Infernal Artist

Chapter 538 The Ghost of Sin (please vote for this big chapter!)

In a gloomy canyon.

Several figures flew between the rugged cliffs.

"We have been traveling for two hours, how long does it take to get there?" Delia asked.

"Soon!" Alan said.

He made a warning gesture.

Everyone became nervous and drew their weapons.

An eagle flew to the top of the cliff ahead and said humanly: "I found a cave."

"What kind of cave is it?" Alan asked.

"There seem to be dusty steps inside, extending deep into the mountain." Fei Ying said.

"That's right there! By the way, are there any enemies?"

"not found."


The few people accelerated their flying speed and soon passed through the wind-eroded stone forest and landed in front of a hidden cave on the mountainside.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the whistling sound of wind wandering back and forth in the cave at an extremely fast speed.

Alande looked at Liu Ping and said, "I remember that practitioners have spiritual thoughts and can explore the surrounding situation."

"It's very empty inside. Apart from the steps extending continuously downward, there is nothing else to find." Liu Ping said.

The assassin and the practitioner spoke exactly the same words, and Alan was relieved.

"Let's go in and find out."

Alande said.

They entered the cave and immediately saw a long dusty stone staircase leading to nowhere.

One side of the stone steps leans against the rock wall, and the other side is a bottomless cliff. From time to time, bursts of shrill wind howl from the dark void below, making people feel chilly.

"Fire light." Alan muttered.

A ball of flame emerged from his hand and floated into the air, lighting up the path ahead.

"The assassin is in front, the cultivator and sniper are slower and follow behind. Delia and I will take care of each other." He quickly arranged his men.

Liu Ping took a few steps back and raised his knife to protect Xie Liuming's side.

Xie Liuming glanced at Liu Ping with admiration.

He is a sniper, and once he gets close, he won't be able to show his strength.

This practitioner knows how to protect himself, which is pretty good.

The team headed deeper into the cave along the steps.


Liu Ping saw a line of small words appearing on the expeditionary army sequence interface in the void:

"It seems like there is something invisible hiding in the dark watching us. I can feel it, but I can't find it." Eagle.

——This is an assassin.

He issued an early warning to the entire team through the interface!

Several people had serious expressions on their faces.

Alande calmly took out a pair of glasses and put them on.

Delia also took out a purple pendant and hung it on her chest.

On the expeditionary force sequence interface, two lines of small words suddenly appeared:

"I didn't notice it. My glasses can only see invisible units. The other party's concealment technique may be stronger than ordinary invisibility." Alande.

"Same for me. My pendant can see targets with murderous intentions, but I didn't find anything unusual." Delia said.

Liu Ping looked at it and couldn't help turning his head to look at the sniper Xie Liuming beside him.

Xie Liuming showed embarrassment on his face and whispered: "They are rich and have many merit points, so they can buy such high-end equipment. I don't have such spare money."

Liu Ping understood and whispered: "They are big guys, we can't compete with them."

"That's right." Xie Liuming nodded repeatedly.

Liu Ping glanced around and saw that Arland's flame illuminated a large area, but no one had been here for a long time, and he could only see the walls and steps covered with thick dust.

There is nothing beyond the cliff.

But he knew the feeling that Eagle was talking about.

There really seemed to be something spying on his group in the dark.

Liu Ping suddenly focused his eyes.

He saw two lines of small words emerging in the void a few hundred meters away from the steps:

"Evil-Breaking Dragon Spirit."

"Heroic spirit dragons can directly trigger the evil cause and effect on the target and cause attacks on the target."

——This guy is spying in secret!

Liu Ping lowered his head, pretended not to see anything, and continued to follow the team forward.


The two lines of words began to move in the void, gradually approaching the team.

The eagle standing at the front of the team suddenly said: "Everyone, be careful, I feel something is about to attack -"

Before he could finish his sentence, those two lines suddenly appeared above his head.

In the flash of lightning, many ghost figures suddenly appeared around him, circling around him.

