Infernal Artist

Chapter 442 Soul Searching

The fire in the fireplace burned and crackled.

The wood used to light the fire is a type of wood found on this planet, and since it grows underground, it is said to be very difficult to find.

The room was warm.

The twelve dishes have been removed, but the aroma of delicious food still lingers on the table.

There are clusters of crystal lamps suspended above the head, elegant and gorgeous.

Chu Yunshang moved her body and sighed:

"In order to open a martial arts gym on that street, I tried my best to pass all the examinations. I never thought that I would pass in such an easy way this time."

"It's not that simple anymore. I spent three gold bricks." Liu Ping said.

Chu Yunshang smiled.

After the rock responded, Liu Ping immediately asked for two rooms.

After paying enough gold, the rock opened up, revealing a path leading underground.

There actually is a shelter deep underground.

By spending money, you can no longer endure the harsh living environment outside and wait for the end of the entire survival assessment here.

——This is the Wumeng, an official organization.

——The official set up such a place to raise funds.

"We defeated our opponents together. Not only did you provide money to help, but you also killed people——"

"Can you accept me into the martial arts gym?"


Chu Yunshang patted him on the shoulder, walked out, and set up a boxing stance a few meters away.

"Come on, it's time for me to teach you some basic things."

Liu Ping stood opposite her and said, "I've always wanted to know, what is the kind of power you use?"

"As a member of all living beings, sometimes one can increase one's strength to an incredible level, giving oneself terrifying fighting power." Chu Yunshang said.

"That's right." Liu Ping nodded.

"As far as individual sentient beings are concerned, each of us is just a small part of the world, an ant in the world - do you agree?"


"Even we can improve our strength, but what about the world?" Chu Yunshang said.

Liu Ping was stunned and said, "Can the world also be cultivated and improved?"

"Humans have souls, and the world also has its own spirit, and it has more potential than the human soul." Chu Yunshang said slowly.

As she spoke, bloody figures gradually appeared behind her.

"Did you see that?" she asked.

Liu Ping hesitated and said: "This is——"

"It is the world spirit of our Blood Heart Sect. It matches my temperament and has formed a symbiotic and co-prosperous relationship with me." Chu Yunshang said.

"Since it is so powerful, why does it come to help humans?" Liu Ping asked.

"Humans are the spirits of the world and are the helpers of the world's growth - even though the world is extremely powerful, there are still many things that we cannot do ourselves. We need to protect it and fight for it," Chu Yunshang said.

"What can I do to call a world spirit?" Liu Ping asked.

"There are many ways. If you hold a token of a certain world spirit, you can call it." Chu Yunshang said.

"Is it enough to just call?" Liu Ping asked.

"Of course not. You have to be incomparably compatible with the spirit of the world. Your compatibility—or ambition, temperament, and eye contact—are consistent. Only then will the spirit and you gradually form a symbiotic and co-prosperous relationship." Chu Yunshang said.

After speaking, she waved her hand gently.

A flash of blood flew out from behind her and landed in front of Liu Ping.

"With my permission, you can touch it and feel its power - this power is called boundary power." Chu Yunshang said.

"So the martial arts school teaches the method of using world power?" Liu Ping said.

"Of course." Chu Yunshang said.

Liu Ping gently placed his hand on the bloody light.

All of a sudden.

Everything around him seemed to disappear.

He felt that he had become an extremely grand world.

Although this world is almost as big as Mount Sumeru, its spirit is very young, as if it was born less than a hundred years ago.

It has infinite power, full of vitality, and full of yearning for the future——

Like a teenager.


My former self.

Liu Ping tried to throw a punch.

In the dark, he seemed to feel that the whole world was responding to him, gathering the power of the world into his fist, wanting to kill the enemy with him.

The power of the world!


Liu Ping's fist was caught.

All the visions disappeared immediately, and he found that he was still standing in the room, and Chu Yunshang caught his fist.

That red light——

It had already disappeared from his fist and flew back to Chu Yunshang's back.

"What did you feel just now?" Chu Yunshang asked.

"...Heaven and man are one, and the world is fighting with me." Liu Ping said.

"Yes, the term "harmony between man and nature" is very appropriate." Chu Yunshang praised.

"You caught my punch because you were afraid that the punch would blow out and break everything here, right?"

"That's right, you have just come into contact with the world power and cannot control your own power. That punch will destroy this place - and our evaluation will be over." Chu Yunshang said.

