Infernal Artist

Chapter 570 Things in Hell


The monster came from the entrance of the stable, walked through the corridor, and passed by Liu Ping.


The monster's hoarse voice echoed through the stable.

It's a pity that Liu Ping stood in front of it, but it couldn't see anything.

"Is this a monster from hell?"

Liu Ping asked silently.

"I haven't been here for a long time since it was occupied by nightmare monsters...I don't recognize it." God's voice rang in his ears.

"Aren't you the 'all-knowing and all-powerful Lord'?" Liu Ping asked.

"I have lost a lot of strength - haven't you too?" God asked. . .

"That's true."

Liu Ping raised his Baina Dao and caught up with the monster step by step, surpassing it and standing not far in front of it.

The monster was unaware.

In the silence, the two people quickly approached.

The monster suddenly stopped in front of the blade and said, "Who? Who wants to kill me?"

Liu Ping remained silent.

The monster was silent for a few breaths and continued: "I just want some flesh and blood. Give me your flesh and blood. We won't have any trouble with each other. Do you think that's okay?"

Liu Ping moved.

Following his movements, the long knife turned into a flash of cold light, hurriedly wiping across the monster's figure.

The body parts were scattered on the ground, making a hard impact sound.

The crystal wall behind the monster suddenly shattered, and all the innocent souls flew out, dancing in the sky, and gradually disappeared into the void.

"This is a good knife, I have never seen it before." God praised.

"There's too much noise, we need to change places." Liu Ping said.

He swept out of the stable in a flash.

At this time, the void moved, and a man came out and stood opposite Liu Ping.

——Although the killing just now lasted only a short moment, it had already attracted prying eyes.

This is a man with black wings on his back.

His upper body was bare, and his muscles seemed to be carved out. He was holding a black violin in his left hand, and the bow was held in his right hand like a sword.

His eyes and hair are the color of pure gold, and he looks very charming.

" careful, the power in him feels strange to me." God said solemnly.

Liu Ping's expression moved, and he slowly moved to the side, trying to stagger his position with the other party.

Lucifer is the strongest angel beside God, and he was not exiled to hell because of a little money.

That's just a superficial reason.

God is omniscient and omnipotent, and his actions naturally have deep meanings that cannot be easily discerned.

Just listen to Lucifer say: "No matter who you are, and no matter what methods you use to hide in the dark, I hope you leave hell as soon as possible."

Liu Ping remained silent, slowly walked around him, and walked to the lawn next to the stable.

He stood behind Lucifer.

Lucifer still can't see him——

Lucifer looked at the stable and said, "I feel the divine power in you. You must be my comrade."

"I can only help you this time. If you make any noise next time, there's nothing I can do about it."

"must be careful!"

The words fell.

He raised his bow and played a high-pitched note on the piano.

The moment the music started, Lucifer disappeared.

Boom! ! !

A huge and dull shock sounded.

The entire stable exploded with a bang, turning into tiny pieces and scattering in all directions.

A misty figure stood where the stable had been.

——That humanoid monster!

It was obviously dismembered by Liu Ping's knife, but now it appeared in the place where it died.

"I can feel...the guy who killed me is nearby, but I don't know where he is."

The monster said in a troubled tone.

It walked out of the ruins on the ground step by step, and came to Liu Ping before he knew it.

"It's really strange. Where is it?"

it continued.

A series of sharp long claws bloomed from its blood-stained back, waving continuously, as if ready to tear apart all enemies at any time.

"This like those advanced nightmare monsters."

Liu Ping stared at the other person for a few breaths.

In the end, he confirmed that the other party could not see him and was indeed blinded by the "special effects artist".

But this monster can still find its location correctly.

It’s just that it doesn’t know this!

Liu Ping simply put away the knife, stepped back step by step, and then walked towards the fountain in front of the castle.

The monster seemed to feel something and immediately said: "It seems to be gone - I have to follow him. Sooner or later I will find him and eat his flesh and blood."

It looked around as it walked and couldn't find any trace of Liu Ping, but it happened to be walking in the right direction and followed Liu Ping to the fountain.

