Infernal Artist

Chapter 565 Holy Kingdom Card

Clouds float slowly in the clear blue sky.

Liu Ping stood in front of the window, with a thoughtful look on his face.

As a teenager, his brooding look would have been seen more as dull.

However, there is a reason for this sluggishness——

He gently stretched out his hand and touched the silver candlestick on the table.

Lines of burning small characters suddenly appeared:

"Item: Holy Candelabra."

"The attributes cannot be read and are in a seal. This is to avoid leaking the Holy Kingdom's information."

"——The sacred candlestick placed by God in the Holy Hall. When you obtain it, you can know the information about the next sacred card."

"Collecting this card will increase your progress in obtaining the 'Holy Kingdom' deck..."

"The collection method of sacred cards is: sacred ownership."


"The so-called sacred ownership means that you pay a certain amount of property so that it becomes your private property."

Liu Ping couldn't help but think of the doll's words——

"Well, collecting cards also requires you to pay some other things, but compared to the holy power you get in the end, these costs are nothing..."

This damn God.

No wonder he sounded high-sounding at the beginning but ran away in a hurry in the end.

Liu Ping took out the thorn ring, put it on his finger and turned it around.


Why should I pay?

His hand stopped.

I collect Holy Kingdom cards for you, but you want to take my money?

Liu Ping pondered for a few breaths, then picked up a piece of waste paper from the table and handed it to the sacred candlestick.

"Special Effects Artist" activates!

"Deception" activates!

"Look, this is a very valuable multi-colored gem. Next to it, I have seven or eight Soul Diamonds and a small piece of gold. These should be enough."

Liu Ping held the ball of waste paper and said seriously to the candlestick.

Waited for a breath.


The silver candlestick suddenly turned into a card and fell into his hand.

not bad.

Now I don't have to spend any money.

Liu Ping smiled slightly and cast his gaze into the air, looking at the lines of burning small words that had just appeared:

"You got your first heaven card:"

"Holy Menorah."

"Now that you have it, you can use its abilities:"

"The holy light that drives away evil spirits."

"Explanation: A place shrouded in candlelight, where all evil cannot enter."

"(You need to invest money to use the candlestick. It costs one gram of gold per second. If you don't have enough money, you will be kicked out of the scope of the holy light)."

"From this you get a clue to the next Kingdom of Heaven card:"

"Holy Stables."

"It is the stable of the manor. You must be careful not to attract the attention of monsters when collecting it."

Liu Ping almost cursed.

It’s okay to charge money for the candlestick——

Now you're asking me to steal an entire stable--

This thing is so big. If I really stole it, how could I not attract the monster's attention?

He was having a hard time calming down when he saw two lines of small burning letters pop up:

"pay attention:"

"Collecting Holy Stables requires more money. Please prepare funds before you can receive this card."

Liu Ping didn't bother to scold him now.

He fell into silence, looked at the floating clouds in the sky, and thought about it for a long time.

To take over the entire Holy Kingdom... you have enough money?

Liu Ping picked up the thorn ring, somewhat uncertain in his heart.

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the sacred candlestick:

"I am disappointed."

This is the voice of God!

"Aren't you dead?" Liu Ping said.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I was a little excited when I saw the long-lost Holy Kingdom card." God said.

Liu Ping looked down and saw the thorn ring on his hand turning quietly.

"...You must have taken a fancy to my ring." Liu Ping narrowed his eyes.

The ring stopped spinning.

"I just received a piece of scrap paper - if you want to exchange this kind of thing for a Holy Kingdom deck, isn't that a bit too rude?" God asked.

"I risked my life to steal the Holy Kingdom deck for you, but you still want me to pay?" Liu Ping sneered.

"Without spending money, the Holy Kingdom deck will lose its power." God said.

"Why?" Liu Ping asked.

"This is the deepest rule of divine power - wealth represents a kind of perfection, it represents the courage of men and the freedom of women - without money, everything has no dignity, let alone sanctity." God said in a helpless tone .

"...What a ghost." Liu Ping said.

He knew that the other party was not telling lies, so he had to throw the card out again, let it turn into a candlestick, and then took out a piece of gold and slapped it on the table with a "snap".

