Infernal Artist

Chapter 611 Special Battle!

The yellow dog took a nap in the passenger seat.

The ten mutated animals, plus the black bear that came later, actually provided enough life force.

Through the method of Jiuyou, I passed all the tests and directly reached the foundation building stage.

It’s funny to say——

The ability of "Killing for Fun" is to gain soul power through killing, which can help you improve your strength.

Jiuyou's method also uses killing to gain life force to improve strength.

In the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Yunxi was given the will of the Reincarnation Path to herself, and her killing was equivalent to her own killing.


These two methods complement each other and are much stronger than the hard work I practiced before.

It's a pity that the existences I met before were too strong, and I never had a chance...

It's different now.

Huang Quan opened his eyes, a long-lost excitement flashing in his eyes.

It stared at the rows of burning small words in the void:

"You are already a demon cultivator in the foundation building stage."

"You are in the world of six reincarnations."

"When you advance to the next level, you can awaken the magical power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

"——A gift from the Six Paths of Reincarnation..."

The next level is the golden elixir.

It’s almost there, as long as you keep working hard, you’ll be there soon!

The cab door opens.

Yun Xi sat in, put a bag in the back row, and let out a sigh of relief.

"I really... don't know what to do."

She rested her head on the steering wheel and muttered to herself.

Huang Quan looked at the bag she put in the back seat.

——Inside is a set of special forces uniforms, as well as various firearms and documents.

In this way, the mother and daughter who were rescued must have a high status, otherwise it would not be so easy to join the army.

Of course, these are special times.

The army should also be happy to have such a warrior who can fight the mutated black bear alone.

Huang Quan thought silently.

Suddenly, a small hand reached out from the driver's seat and rubbed the dog's head.

"Master, I have a day off and I have to report to the special operations force tomorrow..."

"Now let's go to dinner, what would you like to eat?"

Yun Xi asked with a smile.

Huang Quan listened silently, with an indifferent expression on his face.


It is already the evening of the second day.

Only five days left.

The Beast King Tribulation is about to break out.

Although he didn't seem to have to deal with the tribulation, the beast king tribulation was closely followed by the evil ghost tribulation——

Time is running out!

At this moment, are you telling me to eat?

The yellow dog squinted his eyes and moved his paws slightly. He was about to issue a new mission.

But Yun Xi said, "I've thought about it. Anyway, now that we have money, let's go eat something I've never been able to afford. What do you think?"

The yellow dog's paws paused and moved again.

Yun Xi was about to start the car when she suddenly looked into the void and looked at the rows of small burning characters:

"Mission: Restoration of the Body."

"You need to have a good meal to fuel your body."

“If you eat well enough, heartily enough, and satisfyingly enough, you will receive new rewards.”

Yun Xi's face gradually showed a happy look.

"very nice……"

She hugged Gouzi happily and stroked the dog's head so hard that Gouzi showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

Although Gouzi is the master of the demonic way, he has experienced everything that needs to be experienced——

But it has never been cuddled as a dog!

Of course this is the first time for this to happen, so it’s normal to feel a little embarrassed.

Yun Xi didn't pay attention to this, started the car and drove away.


Yun Xi directly asked for a private room, ordered a large table of dishes, and started eating like a storm.

The dogs were also treated well.

She served Gou Zi with various dishes, filled a large basin, and placed it in front of Gou Zi.

The dog was very disgusted at first.

These mortal foods cannot replenish one's consumption at all. What one needs is life force and soul power.

Life force is the energy contained in life itself.

Soul power is the original power of the soul.

They are the root power and the "food and grass" needed to practice Jiuyou.

But lines of small burning characters appeared in the void:


"Six Paths of Reincarnation injects some power into the food to supplement it for you and Yun Xi. I hope you will continue to work hard and continuously improve your strength."

"This is the original power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation - although it is very weak, it is enough."

"It hopes the collaboration will continue to deepen."

Collect all the fine print.

Gouzi peeked at Yunxi.

Yun Xi was seen concentrating on eating, but a faint light began to appear all over her body.

——The consumption in the previous battles was gradually replenished, and even her entire body and soul began to be replenished with some kind of evolutionary power.

This is the method of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

The dog was thoughtful and sniffed the bowl full of delicacies in front of him.

At first——

If you can always stay in the six realms of reincarnation and get the support of the six realms, it will definitely not be as hard as being in the eternal night.

But it's not too late.

The dog opened his mouth and started eating happily.

The meal was like a storm.

Both Yun Xi and Gouzi were very satisfied with their meal.

Yun Xi had never eaten such high-end food before and found it novel and delicious.

Gouzi is because of the rows of burning small characters in the void:

"You have gained the power of six reincarnations."

"You're full of energy."

"You still need a little life force, and you can break through upward."

——Kill whoever you want next, and then you can find a place to break through!

As long as you survive the heavenly tribulation, you can become a golden elixir demon cultivator and awaken the six-path magical power!

Wait, I am clearly facing calamity as a world-like life form, but in the end I have to face heavenly calamity as a demon beast. Isn’t this a matryoshka doll?

Tsk—I don’t know what the historical recorders would write.

Forget it, never mind, becoming stronger is the most important thing.

The dog's long mouth was stuck in the rice bowl, swallowing up every bit of the power of the six reincarnations.

