Infernal Artist

Chapter 658 The Starting Point of History

Everlasting night.

As soon as Gaia, the mother of the earth, opened her eyes, she saw Yun Xi sitting opposite her, looking at her with twinkling eyes.

"What's the matter?" Gaia yawned and asked.

"You slept all day and all night." Yun Xi said.

"Yes, it's really comfortable to have a good sleep." Gaia said.

"In this case, you should have slept well." Yun Xi said.

"I did sleep well," Gaia said.

"Then let's start working. Please integrate my world into Liu Ping's world." Yun Xi said.

Gaia sighed, spread her hands and said, "Can't we rest a little longer? Liu Ping won't die!"

"If his situation is really so safe, why would God follow him?" Yun Xi said.

Gaia was speechless for a moment.

The gunman's voice came from far away:

"Come on, hurry up and integrate Yun Xi's Six Paths of Reincarnation fragments into Liu Ping's world."

"Are you also helping this little girl?" Gaia snorted.

"I know you are tired, and so am I, but this matter must be done immediately. I have a hunch that Liu Ping needs the help of gods like us." Pao Ye said.

Fairy Princess Rita jumped out of the void, landed on Yun Xi's head, and shouted: "Let's start working, we also need to bring some help to Liu Ping, otherwise he will only take God out to play next time, no Take us!”

Gaia, the mother of the earth, sighed and said: "We have worked so hard, can we help him?"

"Of course, his world is in sync with him. No matter where he is, as long as his world becomes stronger, he will definitely benefit." Pao Ye said.

"I'm afraid of you, let's fuse the fragments of the Six Paths of Reincarnation now," Gaia said.

"Wait a moment--"

Yun Xi stood up and explained: "My world has six attributes, namely heaven, man, beast, underworld, asura, and evil ghost - you have to choose one as the main world attribute and integrate it into his world go."

"God left a message for me, telling us to choose 'Underworld'." Pao Ye said.

"Then Huangquan." Gaia agreed.

"Please choose a god with the attributes of death, destruction, and withering to connect with my world." Yun Xi said.

The gods couldn't help but turn their heads and look at the female god of death named Meng.

The female Death God chuckled and said, "Okay, he killed so many enemies and restored my strength a lot. It's time for me to help."

A bygone era.

That moment 960,000,000 years ago.

In the dark void, endless dark purple light burst out from the divine pillar.


The painful wails of the Lord of the World echoed all around.

Liu Ping stood far away in the void, quietly observing the changes in things.

The voice of God sounded:

"It is turning into a nightmare - this process will not take too long. Once it completes the transformation, its strength will skyrocket - it will immediately execute the order and subdue the female world masters."

"It seems we have to figure out a solution quickly." Liu Ping said.

"It's not us, it's you." God corrected.

"Don't you know everything?" Liu Ping said.

"But it's you who traveled through time and space trying to change all destiny. I can only be regarded as a consultant - the kind who doesn't take responsibility." God said.

"Why don't you come back to life and use your 'omnipotent' power?" Liu Ping said.

"The greater the responsibility, the greater the danger. This matter will ultimately be left to you. We gods are too old." God said in a solemn tone.

"Okay, your style is still so sacred." Liu Ping said.

He was lost in thought.

In fact, at this moment, he fully realized how dangerous this matter was.

Because I can’t do it over again, I only have one chance——

What happens here will determine the behavior and direction of the nightmares throughout the entire 960,000 years.

Only one chance.

No matter what it is made of.

The following eras will make corresponding changes according to their own intervention at this moment.

The Four Great Laws are surrounding the world, waiting for the reset of all fates along the entire space-time line.

Those things in history still happen.

There is absolutely nothing you can do to change them.

"This is where all history begins."

God sighed: "What we are doing now is like reaching a crucial historical moment again -"

"This is the starting point. A fish starts from here and swims upstream along the river of time toward the future. Everything along the way will be experienced again, exactly, and it will definitely reach the future without any mistakes."

"What if something goes wrong?" Liu Ping asked.

"The four laws will kill you immediately." God said.

Liu Ping continued: "Then the only thing I can do is to stuff something into the fish's belly that didn't exist before, or add everything along its path that didn't exist before."

"Exactly so," God said.

"It's a bit difficult..." Liu Ping said with emotion.

"If it's not difficult, why should I die like this?" God said.

"Are you still afraid of this?" Liu Ping asked in surprise.

