Infernal Artist

Chapter 583 Ghost Troops

No one troubled Liu Ping.

If you fight him, you will die.

——With such a prompt, even a fool knows not to rush forward.

But now that people are surrounded, how will it end?

"Eh? Aren't you very fierce? According to your rules, if I don't dare to fight you, then I have to take out all the money I have, otherwise I will die miserably." Liu Ping said.

People gradually had some bad premonition.

Is this guy going to use the same method to deal with us?

Just listen to Liu Ping's warm voice: "But I am a kind-hearted person by nature, and I will not do things your way."

"——So I don't want your money anymore..."

As soon as this was said, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Mightiness--"

Someone immediately wanted to follow the conversation, but Liu Ping waved his hand to indicate that he had not finished speaking.

With a smile on his face, he said to everyone: "Actually, I am more interested in another thing -"

"Everyone, go to hell."

He clenched his fist and was about to punch——

Lines of small silver characters suddenly jumped out and appeared in front of his eyes:

"These are fresh blood selected by the Lord of Nightmares. If you kill one of them, you must pay corresponding compensation."

"Maybe you can stop killing them."

"The way they win their lives is by giving away all their money."

Liu Ping was silent for a few breaths.

The Lord of Nightmares may need to use people now. If he kills too many of his subordinates at once, he may make it unhappy.

If you are not happy, you cannot approach it.

Get close to it yourself.


He retracted his fist and sighed: "Okay, just use money to buy your life."

Mother Earth suddenly whispered: "Liu Ping, there is a person who has used the method of aura aura, but he is secretly accumulating magic power and wants to sneak attack on you - don't look, there is a man in a purple shirt right behind you."

God said: "It is normal for some people to value money more than life. Look, his death has come."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man moved.

A ray of light suddenly shot out from his eyes, but Liu Ping dodged it and punched him with his backhand.


The professional was knocked out of the air and fell into the snow.

"Don't kill me! I am willing to use all my wealth and equipment to compensate!"

he shouted immediately.

Liu Ping glanced into the void and saw lines of small burning characters floating motionless:

"You escaped the opponent's disintegration ray."

"Disintegration Ray: Immediately disintegrate a target's body, thus achieving the effect of killing the target."

"This kind of ray is extremely unstable. The stronger the being, the lower the probability of it working. But after all, there is still a chance to kill an extremely powerful opponent with one blow."

Collect all the fine print.

The man's voice gradually stopped.

Blood continued to pour out of his mouth and he fell to the ground motionless.

Liu Ping's punch just now was done with all his strength. After all, he didn't know where the opponent was coming from, so it directly shattered his internal organs.

"Sorry, I really didn't mean to kill him, but in order to protect myself——"

Liu Ping said to the small silver characters in the void.

Those small silver characters changed instantly and turned into a new line of prompts:

“Self-defense is impunity.”

——Okay, I understand.

Liu Ping breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the remaining people.

Without waiting for him to say anything, those people took out their storage equipment one by one, walked up and placed them in front of Liu Ping.

Liu Ping nodded slightly, and was surprised to find that the net worth of these people exceeded his expectations.

But thinking about their joint robbery, such wealth seems a bit natural.

"That's great." God whispered in admiration.

"These all belong to Liu Ping and have nothing to do with you." Mother Earth sneered from the side.

"It doesn't matter, of course they belong to Liu Ping... I just feel a little relieved." God said.

"Peace of mind?" Mother Earth asked curiously.

"Yes, think about it, we drove Noah's Ark to a parallel world, and when time reaches the future, we will drive Noah's Ark back again - then we will still need a large amount of wealth to start the Ark. ." God said.

"...I'm too lazy to pay attention to you, you old man who wants money." Mother Earth scolded.

Liu Ping did not join the chat.

He stood there silently, the scene that just happened flashed through his mind.

I don't know why, but I always feel like something is strange.

What exactly is it?

At this time, others also returned to their original positions.

From now on, it’s just a matter of waiting for the results of the eligibility assessment.

There was silence.

