Infernal Artist

Chapter 528 The Kingdom of Eternal Night!


White light covers the whole world.

Liu Ping heard someone yelling, roaring, and roaring in his ears.

He opened his eyes and looked.

Under the high platform, he saw an endless crowd of people wearing armor and holding weapons, all looking at him with a desperate look.

--What is this place?

Liu Ping thought numbly.

"Time's up." Someone whispered from the side.

Liu Ping looked towards the man.

He heard himself say: "Let's all go."

The man nodded towards him, walked to the edge of the high platform, raised his weapon and shouted: "Everyone, let's go!"

People held weapons in one hand and made a strange handprint with the other hand.

This is a sacrifice.

——It is a kind of sacrifice method created by oneself.

Liu Jing thought quietly.

I saw streaks of light rushing up into the sky and disappearing in an instant.

Liu Ping found that he was just watching this scene quietly, and said something in an imperceptible tone:

"Everyone, please find a way to survive."

The screen flashed away.

It's another moment.

Liu Ping returned to the tower.

——Standing here, you can overlook the whole world. I usually feel very good when I stand here, but today it is completely different.

The being, wearing huge black scales, descended from the sky and looked at him.

It spoke in a majestic voice:

"It's time, why is everyone missing?"

"Because I let everyone escape."


"Yes, what's the point of eating these nutritious guys every day? Come and eat me now if you have the guts."

The screen went dark.

Liu Ping opened his eyes.


it's over.

The room fell silent.

It was as if nothing had happened.

There was only a man with a vicissitudes of face sitting in front of the bed.

"You're awake." He said happily.

"Yes, I'm awake, are you?" Liu Ping asked, getting out of bed and looking around.

The man said enthusiastically: "I am the captain of the third field irrigation and hunting team, Yang Wentian. We found you in the wilderness outside the village. I was afraid that you would be eaten by monsters, so I brought you back. .”

"Hello, I'm Liu Ping——"

Countless memories emerged, making Liu Ping dizzy for a moment.

He pressed his head with his hands, closed his eyes, and let the chaotic memories slowly flow back.


The two knives rose from the ground and landed on his waist again.

A stuck book flew up from the bedside. The thumb-sized book spirit jumped up from the book and landed on his head. Then he buried himself in his hair and let out a comfortable hum.

Liu Ping opened his eyes again.

"You saved me? Thank you very much. I don't know if there is anything I can do to repay you." He said.

"Ah, that's so embarrassing - I heard you are very rich?" Yang Wentian said.

"If your financial situation is not very good, I can really help you improve it."

Liu Ping said, walked to the window, opened the window and looked out.

Under the dark sky.

The huge city wall is as majestic as a mountain.

People were busy nervously, as if preparing for a war.

"You may have just come to Yongye. Let me explain to you. The tide of nightmares has begun to show signs of breaking out. We are preparing to face the enemy." Yang Wentian said.

Liu Ping looked further away and saw some fighting mechas guarding the edge of the city wall.

One by one, combat teams returned from outside the city.

Only after passing the mecha's scan and authentication were they allowed to enter this majestic city.

Everything seemed in order.

"That's it." Liu Ping nodded.

He looked into space.

A line of burning small words appeared in mid-air:

"The historical recorder is connected to this sequence and is delivering the last sentence of Chapter 398 to you. Do you want to check it?"

"Check!" Liu Ping said.

A line of small words jumped out and appeared in front of him:

"Liu Ping held the Baina knife and whispered: 'Some foods are not so easy to eat and may kill you.'"

Liu Ping looked at this line of words quietly and asked thoughtfully: "Sequence, is this the last sentence of Chapter 398?"

"Yes." Sequence responded.

"Then - which chapter has been recorded so far?" Liu Ping asked.

"Chapter 403." Sequence said.

"Where's the back?" he asked.

"There are blank spaces behind it. Only when you complete something and the historical recorder records it will it become a historical existence." Sequence said.

"In other words, the future is still unpredictable?" Liu Ping asked again.

"There are many possibilities in the future - the path you choose and the actions you take will determine the future." Sequence said.

"Okay, got it."

Liu Ping looked at that sentence again.

Some foods... are not easy to eat... and can kill you.

This is already obvious.

At some point in the past, he seemed to have dealt with an extremely powerful being in the nightmare as food.

and after?

Why are there so many black skeletons?

Why did the huge armor obey his orders and even help him kill the guy from the nightmare?

Liu Ping shook his head.

He suddenly remembered something.

No living thing can defeat the nightmare monster.

But in the cave leading to the eternal night, I used the boxing technique I created before to successfully injure it!

Even though the opponent was not in his prime, even though his punches only caused the opponent to bleed a little bit.

But the meaning it represents is by no means ordinary!

This proves that humans can transcend everything set by nightmare monsters to create skills and powers far beyond their grasp.

