Infernal Artist

Chapter 559 Flesh and Blood

"How was school today?"


"Did you listen to the teacher carefully?"

"Of course, I got first place in the exam this time!"


"Yeah, how could I lie."

At the school gate, a middle-aged man who came to pick up Liu Ping stopped.

He looked towards the school gate and soon saw the gentle male teacher.

"Hello teacher, 0880 said he got first place in the exam——"

"Ah, yes, your child is great. He is indeed number one, and he is number one in the whole grade."

"That's it..."

The middle-aged man looked at Liu Ping.

Liu Ping's face was full of expectation for praise.

The middle-aged man remained motionless. . .

But Liu Ping clearly saw that the monster who transformed into a middle-aged man was wiping his saliva vigorously.

An idea suddenly popped up in Liu Ping's heart.

It wants to eat me.

——And he can’t wait to eat me.

The teacher suddenly stretched out his hand and gently pressed on the middle-aged man's shoulder, and said in a kind tone: "Go back and let 0880 have a good rest. Tomorrow he will undergo the last manifestation of this year."

The middle-aged man was shocked and said, "What? Did you give him the qualification to manifest?"

"Yes, so he needs a good rest tonight." There was a hint of warning in the teacher's tone.

The middle-aged man came back to his senses, smiled and touched Liu Ping's head, and said, "Well done, don't be proud!"

"I'm not proud." Liu Ping said with a smile.

——The teacher's tone just now was like warning the guy next to him not to eat him.

"Okay, you go back."

The teacher smiled at Liu Ping, turned around, and walked towards the other parents.

"0880, let's go back." The middle-aged man said.

"Okay." Liu Ping said.

It was dusk at this time, the sun was shining its last golden light, and the bright moon had just emerged, hanging in the blue sky like a flawless jade.

The wind blows.

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand, took Liu Ping's hand, and walked back on the spacious and clean road.


Liu Ping blinked.

The street in front of him suddenly turned into a squirming mass of flesh and blood, and the bright red muscles on the outside revealed faces full of resentment from time to time.

The sun is one eyeball and the moon is another.

They looked at the earth alternately, as if they wanted to find something in this real world.


There are a few lines of small text added to the nightmare setting interface:

"The application was successful."

"0880 has been given the opportunity to manifest."

"0880 is temporarily under protection, and all tasks are suspended."

Task...suspension of issuance...what does it mean?

Liu Ping was just thinking when he suddenly saw a message labeled "Class Communication" pop up on the interface:

"Boss, I am 0810. Do you know what the sleeping mission is?"

"I don't know, but I hope you will be more careful." Liu Ping said.

"Okay, today I followed the boss and I did well in the exam. My parents said they would reward me with a sleep mission." The tone of the other person's voice sounded very happy.

As soon as this sentence came out, several other teenagers also sent out communications.

"Are you on a sleeping mission? I'm on a bathing mission. I don't know what the difference is."

"I am also on a sleeping mission."

"I-Okay, I won't tell you anymore, my mission is about to begin."

Everyone said a few words at once, and suddenly fell into silence at the same time.

On the class communication interface, there is no sound anymore, only rows of new prompts:

"0810 mission in progress;"

"0892 mission in progress;"

"0811 mission in progress;"


Liu took a calm breath, and suddenly an ominous premonition surged through his heart.

He is under protection and does not accept any tasks.

So these teenagers have accepted the mission, what kind of situation will they face?

For some reason, Liu Ping suddenly remembered the "father" beside him.

When he knew that he was ranked first in his grade, the look in his eyes made him want to eat him up right away——

not good!

Liu Ping's heart moved, and he immediately mobilized the strange power in his body.

Lines of burning small characters quickly emerged:

"You have authorized this sequence to use your strange power."

"This sequence has seen through all the false prompt records and is about to show you the real prompt record:"

"Total current class size: 51."

"Number of survivors remaining: 1."

"All feeding completed."

"The soul is about to be replenished, and learning and screening will be carried out again."

Liu Ping looked at these small words with a calm gaze, as if he was looking at some trivial matter that had no impact at all.

The real world turns out to be like this!

"Your mother is here too." the middle-aged man asked.

"Really?" Liu Ping smiled.

At the intersection ahead, under the street lights that had just turned on, a middle-aged woman was waiting.

"I heard that my son got first place in the exam today?" the middle-aged woman said with a smile.

