Infernal Artist

Chapter 503 Secret!

In the secret room.

The two sisters watched Liu Ping walk from one end of the room to the other, and then back again.

He suddenly stopped and said:

"Have you been running the dark drama?"

Ms. Pain showed a sarcastic smile: "Me? All the proceeds belong to the mistress. What do you think I am in front of her?"

"You still don't know how to call me?" Liu Ping asked.

"I have many false names, but my real name is Maria." Ms. Pain said.

Liu Ping clapped his hands: "Okay, we don't have much time, let me tell you things quickly -"

A scene of light and shadow appeared beside him, quickly condensing into a picture.

"Actually, Yana probably fell into eternal night...and then met me..."

Liu Ping unleashed the power of the "special effects artist" to condense everything that happened in the past into a picture and present it to the two sisters.

He hid most of his secrets and only showed his acquaintance with Yana.

"I changed time, space and destiny and re-written everything, so her and your destiny became different..."

The picture changes rapidly.

The process of Yana becoming his patron god unfolded several times faster.

Liu Ping continued to explain and finally concluded:

"That's basically it. Now we have to escape quickly."

The room fell silent.

Maria, the goddess of pain, was dumbfounded.

Liu Ping spread his hands and said: "Time is tight, there are only seven minutes left - why don't you go first?"

Yana suddenly laughed.

Liu Ping said: "What? Are there any other questions? Yes, I know these things sound unbelievable, and you won't easily believe me, a stranger, but I hope you and I can form an alliance for the time being, so it's not too much. "

Yana shook her head, stood up from her sister's support, and said, "During the time travel, you lost all the cards, but you brought back all the weapons, right?"

Liu Ping said: "Of course, weapons follow their master by default - wait! Yana!"

Before he finished speaking, Yana rushed up and hugged him tightly.

——She actually remembered Liu Ping!

"Do you remember me?" Liu Ping asked.

Yana leaned on his shoulder and whispered: "There are countless abilities and methods in the world that can preserve memories."

"The weapon you just mentioned - is it your fundamental life whip?"

"Yes, the Whip of Torment and Pain has a spirit and has the ability to store power and I remembered everything as soon as I came back."

"Then you are still in such a dangerous situation!"

"Because I want to explore the mistress's conspiracy, and more importantly, my sister——"

Yana looked back at Maria, her eyes full of warmth.

"After I fell into Evernight, there were no pursuers. It seemed like someone was secretly protecting me. Then I heard that she had also come to Evernight and was hosting a dark drama. I guessed..."

Maria said coldly: "You have exposed all my disguises for so many years. From now on, I can no longer save you, nor can I save myself."

"Don't think too much, your mistress is about to eat everyone, and you don't have to keep pretending," Liu Ping said.

He thought carefully and said, "Yana, you and your sister can go together to Yongye. After I find a way to escape, I will join you right away."

"No! I am your god of service, how can I leave you? I want to fight side by side with you!" Yana said.

Liu Ping glanced at Maria.

Maria crossed her arms and said helplessly: "Damn love, it will only affect your survival probability. You have to believe me on this."

"Sister, you go first." Yana said.

"You are my sister - you have never killed anyone, what will you do if I leave? Idiot!" Maria scolded.


Liu Ping looked at the time.

Five minutes to go.

"Since you have decided to stay, do one thing immediately. This thing will have an inseparable impact on our actions." Liu Ping said.

"What's the matter?" Yana asked.

"Looking for Aldrich's pet - very early on, about three years ago, he once had a flesh and blood hunting dog. Do you know where the demon dog is?" Liu Ping asked.

"You said Fire Fang," Yana thought, "Yes, it should have returned to normal history... but I have never seen it."

"I know that dog." Maria said calmly.

"Where is it?" Liu Ping asked.

"I carefully collected all the information back then - don't glare at me, you only want to become stronger, how can you care about observing the situation around you!" Maria glared back at Yana and continued:

"As soon as Aldrich got it, it died within a few days and was buried under a tree at the back of the garden."

