Infernal Artist

Chapter 508 Offensive and Defensive Alliance


A tentacle with eyes penetrated the manor, knocking down a long row of houses.

Large pieces of sand and stone bricks were knocked into the air.

In the sky, two figures circled to avoid each other, until at a certain moment, they suddenly crashed into each other.

The hurricane created by the fight blew in all directions.

Large tracts of dust were blown up by the wind and fell towards the depths of the garden in the distance.


The violent halberd thrust forward and was held up by the shield in the hand of the silver-haired old man.

The silver-haired old man looked at the deep cracks gradually appearing on the shield, and said with a distressed expression:

"How about we stop? This shield is a treasure. Every time there is a crack, I will lose a lot of money."

As he spoke, the terrifying murderous intention flashed through his eyes, and finally disappeared.

Damn offensive and defensive alliance contract!

The silver-haired old man gritted his teeth, and veins crawled all over his face and hands like twisted earthworms.

The design of that contract is very exquisite and can be called the highest masterpiece of bank clauses.

For countless years, he has collected countless wealth and souls by virtue of various contract terms, and even many demon kings and gods have become his slaves.

But who would have thought that this guy who calls himself Dark would actually have the right to interpret the terms!

That is the right of interpretation!

Even though he has countless spells and powers, according to his explanation, he can only parry now, not attack!

——How to play this!

The silver-haired old man took a long breath and suppressed his emotions.

I can only spar with him, while also avoiding the tentacles appearing in the void around me——

It will only become more and more dangerous if this continues.

no solution anymore--

You can only use that chess piece to interrupt the opponent's attack.

With this in mind, the silver-haired old man waved his hand and cast a series of hidden spells, making his aura weaker and more restrained.

"Come help immediately."

He sent a telepathic message towards the other end of the manor.

The next second.

I saw an afterimage passing through the sky, heading straight towards Liu Ping.

Liu Ping felt something in his heart, and the halberd in his hand suddenly turned into a black long bow.

Swish swish——

Dozens of arrows were continuously shot out from the bowstring, drawing arcs in the air and locking the afterimage.

A series of thunderous shocks sounded.

The afterimage was beaten back and forth, revealing its true appearance.

——The cruel mistress Medea.

"Impossible!" she screamed, "How can such a weak force repel me?"

Liu Ping put down his bow and arrow and explained helplessly: "Because its strange effect is forced repulsion. It can repel the gods infinitely, eldest sister."

The bow and arrow disappeared in his hand and turned into a black fan.

Liu Ping held the fan with one hand and quickly made a hand gesture with the other hand——


The fan unfolded, and the black dragon on the fan, which was as black as splashed ink, jumped up, stretched its body in mid-air, and grew into the wind, instantly turning into a giant dragon hundreds of meters long.

Liu Ping said in an appreciative tone: "This is the Five Elements Secret Technique, Painting Technique, and the Transformation of the Evil Dragon. Someone can become a god with this painting method, which shows that his skill is close to that of a god. The only pity is -"

The giant dragon soared in the sky, spitting out black air from its mouth.

But in the black air, skeletons were looming, and they were wailing and crying.

"In order for the evil dragon to transform into the mortal world, it must devour countless creatures and commit such sins. Even if it becomes a god, it can only suffer in hell to atone for its sins."

After Liu Ping finished speaking, he closed his fan.


he read.

The evil dragon in the sky perked up and instantly turned into a dark black blur of light and flew towards the distance.


Medea only had time to roar before she was bitten by the evil dragon.

She opened her hands with all her strength and pressed against the upper and lower jaws of the evil dragon to prevent herself from being eaten.

The evil dragon was flying in the sky, shaking its head from time to time, trying to bite Medea.

One person and one dragon gradually rushed up into the sky and disappeared from sight.

Liu Ping looked away, only to see that the silver-haired old man had disappeared.

He waved his fan and continuously released powerful wind spells, making his body as flexible as leaves floating in the wind, dodging back and forth among the numerous tentacles.

no way.

As soon as a move is made, these tentacles can immediately sense the breath of the person who made the move.

