Infernal Artist

Chapter 526 Nostalgia

Large tracts of bricks and tiles continued to fall downwards.

The connection channel between Eternal Night and Purgatory is constantly shaking, as if it will collapse at any time.

A huge battle armor as towering as a mountain floats in the void.

"What are you spying on?"

It asked as it stretched out its hand to grab the monster.

The monster was completely stunned.

On the other side of its head, a male voice sounded: "Master, I never thought he had such a back-up plan."

The female voice said: "Can we eat him now? After all, he seems to have extremely powerful soul power in front of us."

The monster lowered his head to look at the giant black hand holding him, and then looked up at the huge armor.

The armor wears a black visor, which is so tightly covered that it is impossible to see what kind of face is behind it.

Gradually, one black shadow after another appeared in the void.

Looking carefully, those shadows are all skeletons hanging in the air, with their heads lowered, surrounding the huge armor, motionless, as if they were performing some kind of ritual.

"No...this is not the boy just now... Why does this feeling feel familiar to me?"

The monster murmured a few words, then suddenly thought of something and shuddered all over.

The strange face that was originally located at the back of its head gradually disappeared.


A short and fearful scream sounded in the void.

In an instant, only male and female faces remained on the entire head.

——The weird face disappeared from the back of its head.

The faces of men and women turned back to the front of their bodies, and they were all a little confused.

"What's going on?" the male voice asked.

"The master seems to have canceled the coming, and it's gone." The female voice said.

They looked up at the huge armor together, and were a little confused about the situation for a while.

The huge armor just remained silent and no longer said any words.

A black skull flew on its shoulder and made a hoarse voice:

"Insignificant new body, this is not the place you should stay. Go, no matter where you go, you should not be here, let alone know more secrets-"

In the void in front of it, a bottomless black hole suddenly opened.

If you look into the black hole, you can see countless chaotic and scattered things, and even many ancient objects that are already dilapidated.

——In a black hole, everything is chaotic and unpredictable.

"What do you want to do?" the male voice asked warily.

"Stop talking and attack him first!" the female voice said.

Two voices began to make that sharp whistling sound in a chanting tone:

"In front of us, no one can-"

Their voices ceased.

I saw that they still had their mouths open and kept saying something, but no sound came out.

Even the collapse of the entire cave became silent.

The whole world fell silent.

Only the behemoth-like armor overlooked it, like a god overlooking a tiny ant.

The faces of men and women gradually closed their mouths, showing a look of confusion.

The huge armor said nothing.

In the void beside it, the black skeleton hanging motionless on the other end hummed and said:

"Seeing as you don't know anything-"

The giant armor raised his hand and put the monster into the black hole.


The male and female voices roared in fear and anger at the same time.

The black hole disappears.

Their voices also completely disappeared.

After the giant armor finished doing this, he suddenly stretched out his other hand and grabbed it with all his strength towards the void!

I saw another monster being caught in its hands.

Judging from its face, it is the monster that has just been released!

"Spare your life! Spare your life! I didn't mean to know your secret!" the monster said tremblingly.

It was caught in the hands of the huge armor. It didn't even make any resistance like the monster with male and female faces just now. Instead, it kept begging for mercy.

The huge armor looked down at it, still saying nothing.

A black skeleton whispered: "The tide of nightmares has not yet come, why did you come to the world of sentient beings?"

"I was wrong! I never dare to break the rules again!" the monster shouted.

"Tell your secret, you have only one chance." The black skeleton hummed.

"I was ordered to find that existence! It suddenly disappeared! Originally, it should have arrived at the end of the eternal night, waiting for the moment when the tide rises!" said the monster.

"Who are you talking about?" asked the black skull.

"That's it!"

The monster thought, and a scene of light and shadow suddenly appeared in the void.

In the light and shadow, a giant-like existence appeared. There was a deep hole in the middle of its head, and bursts of flickering light waves emanated from the hole. Just looking at it made people feel despair.

Its body surface is covered with slender granules, and the top of each granule has a vertical pupil.

The monster said in a respectful tone:

"It is the pioneer of this nightmare wave, with a great existence named 'Lord of Nightmares'."

"Can't even block my blow... Can such a weak guy be called the 'Lord of Nightmares'? You guys have disappointed me so much." The black skull's voice became cold.