"Yes, am I awesome?" Liu Ping happily held its hand.

——At this moment, he finally knew why the boy summoned the phantoms of his father and mother, but what turned out to be monsters.

Because these guys are monsters!

"Our family's 0880 is the most powerful." "Father" said with a smile.

"Yes, dear son, what do you want to eat tonight?" "Mother" also asked.

"Anything is fine," Liu Ping said.

"That's not okay. You got first place in the exam today. We want to celebrate." "Mother" said.

"How to celebrate?" Liu Ping asked.

"Take you to eat delicious food." "Mother" smiled.

"Yes, today is worth a good meal - let's go to a restaurant." "Father" also said.

They crossed the road and walked forward along the lines of crimson muscles and squirming organs, and finally stopped in front of a church-like house.

The priest standing at the door gave a slight greeting and asked: "Are there three of you?"

"Yes, three." "Father" said.

"Please come inside." The priest extended his hand to guide him.

The church door opens.

I saw that it was full of guests, and the lobby was very lively. People were laughing and making trouble, and some drunk people even started singing.

With a thought in Liu Ping's mind, all illusions disappeared.

The whole hall was empty, there was no sound, there was only a headless skeleton tied to the cross.

"Madam, there happens to be a seat." The priest whispered.

"Ha, I heard that the food here is very good, so I have to queue up every day. I am really lucky today." "Mother" said happily.

It walked inside with the priest, turning back and waving to Liu Ping from time to time: "Come, my baby, I'll let you eat something good today."

Liu Ping said with surprise: "Is the food here really good?"

"Yes, you will definitely not regret eating it." The "father" beside him said in a determined tone.

Liu Ping followed it into the empty lobby, went all the way to the depths of the church, and sat down at a table under the cross.

There was no one around.

The surroundings were very lively, and some people even came over to say hello to the priest.

"Mother" looked at a menu with great interest. Although it was empty, she kept moving her eyes and turning the pages, as if it were full of delicacies.

"Give our little 0880 a piece of this."

"Mother" said enthusiastically, pointing to the blank space on the menu.

Liu Ping withdrew his strange power and looked at the menu, only to see a steak pattern there.

"Is this delicious?" he asked.

"Mother" touched his head lovingly and said softly:

"What mom ordered for you is absolutely delicious."

"I can't wait." Liu Ping said.

"Mother" quickly ordered food for herself and "Father" and handed the menu to the priest.

The priest glanced at Liu Ping and said with a smile: "It turns out that he is this year's champion. It is indeed worth celebrating before the manifestation."

He nodded friendly towards Liu Ping, then turned and left.

It didn't take long.

The priest pushed the dining cart to the table.

He placed two empty plates in front of "Father" and "Mother" and introduced a marine-style gratin and a salad with eight kinds of vegetarian food in a very professional and detailed manner.

"Mother" listened quietly.

"Father" has already picked up the tableware and can't wait to enjoy the non-existent butter baked noodles.

Liu Ping switched his strange power, looked at the noodles appearing on the empty plate, and couldn't help but said: "Father, you must not be able to finish it, give me some."

"Don't--you eat your own--that's a big meal." "Father" said, protecting his plate.

Gee, what a powerful actor!

Liu Ping sighed and looked at the priest again.

The priest brought up the last dinner plate with an iron cover and carefully placed it in front of Liu Ping.

“The best steak in the house—as the school’s annual champion, you deserve it, kid.”

The priest said meaningfully, and then opened the iron cover.

I saw a piece of meat with golden blood stains floating quietly on the dinner plate, emitting an unparalleled holy light.

Two lines of small burning characters flashed in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"You discovered an unknown object:"

“The flesh and blood of God.”

Liu Ping withdrew his strange power and immediately saw a fragrant steak on the dinner plate.

Release the strange power again.

The steak was gone, but the piece of meat covered in golden blood was still floating.

"Eat it while it's hot, kid." "Mother" smiled.

"Yes, this portion is not cheap. Your father and I spent a lot of money on it. Eat it quickly." "Father" also urged.

The priest stood aside and watched this scene quietly.

In the entire church, masses of dark mist gradually rose up, turning into a dense mass of ferocious faces, all staring at Liu Ping.

Liu Ping suddenly smiled and said:

"Okay, then I'll eat it and leave nothing for you."

He picked up the knife and fork, and his eyes fell back on the piece of flesh and blood that belonged to God.

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