Infernal Artist

Chapter 618 Liu Ping’s World!

City God's Temple.

Because of the battle in Liu Ping just now, the surroundings suddenly became orderly.

No wild beasts or villains dared to cause trouble near the City God Temple anymore.

Special operations forces have arrived.

Yun Xi could finally start to rest.

"Huh? Why is the young master missing?"

She searched around the temple, but found no trace of the dog.


Lines of burning small characters appeared:


"Your dog is fine."

"Please focus on the current task."

"This mission was issued by Tiandao himself."

"Mission: The Destiny of the World."

"Five sources of power are coming from all over the world and are about to arrive at five places in the city. You need to absorb their power."

"Every time you obtain a source of power, your strength will increase to a higher level..."

"Once you complete this mission, you will gain the world's protection and can save the entire world."

Collect all the fine print.

Immediately afterwards, the name of a place appeared in front of Yun Xi.

"Ah? Chengbei Convenience Store? Why is it in that place... Fortunately it's not that far away."

Yun Xi was a little surprised, but knew that this matter could not be taken carelessly.

She put the sniper on her back, climbed over the wall, and headed towards the familiar convenience store.

Passing through alleys——

The convenience store is right in front of it, but unfortunately there are a few mutated humans standing at the door.

"Look, there's a chick here!"

"Hahaha, just in time!"

"Come on."

Several villains were overjoyed and rushed towards Yun Xi, reaching out to catch her.

A hint of disdain flashed in Yun Xi's eyes.

She didn't even take off the gun on her back, she just continued to rush forward and raised her hands.

But I saw a sharp light emitting from her hands——

Yun Xi shook one hand in the air, and slashed out long, spinning lights in the air, making sounds that kept cutting the air in the void.

Swish, swish, swish!

The bodies of the two villains were cut into dozens of pieces, flying into the distance with the sharp wind of the knife, and were all stuck to the wall.

Yun Xi raised her other hand.

The flame on this hand has begun to boil endlessly——

boom! ! !

Yun Xi waved his arm like a knife, and the remaining villains were immediately hit from the air. Their bodies were covered in bloody flesh and blood, and they fell to the ground not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

"Disgusting guys."

Yun Xi looked grim as she walked through the pool of blood and directly entered the convenience store.

"Where is the source of the world...?"

She looked around, and suddenly her attention was attracted by a glass marble on the counter.

For some reason, Yun Xi subconsciously grabbed the marbles.


A huge force turned into light from the marbles and slowly transferred to Yun Xi's body.

The prompt appears quickly:

"Attention, your strength has begun to move up a level."

Yun Xi was stunned.

At this time there was a noise outside the door.

I saw a huge wolf demon standing outside the door, saliva flowing down from its mouth.

Yun Xi flicked it casually, and a layer of light suddenly appeared on his arm.

Demon-slaying knife!

But something unexpected happened to Yun Xi.

The light flame that was originally the gold of the five elements soared into the sky, emitting powerful fluctuations that far exceeded those before.

The surrounding shelves could no longer withstand the attacks from the void, and were cut into powder by the sharp metallic force.


Yun Xi screamed in surprise.

outside the door.

The wolf demon looked at the giant golden blade, retracted its ears, took a few steps back, and ran away in a flash.

"It seems to have become stronger."

Yun Xi murmured, suddenly woke up, and hurried towards the next place.

the other side.

In the darkness, lines of small burning characters appeared before Liu Ping’s eyes:


"You have completed this disaster."

"You successfully broke through to the Nascent Soul realm."

"Since God has communicated with you on behalf of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, you can know that this Mingshen Tribulation has ended."

"You will directly return to your original strength."

"Please note:"

"In view of the current situation, the six paths of reincarnation allow you to awaken a new world-like magical power: the universe in your sleeves."

"When you become a true world-like life form, you will be able to activate this magical power."

Collect all the fine print.

"It seems to be a magical power that can take away the world." God said.

Liu Ping thought deeply: "But if I become a world-like life form now, the three-headed dragon will definitely notice it immediately."

"Yes, you need to become a world-like life form, steal the world, and then immediately find a place to hide - all of this must be done in an instant." God said.

Liu Ping sighed.

"The restrictions on reincarnation have been relaxed, and you can now start to build your own basic world with the help of the four holy pillars - after all, we are all here." God said.

"I'm here." The voice of Gaia, the mother of the earth, sounded.

"I'm ready too," said Mr. Pao.

"Where's Rita?" Liu Ping asked.

"Three kilometers to the north, a small house." God said.

Liu Ping's body flashed, and he immediately jumped over the buildings and appeared in the house.

Rita had just completed a round of calculations and solemnly wrote a line of small words on the wall:

"Based on the above calculation process, we can know:"

"Twelve plus nine equals one hundred and thirty-five."

