten minutes later.

The stairs finally reached the bottom.

There were dim street lights on both sides, and the end of the path ahead was guarded by dozens of soldiers with live ammunition.

Behind the many soldiers, a city glowing with mist came into Liu Ping's sight.

Those lights come from neon lights, city lighting systems, and various transportation rail cars.

——It looks very prosperous.

Liu Ping was a little distracted.

The world above has apparently been completely destroyed.

But humans survived tenaciously and built complete cities deep underground.

The man just said this was Dungeon No. 37.

That said, there are other dungeons.

The thin man glanced at him quickly and ran towards the soldiers.

"There's an intruder! There's an intruder!"

he shouted.

The soldiers became alert and raised their guns.

"Where?" asked a man who looked like an army officer.

The thin man turned around and pointed towards Liu Ping and said loudly:

"That's him, he held us hostage——"

Liu Ping looked calm and just stood in the crowd, looking at the thin man with everyone.

"Which one is it?" the officer asked.

"It's him! The guy holding the baby girl! Be careful, he is very powerful!" the thin man said hiding behind the officer.

Holding a baby girl?

The officer frowned, grabbed the thin man and said, "Tang Lin, you damn guy, do you know that you will be brought to court-martial for making such a joke!"

"I'm not kidding!" said the thin man.

"Okay, okay, I'm too lazy to tell you. Go back. You scouts do nothing but pick up rags every day, and now you're scaring people. You really deserve it." The officer kicked him in the butt. .

Tang Lin was stunned.

what's the situation?

Why did he say I was scaring people?

Tang Lin slowly turned his head and looked towards Liu Ping.

Liu Ping smiled at him.

The bald man standing next to Liu Ping laughed loudly: "Haha, look at this boy Tang Lin, who usually calls him smart?"

"He is so stupid that he dares to make such a joke to the superior." Another companion laughed.


Everyone looked at Tang Lin.

No one paid attention to Liu Ping, it was like——

He doesn't exist at all.

Liu Ping glanced at the void lightly.

I saw lines of burning small characters staying there motionless:

"You have unleashed the magician's unique power:"

"Yes or no."

"You chose 'none'."

"Among all the people present, except Tang Lin, no one remembers you, and no one can see you because you are shrouded in 'nothing'."

"——All things and sentient beings, the void and the ten directions, time, space and eternity, everything in destiny obeys your will, switching between 'existence' and 'nothing' at will."

Liu Ping held the baby girl and walked towards the entrance step by step.

Tang Lin looked at him and then at the people around him.

Still no one saw Liu Ping.

how so!

Is he an evil spirit?

Tang Lin screamed: "Don't come over!"

He grabbed the pistol of the officer beside him and shot Liu Ping repeatedly.

Boom boom boom!

There was a burst of gunfire.

The bullet penetrated Liu Ping's body and hit the wall, causing sparks to fly.

"You're crazy!"

the officer shouted.

Just a few seconds away, the bullets hit the strong man and the others.

The officer knocked Tang Lin down with one punch.

Many soldiers surrounded him, tied him up, and pushed him to the ground.

Tang Lin looked at Liu Ping who was getting closer and closer, and couldn't help shouting:

"No! Why can't you see him! He is obviously there!"

The bald man strode forward and slapped him hard.

Tang Lin was slapped hard.

The voice of a bald man soon came to my ears:

"Hysteria? Or madness? It should be better now, right?"

Tang Lin opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Liu Ping regardless of the severe pain on his face.

Liu Ping had already reached the entrance of the city.

He looked back at Tomlin, raised a finger, and made a booing gesture.

The next moment.

He disappeared from Tomlin's sight.

Another second passed.

Tang Lin was stunned, looked at everyone, and said, "What's going on? What's wrong with me?"

"You said there was a guy among us holding a baby girl." The officer said tentatively.

"What? How could I say such a thing?" Tang Lin asked in confusion.

Everyone looked at him and felt that his expression did not seem to be fake.

Someone breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Okay! He's okay!"

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