The monster heard a certain meaning and said with a pale face:

"Sir, I was just following orders, please spare my life!"

"You shouldn't pry into secrets at will. This is the way to your death." The black skeleton said.

The words fell.

The giant armor's hand gradually tightened.

A dense cracking sound sounded from its hand.

A moment.

A phantom floated up, and as soon as it flew into the air, it was sucked in by the densely packed black skeletons. It immediately split into countless long, thin lines, swallowed into the mouth, and disappeared.

It's all over.


One thing remains.

Skeletons all over the sky were flying around the huge armor.

The huge armor suddenly dispersed, and the body turned into pieces of fine scales and penetrated into the void.

Like a storm, all the armor scales left.

Liu Ping appeared in the void again.

He closed his eyes, fell into coma, and fell towards the bottom of the cave.

Countless black skeletons were flying in the air, surrounding him, not letting any stone get close to him.

at some point.

Liu Ping slowed down and floated in mid-air, motionless.

An invisible barrier seemed to appear below.

Upon seeing this, the black skeletons immediately flew over and surrounded him in mid-air, turning into a huge black skeleton.

A skeleton stepped forward to hug Liu Ping and whispered: "Death, you are just a show in front of me."


There was a loud roar.

That barrier seemed to disappear.

At the same time, all the black skeletons disappeared.

Liu Ping continued to fall.

A few hours later.

Everlasting night.

In a deserted wilderness.

Burning small words floated in the void, motionless:

"You have lost all your weapons."

"The only thing that still matters is your saintly name:"

"The Pretidal Icon."

"Please note that eternal night is not a safe place, please wake up as soon as possible!"

Liu Ping remained motionless, as if falling into a coma.

He just felt that ever since he saw that white light, his whole body had fallen into a complete trance.

Something that is deeply hidden in your memory will be forgotten.

But don’t forget!

Don’t forget even if you die!

The voice said——

"I have too much nostalgia."


What do you miss?

What exactly is nostalgia for! ! !

Liu Ping's brows frowned slightly.

He desperately clung to this idea, no matter how his heart flow changed, he just followed this idea and trekked deep into his memory.

I don’t know how long it took, but finally——

The endless white light dispersed.

He seemed to see a scene.

A man stands on a dark tower towering into the clouds, overlooking the entire world.

"I have too much nostalgia."

The man spoke.

Behind him, a humanoid body that reached the heavens and the earth suddenly appeared, wearing a black scaly armor, and the aura of it was beyond Liu Ping's knowledge for countless lifetimes.

A majestic voice sounded from the armor:

"There is no need to miss this crop - you are the strongest fruit. Integrate with me and become the power of my evolution. This is your glory and your destination as the strongest human being."

The man smiled slightly, letting the wind blow on his face, but did not look back at all, just looking at the scenery in front of him.

"What I miss is not only this illusory world, but also all spiritual beings. I always feel that everything is not like this originally." He said.

Behind him, the majestic and huge existence solemnly said: "Human beings have too many inexplicable emotions. In fact, no matter what kind of world it is, or even all the worlds, if you abandon human emotions and look, you will only see the eternal Fight and devour.”

The man nodded slowly and said softly: "You are right, but -"

He turned around, looked towards Liu Ping, and said with a smile: "Maybe human beings should have another destination."

That's all.

All images disappeared.

Liu Ping's eyes met that man's, until he turned into nothingness before his eyes.

Just this one look.

Liu Ping suddenly and unconsciously had a thought in his heart:

"Go to the historical recorder and read the last sentence of Chapter 398."

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he fell into a coma.


Under the dark sky of eternal night, a sound of footsteps came from far to near.

Several humans appeared around.

"Huh? Is there someone here?"

"It's a boy."

"Is he hurt?"


The voice stopped.

Several humans surrounded the young man on the ground, and their expressions gradually changed.

"I think he's inexplicably kind."

"Me too."

"It seems like he has some kind of power... that can soothe my soul."

"Perhaps an extremely powerful healing profession."

"Or a soothsayer, a prophet - it's all possible."

Several people spoke slowly and gradually turned their heads to look at the leader of the team.

The leader of the team sighed and looked at Liu Ping's face, only to see that he was sleeping peacefully and peacefully.

"We came out with a mission - but forget it, let's rescue him first."

he ordered.

"Yes, boss." Everyone responded in unison.

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