This is how it is possible to defeat them!

This is the meaning of my countless reincarnations!

Along with his thoughts, lines of burning small characters suddenly appeared in the void:

"You successfully found a way."

"Use your creative power to break out of the setting and create new powers to fight against nightmares."

"In light of this, the 'deception' surrounding 'creation' has disappeared."

"This sequence is about to receive a formal description of 'creation':"

"??? Super strange power: Creation."

"Trigger mechanism:"

"When someone pays you to tell you a certain effect, your creative power begins to activate."

"Based on the amount of remuneration the other party gives, your own experience, skills and knowledge level, you will create the corresponding level."

"——In order to protect the 'creation' from being detected, you once used 'deception', but it is no longer necessary."

Collect all the fine print.

Liu Ping turned his head and looked at the team leader named Yang Wentian again.

"What do you want? Wealth? Or something else? How about I give you some advice?" Liu Ping said.

"You are all so strong. If you can give me some advice... of course I welcome it." Yang Wentian said.

Liu Ping crossed his arms, walked back and forth in front of the window, and whispered:

"Look, you saved my life. My life is of extraordinary value. This is enough reward, isn't it?"

Yang Wentian didn't know why, so he echoed "Yes".

Liu Ping looked into the void.

I saw lines of burning small characters jumping out and floating in the void:

"The other party has already paid the reward, and now we can launch a creation for him."

"'Creation' has been activated."

"Its power surrounds you, controlling all strange powers for your use."

"You know all the knowledge and skills in the world."

"Please start creating."

"What you create will be equal to the reward: 'Yu Ping's life'."

Liu Ping's eyes flashed.

"Come on, tell me, besides money, do you have any other wishes, such as improving your strength, improving your moves, or learning new skills?" He rubbed his hands and asked.

Yang Wentian hesitated and said:

"That money——"

"Money is nothing, it's just the most superficial currency. You can get more valuable things from me, such as becoming stronger!" Liu Ping said.

Yang Wentian looked thoughtful and murmured: "But what I am practicing is Guizang's Most Excellent Martial Arts Sutra. As long as I study it step by step, I can continue to master new powers."

Liu Ping was startled.

Is he practicing martial arts?

Also, since I created martial arts scriptures in the past era, these latecomers can naturally practice them.


Something always seemed wrong.

"I need to think about it carefully." Yang Wentian said.

"You think first, think clearly about what you need, so that I can help you." Liu Ping said.

Feeling something in his heart, he stood up and pushed the door open.

Yana stood at the door.

"I know you're awake, but I wanted to give you a little more time to calm down, so I didn't bother you." She smiled.

"It's okay, where are we?" Liu Ping asked.

"follow me."

Yana led him towards another big house.

The door to the room opens.

I saw a few people already sitting here.

Li Changxue held the sword in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. He looked at Liu Ping and said, "It seems that he has recovered."

Maria's eyes moved between Yana and Liu Ping.

A white cat was holding biscuits on the table and eating its mouth full of crumbs.

On the other side of the table.

Several old acquaintances were sitting there, looking at Liu Ping with smiles.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The two men waved to Liu Ping.

Libertas, Norton!

"It's you! Huh? You haven't lost your memory?" Liu Ping said in surprise.

"After you fix history, we will remember that we were reincarnated from nightmares." Libertas said.

"Yes, we have been following her and made a lot of preparations in advance." Norton pointed to the other side.

At another corner of the table, a baby girl floats in mid-air.

"Shui Shu, Hua Qingkong, and the spirits on the prisoners!" Liu Ping lost his voice.

"Yes, I have been entrusted to look after this country for you for hundreds of years." The baby girl glanced at him, holding a cup of tea and drinking it slowly.

"Kingdom? What does kingdom mean?" Liu Ping couldn't help but ask.

"you forgot?"

The baby girl sighed and whispered: "I don't blame you. After all, you have become a mess in the timeline. I'm afraid no one knows what you did except time itself."

She snapped her fingers.

In mid-air, a light and shadow suddenly appeared.

In that light and shadow, Liu Ping stood together with two other vague figures.

A figure made a male voice:

"We won this battle. I just hope you can survive after absorbing that power."

Another figure made a female voice:

"All sentient beings in this world will be placed in eternal night by us until one day——"

The man said: "You found a way to defeat that monster."

"Once that time comes..."

The woman whispered: "The real world will become the kingdom of eternal night, and the glory of mankind will once again be restored."

Liu Ping was shocked.

In the void, two lines of burning small characters appeared:

"If you don't remember what happened, please read chapter 257 of the historical record."

"From now on, there is a fee to view the past."

"No need to look, I remember." Liu Ping blurted out.

——Yes, one of these two figures is the Lord of Time, and the other is the Lord of Mystery!

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