Infernal Artist

Chapter 427 Liu Ping’s methods


Liu Ping passed through the endless wreckage of the world and flew deep below the Void Divine Pillar.

Occasionally, some strange people will appear quietly.

These existences all come from the world in the Void Divine Pillar. Because they glimpsed the strange power, they built their own world near the Divine Pillar.

Like Samantha the woodland succubus.

Liu Ping ignored these existences and just flew all the way towards the depths of the void.


He returned to the remaining world.

——This is the world where the Dark Enforcer and his final confrontation took place.

"How are you?"

Liu Ping rushed forward and helped up the World Spirit, the little girl trapped in the nightmare underground palace.

"Did you get the black scales?" the little girl asked.

"I got it," Liu Ping said.

The little girl breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "As soon as you left, it followed you in a hurry and didn't bother to deal with me."

"It has black scales in its hands. It thinks it can continue to control you and the Nightmare Underground Palace, so it won't be willing to kill you." Liu Ping sneered.

He looked back toward the sky.

Many strange beings appeared in the sky, looking down at him.

"Get lost." Liu Ping said.

"Young man, don't be so angry. What happened here just now?" asked a strange man with white hair.

"You want to know?" Liu Ping asked.

"We are the strongest beings on the Divine Pillar, and we should be in charge of such things."

"Listen up, two great beings in the nightmare, they are fighting for -"

Before Liu Ping finished speaking, all the strange people in the sky left.

The next moment.

Countless nightmare runes suddenly appeared, flying all over the sky, until no one was found to hear the secret behind them, and then they disappeared into the void again.

This is the secret higher than the entire Void Divine Pillar.

Who dares to hear it?

Who is qualified to hear it?

Liu Ping withdrew his gaze, squatted next to the little girl, and pulled out the spikes condensed by the mist from her back one by one.

Those spikes clustered in clusters, constantly emitting various buzzing sounds.

But when Liu Ping took out the black scales, all the spikes lost their sound.

That's right.

As the little girl said, this scale controls her freedom!

Liu Ping looked at the black scales.

Lines of burning small characters quickly appeared in front of his eyes:

"The Soul King's World Armor."

"The only one (exclusively owned by the Spirit King)."

"This piece of armor contains the three thousand worlds of your past life. You used it and its spirit to fight against nightmares, but failed in the end."

"This armor has been completely sealed, and it requires a spell from the Lord of Nightmares to release its power."

"Its power is twofold:"

"First, the endless torture of the Lord of Nightmares."

"According to what you have heard personally, this nightmare technique contains 10% of the power of the Lord of Nightmares, and is specially used to deal with unknown entities with evil intentions."

"Second, the three thousand worlds of the Spirit King."

"This is the way to fight nightmares in the past. It has been sealed by the Lord of Nightmares. You need to recite the spell again before you can release it."

Collect all the fine print.


The little girl frowned and moaned in pain.

"Be patient," Liu Ping turned over the black scales and took a look, then continued: "You will recover soon."

He waved his hand and picked out a wisp of holy light from the void, and was about to fall on the little girl when he suddenly stopped.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself, so I have to start over."

Liu Pingping extinguished the holy light apologetically.

He stretched out his hand again and lit another less shining but softer holy light from the void. After looking at it carefully, he sprinkled it on the little girl.

The bloody holes punctured by the spikes on the little girl's body gradually healed.

She wanted to stand up, but found that she could not succeed no matter what.

"Let me see."

Liu Ping stretched out his hand and pressed on the little girl's back, and she fell into silence.

"What's wrong?" the little girl asked softly.

"Your spine - has been replaced." Liu Ping said.

The little girl seemed to remember something and said: "After the defeat in the past, the existence in the nightmare seemed to have touched my body."

"Yes, this is a completely useless dragon spine." Liu Ping said.

"Then I-"

"Don't worry, I will help you solve this matter in the future."


"Yes, the future."

After Liu Ping finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh.

"I have something to tell you." The little girl said.

Liu Ping looked at her.

"I have forgotten too many battles in my previous life, but I vaguely remember that you and I challenged the nightmare together. We fought with it for a total of three hundred years, and were ultimately defeated." The little girl said.

"This is in line with my guess - if I wasn't afraid of you, why would I want to remove your spine?" Liu Ping said.

