Infernal Artist

Chapter 491 Mistress Statue

When Liu Ping saw the true form of Lady Pain, he even thought he had seen Yana.

The same long hair, the same face, the same figure——

Even the sound is almost exactly the same.

The only difference is their temperament.

Ms. Pain gives people a darker and colder feeling, and her expression is full of vigilance and scrutiny.

She looked at Liu Ping and said:

"Your Excellency, I don't even know your name, and the wedding invitation list was made by the mistress herself. If you are not on it, then I can't bring you into the mistress's manor."

Liu Ping took out a piece of paper at random and wrote something quickly on it.

"Take this, give it to your mistress, and say this is my congratulatory gift."

The paper flew into Lady Pain's hands.

She glanced down, took a breath, and said immediately:

"Your Excellency is really... quite generous... I will go back immediately and report to the mistress in person."

"How long will it take?" Liu Ping asked.

"Mother must be very busy right now - I guess it will take about a quarter of an hour and I will be back with the news, please wait a moment." Ms. Pain said.

"No problem, just wait for the good news." Liu Ping said with a smile.

Ms. Pain slightly agreed with him, opened a light door, walked in, and disappeared from Liu Ping.

As soon as she leaves.

The smile on Liu Ping's face disappeared.

This time when he came back, Andrea didn't show up, and even Yana was caught.

Why is there such a big deviation in history?

What went wrong?

Liu Ping reached out and rubbed his eyebrows, calmly thinking about the current situation.

He currently only has the strength of the Qi refining stage.

Although he has the ability to bluff people like a "special effects artist", if a fight actually breaks out, he will have no way to fight those devils.

Need to think of something...

Since he is already a card master, he should be able to call the Eternal Night Pillar to get in touch with Rabbit.

But this won't work.

The entire Eternal Night Pillar is filled with heroic spirits, and a spirit like Rabbit that occupies forty meters must be well known to the gods of Purgatory.

When the time comes, once someone gets to the bottom of it, or even uses magic to explore the connection between himself and the rabbit, the news may leak out.

Have to think of other ways.

Liu Ping thought about it in his mind and suddenly remembered something.

"The spirit of the Six Paths... does not belong to the Eternal Night and Purgatory systems, and at this time, it has never appeared at all, so it should not be detected."

He casually pulled out a contract from the void.

——It was the six-path contract signed with Huang Quan Machine when he founded Gui Zang's Most Excellent Martial Arts Sutra!

In the void, lines of burning small characters suddenly appeared:

"You took out the Six Paths Contract."

"According to the agreement in the contract, the spirit of Six Paths of Reincarnation - Huangquan Dao is about to contact you!"

Immediately afterwards.

A voice sounded in Liu Ping's ears:

"Welcome back, owner of the seed of reincarnation power, just put the contract away and communicate with me using your spiritual thoughts."

This is the sound of Huangquan's machine!

Liu Ping quickly put away the contract and responded with his spiritual mind: "I just came back and lost a lot of power. I need your help."

Huangquan Machine said: "I can't stay here for too long, otherwise once discovered, it will inevitably cause a dispute between the two world systems."

"Understandable." Liu Ping nodded.

It was the same last time. Although he released the underworld magic skill: Wangchuan, the gods of underworld were worried and did not take action directly.

Huangquan Machine said: "Nevertheless, since I am your fighting spirit, I naturally have ways to help you, but I must first obtain your permission-"

The words just fell.

Liu Ping saw a line of small burning characters appearing in front of him:

"This sequence is about to be connected to Huangquan Daoling, the general processor of Huangquan affairs. Do you agree?"

"Permission." Liu Ping said.

The voice of the underworld machine sounded again: "Very good, now that I have contacted your sequence, I will place a kind of underworld divine power in your sequence -"

"When your own strength is further strengthened, I can provide you with stronger power."

"To avoid being discovered, I will leave immediately."

"Fight hard."

"Looking forward to seeing you again in the future."

The sound of Huangquan's machine disappeared.

But in front of Liu Ping's eyes, lines of burning small characters kept popping up:

"Through the Underworld Affairs General Processor, this sequence is loaded with a power exclusive to the Underworld God:"


"You can spend a certain amount of merit to resurrect the dead."

"Current merit: 0."

Liu Ping hesitated and said, "No, I remember that I have a lot of merit."

Two lines of small words jumped out:

"All those merits were used to sign the Six Paths Contract with Huangquan Taoist Spirit."

"You still need extensive merit before you can call the other six spirits to come."

Liu Ping sighed and opened his card book.

I saw corresponding marks popping up on the two death cards in the card book.

Resurrecting the White Wolf requires 500 points of merit.

Resurrecting the stars requires 800 points of merit.

