Infernal Artist

Chapter 495 Gods of Hell (Part 2)

Let's go back in time a little.

The world of practice.

Zhao Chanyi and Lilith hid aside and whispered.

"So you collected my body from a previous life?" Zhao Chanyi asked with interest.

"Yes, as long as you use it, you will immediately know what happened in the previous life." Lilith said.

She quietly put a card into Zhao Chanyi's hand.

Zhao Chanyi looked at the card.

On the card was a girl wearing a martial arts uniform, with gloves on her hands, ready to attack at any time, with sadness in her confused eyes.


Is it because he wants to leave, or because he is worried that we will never see each other again?

Zhao Chanyi silently held the card tightly.

"Sister Chanyi, don't worry, I have been raising this card. You can use it without Liu Ping having any soul power," Lilith said.

"You're so kind." Zhao Chanyi sighed and smiled at Lilith.

"As long as you play hide and seek with me, you will be my best friend!" Lilith said, sticking out her tongue.


Lines of small firefly characters appeared in front of Zhao Chanyi’s eyes:

"Please note, this is the general processor of Huangquan affairs, calling Zhao Chanyi."

"Liu Ping's merit continues to grow."

"The current amount of merit is:"

"199302 points."

"The General Processor of Underworld Affairs will use 199,000 of the points to handle a special matter in his reincarnation. This matter will require the assistance of a practitioner of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Are you willing?"

"What is the special matter?" Zhao Chanyi couldn't help but ask.

Another line of small firefly characters appeared:

"I can't tell you at the moment. In short, it is a higher-level magical ability awakened from the underworld. It contains some kind of personal will and requires the assistance of a practitioner from the human world around Liu Ping to complete it."

"Would you like to help?"

Zhao Chanyi murmured in her heart.

——Looking at the mysterious appearance of the Huangquan machine, I don’t know what it is.

But since it was helpful to Liu Ping, he had nothing to hesitate.

"Okay, I'm here to help, tell me what I want to do?"

Zhao Chanyi asked.

A female voice suddenly sounded in her ears: "Demon King, thank you for your help. As a thank you gift, I will provide you with some of Huangquan's demon clan techniques."

The next moment.

Zhao Chanyi felt an inexplicable pulling force.

She suddenly understood something and said to Lilith: "Hide my harvest card and don't let Liu Ping know about it for the time being, so as not to worry him."

"Where are you going?" Lilith asked.

"Help him do some little things." Zhao Chanyi said.

"Okay, you have to come back soon." Lilith said anxiously.


The manor of the cruel mistress Medea.

"Can you read jade slips?" Liu Ping asked.

"If you just read, it's very simple." Bai Lang said.

Liu Ping took out a jade slip and handed it over.

Bai Lang read the contents of the jade slip and passed it to Luo Xingchen.

After Luo Xingchen finished reading, he couldn't help but sigh:

"I didn't expect so many things to happen - it's not safe here. Let's talk telepathically."

White Wolf first sent out telepathy:

"Rabbit, if it weren't for you, we would have died. I want to treat you to a drink."

Liu Ping said: "Let's talk about drinking later. Now we need to get in touch with the fox, tiger and greyhound immediately."

"I can go find them - I'm faster than Luo Xingchen." Bai Lang said.

Luo Xingchen rolled his eyes.

Obviously, every time he transfers to various worlds, he relies on his own magic.

"Yes, you are the fastest man, go ahead." She said casually.

Now it was Bai Lang's turn to roll his eyes.

However, the two looked at each other and immediately reached a consensus.

Rabbit now only has the cultivation level of Qi refining stage——

It is indeed very dangerous for him to deal with the demons alone in the manor of the cruel mistress, and he needs someone to protect him.

White Wolf is good at acting alone, while Xingchen is better at various types of attack and defense spells.

The stars really should be left to protect the rabbits.

"Then you go, I'll stay here." Luo Xingchen said.

"Time is tight, we must find them quickly." Liu Ping warned.

"What are you worried about?" Bai Lang asked.

"The wave of nightmares is coming, we must hurry up and wake up the leader." Liu Ping said.

"Understood, I will find everyone as soon as possible - I am worried about you and Xingchen, you are too dangerous here." Bai Lang said.

"Don't worry, I'll act by ear. Xingchen is also a veteran, so don't worry about us." Liu Ping said.

The white wolf was about to walk towards the void when he suddenly stopped and said:

"I'll give you a piece of advice."

"What?" Liu Ping asked.

Bai Lang looked at the manor not far away and said, "You have to remember that although the gods and devils in the manor are dressed in human skin, they are not human in the end."

"...I know, of course I won't treat them as the same kind." Liu Ping said.

This is true.

In the manor, only Lady Torment and Pain is human, the others are devils and all races.

Devils and other races adopt human forms because they are the easiest to communicate with each other.

"Some people always forget about this." Bai Lang nodded at him, walked into the void, and disappeared.

As soon as the white wolf left, Luo Xingchen whispered: "He fell in love with a dark elf before - and it ended badly."

"That's it," Liu Ping said suddenly.