Liu Ping said: "Aldrich killed it?"

"Yes." Maria nodded.

"That's right." Liu Ping said.

The two sisters looked at each other, neither knowing what he meant.

Liu Ping explained: "When I got it, it said it wouldn't live long because it bumped into Aldrich when he was bleeding and smelled the secret hidden in his blood."

"But why did Aldrich kill it?" Maria asked.

Yana was shocked and shouted: "Aldrich knows that he is the mistress's son! He wants to cover up this secret!"

"Yes, since this meeting, Aldrich has been pretending to be stupid, as if he doesn't know anything - in fact, he knows that he is the mistress's son." Liu Ping said.

"He has been eaten by the mistress." Yana said.

"He is a sinister and ambitious guy, how could he be willing to end up like this?" Maria said.

The three of them looked at each other.


There seems to be something secretive going on in this manor.

A holy light emerged from Yana's hand and she said, "I'm going to resurrect Fire Fang."

"You all go, I'm going back, I'll see you later," Liu Ping said.

Maria said: "What should we do here? When the mistress comes back later, if she finds that Yana is not there -"

The evil ghost mask on Liu Ping's face suddenly changed its appearance.

"Give me a hair," he said.

Yana directly pulled out a piece of hair and put it in Liu Ping's hand.

Liu Ping quickly braided his hair into a knot with both hands and placed it on the stinger on the ground.

"Hey, does this tube work?" he asked.

The evil ghost mask made a buzzing sound: "Don't worry, I will become a god by pretending to be dead. There will be absolutely no problem."


Her hair immediately turned into Yana's, she walked back to the wall holding the poisonous thorn, and thrust the poisonous thorn through her chest.

"You go ahead, I'll pretend for a while, and when that monster really wants to eat me, I'll go back to hell immediately."

Yana said.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Liu Ping winked at the two women.

The three of them pushed the door open, divided into two groups, and left quickly.

Yana looked back, suddenly took out the long whip, rolled one end around her arm, and the other end around Maria's arm.

"What?" Maria asked.

"Stay with me from now on, sister." Yana said.

"I am the sister." Maria said.

"Then come with me. This world is about to be destroyed. I hope that no matter what, you will always be by my side." Yana said softly.

"Stop talking nonsense, we will die at any time - concentrate on being ready to fight at any time, understand?" Maria said with a cold face.

Yana smiled, and the whip in her hand suddenly emitted two black flames.

same moment.

Card Book: In the Lost Pair, the shadow of a card gradually appears in the blank space of a certain page.

Lilith was first surprised and then delighted, shouting happily: "Huh? The God of War is collecting cards? The God of War is Sister Yana! It seems that Liu Ping has found her!"

In the secret room.

"Yana" was nailed to the wall.

"She" took out a mirror and stared blankly at the stunning face in the mirror.

After a while, "her" lonely voice sounded in the secret room:

"It's been a long time since I dressed up as such a beautiful girl. Tsk, tsk, my skills are obviously the best in the world, why do I have to go to hell?"

The next moment.

The door to the secret room opens.

Medea appeared at the door wearing a luxurious red dress.

A tall and burly demon king followed closely behind, and she took her hand and dragged her directly into the secret room.

"Medea, you are still so touching..." the Demon King said in a low voice.

"Hehe, I will naturally give the old man's things to you, but before that, you have to make me happy." Medea caressed the Demon King's chest and whispered softly.

"How do you want to be happy?" asked the devil.


Medea has a black magic stone in her hand.

Love spell stone!

Before the card game.

Liu Ping suddenly stood up and said, "Excuse me."

"You are quite busy with your affairs." The silver-haired old man watched the battle on the field and said without raising his head.

He was concentrating on studying Li Changxue.

Liu Ping stopped responding, walked out of the room, closed the door, and waited quietly.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

Liu Ping appeared at the end of the corridor.

The two Liu Pings nodded to each other, and Liu Ping disappeared from the doorway.

Another Liu Ping stepped forward, pushed the door open and entered the secret room.

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