Infernal Artist

Chapter 577 Looking for cards

Blazing white light rushed high into the sky.

The entire Nightmare Manor was completely destroyed by the explosion.

The power of the explosion was beyond ordinary imagination, and even the void was blown into a huge deep hole, which could not be healed for a long time.

The manor owner had to hide in the nearby time and space to temporarily avoid the destructive power of the explosion.

Nightmare King Luo did not move.

It was bathed in the endless destructive power of the Holy Light, as if illuminated by a layer of warm light.

This level of power destroyed everything in the void——

But Nightmare King Luo just felt it, and even showed an expression similar to being moved on his face.

"...To be able to obtain such power...As a living being, it is really amazing..."

Nightmare King Luo said in an admiring tone, his eyes filled with madness and chaos.

"You look dead, but I don't believe it."

"I guess--"

"You must still be alive."

The words fell.

Nightmare King Luo suddenly felt an overwhelming killing intent.

At this time, the explosion had just ended, and the brilliant and dazzling holy light completely disappeared along with the entire manor.

In the dark void, a huge creature quietly appeared and came to inquire about the situation.

——Its head is hollow, emitting layers of discrete light, and its body is covered with flesh buds, with vertical pupils standing on it.

It was the first nightmare lord Liu Ping met.

The Lord of Nightmares looked around and saw neither the manor nor any living beings.

"Hey, King Luo, what are you doing?" it asked dissatisfied.

"What am I doing?" Nightmare King Luo repeated.

"The manor is a place where excellent fruits are stored and selected. Why did you let it be destroyed?" asked the Lord of Nightmares.

Nightmare King Luo seemed to have come back to his senses and slowly turned his head to look at the other party.

I saw a long dark arm suddenly rise from its back, instantly penetrate the void, and punch the opponent in the face.

The Lord of Nightmares was as huge as a mountain, but was blown away by this punch and flew away like a meteor without a trace.

Nightmare King Luo looked at the place where the other party disappeared and whispered softly:

"Stop nagging, or I'll kill you and eat everything on you, do you hear me clearly?"

Dark depths.

The voice of the Lord of Nightmares never sounded again.

Only then did King Luo of Nightmare feel a little satisfied.

It thought for a moment and muttered: "I remember your appearance... that's enough."

Its back continued to squirm, and black hands emerged one after another.

These hands quickly rushed up to thousands of meters in the air. There were tens of thousands of them, different in length and length. They each made handprints, magic formulas, fists, palms, fingers, and even held various weapons, dancing endlessly.

Nightmare King Luo then raised his left and right hands, put them together and said:

"If you are really still alive, then take this blow from me——"

"From now to the endless future, no matter where you hide, it can find you!"

The words fell.

Nightmare King Luo didn't seem to be at ease yet.

It raised its head and glanced at all the hands, grinned and said: "Find him, kill him, and bring him back to me to eat!"

"If you can't find it—"

"Then destroy everything related to him!"

In an instant, all the hands turned into chaotic afterimages, and they all pulled away and disappeared into the void.

Pictures of light and shadow fill all directions, forming a three-dimensional passage.

Noah's boat exuded a blazing holy light and advanced silently in the passage, causing waves of ripples.

Liu Ping stood on the deck and looked at the pictures.

Every picture is still, showing what is going on at a certain moment.

— and it’s all about him.

"What's going on?" Liu Ping asked with interest.

From the crimson ring on his hand came the voice of Gaia, the Mother of the Earth:

"Because we use our moment as the anchor and are traveling through the same moment in countless parallel worlds, every parallel world you see is still."


Liu Ping looked at those pictures.

In every scene, he was doing something related to confronting nightmares.

Collect intelligence by yourself, contact the ultimate masters from all sides, sneak into the manor, or resurrect the old god of purgatory, create skills, and fight nightmare monsters——


A tribulation thunder flew down and was blocked by Liu Ping with his knife. It suddenly exploded into thunder and lightning snakes dancing in the sky.

He didn't care about Jie Lei at all and sighed:

"It's really hard to find a world without nightmare monsters."

Gaia, the mother of the earth, said: "Don't worry, Noah's Ark has enough sacred power to lead us to find it slowly."


Liu Ping suddenly turned his head and looked towards the back of the Ark.

A strange danger emerged in my mind.