"In that case, I had almost reached a state of 'forgetfulness'. How could I still control the intensity?"

"Not only control the strength, but also use your own skills. After we get out of here, I will teach you how to do it." Chu Yunshang said.

"Are all world powers the same?" Liu Ping asked.

"Of course not. Every world has its own characteristics, and the power of world spirits is also different." Chu Yunshang said.

She raised her hand.

Blossoming blood shadows kept flying around her hand, illuminating her beautiful face.

"Blood Spirit—one of its characteristics is to hit the enemy until he loses consciousness." She said softly.

"No wonder you can't afford the medical expenses." Liu Ping sighed.

"No way..." Chu Yunshang said irritably.

Liu Ping said: "Then, fight——"

"Winning in battle depends on your wisdom and fighting skills on the one hand, and on the other hand it depends on the characteristics of your world spirit." Chu Yunshang said.

Liu Ping closed his eyes and savored the feeling of the punch just now.

This is really interesting!

I have learned countless powers, even gone deep into the strange world, and mastered the strange methods, but I have never heard of the existence of world power.

"The spirit of the world..." he whispered.

"Ah, yes, when you have mastered the basic skills of using world power, I will issue you a martial arts school examination certificate, so that you can go find your own spirit." Chu Yunshang said.

——In this way, finding a spirit is also very crucial.

As if she could tell what he was thinking, Chu Yunshang said with emotion:

"Looking for spirits is very difficult. Many people never find spirits in their lives. Even if many people do find spirits, they are unable to obtain world power because they are not in harmony with spirits."

"You are so young, how did you find the spirit?" Liu Ping asked.

"Family tradition." Chu Yunshang said.

There's no way to talk about it.

"It seems that every strong man must find a way to find the spirit..." Liu Ping said thoughtfully.

"Yes, this is also the most difficult step." Chu Yunshang nodded.

Just as Liu Ping was thinking, a voice suddenly came from the void:

"It's almost time."

——is a historical recorder.

Liu Ping opened his eyes and said via voice: "It's been a day?"

"Yes, you have stayed for enough time and successfully joined the Blood Heart School's martial arts gym. Now it is time to return." The historical recorder said.

"When can I come again?" Liu Ping asked.

"The rest is one day. We need one day to recover from the various impacts of this creation of history, and then you can arrive here again." The historian said.

Liu Ping said to Chu Yunshang, "I have learned a lot today. Now I will go back to my room to rest."

"Go ahead and ask me if you have any questions." Chu Yunshang said.

"Good night."

Liu Ping walked out, returned to his room, and closed the door.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared in front of his eyes:

"You are about to return to where you came from."

Liu Ping looked behind him as if he remembered something.

I saw a luminous rope quietly emerging, and in an instant it stretched straight——


In just a moment, it dragged Liu Ping out of this piece of history.

Everything turned into violent wind and blurred light and shadow.

I don’t know how much time passed.

The pulling force suddenly disappeared.

Liu Ping came back to his senses and found himself standing in the dark void.


In order to avoid being surrounded by hundreds of strange people, Yana took herself and fled to this void.

Liu Ping sighed.

This trip is really long.

If you want to get the only opportunity, you must first become a saint to be qualified.

And there is only one way to become a transcendent saint——

Create a supreme martial arts sutra that transcends all others!

The card book opened quietly.

Yana, Zhao Chanyi and others appeared one after another.

"How is it?" they asked with concern.

"There are some things that I can't say. What I can say is that I discovered a very interesting power." Liu Ping said with a smile.

"What is it?" Yana asked.

"Boundary force." Liu Ping said.

Everyone looked puzzled, as if they had never heard of this kind of power.

Liu Ping also felt strange at this time.


Such a power has really appeared in history, why doesn’t everyone know about it?

He looked at Zhao Chanyi and saw that Zhao Chanyi also looked confused.

"What do you need to do to cultivate this kind of power?" Libertas asked with interest.

"The first thing is to get familiar with it, because when using it, people are in a state of selflessness and it is difficult to operate." Liu Ping said.

"Then what?" Norton asked.

"The next step will be even more difficult. You must find a spirit that matches your own nature—"

Liu Ping said and suddenly closed his mouth.

He looked at Andrea.

I saw a few lines of small words floating above Andrea's head:

"The only Holy Spirit."


"She has gained the memory of the past era and is the only hope in today's world against the nightmare."

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