Infernal Artist

Chapter 540 Three Statues


The four members of the advance team had already fought one round and returned to the camp for a short rest.


Their expressions all moved.

"The captain's side has been reduced in combat."

"haha, yes!"

"It's the assassin—wait, there's the sniper!"

"That's right."

Several people stood up and looked at the expedition force interface in front of them.

after awhile.

"Alander has lost his position as captain. It seems that he has no meritorious service." A strong man holding a giant hammer said.

"Since he's not the captain—"

"Hehe, this guy has been depriving us of our merits because of his position as captain. Let me tell you..."

"It takes some effort to avoid sequence detection, or simply apply to enter a new mode directly."

"It has to be a surprise... I know you are all interested, why not try it together?"

Several people looked at each other and laughed.


Huge bronze doors opened to both sides.

Three magnificent statues of dragons came into view.

If you look carefully, these dragon statues are a bit too gorgeous and divorced from reality.

——The dragon tribe has an almost pathological enthusiasm for the pursuit of beauty, so much so that they often lead fashion trends in many worlds.

For example, the eyes of these three statues are not traditional vertical pupils, but large and round pupils that are misty, crystal clear, and round.

They once even had heart-shaped eyes.

But that's outdated.

Nowadays, this kind of cute eye pupils is popular——

When killing people, staring with such eyes will make them appear more innocent, which is very conducive to the image of the ethnic group.

Liu Ping and others looked under the three statues.

I saw a groove under the first statue, and a human word was written under the groove:


Under the second statue, there is also a groove with a word written underneath:


There is also a groove under the third statue with a sentence:

"Personal weapons."

Behind these three statues is a door filled with terrifying spells.

"You two, can you break open that door?" Liu Ping asked.

"No, it can kill us in an instant." Delia said.

"It seems that you have to meet the conditions of these three statues before you can enter that door." Alande thought.

"I don't think so. The dragon clan's way of thinking has always been different from ours." Delia said.

"Why don't you find someone to go up and try first?" Alan asked.

He looked directly at Liu Ping.

Liu Ping didn't take it too seriously. After all, he seemed to be the weakest among the three.

He went straight to the first statue.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a few steps, he was stopped by Delia.

"Your strength is still a bit lacking, and the Dragon Clan is notoriously difficult to deal with. I'd better give it a try first," she said.

Liu Ping showed gratitude, clasped his fists and said, "Delia, I have always been grateful for your care, and I will definitely repay you in the future."

After speaking, he glanced at the three dragon-shaped statues.

They say dragons are smart——

Those dragons, if you are really watching this scene, you should know from my words that this is my friend and you cannot harm her.

——The green dragon is still in my hand.

Seeing him say this, Delia and Alan both shook their heads and laughed.

"It seems that Delia protected you just now in the ghost shadow. I wonder how you can survive intact." Alande said with a smile.

Delia smiled and said: "Liu Ping, we are on the same team. I am the temporary captain now, so naturally I have to go first. You don't have to thank me for anything."

She walked directly to the first dragon-shaped statue, looked at the two words "treasure" engraved on it, thought for a moment, and took out a gem from her arms.

"This is a gem I found from a ruined ruins. It is said to be very rare -"

She raised the gem against the faint light in the hall.

The light shines through the gem, emitting wisps of deep rose-red light, creating bursts of beautiful and blurry shadows in the darkness.

The shadow seemed to have vitality, constantly changing its shape with the breath of the wind.

"It's the Holy Origin Crystal...Oh my god, is she crazy..."

Alande muttered absently.

Liu Ping's eyes fell on the gem, and lines of small burning characters suddenly appeared in front of his eyes:

"Holy Origin Crystal."

"A rare thing."

"It can transform all darkness, giving it the properties of light and becoming a sacred thing."

"——Light is the source of everything. Even darkness needs light to set off."

"——Priceless treasure."

Liu Ping was also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Delia actually took out such a treasure.

"Hey, that one is very expensive, why did you give that to the Dragon Clan?" He shouted from a distance.

"With it, I always can't figure out what is light and what is darkness, so why not give it away." Delia said.

After speaking, she placed the gem into the groove.


There was a soft sound from the groove.

Immediately afterwards, a magnificent and majestic voice sounded in the hall:

"Respectable melee mage, you are willing to pay for such a treasure. The Dragon Clan will never treat such a generous friend like you badly."

The dragon-shaped statue seemed to come to life, with its head facing downwards and spitting out a treasure chest towards Delia.

Delia stretched out her hand.

The treasure chest fluttered in front of her and opened automatically.

I saw that the treasure chest was filled with countless gems, and the light they emitted directly illuminated the entire hall.

The magnificent sacred source crystal is also in the treasure box.

It flew up and landed in Delia's hands again, reflecting her into a holy and graceful portrait.

Alan stood not far away, put on his glasses and took a glance, and suddenly let out a heavy breathing sound.

"A total of 8888 merit points are worth! Delia, you have made a fortune!"

He said with some jealousy.

"How much is 8888 points?" Liu Ping asked.

"Of course, if we fight tooth and nail for a day, we can only get two to three hundred merit points, and we are in danger of dying at any time." Alande said.

Delia smiled and said: "I'm a little surprised that the Dragon Clan is so generous, but since it's been given to me, I'll accept it."

She reached out and pressed on the treasure box, and the treasure box disappeared immediately.

After doing all this, Delia looked at the second statue.

She was about to walk over when she heard that majestic voice sound again:

"A person can only have one choice. Don't be greedy, otherwise you will have to face death."