"I am the boss of the sacred system. I can only influence people, not deceive them." God said.

"So you have no choice but to come to me and form a partnership to set up traps for others?" Liu Ping asked.

"Save all sentient beings together." God said.

While the two were chatting, they saw that the changes on the sacred pillar became more and more drastic, so that the entire sacred pillar began to shake continuously, looking like it was on the verge of collapse.

The first nightmare is about to be born!

Liu Ping reached out and took out the prison knife from the void and held it.

"You seem to have said not to kill it." God said.

"Say it as if I can definitely win - get on it!"

Liu Ping emerged from the void, trembled all over, and suddenly swung his sword towards the distance.

A ray of light full of destruction flashed from the blade.

Elementary Strange Sword Technique: Trembling Slash!

A vigilant voice came from the divine pillar: "Qi Wei Dao Shu? Who are you?"

Countless dark purple runes appeared densely, blocking the sword light in layers.

The sword light moved forward without hesitation, cutting open all the runes——

Being held by one hand.

That world-like life form manifested.

His body has been corroded by the dark purple light and turned into a purple humanoid shape. However, small and secret runes gradually appeared on the outside, looking like a piece of armor.

——That was his nightmare embrace.

"I seem to know who I am, but I'm not sure, so I better not introduce myself." Liu Ping shrugged.

The figure stretched out a hand full of purple light, extinguished the flickering sword light, and said in a deep voice:

"No matter who you are, there is only one ending for you today -"


As soon as he finished speaking, everything around him suddenly disappeared.

Liu Ping found himself in a world.

On the earth.

The crowd fell into large swaths of death and mutation.

The entire world and all sentient beings are coming to an end in panic and despair.

Their souls will be eaten by the Lord of the World to increase their own strength, thus ensuring victory over all enemies.

——This is the other person’s world!

Liu Ping sighed, landed on the top of a minaret, held the knife in his arms, and looked towards the sky.

The blue sky began to give way to a dark purple.

"I have always been curious about what your World Art is. After all, you are so powerful that almost no one is qualified to challenge you." Liu Ping said.

A dark purple figure quietly appeared in the sky, looking down at him and saying: "Puppet!"

In an instant, lines of burning small characters appeared:

"The other party has activated the art of the world: Puppet."

"The whole world is filled with endless controlling powers that can control everything about you at any time. Please be careful when dealing with them."

Liu Ping looked around.

I saw a series of crazy runes like waterfalls appearing in the void, connected in series with each other, and shrouding me.

Every thread is a kind of control.

As long as you touch it, you will lose control of your body.


The dark purple figure had a pair of sharp claws on his hands and was in front of Liu Ping in a flash.

Liu Ping swung his sword to hold the opponent's claws, and suddenly dodged to avoid the thin lines flying from all directions, constantly weaving and dodging in mid-air.

There are more and more thin lines of runes, like thousands of raging waves, surging up and down between the sky and the earth, trying to drown the flying figure.

"Hahaha, everything in the void is my world's art, you can't escape it!"

The dark purple figure hung in the air, waving claw shadows in the air.


Liu Ping blocked another blow, but he didn't even have a chance to counterattack. He immediately had to dodge the frenzy of dense thin lines again.

Can't be stained.

One touch and the battle is over.

He rushed up to the sky, overlooking the endless thin lines of runes that gathered like a sea in the entire void, and praised:

"Now that you are at this level, if you are given another few hundred million years to devour all sentient beings, who in the endless world can defeat you?"

The words fell.

Bursts of dull thunder suddenly sounded deep in the sky.



The drizzle of rain fell from the sky, gradually turning into a torrent.


Thunder rumbled and torrential rain poured down, washing away everything.

In the entire world, where every drop of rain falls, the thin lines of runes break, disintegrate, and disappear.


In the wave of runes below, the dark purple figure quietly appeared and asked: "What kind of sword technique are you doing?"

"It's just rain. Come up here and let's continue fighting."

Liu Ping moved his neck, raised his long knife and said.

A line of small burning characters quietly emerged in the void:

"You activated the advanced strange sword technique - Rain Slash."


"Your 'Rain Slash' is a creative and strange sword technique. It transcends the shackles of ordinary power and is destroying the opponent's world technique."

"The other side is accumulating stronger power."

"This is a battle where even the slightest distraction can lead to death."

"Please be prepared!"

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