Infernal Artist

Chapter 520 Treasure House of True and False

In a magnificent room.

The large table was filled with various files, piled up like mountains.

Liu Ping closed the last file and said, "There is information about the two of you here, which is quite surprising."

"The Hellfire Bank spans Purgatory and Eternal Night, so it's normal to know a little bit about us... Look, it says here that I'm the 'unbeatable murderous wolf', tsk, I'm quite discerning."

Bai Lang looked at another file and said.

"I found an account here. It is suspected that Fox opened it at Prison Flame Bank. We can try to contact the owner of this account." Luo Xingchen said.

"How did you know it was him?" Liu Ping asked.

"Because the account name is: 'Charming old man with clever calculations', which is the name of the fox's game." Luo Xingchen said.

"Do you know his ID?" Bai Lang asked curiously.

"He lost to me twenty-one times in games, and then he never dared to come to me again," Luo Xingchen said.

"..." White Wolf.

"Then let's give it a try." Liu Ping said.

He pressed a button on the table.

A devil walked in respectfully and asked: "Sir, what are your orders?"

"Go, find the owner of this account, don't use force, just say that your old friend wants to see him, so that he will come." Liu Ping said.

"Yes." The devil took the order and went out.

As the owner of Hellfire Bank, Liu Ping's will has been implemented most efficiently.

Two minutes later.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Liu Ping said.

Several devils led a man wearing a fox mask in.

"It's really you!" said the man wearing a fox mask.

"Hahaha, stinky fox, I didn't expect that we would find you in this way!" Bai Lang laughed and stepped forward and gave him a hug.

"Great... Rabbit said you were dead at first, but now it seems that you have been resurrected by him." The fox said with emotion.

"Where are the greyhounds and tigers?" Luo Xingchen asked.

The fox glanced at the devils.

"Everyone, please go down," Liu Ping said.

The devils immediately withdrew.

"The tiger stays with the last true god of purgatory in the eternal night, helping him wake up the other dead true gods." The fox whispered.

Liu Ping nodded slowly.


There was indeed a reason why the crawler in the nightmare was able to rebel under Medea's nose and cause so many things in the eternal night.

Fox and the others are helping him secretly!

Liu Ping said: "Do you have any news about the leader?"

"Greyhound found the sleeping leader on the Pillar of Purgatory, but the materials required for the super-large awakening ceremony to awaken the true god are very expensive and rare. Although we have accumulated a lot of wealth, it is still far from enough." Fox said.

Liu Ping threw over a gold card.

"This is it?" the fox asked doubtfully.

"The gold card of Hellfire Bank can use half of the bank's wealth. Now we need to wake up the leader immediately and go purchase various materials." Liu Ping said.

The fox took the gold card and took a moment to sense it, and said excitedly: "Great, with such amazing wealth, we can complete the ceremony soon."

"how long will it take?"

"At least two days."

"No, it's too late. The wave of nightmares is coming. The nightmare monster has sent a strange creation to kill all living beings - a monster that is a blend of the souls of the cruel mistress and her offspring. You must wake up the group as quickly as possible. long!"

"What? Okay! Let's start right away!"

The fox threw the walkie-talkies for communication to everyone and immediately created a spell.

The void opens.

"Keep in touch!"

He shouted, jumped in in a hurry, and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Suddenly there was another knock on the door.

"Please come in," Liu Ping said.

A devil walked in and said respectfully: "Your Excellency, there is trouble in Yongye."

"What's the matter?" Liu Ping asked.

"The gods of the past have broken free from their shackles and are awakening the beings of that era." The devil said.

Liu Ping nodded silently.

After all, it is indeed this time.

"What do you need me to do?" he asked.

"The leaders of all races in the Supervisory Committee have reached an agreement and are about to send experts to deal with the old god. Hellfire Bank is also involved and wants to send people." Devil said.

"Very well, Bai Lang, Luo Xingchen, you can go on my behalf. Be careful."

Liu Ping winked at the two of them.

"That's not right... I always feel that the most important treasures in the Hellfire Bank are hidden and not shown to me." He said in a message.

"We have already seen the things in the bank vault. Do you think those are rare and expensive enough?" Luo Xingchen asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I have seen the private collection of Thorn Birds, and this bank was opened by borrowing capital from them, so there should be some really good things, but I have never seen it." Liu Ping said in a voice message.

"You have seen too many good things, so you can feel the difference. A hyena like me has long been dazzled." White Wolf sighed.

"You go ahead, it just so happens that I need to lure the snake out of its hole and figure out the affairs of Hellfire Bank." Liu Ping said.

The two understood each other.

Not only that--

The tiger helps the old god in the eternal night.

If you follow the masters of all races to Yongye, you will definitely be able to help the tiger and ensure the safety of him and the god.

"What will you do after we go?" Luo Xingchen asked worriedly.

"It's okay, trust me." Liu Ping said.

"Rabbit is very powerful, and he is getting more and more powerful. If he says it's okay, it's okay." White Wolf said with a smile.

"Yes, I already feel that you are different from before... Well, we will divide our troops into three groups and meet again later." Luo Xingchen said.

"Well, go ahead." Liu Ping said.

The two went out with the devil.

At this time, Liu Ping was the only one left in the room.

In fact, there was one thing he didn't say.

As the head of Hellfire Bank, he didn’t even see any secrets kept by the bank!

Secrets are the most precious things in all worlds!

In this way, the bank does not actually take itself seriously.

