Infernal Artist

Chapter 391 Obituary

In the huge armor, densely packed runes surrounded the five fingers, like iron ropes, completely binding them.

It's still here!

Liu Ping looked carefully and saw that the five fingers were motionless.

Yes, its soul has gone far away, to an unknown place, to fight an unknown opponent.

Only these five fingers remain.

- Trapped here.

The ghosts said that they should constantly collect the souls of all living beings to prepare for the resurrection of the "master".


As a "Nian Gui" approaches your finger, what will happen?

Besides, I am not just an ordinary "Nian Gui".

The power he draws from the skill of saving lives and healing wounds comes from the umbrella holder, which is its purest power.

Its soul is no longer here!

Liu Ping thought about it several times, and a bold idea suddenly came to his mind.

The umbrella holder ran away, but left his five fingers here, and released countless ghosts to collect souls.

In other words, the five fingers are its backhand to stay here!

——This is the capital for its comeback!


I can take advantage of its soul not being here...

Liu Ping pondered for a few breaths and floated towards the five fingers.

"What will happen?"

He whispered to himself, stopped in front of his fingers, and released the strange magic power in his body.

A strange wave suddenly came from his fingers.

It moved.

——It can feel its own power!

Liu Ping raised his hand, making Qigui's power even stronger.

The five fingers moved together, like poisonous snakes, each reaching into the abyss, as if they were longing for something.

Liu Ping clenched his fist fiercely.

All the power was taken back and no more leaks were revealed.

The five fingers froze, and they were slowly withdrawn, returning to silence.

"They can feel my power..."

Liu Ping pondered, and the thought in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He took a step back to calm down a bit.

I have been a demon lord all my life, and have tried countless methods of both good and evil, and I know what the real risks are.

But seriously.

I have never played anything of this level.

Under normal circumstances, seizing a body is not a technical matter.

Even many scholars know what the process of seizing a body is, and the things they write about it are more thrilling and exciting than the real process of the demon seizing a body.

But right now, the object of his life is five fingers.

——Are you really planning to take away five fingers?

Liu Ping held his breath gently.

Do you want to try it?

Will he die?

do not care!

The armor can release the forbidden power at any time, and the opportunity is right in front of you.

You must understand the true power of this monster!

Liu Ping stretched out his hand and pressed on those five fingers.

Weird magic——

"With or without" style!

The majestic and strange power emanated from his body and engulfed the five fingers one after another.

The five fingers immediately began to tremble violently, struggling wildly, trying to break the infinite runes bound to the body.

With a thought, Liu Ping said to the runes: "Spread out!"

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"A long time ago, you were the master of this armor. Under your will, all the imprisonment runes on the armor were unlocked."

"Attention, these five fingers are going to be free!"

Liu Ping adjusted his strange power, raised it deeply, released it all, and surrounded him.

The next moment.

All the runes wrapped around the five fingers suddenly dispersed and returned to the armor, hidden in the scales.

The five fingers were finally free.

They grabbed Liu Ping fiercely and held him tightly in their hands.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Liu Ping let out a roar of pain, constantly adjusting the breath on his body to achieve a mysterious balance between the breath and the five fingers.

This is a situation of controlling or being controlled.

If you don’t control the other party, the other party will immediately see the flaw——

You will be crushed directly by it.

Liu Ping's eyes, ears, mouth and nose continued to seep blood, but he still maintained his final calm.

He tried to remember the feeling that had attracted the other person before.

Be gentle.

A little lighter.

That’s right, that’s it——

you are mine!

Billions of images flashed through my mind, revealing endless knowledge and expectations.

These belong to the umbrella holders.

But at this moment——

Liu Ping roared: "You are mine!!!"

Five fingers.

Release them one by one.

They gradually turned into dark light and completely disappeared into Liu Ping's body.

Liu Ping's upper body suddenly appeared densely covered with black runes.

The excess power turned into a black umbrella, which he held in his hand.

Between the lightning and flint, lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"The current identity has been changed."

"You have acquired a strange identity: the obituary, and at the same time: the magician."


“A residual strike against the ‘Obiturators’ is coming!”

"This strike will destroy all life forms."

"If you have any vitality left in your body, you will be deprived of vitality along with the entire world and will perish in this era."

There was a flash of void.

I saw a piece of white light suddenly appearing above the abyss of the sea.

The vast white light immersed into the sea and condensed into a long, twisted snake of light, rushing towards Liu Ping.

"You can't escape—and you will definitely die!"

Liu Ping's mind went blank except for this one thought.

I have just taken over this power, and I still don’t know how to use it. Will I face such a fierce blow and be destroyed because of it?

He unconsciously raised his hand to block the light snake.

In an instant——

The huge black scale armor became brighter, exuding endless power.

boom! ! !

The seawater shook and rushed into the sky, turning the bottomless abyss into a vast wilderness.

The towering armor stretched out its hand.

It made exactly the same move as Liu Ping and grabbed the light snake.

——This is all the power Liu Ping has left in the past!

When the armor moved, Liu Ping's heart suddenly came alive again.

"If I could do this in the past, why can't I do it now?"

He cheered up, waved his hand and released infinite strange power, all facing the snake condensed with white light.

Weird magic, Wu Shi!

If you look from a distance, you will see a huge battle armor standing tall against the sky and the ground, fighting against the dazzling light snake with its hands.

At the same time, everything in the void continued to collapse, turning into endless eternal darkness.

This scene is almost the same as the King of Strangeness and the Umbrella Holder meeting the light snake in the past!

Suddenly a voice sounded in the void:

"Well done! The moment has finally come and we are here to help you!"

A man and a woman appeared quietly.

The man stood on the shoulders of the huge armor, put his hands together, and shouted loudly: "Wife, give me a helping hand!"

The woman put her hands between his and shouted softly: "The land of mystery!"

A world suddenly opened up, sucking in light snakes, huge armors, men and women.

Only Liu Ping was left floating in the air.

A woman's voice came slowly:

"We used infinite secrets and time, coupled with your magic and the strange power of the past, to temporarily delay this attack."

"We can only delay it for two days!"

"Within two days, you must find a way to neutralize this attack, otherwise you and we will both die here."

"——This is an enemy beyond your imagination, and it is also the only chance for you and us."

Liu Ping held the black umbrella and landed lightly on the ground.

In the sky, the boundless void kept collapsing, recovering, and then collapsing again.

Just the ripples created before the fight is about to destroy the world.

The man who controlled time and the woman who controlled the secret appeared again to help him.

Liu Ping sighed.

It seems that the umbrella holder has encountered a truly powerful opponent. Not only is it possible to perish, but even the backhand it left behind is also facing destruction.

The current attack was actually prepared for the umbrella holder by the enemy of the umbrella holder.

I stepped in, just to find that glimmer of life!

Liu Ping thought about everything that had just happened again, and suddenly he had a vague premonition in his heart——

If those two people hadn't suddenly appeared, even if he gathered all his strength, he wouldn't be able to resist that blow.

Two days?

There are only two days, how can I break through the attack just now?

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