Luo Xingchen suddenly turned his head and looked towards the manor, and said curiously: "There was a powerful aura disappearing from the manor just now. It seems to be the devil lord who provoked you."

"Have you noticed it? I can't notice anything now." Liu Ping said with a shrug.

"That devil was killed by some more terrifying and incomprehensible force, and its soul also disappeared - I must say, that kind of power is extremely ominous, and we'd better avoid it." Luo Xingchen's expression He said solemnly.

She suddenly took a step back, lowered her head, and stood behind Liu Ping.

A door of light flashed across from Liu Ping.

Mother Medea stood on the other side of the light door, holding the wine glass elegantly and saying:

"Come on, Mr. Dark, the party starts in five minutes."

"Okay." Liu Ping said.

He stepped through the light door and appeared in a large, dimly lit secret room.

Luo Xingchen followed closely behind, not leaving even an inch.

"Mr. Dark, your servant—"

"She's my maid, it's okay."

"Okay, but why is she wearing a mask?"

"She killed too many people and had countless enemies, so she had no choice but to wear a mask and take shelter with me."

"I see."

Medea looked at Luo Xingchen with admiration.

Luo Xingchen was not affected at all. He handed a glass of wine to Liu Ping and said softly: "Master."


Liu Ping took the wine and took a sip.

"This mistress is covered in human skin, but in fact she is quite evil, extremely evil - I suspect that the devil was killed by her." Luo Xingchen whispered.

"I know." Liu Ping's expression remained unchanged.


As a monk in the Qi refining period, it is actually very boring to attend gatherings of gods and devil lords.

First, they cannot be defeated;

Second, he could die at any time.

Liu Ping thought silently, and suddenly saw two lines of burning small words appearing in front of his eyes:

"You have lost your 'knowing and seeing', but you have regained your hexagram skills."

"Hexagram technique is the top divination method of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but without the support of the source power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, it is impossible to detect the future of purgatory and eternal night."

Liu Ping was startled.

——No wonder I couldn’t use the hexagram technique when I woke up in the dark drama for the first time.

Now, since I possess two kinds of seed power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the situation should be different, right?

Following his thoughts, another line of burning small words appeared:

"The seeds of power that are biased towards the three realms of heaven, man, and Asura can be assimilated with the hexagram technique and provide it with power."

"Are you willing to let them merge?"

Liu Ping said without hesitation: "Yes!"

——Just kidding, apart from strengthening your own character, these two power seeds have really not shown any use!

Might as well just use one of them!

Another line of burning small characters appeared:

"The hexagram technique is assimilating with one of the two power seeds."

"After five seconds of countdown, a new divination ability will be available to you."






"You have obtained the manifest power of the blessings of six reincarnations:"

"Peering into the heavens."

"Effect description: You can activate this ability through fortune-telling to learn something about to happen to the target."

“What’s about to happen has to be about you in order for you to see it.”

"With the fundamental power of the original seeds of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, all heavenly secrets cannot be obscured, and the future will definitely appear before your eyes."

"——Each use will consume 10 points of your merit."

He actually has such ability?

Liu Ping casually glanced at Mistress Medea and subconsciously wanted to make a fortune.


A picture appeared before his eyes.

He saw Yana being tied to the stake in a room full of various torture props.

Medea whispered: "Now I will take the love spell away from you, and then I will let you taste the despair it brings after I have used it up."

"Kill me! Kill me, I will not marry Aldrich!" Yana said hoarsely.

"No, when I eat someone, I will release the curse on you again - just wait and fall in love with him again."

Medea smiled coldly, reached out and pressed Yana's head, and immediately pulled out a long series of constantly changing magic symbols.

The picture flashed by.

Another scene emerged all around.

——The secret room.

I am in this secret room.

No one was around.

Medea walked out of the darkness, smiled charmingly and whispered: "Mr. Darkness, I have a good thing to tell you..."

The screen flashed again.

Liu Ping saw that he was holding a monster with only flesh and blood and no skin.

The monster opened its mouth wide and bit off its own neck in one fell swoop.

An unparalleled sense of suffocation enveloped him.

Everything started to become blurry, and there was only some kind of chewing sound that kept ringing in my ears, but I just listened blankly, unable to make any reaction.


"What’s wrong with you?"

Luo Xingchen's voice sounded.

Liu Ping suddenly woke up and felt that the coldness around him turned into nothingness, and all the images disappeared.

He was still sitting on the large and comfortable sofa, holding a glass of wine in his hand.

Luo Xingchen stood behind him.

"Wipe your sweat, what's wrong with you?"

She handed over a handkerchief and asked quietly.

Liu Ping took the handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and responded: "It's okay."

That love spell is something on the level of the law of cause and effect.

As the most talented human being and the first human god to ascend the throne of purgatory, Yana is helpless in the face of this curse.

Last time, she finally had no choice but to die on her own initiative and fled to Eternal Night.


That spell is still with her!

——This shows how powerful this curse is!


None of what I just saw has happened yet.

I still have time to think of a way to deal with it.

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