Infernal Artist

Chapter 626 Come out!

The moment you get the doll——

Liu Ping released the power of the "special effects artist" to keep everything around him as is, while he hid in the void and flew away into the distance with all his strength.

It didn't take long.

An earth-shattering roar came from behind:

"Damn thief, give me back my doll, or I will kill you!!!"

Liu Ping gave a disdainful glance and moved faster.

The devil wants to fight you!

Without this doll, you must defeat yourself in ten parallel worlds within an hour, otherwise you will be wiped out by the doomsday.

——You should find a way to survive first, and then talk about fighting me.

He looked back.

I saw that this place was very far away from the battlefield just now, and Nightmare King Luo looked like a small black spot in the sky.


Ten identical beings suddenly appeared next to Nightmare King Luo.

After losing the doll, the power of doomsday finally began to show its power.

From now on, the eleven Nightmare Kings will compete with each other for the right to live!

Liu Ping was watching silently, and lines of small burning characters quietly appeared in front of his eyes:

"Nightmare King Luo has activated some extremely powerful special law of cause and effect."

"This law of cause and effect is drawn to you through the cause and effect of the 'thief', thus activating the following connection:"

"The other party can send you an invitation for a decisive battle."

"You can refuse, but every time you refuse, you have to pay a large sum of money to compensate the other party until you accept the challenge."

The roar of Nightmare King Luo rang in the sky: "Get out, boy, and return the doll to me immediately, or I will make you a pauper!"

Liu Ping smiled coldly and ignored it at all.

The eleven Nightmare King Luo can still remain calm now, but after a while, they may not be able to hold back.

——Only one Nightmare King Luo can survive.

Liu Jing waited quietly for a few breaths, and the surrounding scene began to become blurry again.

Countless lights and shadows flew away.

A new ominous fate is about to appear again!

He looked at the line in the void "Do you accept King Nightmare Luo's invitation for a decisive battle?" and asked directly:

"Can I leave a message for it here?"

A line of small burning words appeared: "Yes! Your rejection information will be known directly to it."

"Tell it I won't fight it," Liu Ping said.

Another line of burning small characters emerged:

"You have refused to engage with it."

"If you refuse this battle, one-tenth of your wealth will be deducted."

Liu Ping suddenly said: "What will happen after all the deductions are made?"

"Deduct your life span."

"Okay, got it."

As soon as the words fell, Nightmare King Luo over there immediately knew Liu Ping's message.

"Bastard! Just wait and don't dare to fight me. Sooner or later, all your lifespan will be deducted and you will die here!" it roared.

At this time, everything around him began to dissipate.

Each nightmare lord has entered his own ominous destiny.

Liu Ping only felt that he fell quietly and appeared on a battlefield full of chaos.

There are practitioners all around, and the spiritual power fluctuations on their bodies are far beyond their imagination, and they release powerful attacks during the battle.

"Without the strange power, you really are no match." Liu Ping murmured to himself.

With a wave of his hand, he released a piece of nothingness to cover himself, avoiding the fighting, and slowly moved to the edge of the battlefield.

There's no way around it. Although "special effects artists" can deceive people, swords and spells don't have eyesight.

If you stay on the battlefield, you may still get hit.

Liu Ping left the battlefield far away, found a secluded forest, hid in it, and began to rest.

"When are you going to fight that Nightmare King Luo?"

Gun Ye asked.

"Wait, don't worry." Liu Ping said.

He took out the pink doll and examined it carefully. He saw that the doll's attributes were exactly the same as Noah's Ark, and he couldn't help but feel strange.

"Don't be surprised, my ark is based on this doll." God said.

"Is it so powerful?" Liu Ping asked with interest.

"Of course, you found a treasure this time." God said.

"I also lost one-tenth of my wealth." Liu Ping said.

He turned his hand casually, and the fruit from the tree fell into his hands.

Everything is in your sleeve!

This skill is really easy to use. The more you use it, the more familiar you become. Maybe it will become your main method in the future.

Liu Ping gnawed on the fruit with relish.


Everything around him started to blur.

"Is this how you pass the test?" Mother Earth said in surprise.

"Yeah, I never fight unnecessary battles." Liu Ping shrugged.

“That’s how liars always work,” God concluded.

Light and shadow flickered.

Liu Ping returned to the world of the hide-and-seek competition, still hiding in the void.

Nightmare King Luo then appeared and roared: "Get out, boy, and fight me like a man."

Around it, stood ten Nightmare King Luo.

Liu Ping listened without paying attention and asked: "Hey, God, is there a way for me to expand my world first when fighting it?"

"Your worlds will appear alternately. If you want to take the lead, you need to use a sneak attack to quickly expand the world and wrap it in. This way, your world will be the starting battle world." God said.

"Ah, I understand." Liu Ping said.

He looked at the invitation for a decisive battle that had just appeared in front of him and said expressionlessly: "Continue to tell it that I will never accept the challenge."

A line of small burning characters appeared:

"You have declined the invitation for this decisive battle. Two-tenths of your wealth has been deducted. More will be deducted next time."

Liu Ping was indifferent.

In the next few minutes, no matter how much Nightmare King Luo scolded him or how the other ten Nightmare King Luo looked for him, he just wouldn't come out.

When the time comes.

Ominous fate strikes again.

Liu Ping appeared beside a large river, surrounded by assassins who were ready to surround him.

"Sorry, I'm not fighting today."

He smiled, stretched out his hand and raised a piece of nothingness, and the whole person disappeared.

The assassins were alert for a few breaths and rushed forward to check the situation.

At this time, Liu Ping had already escaped from the encirclement, quickly crossed the river, caught a few fish at the other end of the river, and found an uninhabited forest to get into.