The candlestick suddenly emitted a burst of holy light, and a faint sound of singing emerged in the air.

The candlestick turned into a card again and fell into Liu Ping's hands.

"How is it? It's different. Just now there was not only the radiance of the manifestation, but also the sound of singing." God said.

"The singing voice seems to be you." Liu Ping said.

"Of course, the card will regain its power only if I personally give it my blessing." God said in a calm tone.


There was a knock on the door outside.

God's voice suddenly stopped.

Liu Ping also put away the cards, coughed lightly and said:

"Please come in."

"Hello, 0880."

A lady wearing a top hat and a gorgeous dress walked in and studied Liu Ping's face carefully.

Liu Ping looked at the noble lady, his eyes flashed, and he immediately saw her true face——

This is actually a monster nearly three meters tall.

Liu Ping couldn't see its true appearance clearly, and could only see a vague outline floating in the mist.

It was different from the father, mother and teacher I had seen before. The aura on it was more powerful and more mysterious.

Actually speaking seriously, the world where "parents" and "teachers" live is a world where ordinary people, that is, ordinary "crops" are harvested.

Entering the manor now——

It's completely different here.

"How are you feeling today?" the lady said in a concerned tone.

"Much better, I guess the fluctuations caused when the power first manifested have subsided." Liu Ping said.

"This is really good news. You can finally start studying." The lady said.

"I'm willing to learn, but I don't know where to start."

"follow me."

The lady took Liu Ping out of the room.

The two of them walked along the silent corridor.

Surrounded by floors of different heights, it looked dark from a distance and it was difficult to see what was inside.

"Teacher, am I the only student?" Liu Ping asked.

"Of course not," the lady laughed, "Your qualifications are unmatched by others. I directly promoted you to the actual combat team and will send you there now."

She led Liu Ping to a dark wall, stepped aside, and said:

"You must survive, fight, hone your skills, and improve your abilities in various dangerous environments. The tasks given to you this time are the tasks I have carefully selected."

"——Go and complete tasks with other team members. Only then can you prove your worth."

After saying that, the lady reached out and pressed on the wall.

Boom, boom!

The wall slowly opened, revealing the teleportation circle inside.

Liu Ping walked in with the lady, and then jumped onto the teleportation circle.

He looked at the entire array curiously.

"Time and Space Teleportation Array - Our Lord of the Manor guards the time and space passage. Only with his permission can we travel through time and space." The lady said.

"Ah, that's it." Liu Ping murmured.

——In fact, it is precisely because of this that I dare not use the prison knife again.

Unless one day, I kill the owner of the manor.

"So, what's my mission?" Liu Ping asked.

"When you reach that time and space, corresponding explanations will naturally come out." The lady said.

"Can you come back only after completing the mission?" Liu Ping asked.

"If your power reaches a higher level, you can come back." The lady said humanely.

She snapped her fingers.


The teleportation circle immediately started to move.

The power of space flashed continuously, converging on Liu Ping, and took him away from where he was.

the other side.

Everlasting night.

A ray of light flashed across the night sky like a meteor, gradually slowed down and landed in a small camp.

All the teleportation fluctuations on Liu Ping's body disappeared, and only then did he have time to look around.

He saw two men and a woman standing in front of the campfire, all looking at him with their eyes.

"Who are you--"

"I'm 0880."

"You are only a teenager, how could you join a high-level combat team like ours? Is there something wrong?"

"It's not that I used to—"

Before Liu Ping finished speaking, the three of them looked into the void together.

Liu Ping shut his mouth and stopped talking.

——Obviously, the sequences on them are telling.

"One man... blew up the whole world..."

Liu Ping heard the woman whisper.

"Everyone, can I ask, what is our mission?" He said with a smile.

After the three of them read the introduction to him, their attitudes naturally changed.


"We are now on the eve of the wave of nightmares. The location is a place called the World of the Pillar of Eternal Night."

"What are we going to do?"

"Bewitch an old god to join our camp and contribute to our cause."

The woman waved her hand casually.

A ball of light and shadow spread out in the void, taking the shape of a nightmare crawler.

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