——White Wolf specializes in assassination and stealth combat, and Xingchen specializes in magic. Both of them are masters of the strange and mysterious level, and they have always followed the Lord of Purgatory.

They all wear masks and their identities are not known to outsiders.

If I can resurrect them, I will have a lot more room for change in what happens next.

But where do you get the merit?

Liu Ping was thinking about it when he suddenly saw a light door open and Ms. Pain walked out of it.

"The mistress is grateful for your generosity. She invites you to the manor as a guest. However, the situation this time is really special. The wedding can only be decided after she sees you."

Lady Pain said.

"Okay, no problem." Liu Ping smiled.

——I'm afraid that the mistress wants to weigh herself.

This is also what it should be.

Purgatory is a truly hierarchical place.

It would be ridiculed to let a person who is not rich enough to mix in the wedding of a god.

"Please come with me." Ms. Pain extended her hand.

Liu Ping followed her into the light door.

The surrounding environment suddenly changed.

What I saw here was a magnificent hall, surrounded by busy devils in formal attire.

A soft female voice then sounded:

"I'm sorry, I'm really worried about this divine wedding. Please bear with me for the poor reception."

Liu Ping turned around and looked.

I saw a beautiful statue of a woman standing in the fountain pool outside the hall.

The sound came from the statue.

When the sound sounded, all the devils' movements relaxed.

Ms. Pain also lowered her head silently and bowed slightly, maintaining a respectful and humble posture.

Liu Ping walked out of the hall with his hands behind his back, stood beside the fountain and said:

"It's okay, I was just curious, so I came over to take a look."

The statue was lifelike, with countless ferocious devils carved into the huge stone group, while a woman stood in the center with a soft and solemn expression.

All the devils surrounded her and bowed at her feet.

"I don't know what to call you?" A voice sounded from the statue again.

"No need to ask more, I am currently the head of a large spiritual sect called 'Xiaoxiang' - this performance has just begun, and it is not time to reveal my identity yet," Liu Ping said.

The statue took a breath and said in a calm tone:

"Since when did we, the great beings in Purgatory, not like to show off our own names? This is really novel."

Faced with this tone that seemed to be a test and a threat, Liu Ping showed a decent smile on his face and said: "I can do whatever I want. After all, no one has ever been able to control my affairs."

As he spoke, he silently recalled the past scene in his mind——

The infinite dark void.

A huge piece of armor keeps climbing on the Void Divine Pillar, destroying everything.

The next moment.

A line of burning small characters suddenly jumped out:

"You have unleashed the strange ability of the performance department: 'Special Effects Artist'."

"The great power you see and hear is happening in you and turns into an unparalleled special effect."


An astonishing aura emerged from Liu Ping's body, causing the whole world to tremble.

——That huge armor can destroy the entire Void Divine Pillar, and can even obliterate many old gods with a single finger.

Such power is enough to destroy everything here.

It is enough to prove that you are not easy to mess with!

boom! ! !

The breath of terror is everywhere.

All the demons around and even the Lady of Pain screamed in horror and fell to the ground.

At the snap of your fingers.

All the breath is gone.

Everything is like it never happened.

Liu Ping still stood where he was, with a gentle smile on his face, and said politely: "Perhaps you think who else can care about my affairs in purgatory?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a black light suddenly emerged from his body.

The six power seeds turned to the evil side.

Liu Ping did not control it this time and allowed it to show its violent side.

The smile on his face completely disappeared, replaced by endless violence and murderous intent.

"That's it - even the incarnation of the old god and the ancient demon king should not interfere with my affairs. If anyone interferes with me, I will kill him and eat his soul, hehehehehe."

he said in an unreadable tone.

He looked like a graceful gentleman one second, but suddenly turned into a devil full of evil and murder the next second.

From one extreme to the other, his attitude changed so naturally, as if he was born with it.

This weird behavior and language, coupled with the power just displayed, made everyone hold their breath.

The statue was silent for a few breaths.

"You're right."

"Great being, I believe no one can interfere with your business, but I never thought that when the storm is coming, a being like you would still have the leisure to have fun in the eternal night."

The statue continued in a soft tone.

——This mistress still doesn’t give up!

She is still testing herself!

"Oh, you are talking about this. Speaking of which, Ms. Pain is asking me about this matter. I don't know if she is ready for the corresponding reward." Liu Ping looked back at Ms. Pain.

"Are you going to tell her? How much can she know?" the statue asked curiously.

"It's just a matter of nightmare level. I will tell her as much as she is paid." Liu Ping said in a nonchalant manner.

The statue was silent again, and suddenly laughed with a little sincerity:

"Your Excellency, you are welcome. We probably have a lot of business to discuss - by the way, there is a wedding tonight. Do you want to attend?"

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