Delia had to stop.

Liu Ping and Alan looked at each other.

"You have a dragon corpse, maybe it can work, why not give it a try?" Alande tentatively asked.

"Okay, I'll go." Liu Ping said.

This is an honest way to hand over the green dragon, and will not arouse the suspicion of Alande and Delia.

Liu Ping even felt that this was the handover method that the Dragon Clan had prepared long ago.

He came to the statue step by step and said to himself:

"I only have the dragon's body, and I don't know if it can meet the requirements - is there any danger?"

He drew the dragon card and placed it in the card slot under the dragon statue.

The card disappeared instantly.

The void above the main hall retreated to both sides like a curtain.

A ring fell down and floated silently in front of Liu Ping.

At the same time, the majestic voice sounded again:

"Respectable practitioner, this is the emblem of friendship of our Dragon Clan. As long as you wear it on your hand, wherever there are Dragon Clan, you can go and we will treat you as a friend."

At the same time, the exact same instructions appeared on the heroic spirit operation interface in front of Liu Ping.

This is really the "emblem of friendship of the Dragon Clan"!

It seems that these dragons are very grateful to me for saving the green dragon.


Liu Ping put the ring on his finger.

He looked towards the other two.

Delia smiled and said: "Congratulations, the dragon tribe rarely trusts outsiders. If you can get this ring, your future journey will be much easier."

"The place where the dragon clan is located is either filled with treasures or contains extremely valuable secrets - Liu Ping, you are in luck." Alande also followed suit.

He stared at the ring on Liu Ping's finger, not wanting to move his eyes away.

"You have to be careful about him." Delia said in a worried voice.

"Yeah." Liu Ping responded.

In mid-air, that majestic voice sounded again:

"There is one last statue left. The remaining person, if you don't have the courage to step forward, please withdraw from our treasure house."

Alan stood up and said loudly: "Who said I don't have courage?"

He finally looked away from Liu Ping's ring, first glanced at Delia, and then looked at Liu Ping.

Both men received nice rewards.

Will I be inferior to them?

He strode to the third statue, looked at the words "Personal Weapons" written on the base of the statue, hesitated briefly, and took out the sword at his waist.

"This is the sword of the Sword Master. It is extremely sharp and rare in the world. I will dedicate it to the Dragon Clan today."

Aland said loudly.

He followed Delia and Liu Ping's example and placed the long sword in the groove.

Liu Ping shook his head imperceptibly.

A swordsman actually abandoned his sword.

His behavior can actually be regarded as a loss of Taoism in the world of spiritual practice.

The sword is the swordsman's most loyal comrade.

How can I practice kendo if I even give up the sword I carry with me?


The long sword was put into the groove and let out an uneven whine.

It disappeared instantly.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

There was no reaction in mid-air.

Alan couldn't help but said: "What's going on now? Like the first two, I completed my contribution according to your requirements."

Just when he was getting more and more restless, the void moved.

He saw an emerald-green war helmet falling from the sky and landing in front of him.

At the same time, that magnificent and majestic voice sounded again:

"Congratulations, mortal, you have won our trust with your courage and contribution, and thus obtained this special green dragon war helmet."

Alan couldn't wait to take the helmet in his hand, put the lens on his left eye, and looked at it carefully.

"A special creation of the Dragon Clan - Zhi Nao cannot explain further - what is the use of your helmet?" He raised his head and asked.

"The green dragon war helmet means that you are one of our dragon clan's own. As long as you wear this helmet at any time in the future, all the dragon clan will treat you as the most important guest and prepare all the treasures you want for you." The voice said.

Alande clenched his helmet, and a wave of dragon-like power suddenly emitted from the helmet.

As soon as he let go of his hand, the fluctuation disappeared.

He quickly tightened his grip on his helmet.

The fluctuations emerged slowly, steadily emitting power fluctuations in all directions.

Alande wiped the sweat from his cheeks, and it took him a long time to utter a sentence:

"'s quite a bargain."

He put on the helmet and knocked it with his hand, making a pleasant metallic sound.

"It's pretty solid."

Alande said happily.

Not far away, Liu Ping glanced at his emerald green battle helmet.

Lines of burning small characters appeared before his eyes:

"No fraud can be hidden from you."

"You saw through the various dragon spells covering the battle helmet, and helped this sequence understand the true function of this battle helmet."

"War Helmet: Emerald Helmet of Hatred."

"Creation of the Dragon Clan."

"Cannot be removed during combat."

"This helmet has extremely strong self-protection capabilities. It is not responsible for the defense work. All injuries will be borne by the wearer first. After the wearer dies, the helmet will automatically detach."

"The wearer's personal charm is reduced by 10."

"Special function: When the dragon attack spell hits the wearer of this war helmet, the damage will be increased by 1000%."

"When all dragons see this helmet, they will know that the person wearing this helmet is the dragon's mortal enemy. They must try every means to kill him. Remember this!"

Liu Ping was looking at the prompt, and Delia had already frowned.

"Aland, your helmet is too green. It doesn't match the silver-scaled and gold-patterned armor you're wearing. It's ugly."

She said bluntly.

Alande was high-spirited and laughed: "This is a dragon creation, very strong - you women really like to care about insignificant things."

"I just feel uncomfortable, forget it, whatever you want." Delia tilted her head, too lazy to look at him again.

Liu Ping lowered his head silently, also not wanting to say anything.

——These dragon cubs are too cruel.

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