Fortunately, there is a face of hell, and you can borrow the power of the gods of hell, otherwise there is no way to avoid it.

"Old guy, you're pretty good at hiding... But we have signed an offensive and defensive alliance contract. It's time for you to come out and meet the enemy." Liu Ping shouted.

The words fell.

Lines of burning small characters emerged:

"You have the final right to interpret the offensive and defensive alliance contract."

"The other side had to come out to meet the enemy."


"The other party is trying to terminate this offensive and defensive alliance contract."

"According to the terms of the contract, the other party must pay you half of his net worth."

A golden card flew across the sky and landed in front of Liu Ping.

An old voice sounded from the void not far away:

"You deserve this, take it."

Liu Ping looked at Sequence's explanation to Jin Ka and laughed: "I can't imagine that you will become so generous."

The fan in his hand turned into a human-shaped wooden sculpture.

The silver-haired old man appeared again.

This time, his wise and calm eyes had turned into vertical pupils, and his whole body was filled with terrifying aura.

"It doesn't matter, just accept it. I admit that I lost this round." He bowed and said.

Liu Ping reached out and held Jinka.

Almost at the same moment, the silver-haired old man suddenly surged into the sky with murderous intent.

His whole body turned into a dark devil, with two flaming horns on his head, all his pale bones exposed outside of the muscles, and sharp fangs sprouting from his mouth.

"You blinded by wealth, the contract has ended. Watch me kill you!"

Layers of mist were sprayed out from the devil's body, and he was in front of Liu Ping in a flash.

It raised its claws high, and the pale white light condensed on its hands continued to shatter the void——

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

The devil maintained his pounce posture, standing there unable to move.

It tried its best to catch Liu Ping, but there seemed to be some force in the void that held it tightly, preventing it from launching any attack on Liu Ping.

Liu Ping stood there with a blank expression.


His entire body turned into a humanoid wooden sculpture and stood there.

But the humanoid wood sculpture in his hand flew out, turned into Liu Ping, and said: "The person who accepted the gold card is a false me, not the real me - so our offensive and defensive alliance contract has not been terminated."

"According to the contract, if I don't accept your compensation, the contract cannot be broken."

"So the contract still stands."

"——If you take action against me, your soul will sleep forever."


The devil fell silent.

a long time.

It looked down at the wooden sculpture holding a gold card.

"Damn guy...I want my gold card back." It buzzed.

"No." Liu Ping said.

"Why? Do you want to accept this gold card?" the devil's eyes flashed.

"You just used 'Encourage' on me. If I hadn't activated the Karma Body in advance, I would have been directly hit by the move - I remember I told you not to use this move on me again." Liu Pingdao .

"But what does this have to do with the gold card?" said the devil.

"Let me explain the 'offensive and defensive alliance' clause in the contract. If you try to use non-offensive spells to influence me and cause everything to have negative effects and effects, you will have to pay a price to get my forgiveness."

After Liu Ping finished speaking, he nodded towards the wooden sculpture.

The woodcarving put the golden card away.

"You still accepted it." The devil said with a cruel smile.

The power that bound it began to weaken—

Liu Ping said calmly:

"I did not accept it, it was temporarily retained by the notary: the wooden double."

"That is to say, half of your wealth is stored here as a deposit here. If you attack me again, the deposit will be confiscated."

"This is a contract-based regulatory mechanism."

The words fell.

The binding force on the devil became stronger again, so much so that it had to loosen its grip and no longer assume an attacking posture.

Damn the final right of interpretation!

——This guy can really play with terms!

Was he really a loan shark before?


A tentacle suddenly appeared from behind Liu Ping.

"I don't like it. Let's eat the devil king opposite." Liu Ping said coldly.

The tentacle stopped in mid-air, and the dense eyes opened on its outer skin, looking towards the devil opposite.

The devil has turned back into a silver-haired old man.

"Even if one day I reach Eternal Night, I will definitely remember you, Mr. Dark."

The silver-haired old man stared at Liu Ping and said slowly.

"No problem, now meet the enemy, my ally." Liu Ping said with a smile.

The tentacle rushed forward and entangled the silver-haired old man.

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