When the meal was almost finished, Yun Xi began to look expectant.

——What will be the mission reward?

Gouzi is also thinking.

——What should I give her?


The waiter pushed the door open and said in a panic:

"Sorry, please run!"

"What happened?" Yun Xi asked.

"In the zoo near us, a tiger mutated at the testing site and is attacking people around it!" the waiter said.

The waiter hurried away after saying that.

The room fell silent.

The dog did not raise his head and continued to eat the food in the basin.

Lines of small burning characters appeared in front of Yun Xi’s eyes:

"Get the reward: Five Elements Blessing."

"——The five elements blessing method of weapons can help you fight better."

"The initiation begins!"

Yun Xi couldn't help but close her eyes, feeling the millions of hand seals and techniques appearing in her mind.


she said to herself.

Suddenly, she remembered what the waiter had just said. She quickly wiped her mouth with tissue paper, took out the sniper rifle from the bag beside her, and assembled it skillfully.

Gouzi glanced at her.

Yun Xi found out and smiled: "When I was in school, I was ranked first in martial arts because I was very talented with guns. If I didn't have money to study -"

She did not continue.

But the big gun is already assembled.

Yun Xi took out a bullet, held the formula with one hand, and shouted: "The water of the five elements, melts frost and adheres!"

A bright frosty air suddenly appeared on the bullet, and then disappeared quickly.

Yun Xi finished loading the bullets, opened the window and looked out.

The noisy and chaotic sounds outside suddenly reached my ears.

Many people were running away in panic.

The road is blocked with water.

Farther away, bursts of deep tiger roars could be heard.

"Getting closer this way..."

"Because this is a restaurant, all the food tastes that right?"

Yun Xi's beautiful face showed a calm look.

She entered a hunting state in an instant, and her whole body exuded a faint murderous aura.

——She is ready!

The yellow dog looked on and praised in his heart.

Such characteristics are really suitable for training as a disciple of the demonic path with endless killing potential.


She is a kind-hearted girl, not the kind of guy who enjoys killing.

If there is such a guy, he is very suitable to inherit the Supreme Law and be trained as a disciple of a famous and upright family.

"Found the target." Yun Xi murmured softly.

She held her breath and looked like she was part of the gun.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

A tiger's roar mixed with the desperate cry of mankind——


At almost the same moment, gunfire rang out.

The bullet flew out with a roar, passing through the sky, and was about to hit the tiger.

Unexpectedly, the tiger suddenly turned his head, held the bullet in his mouth, and looked at the restaurant with a mocking look from a distance.

Yun Xi's face was expressionless, she held the seal with one hand and said softly: "Disperse."


The bullet shattered.

A blast of frost spread quickly, completely freezing the tiger in place.

Burning small characters suddenly appeared:

"Kill it."

Yun Xi pushed the bullet with lightning-like hands, then set the gun and took aim again.


Another gunshot.

The tiger's head exploded into a ball of blood!

In the crowd, the police and soldiers who had just arrived suddenly cheered.

The panic around him gradually subsided.

A soldier looked this way, flew several times, jumped up to the window, and said to Yun Xi: "Miss, you are -"

Yun Xi took out the special forces certificate she had just obtained.

When the soldier saw it, a smile suddenly appeared on his face and he gave a military salute to Yun Xi.

Yun Xi returned the military salute awkwardly: "Sorry, I just joined the army. The situation was urgent and I didn't have time to report."

"Don't worry, you did the right thing. We received the news a little late. Thank you for your help in what happened here. I will report it to the boss, so I won't disturb you for now."

After the soldier finished speaking, he jumped out of the restaurant.

The dog hid in the room and moved his paws quietly.

——The tiger's vitality and soul power were also absorbed by it!

Now, it can be promoted to the Golden Core stage.

The key is to find a place to survive the tribulation.

Just as Gouzi was thinking about it, there was suddenly another loud noise outside, and then all of it suddenly disappeared.

Gouzi's expression changed, he jumped up on the table and looked outside.

I saw something rising slowly deep in the zoo.

That's a snake.

In other words, it was originally a snake.

But at this moment, its body is as thick as two cars, rising like a skyscraper, crawling in the air.

Its indifferent gaze swept around, showing contempt.


Too small.

The snake shuddered and immediately flew into the sky, hovering in mid-air.

——Looking from a distance, it looks like a huge dragon!

This dragon-like snake-like monster looked down at the earth and suddenly opened its mouth and spat out human words:

"All humans will become food. This is your destiny. You-"


A gunshot pierced the sky.

The giant snake trembled, rolled repeatedly in mid-air, and crashed back into the zoo.

At the restaurant.

"The Five Elements method is really useful..."

The girl said, infusing a bullet with the power of the Five Elements Fire, reloading it, and raised the gun again, aiming in the direction of the zoo.

——It had penetrated the snake's body just now.

If it shows its head again, kill it.

The girl held her breath and waited silently.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

Caught off guard——

Lines of small words appeared in front of the girl and the dog at the same time:


"The time has come."

"The tide of alienation of wild animals has boiled over!"

"They will complete this alienation to a more powerful level."

"This is the end of them and the end of humanity."

"The end has come!"

"I repeat, this is not some kind of doomsday agent, but the real doomsday era!"

"Please prepare for battle!"

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