The little girl said: "That is to say -"

The two looked at each other.

The little girl said: "The method you came up with is correct, but it's just not perfect enough."

Liu Ping said: "Yes, that's exactly it."

The little girl looked around and saw endless nightmare runes spreading in the sky. The world had already withstood the power of nightmares and was gradually collapsing.

She couldn't help but ask: "What should we do now?"

"Wait." Liu Ping said.

"Wait?" the little girl asked confused.

"That's right," Liu Ping's eyes became as deep as the abyss, "Since I obtained the Prison Suppressing Knife, I have experienced several time and space travels, and then I realized that there are three laws on the timeline, namely time, space, and the law of cause and effect."

“Everything works correctly because of what they do.”

"So every time I go back to the past, everything about me will return to the state it was at that moment, and on this main timeline, there is only one me."

"Is the same thing true for the Dark Enforcer?" the little girl asked.

"That should be the case, but what's surprising is that in that timeline, it could actually see its past self without dying! It's too strong!" Liu Ping said.

"So, there will be two of them appearing at the same time and fighting us at the same time." The little girl said.

"It is so powerful that only one of it is enough to affect the entire timeline. When two of them appear at the same time, time, space, and the law of cause and effect will be disrupted."

Liu Ping showed a thoughtful look and continued: "As time advances further, this disorder will become stronger, causing unpredictable consequences... But everything that has happened long ago will still happen in an orderly manner. When the two meet, what will happen? what happened?"

The little girl said: "I'm afraid no one knows."

"Let's wait and see first," Liu Ping said.

the other side.

Let's go back in time a little.

On the main timeline.

The Dark Enforcer flashed away from the room where the Dark Scales were hidden.

It appears in one of the central squares of the castle.

I saw another one standing in the square, with countless dark thin lines sprouting from its body, defeating various strange phenomena that were constantly emerging in the void.

"You... it's me, yes, which part of the timeline do you come from?" the dark executor said.

"In the not-too-distant future," another one said, "I'm here to tell you that your plot has been exposed."

"Really? That guy is clearly sleeping deep in the nightmare. How did he realize that I was plotting against him?" said the dark executor.

"Because of its messenger." Another one said.


In the distance, a voice came from the other side of the castle:

"Dear colleagues..."

"...I have a 'mission' given by that great being..."

The voice suddenly became full of pride:

"I know you look down on me and think I'm just food - but now, it's time for me to challenge you!"

This is the voice of the umbrella holder.

At this moment, he had just arrived in the other world.

He had been preparing for a long time, and at this moment, he finally launched a challenge towards the identity he longed for!

The dark executor said in a cold tone: "That insect-like messenger ruined my business?"

It struck at random into the void.

A violent bombardment suddenly sounded from the other side of the castle.

"It will never be bad again. Thank you for reminding me. Everything here will change accordingly." The dark executor said.

It came from the future but fell into silence.

"Any more questions?" Dark Executor asked.

"Yes... it's actually not this messenger, but another nightmare existence that defeated it." It said in the future.

"who is it?"

"It should be a nightmare summoner, and his original summon was the Soul Predator."


The Dark Summoner's expression changed and he disappeared from the place instantly.

It appears in room number 11-1.

But the place was empty, and the nightmare summoner had long since disappeared.

Another one also rushed over.

"I see, you were looking for the control sequence thing here, and you met him?" it said from the future.

"Yes." The Dark Executor said.

The future self suddenly trembled and whispered, "Not good."

"What's wrong?" the dark executor asked hurriedly.

"Black scales - I returned to this moment. Although I can see myself and not die, I haven't got it yet, so I lost it!" it said from the future.

"That scale is the key to everything!" the Dark Executor roared.

They looked at each other.

"We are going to the future where you are and kill that guy." The dark executor said.

"That future has turned into a parallel world." It said from the future.

"What does it matter? Go kill him! Take back the scales!"


The two dark enforcers flashed and disappeared from the room.


parallel world.

The void opened to both sides, and two dark executors flew out and landed in front of Liu Ping.

"Hand over the scales."

They said in unison.

The little girl looked desperate, and Liu Ping patted her gently to comfort her.

He took out the black scales and said slowly:

"Today is a really bad day, but I still have something to say-"

"Nightmares live forever."

The next moment.

A violent aura that surpasses all power in the void emanates from the black scales.

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