Infernal Artist

Chapter 608 Rita’s Value

"I decided to support you!"

The girl said in a firm tone.

Opposite her, Huang Quan was lying on the ground with his eyes narrowed, with an indifferent expression.

But when the girl woke up, she found that she was safe and sound, and everything around her was normal, as if nothing had happened.

There happened to be a bird flying by, and the yellow dog showed a slight expression of attention. The bird suddenly screamed and rushed into the sky, flapping its wings at an extremely fast speed and flew away——

This yellow dog seems to be very fierce.

Thinking about it this way, the only way he could be safe and sound was that the yellow dog was too ferocious and drove those people away.

Those people were angry at the first sight. If they weren't driven away, how could they let him go?

There was no one around.

It can only be a yellow dog.

You feed it yourself, and it follows you.

The only answer is it.

"Be good, from today on, I will treat you well. I hope that we can both be able to live in peace and say goodbye to the desperate past." The girl said softly.

The yellow dog opened his eyes.

This is interesting. .

What an ordinary girl says can coincide with the fate of two people. Even if it is a coincidence, it is worthy of attention.

Lines of small burning characters suddenly appeared in the void:

"Six Paths of Reincarnation releases side mission:"

"Save the birds and beasts."

"If you save at least one wild animal, you can obtain the corresponding merits from this disaster."

"——The will of reincarnation has noticed that you need merit."

"It is willing to give you what you need."

Collect all the fine print.

Huang Quan thought for a while.

Although it is a side mission, it will still give merit.

All of his previous merits were used to create the "Snake's Kiss".

We need merit right now to see if we can get some new skills for melee mages.

After all, when facing the doomsday in Six Paths of Reincarnation, melee mages have more advantages than swordsmen——

Those Doomsdays simply don’t know how to deal with melee mages!

The plan has been decided.

The yellow dog shook the dust off his body and waddled to the girl's side, as if he understood her words and wanted to leave with her.

No matter what, this person is destined to be with me. I will send Buddha to the West tonight to ensure that she returns home safely.

The girl touched its head and said, "Let's go back."

One person and one dog crossed the field and returned to the road.

The bicycle was parked on the side of the road.

"Come up." The girl said.

The yellow dog jumped into the back seat of the car, and the old god squatted down.

The girl was overjoyed and said to herself that this dog was really well-behaved and seemed to understand everything he said. He must have been trained in some house and knew the rules and general rules——

I just don’t know if anyone will come looking for it.

She was worried about gain and loss, and finally thought that it was still wandering, so she stopped thinking about it and rode her bicycle towards the city.

The night passed.

The next morning, the girl went out to work.

As soon as Huang Quan waited for her to leave, he immediately jumped on the sofa, crossed his legs and started practicing.

Killing seven or eight people and using the Nine Nether magic to refine your life force can directly improve your cultivation.

It's a very fast path.


There was a rippling wave on the yellow dog's body.

The little fairy Rita just emerged from the void and immediately sensed the changes on her body.

"Eh? Why did you become a monster now? This is too fast." Rita said in surprise.

"Nine Nether's method is inherently fast, and I use one of the more evil methods, which is naturally faster." Huang Quan said in a message.

"Will something go wrong if it's too fast?" Rita asked worriedly.

"What you said makes sense - for monsters, power comes too fast and too strong, and it is easy to form an illusion, making them feel that they are the strongest monsters in the world, thus causing all kinds of troubles." Liu Ping explained.

"What about you?" Rita asked curiously.

"I'm the strongest in the world, so I won't be affected at all." Huang Quan said calmly.

Rita tilted her head and thought for a while, then said: "It makes sense... You will definitely rank first among all the native dogs. There is no doubt about it."

The yellow dog's slowly wagging tail stiffened.

Unaware, Rita flew around the room and landed on the window sill, looking out at the bustling street scene with interest.

"Hey, Liu Ping, how long until the end of the world breaks out?" the little goblin asked.

Huang Quan glanced at the prompt and said, "Six days and 13 hours."

"Ah, it's so boring. Let's play a game." Rita said.

"I want to practice immediately, gain strength, and prepare to face the doomsday in six days - this is a top priority." Huang Quan sternly refused.

"Uuuuuuuuuah, just play games with me. I'm so bored. The goblin will die if he's too bored." Rita begged with her big round eyes open.

"Is that so... I have a game, do you want to play it?" Huang Dog asked.

"As long as it's a game, I'll play it!" Rita asked expectantly.

"Within seven days, help me practice successfully and defeat the doomsday together." Huang Quan said.

"Ah, is it so difficult?" Rita asked.

The yellow dog looked at the goblin with a meaningful look and said: "Actually, you have a way - after all, you gave up snakes, wolves, and turtles and chose a yellow dog. I guess you must have a backup plan, right?"

"I felt that these animals must not be able to cope with the apocalypse, so I skipped them and chose the cutest one." Rita said.

"That's it?"

