Infernal Artist

Chapter 554 Work Dinner

The soul remains as it was in life.

He had a thick beard, gray hair, glasses, and a hospital gown.

The dazzling white light gradually faded away.

The soul opened its eyes and looked towards the three holy beings in the passage.

"'s you again."

he muttered.

Liu Ping saw an extra line of words on his interface:

"The target awakens the memory fragments of his past life, and his evaluation increases by one level."

The other two people were also staring into space.

——Obviously, everyone noticed that the situation has changed.

"Mortal, you remember the last time you arrived at the gate of heaven, don't you?" the three-meter-tall guy said.

The soul thought for a while and said: "Yes, I remember that I have arrived at the gate of heaven countless times but failed to enter it."

The three-meter-tall guy said in a majestic tone: "That's because you have not yet become a true, kind and beautiful individual, so you cannot enter heaven."

The soul said: "Looking back at the past, I have tried my best to benefit the world. Am I still unable to go to heaven?"

"Not even close."

"...I have lived enough. I don't want to taste all the love, hate and separation in the world, and I don't want to experience all kinds of pain and irreparable tragedies. If I can't enter heaven, please show me another way."

The words fell.

Liu Ping found that there were two more lines of small words on his interface:

"Warning: This soul has awakened its wisdom."

"Warning: This soul has developed a consciousness that is out of control and is on the verge of independence."

"Find a way to reincarnate immediately, otherwise the forced reincarnation mode will be activated and your salary will be deducted."

Liu Ping found that both "colleagues" were shaking.

Salary it so scary?

A line of small words suddenly appeared on the interface: "408721, I remember you wrote this person's fate script - can you help?"

Liu Ping stared at this line of words and suddenly remembered that the guy who tried to kill Delia had a conversation with him——

"The way you speak, it's as if everything about me was designed."

"That's true, but you did a very good job in the designed script, which can be regarded as a very good fruit."

...If I really deceived everything here, then I will definitely be able to retrieve relevant things!

Liu Ping looked at the interface and muttered silently: "Retrieve the current character's life script."

A book suddenly appeared on the interface.

On the cover of the book, there is a line of small words written: "The main experiences of the current soul in the next life (unfinished) (can be edited at any time)."

Liu Ping said: "Start editing."

The book opened immediately, revealing several scrawled pages.

Liu Ping scanned ten lines in one glance.

——This kind of life is totally meaningless!

Might as well re-edit.

He just did what he said, following the prompts on the Heroic Spirit operating interface, and quickly compiled a new life.

"Can I show it to him?" Liu Ping asked in his heart.

A line of burning small words appeared: "It's possible. You have this authority. Just think about the other person's life and say 'Embodiment'."

Liu Ping read: "Exhibit now."


A book appeared in his hand.

"Take it and read it. This is all the things you will do in the next life, and the general experience is in it."

The book flew some distance and landed in the hands of the soul.

Soul hesitated for a moment, then opened the book and started reading.

"What? I will be the king of a country? With a queen, four concubines, eight concubines, and thirty-six serving maids?" he asked in surprise.

"You have countless lands and people. You have to take good care of them. This is your mission in your last life." Liu Ping said.

The soul continued to turn over the pages and read: "Defeat the surrounding countries, establish a powerful country, be called the emperor of the ages, search for the saints, and hopefully become a person who ascends in the day - wait, the word 'ascend in the day'... It doesn’t seem like it belongs in our sacred paradise.”

He looked up at Liu Ping in confusion.

The other two "angels" also looked at Liu Ping.

Liu Ping said seriously: "Actually, our words were used by those shameless foreigners, and then you failed to protect the culture. In the end, they promoted it as theirs - our culture became their words. .”

"Then it's true that we didn't do a good job." Soul said with shame.

"Go, your mission has not been completed yet, so you need to enter the mortal reincarnation for the last time." Liu Ping said.

"Do you want to be reincarnated again?" Soul sighed tiredly.

It took a look at the life script in its hand, and suddenly felt that it was not so resistant.