Maybe she noticed Liu Ping coming, so she quickly stretched out her hand to block the wall, and said timidly: "Liu Ping, I'm just warming up, not really calculating, so it doesn't matter if I'm wrong."

Liu Ping clapped his hands and said in surprise: "What? Are you just warming up?"

"Yes." Rita said.

"You calculated it right! Twelve plus nine indeed equals twenty-one! That's absolutely correct!" Liu Ping put his hands behind his back and moved his fingers slightly.

Rita was startled and took her hand away from the wall.

I saw it read:

"Twelve plus nine equals twenty-one."

God's solemn voice suddenly sounded: "This answer is correct. Congratulations, Rita. Now that you have the correct answer, you can ask me that question."

"Ah, ah - good! Great!"

Rita happily spun around in circles and said loudly: "God, please tell me, in the face of the future disaster, how will we, the goblin family, survive the disaster?"

"Become one of Liu Ping's Four Holy Pillars, help him create the world, and fight together." God said.

"So simple?" Rita asked in surprise.

"Then are you willing?" Liu Ping smiled.


Rita cheered and flew over, landing on Liu Ping's nose with a smile on her face.

Two lines of small characters suddenly flashed before Liu Ping's eyes:

"The four holy pillars gather together."

"You can begin to transform to a higher level of life. Before that, you need to nurture your own world..."

In an instant, the whole world disappeared from Liu Ping's eyes.

He stood in a void.

There was nothing around.

If you sense it carefully, you can sense some unknown objects floating in the air.

A sudden realization emerged in Liu Ping's mind.

Now it's time to choose the most basic direction of power for your world.

This kind of power is the strength characteristic of oneself as a world-like life form, and it will run through all his battles.

"The most critical moment has arrived!" Rita cheered.

"Liu Ping, there are four basic directions of power you can choose." Pao Ye said.

God said: "That's right, because we are the ones gathering around you, so the four forces you use to form the world are:"

"Holy power;"

"The power of earth and death;"

"The power of ancient gods and the power of technology;"

"And the Favor of the Fairy Princess' Law."

Liu Ping closed his eyes and whispered: "I have already felt them. If I choose one of them, will I lose the others?"

"No - other forces will cooperate to build your world around the direction you choose. They are in a primary, secondary and subordinate relationship." God said.

Master Pao's voice sounded with emotion: "This is the strange power at the world level. It is really beyond the level that all living beings can deal with. All living beings have no way to deal with it."

Liu Ping stopped talking.

He has fully understood.

The so-called strangeness is the intersection of these law systems, forming a more powerful "emergence".


Which one should you choose as your main direction?

He fell into deep thought.

Countless battle scenes from the past kept reappearing in his mind, showing him how ever-changing and endless the strangeness was.

Various abilities.

There are endless ways to fight.

Unforeseen turns.

Surprising battle progress and results.

Just like Yun Xi——

Her power comes from the Six Paths of Reincarnation and herself. It is unprecedented. Who can judge how far she can go?

The only way to test it is to have a fight.

The same is true on the strange battlefield, and the higher you are to the level of the Lord of Nightmares, the more unfathomable the power you possess.

A name suddenly jumped out and appeared in Liu Ping's heart.

——Nightmare King Luo!

In my fight with it, it never used its full strength.

No one knows what its trump card is.


How should I fight it?

Time passes slowly.

Liu Ping closed his eyes and didn't make a sound for a while.

The Four Holy Pillars disappeared into the void, silent, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Master Guo, you have seen too many nightmare lords. I want to know...are the powers of those nightmare lords so strange and unpredictable?"

"Yes, all sentient beings have no idea how powerful the Lords of Nightmares are. They have infinite power of laws, because they are the world." Pao Ye said.

"It seems that the battles in the future will be dazzling..." Liu Ping sighed.

There was another long silence.

He suddenly spoke again: "I don't like this fighting style."

"Then what kind of fighting do you like?" the female Death God asked with interest.

Liu Ping's eyes became deep, as if he saw the battle of countless sentient beings through the void.

——Saw the failure, despair, pain and death.

Everything was devoured by the Lords of Nightmares.

There is no hope for all living beings.

Nothing at all……

And Liu Ping felt the same way about all this.

In the midst of nothingness, his voice became hoarse and firm:


"The blood is dripping, and death can appear at any time. Everyone involved in the battle must know what pain and torture is, and know that they can die at any time."

"I need my enemies to feel this fear."

"This is the fight I want."

In an instant, two lines of small burning characters quietly appeared:

"You have chosen the power of earth and death as the main source of power, and other sources of power will build your world around this source of power."

"The main attribute of the world is: forbidden."

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