He picked some dead branches and started a fire to grill the fish.


The fish is cooked.

Liu Ping hummed softly and made handprints while eating fish to heal the wounds on his body.

"You seem to be very relaxed. Is this okay?" Mother Earth asked.

"Don't disturb him. He is doing his best to relax and recuperate, allowing his condition to gradually return to its peak." God said.

Next, no one spoke.

Liu Ping finished the fish happily, clapped his hands and stood up, stretching.

The surrounding light and shadow became blurry again.


He once again escaped his ominous fate and returned to the world of hide-and-seek competition.

He stood in mid-air and waited for a few breaths.

Liu Ping looked surprised and said with a smile: "Eh? It hasn't come out yet?"

To put it more carefully, an ominous fate is a desperate situation that everyone has faced.

Even the scene of being surrounded by several girls implies the disaster of world destruction.

What's more, the ominous fate that appears later becomes more dangerous each time.

If Liu Ping were not the master of "deception" and "creation", he would have to fight with all his strength to survive in such a situation——

The same goes for other Nightmare Lords.

Nightmare King Luo didn't come out as soon as possible this time, probably because he encountered some difficult situation.

Time passes slowly.


The surrounding light and shadow became blurry.

Liu Ping waited quietly, preparing to enter an ominous fate again.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the surrounding scene returned to its original state again.

——He is still in the current world and has not left.

I saw lines of burning small characters appearing quickly:

"Doomsday is aware of your harmless state."

"Since you have not suffered any harm, Doomsday determines that you will not be affected by the 'ominous fate'."

"You don't have to go into it anymore."

"Accordingly, Doomsday will draw power away from you and arrange stronger destiny erosion for other nightmare lords."

Collect all the fine print.

Liu Ping laughed and said, "I didn't expect this to happen."

"This is natural. Instead of wasting power on you, it is better to kill a few more Nightmare Lords. This is more in line with Doomsday's interests." God said.

"Forget it, I'll just continue to take a rest." Liu Ping said.

He found a rock, sat cross-legged on it, and entered a deep state of concentration.

Tens of minutes passed.

Liu Ping suddenly felt something in his heart and opened his eyes to look deep into the sky.

The Nightmare King Luo finally appeared.

It had several shocking wounds on its body and was breathing heavily.

"How about it?"

The other Nightmare King Luo immediately surrounded him.

"I'm fine! Nothing happened at all! Wait until I find that guy, kill him, and get the doll back!" Nightmare King Luo waved his hand.

at the same time.

Rows of small letters inviting a decisive battle appeared before Liu Ping's eyes again.

He smiled silently and said, "Tell it, I will never fight it."

The words just fell.

Three-tenths of the wealth was immediately deducted again.

Now Liu Ping has been deducted six-tenths of his wealth——

The rest can only be deducted once at most!

Nightmare in the Sky King Luo immediately knew the message Liu Ping had sent.

"Let me see, the wealth of these compensations is amazing, so rich..."

"But so what? If you keep refusing to fight, sooner or later your lifespan will be deducted. Let me see how long you can last."

Nightmare King Luo gritted his teeth and said.

"More than half an hour has passed, and there are still twenty minutes left." A Nightmare King Luo said.

"Yes, only one of us can survive." Another Nightmare King thought deeply.

The other Nightmare King Luo looked at each other, their expressions were as usual, but the atmosphere seemed a little different from the beginning.


The surrounding light and shadow began to blur again.

The ominous fate has begun again!

Nightmare King Luo disappeared immediately.

There are ten Nightmare King Luo from the parallel world left in place.

"Is it still possible for it to find the doll?" asked a Nightmare King Luo.

No one can answer it.

Everything fell into silence.


A Nightmare King opened up the bloody world and struck from behind another Nightmare King——


A huge roar was accompanied by a scream.

The Nightmare King Luo was directly hit by this sneak attack and fell to the ground.

Several other Nightmare King Luo rushed up and killed it completely on the spot.

"In short, there is one less competitor."

"Now there are nine of us left in total, plus the guy who entered the 'ominous fate', there are ten of us, and only one of us will survive in the end."

"Then...wait a little longer?"


"That's right, let's wait."

"Anyway, after killing one, the pressure will be less. Let's wait for him to come out."

They finished speaking and closed their mouths at the same time.

A strange murderous intent filled the sky.

Finally, all the nightmare lords could no longer restrain themselves and began to attack the one closest to them!

Only one person can live!

What else is there to say? We have to fight!

Time continues to pass.

Fifty-fifth minute——

Nightmare King Luo appeared in the void again.

It was almost covered in bruises, and blood was flowing down its trunk.

Look around.

It only sees one self.

"What about the rest?"

"All dead."

"Are we the only two left?"

"That's right, there are only five minutes left. If you can't get that kid out, the winner will be between us."

Nightmare King Luo roared:

"Get out of here, kid, and fight with me!"

Hundreds of miles away.

Liu Ping sat on the ground, eyes closed, motionless.

A row of goblins stood on his shoulders, massaging his shoulders and neck.

I heard the roar of Nightmare King Luo ring out again in the air:

"Damn boy, I'm already seriously injured, why don't you dare come out and fight me? What kind of worldly creature are you!"

"Come out!"

"You should come out!"

Nightmare King Luo shouted almost crazily.

Liu Ping was unmoved at all. He just opened his mouth and whispered: "Tell it that I refuse to fight."

The remaining four-tenths of the wealth were immediately deducted.

The next second.

The Nightmare King Luo in mid-air was stunned.

"He still won't come out, right?" Opposite it, the only remaining Nightmare King Luo said.

A faint killing intent emerged from it.

"Yes, there are only three minutes left. Either you die or I live."

Nightmare King Luo said in a difficult and desperate tone.

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