"What is this?" Eagle asked strangely.

Alande waved his hand.

Everyone attacked the ghosts together, but they couldn't hit them at all.

"It's useless," Delia shook her head. "These are the karmic sins of the eagle. It was triggered and became a ghost - only the eagle can attack them."

"Is it a cause-and-effect sin? I'm in trouble this time." Alan's brows knitted together.

While several people were talking, Ying had used all his strength to stab the ghost figures with two daggers in his hands.

But there are more and more ghosts.

Those ghosts and shadows merged together from time to time, flashing through numerous light and shadow scenes from the past, all of which were scenes of him killing sentient beings.

All the lights and shadows were spinning around him, making it dizzying.

In a picture of light and shadow, a man stared at the eagle, his eyes bleeding and said: "I promoted you at the beginning, but you killed me in the end."

Eagle's movements slowed down and he began to become a little confused.

"It's over." Alan whispered.

The man suddenly turned into a skeleton, passed through the gap of the dagger, bit the eagle's head directly, and pulled off the whole head with a slight pull.

Other light and shadow images suddenly condensed into ghost images again.

They swarmed.

These densely packed ghosts were like gray humanoid beings. They completely disintegrated the eagle in an instant and swallowed them all, leaving only dripping blood on the steps.

When the eagle's body was completely eaten, the ghosts gradually became dim and soon disappeared into the void.

There was silence all around.

"How did such a stupid guy pass the test and be sent as an advance guard? Those people at the headquarters are all idiots," Alan sneered.

"We need to add one more manpower tomorrow." Delia said thoughtfully.

The next moment.

Liu Ping saw the evil-breaking dragon spirit in the void flying to Aland's head again.

Suddenly, many ghosts appeared around Alande.

There were more and more of these ghosts, pressing towards him like an overwhelming mountain.

Compared with what happened to the eagle just now, it pales into insignificance.

"Instead of blaming the headquarters, you should first figure out how to deal with this kind of attack. You and I have killed countless living beings. In terms of cause and effect, our sins are very serious." Delia said.

"If it's just these ghosts, I'm not afraid."

Alande said disdainfully, reaching out and grabbing a card from the void.

He crushed the card.


A white staff appeared in his hand.

"This is the holy scepter of salvation obtained in exchange for 50 points of merit. Whoever comes will perish."

Alande chuckled.

However, the next second, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

The void opens.

Another world appears before everyone's eyes.

In that world, endless ghost shadows were overwhelmingly attacking him.

——The sinful energy condensed in the lives he had killed at the time of death all manifested into ghosts of sin, rushing towards him regardless of the consequences.

"Ah - all die!"

Alande shouted.

The scepter emits a holy light that reaches the sky, melting away all the ghosts that rush up.

But there were too many ghosts.

Not long after, the holy light on the scepter gradually dimmed.

"Boss, be careful!" Sniper Xie Liuming shouted from a distance behind.

"You don't have to worry about it, it's just a sin!" The expression on Alande's face gradually became distorted.

He gritted his teeth, pulled out another card from the void, and crushed it.

"Come on," he yelled, "I wasted 300 points of merit, now you all will die!"

A sparkling tear-shaped diamond appeared in his hand, emitting a hazy holy light.

Those holy lights illuminated the surroundings, shining on Alande's body, reflecting a long, huge dark figure behind him.

In the void, all the ghosts and shadows were illuminated by the dim light and disappeared immediately.

Time passes slowly.

All ghosts were erased.

Alan then put away the diamond and laughed nervously.

"You want to stop my killing for a mere crime? Our life is like this. It doesn't understand the cruelty of this world at all." He said in a arrogant tone.

"Be careful." Liu Ping said suddenly.

Alande looked towards Liu Ping and was about to say something when he suddenly noticed that his surroundings flashed and the whole world disappeared from his eyes.

"What's going on?" His face darkened and he took out the diamond again.

The diamond emits a hazy holy light, illuminating the surrounding area.