"Is that guy chasing you?" He murmured in a low voice.

"Be careful," the voice of God sounded, "there is an unprecedentedly powerful law of cause and effect, approaching rapidly in a way that we cannot foresee."

Liu Ping looked around subconsciously.

There was no one on Noah's Ark except himself.

Lucifer became part of Noah's Ark.

Gaia, the mother of the earth, only had two eyes left, which were turned into gemstones and set on her ring.

God doesn't know where he is hiding, but he is on the run.

"——Do you think I can't help you if I'm dead?" God's voice sounded again.

"What's the matter? Even though you escaped, your Ark is very good. Don't treat yourself like a waste."

Liu Ping said as he ran towards the stern of the ship.

God said: "In the sacred law, the contract is a very important part, and we have never broken our promises."

"What do you want to say?" Liu Ping knocked away another thunderbolt and asked.

"I once said that when you save the Holy Kingdom, you can go back to the future to regain that card. The entire Holy Kingdom is providing power for that card." God said.

Liu Ping thought for a moment and suddenly understood.

When he was in Miliang Town, he manifested the card that embodied all the power of the sacred side, and used it to blow up the whole world.

That is the combined force of God and Himself.

That's the card!

In order to prevent monsters from finding it——

He activated the "special effect" himself and turned it into the professional card "Joker".

And God placed it in the past era of the eternal night world.

Now, God's commission is complete.

You have to go to the future and get it again!

"Is it too late?" Liu Ping asked.

"You resist, I will speed up the Ark. Let's go to the future to get that card first." God said.

Liu Ping knocked away another thunderbolt and squinted towards the dark void behind the ark.

In the darkness, something seemed to be approaching quickly.

A crisis emerged in Liu Ping's heart.

He reached out and pressed the button in the air, shouting: "Special effects!"

In an instant, the entire Noah's Ark disappeared.

Almost at the same moment——

Densely dense long black hands came covering the sky and the sun.

They crowded the entire time and space channel, holding countless weapons. They were about to launch an attack immediately, but suddenly lost their target and had to temporarily stop in mid-air.

"No, if they can't find you, they will destroy everything." God said.

As soon as he finished speaking, these long black hands began to attack the entire void.

In the entire space-time channel, the stagnant pictures began to fall into destruction.

Liu Ping looked around——

You can't let the passage be destroyed, otherwise people like you will return to the original time and space!

That monster is waiting there!

He stretched out his hand and pointed toward the void.

Suddenly, his shadow appeared in mid-air, turned into an afterimage and flew towards a certain time and space, quickly submerged into it and disappeared.

Those long black hands stopped for a moment and immediately chased after him.

But there are still some long black hands lingering around, staying near the Ark and attacking randomly.

"Why are there some left?" Gaia asked.

"This is just a magic technique. If you don't have any sanity, you won't be completely deceived." Liu Ping said.

He stretched out his hand to grab the Baina Dao from the void and slashed it through the air with all his strength.


The endless roaring sound resounded throughout the void.

Second-level strange sword technique: If there are voices, all the souls will be cut off here!

Those black hands seemed to be struck by countless swords, twisting wildly in mid-air, and then were knocked away.

But it's no use!

They just focus on attacking the surroundings with all their strength and don't care about being hit by anything.

"This knife is not enough to deal with them... Sure enough, if we stay there, we will only die."

Liu Ping said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the long black hands that had left before started to catch up from behind.

"Weren't they deceived by you? Why are they here again?" Gaia, the mother of the earth, asked anxiously.

Liu Ping said solemnly: "No matter what kind of false power I gave to the special effects, they could not resist these long hands of darkness. They directly destroyed me. Then they found out that they had been deceived, so they immediately pursued me again."

I saw long black hands densely covering the space-time passage, but because they couldn't find Noah's Ark, they launched crazy attacks on the surrounding space-time screens.

Pictures of parallel worlds suddenly shattered.

This caused a chain reaction and the entire passage began to collapse.

"Quick! Old man, let's go to the future and help him get the card that represents all the power of the Holy Kingdom!" Gaia, the Mother of the Earth, urged.

"Don't rush me, I'm opening a new channel!" God said.

Noah's Ark slowly turned and flew into a straight upward passage that had just appeared.

Behind the Ark, all the long black hands followed closely.

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