Liu Ping took the Hell Flame Scepter, placed it on the table, and said to himself: "Since everyone around me is gone, and I am in the realm of Thousand Tribulations..."


There was a knock on the door.

"Sir, are you there?" A respectful voice sounded.

Liu Ping smiled and said, "Come in!"

The door opens.

I saw a black scroll flying into the room.

Boom! ! !

A deafening explosion echoed throughout the castle.

Looking from the square, you can see that the highest level of the castle has been completely destroyed by the explosion.

As if a stone stirred up a thousand waves, countless devils and masters of all races flew out of the castle and looked towards the top of the destruction together.

"The heir was just recognized today——"

"Yes, he works on the top floor, but the top floor has been destroyed."

"Poor guy, doesn't he have any defense at all?"

"He hasn't been able to sit in that seat for a whole day."

"If such a person dies, then he will die."

Everyone was talking and the voices were getting louder and louder.

Because Liu Ping never showed up.

A black shadow passed through the sky, rolling continuously, and finally stuck in the square.

Staff of the Hellfire Bank!

It also fell from the top floor, right in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone looked at the scepter, and their breathing became heavier.

But everyone still has basic sense and knows that if they dare to touch this scepter, they will die immediately without a burial place.

One hand reached out and held the scepter.

"Oh, I have obviously given you the scepter, but now it seems that you are not qualified to control it at all."

If Liu Ping was present, he would definitely be able to hear this voice.

The owner of this voice was the director who presented the scepter at that time.

He is tall, has gloomy eyes, and exudes an ominous aura. He is holding the scepter at the moment and commenting in a regretful tone.


Another voice sounded from behind him:

"Is this the director of Eagle Demon? Thank you for helping me pick up the scepter. Give it back to me now."

The Eagle Demon suddenly looked back.

I saw Liu Ping standing not far away with a smile, looking at him with an expression of watching a good show.

Eagle Demon's expression changed, and he suddenly said in a caring tone:

"Sir, the explosion just now - are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just that there are people making trouble even where I work. I think there is something wrong with the management of Prison Flame Bank." Liu Ping said.

"Sir, we will definitely investigate the problem and give you an explanation." Eagle Demon said.

"No need, I remember I said, if you do good things, I will reward you. If you do bad things, I will kill you."

Liu Ping said with a smile.

The Eagle Demon couldn't pretend any longer and retreated violently, shouting: "Do it!"

Demons emerged from the void, and they were densely packed in all directions, surrounding the entire square.

At the same time, Liu Ping shook off the blood on the knife and sheathed it again.

The Eagle Demon was startled.


When did he draw the knife? When did you take action?

Liu Ping still smiled and said: "I forgot to tell you, I kill people very quickly."

The words fell.

The fine blade light was like thousands of falling leaves flying in the strong wind, scattering one after another, and swept away towards the end of the world.

All the heads of the devils in the sky were chopped off and flew away, rolling down in the rapid rain of sword light, and all fell on the square, forming a Beijing view.

——It turns out that the moment these demons appeared just now, Liu Ping's sword had already killed them.

on the square.

Liu Ping looked at the heads of those demons and said with satisfaction: "It's been a long time since we reached ten thousand. This time, we can finally use that trick -"

He made a secret with one hand, and with a rush of spiritual power, the skill was instantly accomplished.

——Nine Nether Divine Skill·Ten Thousand Souls·Death Devouring Technique!

In the Beijing view, all the devil heads opened their eyes and came to life.

These heads seemed to have received some kind of response, and they all looked towards Director Ying Mo.

"Sir, you cost us our lives, now please die with us."

they said in unison.

Eagle Demon was trembling all over after seeing this, and shouted: "Directors, if you don't take action, how long will it take?"

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

There is silence in the void.

No one spoke to me, and no ambush appeared.

The Eagle Demon's face turned as white as paper. He placed his scepter on the ground tremblingly and forced a smile:

"Sir, I'm kidding you."

"It's okay, it's okay. Pay attention in the next life." Liu Ping waved his hand and smiled.

Behind him, tens of thousands of heads began to move, rushing towards the Eagle Demon like a tide.

The Eagle Demon hurriedly unleashed a series of spells, knocking off hundreds of heads, but to no avail.

More heads rushed up, and he didn't even have time to run.

The densely packed heads whizzed past him, and there were sounds of chewing in his mouth.

Where the Eagle Demon originally stood, there was only a pool of blood.

Not a single bit of bone or residue was left.

Everyone around held their breath and looked at this indescribable sight.

Until those heads opened the void and disappeared from the current world, the atmosphere still did not ease at all.

Liu Ping smiled and waved to everyone: "Okay, the entertainment time is over, everyone can go back and work peacefully!"

The demons and tribes who were watching immediately flew back to the castle and hurried back to their positions.

It takes about one breath.

There was nothing in the square.

——Just kidding, he waved his hands like this when he killed the director just now.

Who dares not to listen?

Who wants to die?

Liu Ping was left standing there, looking bored.

Lines of burning small characters appeared before his eyes:

"You activated the power of the Prison Knife:"

"Turn around."

"——Not immune to any inevitable damage. All damage will be borne by defensive techniques or objects first."

"You activated the secret sword technique: Wan Ren."

"This is the secret sword technique you mastered in the past life, and it is now reappearing in the world."

Liu Ping glanced at it with a calm expression.

"Are the other directors here? I want to see the treasure house. Who can take me there?"

he asked softly.

Three windows suddenly opened in the void.

Several directors said in unison: "I will take you there!"

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