"Of course there are more important considerations."

Huang Quan's eyes lit up and he asked, "What is it?"

"It's so safe for dogs to stay with humans," said the goblin.

The yellow dog stared at her for a long time and said, "Staying with it safe?"

Rita flew back, landed on the yellow dog's nose and said, "Liu Ping, you have to trust my judgment. Those three animal patterns are all entangled with uncomfortable laws. I feel uncomfortable when I see them."

Huang Quan's heart skipped a beat.

Goblins are the darlings of the law and are the most sensitive to the law.

From the beginning, it felt that the future of snakes, wolves, and turtles was worrying.

If it feels right...

Huang Quan got up from the sofa, walked to the TV cabinet, and pressed the remote control.


The TV is on.


"There are emergencies happening around the world."

"A large number of wild animals have become uncontrollably violent and have continued to hurt people."

"The ocean is no exception. All kinds of marine creatures risk their lives to attack ships. Several cruise ships have sunk so far."

Huang Quan fiddled with the remote control and changed the channel.

"Carnivores such as wolves, bears, tigers and leopards are fighting each other. According to scientists' analysis, they are infected with a strange plague."

Yellow Dog continues to change channels.

"Snakes are falling into hibernation and are being attacked and eaten by other animals."

Yellow Dog changes channels again.

"Sea turtles were slaughtered in large numbers. This gentle marine animal was unable to protect itself. Once discovered, it was hunted down by a large number of marine predators."

On TV, a crazy shark bit a turtle into pieces and then swallowed it.


Turn off the TV.

The yellow dog jumped up on the window sill and looked out.

The streets are busy with cars and people.

It looks like a prosperous and prosperous age.

The yellow dog turned his eyes and looked back at Rita.

"Yeah, those laws are well disguised, but I've been dealing with them for a long time, and I can tell at a glance that they want to trick you, huh." Rita grabbed the short staff and said with a high air.

The yellow dog fell silent.

Just now--

Six Paths of Reincarnation has released a side mission to save wild animals.

Plus what Rita said.

Think carefully——

The opening words of this catastrophe are:

“You’re going to be dealing with the end of the world as an animal.”


This is the Beast King Tribulation.

It seems that we can draw a conclusion——

The Beast King Tribulation is the end that birds and beasts will face.

He was originally going to be robbed.

But Rita erased all three options, and was locked up in a dark room by the laws for this reason.

Isn't this——

As a native dog that follows humans, it doesn't have to face this disaster?

No need to be killed as hibernating snakes, powerless turtles, or mad wolves——

That is to say——

The beast king's calamity hasn't even started yet, but Rita has already helped her avoid it?

If not, why would Six Paths of Reincarnation suddenly release a side mission?


Yellow Dog turned on the TV again.

"latest news!"

"In view of the fact that the mutation of global wild animals has threatened human survival, countries have officially held a meeting to discuss the harmless treatment of some wild animals."


The end of the wild animals is coming!

And as a newly domesticated native dog, I don’t have to worry about facing such large-scale culling——


As if she knew what he was thinking, Rita gently landed on the dog's head, stretched out comfortably and said:

"Don't worry, you will be a house pet soon. As long as that girl takes you to apply for a dog license in the next few days, your safety will not be a problem."

The yellow dog seemed unfazed.

But Rita could feel the tight muscles on its body gradually relaxing.

Sure enough, he longed for an official dog license.

Rita thought silently.

At this time, there was new news on TV:

"An urgent news item is inserted below."

"A vicious murder occurred in the western suburbs last night. The deceased were villagers from nearby villages, a total of eight people."

"The police have consulted the city god through a spiritual ceremony in the temple, and the gods told him that the death was caused by an extremely evil sorcery."

“All citizens please note that if you find an unidentified wild animal, please contact the police station immediately!”

The yellow dog turned off the TV with a "snap" and jumped back on the sofa to sit cross-legged.

There are gods in this world...

Having said that, no matter what, you still have to pay close attention to your practice.

Huang Quan closed his eyes and breathed softly.

One second.

Two seconds.

Thirty seconds.

"Hey, Liu Ping, it's so boring!"

Rita rolled back and forth on the dog's head, grabbing the dog's hair and yelling.

Huang Quan opened his eyes helplessly.



"Is Doomsday difficult to defeat?"

"That's right, don't think this is the beast king's calamity. Once this calamity passes, it will be the next one. The apocalypse happens in succession. It is not easy to defeat it."

"I suddenly had an idea."

"What?" Rita leaned into Huang Quan's ear enthusiastically.

"Now that the Four Holy Pillars are in place - is there any way for me to become a true world-like life form?" Huang Dog asked.

I am not a world-like life form, but I have to face the end like a world-like life form. This is such a disadvantage.

At this time, there was a sound of turning keys on the door.

"I'm back!"

The girl opened the door and came in.

Rita hid in the dog's ears and stared at the girl for a few times, her expression suddenly became serious.

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