Alande quickly saw the surrounding scene clearly and was stunned.

He found himself standing on a giant black hand.

Looking up along the hand, I saw a ghost figure as big as a mountain sitting in the void, looking down.

In addition to this huge ghost figure, there is an even bigger ghost hand holding this ghost figure. Its body is as big as the sky and the earth, and its exhaustion cannot be seen.

A sudden realization came to Alande's mind.

His sins seemed to go beyond the ordinary.

There is no way to survive this time.

The only way is——

He gritted his teeth, took out a card, and shouted: "Substitute of Destiny!"

the other side.

On the long steps, Liu Ping and others only saw a flash of darkness, and Aland disappeared from sight.

Waited for a few breaths.

On the Expeditionary Force sequence interface, a line of small words appeared next to Arland’s avatar:

"Resigned from the position of captain."

Liu Ping couldn't help but asked: "What is going on?"

Delia sighed and said: "He used a very precious card and let someone bear all the sins on his behalf."

"Then what should we do? We don't have such a card - by the way, let's run away!" Sniper Xie Liuming couldn't help but said.

Without waiting for the two to answer, he turned around suddenly and ran towards the road he came from.

There was a flash of void.

Hundreds of ghosts appeared, biting him, and then dispersed.

Xie Liuming no longer exists.

At this moment, only Liu Ping and Delia were left on this dusty step.

"Do you have the means to escape back?" Liu Ping asked.

"There are only a few hundred merit points, which is not enough to redeem." Delia said boredly.

"Then why don't you run away?" Liu Ping said.

Delia's eyes moved, but she didn't say anything.


Thousands of ghosts spread out around her, showing scenes from the past.

Among those scenes were scenes of her killing all living beings, including many humans.

Delia folded her arms and stood there watching quietly.

Those who had been killed by her, as well as other living beings, all appeared in front of her, and they roared at her with a sad and vicious voice:

"Delia, your sinful life has come to an end. Please repay the debt you owe."

"Pay for your life! Pay for your life!"

"Come and die!"

Thousands of curse words turned into strong winds, flying back and forth in the dark cave.

Delia closed her eyes and said lazily: "Forget it, I have been killing for many years, I am a little tired, and I gradually feel that there is nothing to look forward to. Maybe it would be better to die like this."

Liu Jing looked at her calmly.

The title of "the confused woman surrounded by bones" above her head turned out to mean that her life was completely confused.

The next moment.

Liu Ping suddenly reached out his hand and pulled her away.

Longlin staggered with Delia.

But it immediately unleashed some attack on Liu Ping.

Lines of burning small characters suddenly appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:


"You and Delia were hit at the same time, and the cause and effect of your sins will become ghost images."

"Please immediately equip the Saint's Name: Tide Icon."

Liu Ping took the name on his head without hesitation.

Almost at the same moment, dense ghost figures flew out of the surrounding void.

They kept flying around the two of them, but they didn't dare to get close at all.

This situation seemed to annoy the ghosts.

All of a sudden.

Everything around him disappeared.

Liu Ping and Delia appeared together in an unknown world.

The entire world is filled with mountains of white bones, and further away, there are skeletons as large as mountains.

"I didn't expect you killed many people." Delia looked around and said to Liu Ping.

"You killed a lot." Liu Ping replied.

"I kill people for the survival of the human race, for the continuation of the human race...what are you doing for this?" Delia asked.

"Happy." Liu Ping said.

"Is it because of this?" Delia raised her voice.

"Oh... I'm still unhappy." Liu Ping said.

Delia was stunned for a moment and sighed: "...You devil, it seems that none of us will be spared and will all die here."

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

However, those bones remained motionless and did not launch any attacks.

Suddenly, two lines of burning small characters appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"You are a saint recognized by the vast world. You have taught countless sentient beings with your wisdom, and you will continue to teach countless sentient beings in the future. All sentient beings will benefit."

"Because you have such immeasurable merits, the ghosts of sin cannot come near you."

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