"Okay, this is the last time, please send me there." Soul said.

All three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

The voice of the big "angel" became softer, and he whispered: "You have discovered a white passage, which emits soft light and cures all your fatigue... You are about to return to the world again to complete your mission. "

The soul turned into a stream of light, flew back along the long passage, and quickly disappeared from the sight of the three people.

A beautiful voice sounded:

"The work is over for today."

Immediately afterwards, two lines of small words appeared on the interface of the three people at the same time:

“The product level has been raised to another level.”

"Bonus plus 100."

"Professional Designer and Script Engineer No. 408721 has completed the work of persuading the high-level soul to return, and the merit will be increased by 20."

Liu Ping smiled and found the total value of his merits from the interface——


Only 20 points in total?

What about this guy's previous achievements?

He clicked on the interface, looked carefully, and finally found an entry from the past records:

"Say goodbye to the rare character in person, spend merit: 1000 points."

It turned out that just going to see Delia had cost him all his efforts!

——and was killed.

From this point of view, No. 408721 is just a very ordinary existence.

Liu Ping thought thoughtfully.

"100 yuan, that's great. I decided to treat you two to dinner and a drink by the way. Thank you for helping me solve this difficult soul!" said the three-meter-tall guy.

"Let's go. It's been a tiring day today. My back and legs are sore -" the other guy said, moving his shoulders and neck with great effort.

"Let's go." Liu Ping agreed.

The words fell.

A slowly opened door appeared behind him, with three words written on it:

"locker room."

The three of them filed in and continued along the passage. They soon saw a huge room filled with wardrobes.

The three-meter-tall guy walked to a cabinet numbered "408720" and pressed it lightly.

A light lit up on the cabinet door and swept across his body.

The spiked Nightmare Embrace on his body suddenly fell off and disappeared.

——I saw that his body was a tree man composed of countless branches.

The shorter guy also took off his Nightmare Embrace, but he was a bald dwarf.

He was a bit fat, wearing a plaid shirt, and was only as tall as Liu Ping's waist. He had a big red beard with some paint on it, which made him look somewhat funny.

His number is "408719".

"My beard?" He was keenly aware of Liu Ping's gaze, and he helplessly spread his hands and said, "Damn it, I just said that those inkjet engraving machines in the character design room are not designed to be used, and they never improve."

"Yeah, they never improve." Liu Ping followed, taking off the Nightmare Embrace and putting it in the closet.

"Teleport, the three of us, go to the corpse top restaurant."

Shuren said.

The three people immediately disappeared from the place.

The next second.

Liu Ping found himself in a restaurant overlooking the outside.

He looked out through the large floor-to-ceiling glass.

In the void darkness outside, there lay a body that stretched like a majestic mountain range.

The corpse was wearing a robe that exuded holy light. Although it was motionless, it still made people feel a strange feeling of awe and warmth intertwined in their hearts.

The dwarf glanced outside and sighed: "No matter how many times I see it, it still makes people feel extremely shocked - doesn't it?"

"Of course." Liu Ping answered.

The tree man followed up and said, "Every time I see God's body, I feel like I'm dreaming."

The three of them were silent for a while.

A soft voice suddenly broke the silent atmosphere: "You three, what would you like to eat?"

"Okay, let's go eat." Shuren said.

"Let's go." The dwarf turned around and forced himself not to look at the corpse.

Liu Ping took a step back, his eyes still fixed on the corpse.

He noticed that a line of large characters suddenly appeared on the huge corpse:

"Corpse: The Lord Who Knows All and All Power."

the other side.

in a certain world.

A baby is born.

He opened his eyes in his swaddle and looked around quietly.

A man wearing a crown is hugging himself with a smile on his face.

……very good.

It seems that as that person said, he will be the emperor for eternity in this life.

But what does that last paragraph in that book really mean?

He silently recalled the words that quietly appeared on the last page of the book:

"Don't come into contact with Qigui."

"I repeat, don't come into contact with Qigui."

"——Wait until I come to you!"

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