Only the snowflakes were floating quietly.

Suddenly, Liu Ping's eyes moved, and he recovered from his state of wandering.


Now he knew something was wrong.

Everything that is happening in this world right now, although there is a sense of cruelty from the beginning, is actually a very efficient selection mechanism.

In the main timeline, the Lord of Nightmares also has a selection mechanism -

Nightmare underground palace.

Why does it keep recruiting people?

Putting aside human emotions, the final results of these things that happened to me were extremely reasonable and logical.

For example, the robbery just now——

Because those who can pass the qualification selection are very rare and precious, so I advise myself not to kill anyone.

But if someone takes action first, the sequence will make a reasonable judgment.

In sharp contrast is the Nightmare King Luo.

It is indeed powerful, but in the whole process of hunting itself, it only considers two things:

Desire to eat.

Is it interesting enough?

In contrast, the two nightmare masters' perspectives of judging and reacting to things are too different.

The former starts from a logic that favors rationality.

The latter starts from the self.

What does this mean?


The so-called Lord of Nightmares only has the same name, but is not the same type of existence?

At this moment.

I saw everyone's expressions moved, staring intently at the void in front of them.

Qualification assessment has begun!

Liu Ping also looked into the void and saw a few lines of prompts appearing in front of him:

"You have been given special qualifications."

"You have taken up the hidden military occupation: Ghost Soldier."

"The current world is about to border other worlds and join the nightmare war."

"Personal task release:"

"Under the premise of ensuring self-survival, arrive at Hidden Supply Camp No. 3011. There is some knowledge and skills about the 'ghost soldiers' there."

"——As a recruit, you need to learn the power of 'emergence'."

Collect all the fine print.

A box half as tall as a man fell from the void and opened in front of Liu Ping.

Inside was a set of fluorescent combat uniforms.

Liu Ping looked towards the others and saw an equipment box appearing in front of everyone.

Six of them wore gray combat uniforms and talked quickly to each other:

"Are you reporting for the Forward Corps?"


"Me too."

"Come on, I'm the leader of the recruit team. We have to get to the front line before dawn tomorrow."

"Set off!"

The six people put on their combat uniforms and ran in the same direction, and soon lost sight of them.

Besides Liu Ping, there were three people left.

They looked at the combat uniforms in each other's hands——

All dressed in black.

"Then we're the commandos."

"After all, we are much stronger than those rubbish."

"Let's go, the raid mission is in this direction, time is tight, we have to leave immediately."

The three of them nodded to each other, put on their combat uniforms and left.

Now only Liu Ping is left.

He picked up the fluorescent combat uniform, a little hesitant.

These people's tasks are time-limited and seem urgent.

But his mission statement is completely different.

He looked at the line of small words in the void again:

"Under the premise of ensuring self-survival, arrive at the hidden supply camp No. 3011."

Ensure self-survival——

Liu Ping thought for a while and put on his combat uniform.

In an instant, he found that he was missing.

A line of small burning characters appeared:

"Shadow Suit."


"This is a piece of armor that allows you to blend into your surroundings and avoid danger."

"Extra attributes:"

"Dexterity +1, Dodge +1, Spell Resistance +5."

"——Only warriors who are focused on will receive such armor."

The small burning characters disappear, and the small silver characters appear:

"Please follow the instructions on the map and arrive at the hidden supply camp No. 3011."

"You can avoid danger when you encounter it."

A translucent map appeared in front of Liu Ping.

He looked at the signs on the map——

Carefully recalling the directions of the two groups of people just now, they were heading to certain places marked as "battle".

But the place he wanted to go to was deep in an uninhabited snowfield, a hidden place on the back of the canyon.

The meaning of this differential treatment is very obvious.


Who is the enemy in this war?

Liu Ping didn't ask any questions.

Others seemed to take everything for granted, and it was hard for me to ask too many questions. After all, I just sneaked in.

But after all, someone can still ask about this kind of thing.

God's voice suddenly sounded: "You want to ask who the enemy is? This is not simple. The enemy is the other nightmare lord."

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