"Where exactly is the road you mentioned?" Liu Ping glanced at the monster and asked silently towards Void.

"Enter the castle and keep walking inside. I will tell you when we get there." God said.

Liu Ping immediately walked towards the castle.

The monster seemed to have some feeling, and said, "He seems to have stayed here, but then left again."

It kept up with Liu Ping's pace again.

One person and one monster kept walking forward.

After a while, Liu Ping had arrived at the main entrance of the castle.

"'Omniscient and Almighty Lord', entering the main gate of hell from here, what will greet us inside?" Liu Ping asked.

"Inside is a large hall, guarded by three-headed dogs, as well as the warden of judgment and the guards of Styx." God said without thinking.

Liu Ping opened the door.

I saw that there was no main hall inside the door, and there was no three-headed dog or warden.

A broken pontoon floated on a river of blood filled with corpses, extending towards an unknown place where blood mist was boiling.

Liu Ping whistled.

"Those nightmare monsters have changed too much here, and I am already in a dead state, so naturally I don't know what's going on inside." God said in a tone without any problems.

"Okay, it seems this is a brand new exploration." Liu Ping said.


The monster that had been following him screamed in pain.

The moment the door to hell opened, it seemed to be stimulated by something, holding its head and howling: "Never enter hell again, I would rather stay outside forever!"

It turned around and ran away.

Liu Ping was quite speechless for a moment.

It was clear that he would never let me go, but the this?

"Omniscient and almighty Lord, hell seems to have been changed beyond recognition. Are you sure you can still find that hidden path?" he asked.

God didn't respond.

Liu Ping turned around and looked at the fleeing monster.

——This monster escaped from hell.

It must know something!

"Andrea." Liu Ping whispered.

"Here you go." Andrea said.

An ancient and gorgeous long sword emerged from the void.

"Swordsmanship, I rarely use a sword, but luckily I have Li Changxue's move -"

Liu Ping held the long sword and swung out a series of continuously vibrating sword lights.

Secret Sword·Shocking Slash!

This was the swordsmanship he created for Li Changxue, and was added to Guizang's Most Excellent Martial Arts Sutra, so Liu Ping automatically mastered its secrets.

But as soon as the monster ran onto the lawn, he was immediately slashed into the air by a sword beam.

The moment it floated in the air, dozens of sword lights flashed in the sky and slashed at it non-stop, killing hundreds of swords before quietly dispersing.

Liu Ping put the sword back into the void and said, "Give me a tough rope."

"Okay." Andrea said.

A long rope with a metallic luster fell on Liu Ping's hand.

He walked back to the lawn, tied the monster's body tightly with long ropes, tied knots on his hands and feet, dug a hole, and buried the headless body deep underground.

Only then did he grab the monster's head.

"You are immortal, right?" Liu Ping asked.

"Because I'm already dead." The head showed resentment.

"Are you a guilty soul suffering in hell? Come, tell me, what exactly happened in hell?" Liu Ping asked.

"Even if you torture me with a hundred weapons, I won't tell you anything!" the monster head said through gritted teeth.

"Andrea, how much inventory do we have?" Liu Ping asked.

"Plenty," Andrea responded.

Swish, swish, swish!

One after another, sharp weapons fell from the void and were inserted into the lawn around the monster's head. In an instant, there were hundreds or thousands of them.

The monster was startled.

Its eyes passed over the forest of weapons, and it couldn't help but take a breath when it saw the cold light emitted by thousands of weapons.

I saw it immediately said in a heartfelt tone:

"Why do you need to work so hard, sir? Just ask me if you want to know anything. I will tell you everything I know."

"...What happened in hell?" Liu Ping asked.

The monster said: "Hell has become a forbidden testing ground. Everything here is extremely troublesome. Even the nightmare monsters who presided over various experiments here are dead."

"Then who is in charge of things here?" Liu Ping asked again.


The monster smiled bitterly and said: "Hell is completely over. Those horrible experimental subjects will soon leave here, and they will destroy everything!"

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