Infernal Artist

Chapter 661 Choice

Use historical records as the standard and Liu Ping's trajectory as the reference.

Set time back a few minutes.


After Liu Ping left.

The man behind the bar put away the coins, took a deep drag on his cigarette, and took out another wine glass.

He filled a glass of golden wine and placed it on the bar.

"I remember you like to drink this." The man said to the empty seat outside the bar.


An old man with gray hair and beard appeared quietly, holding the glass of golden wine and taking a sip.

"Are you sure this time?" the man asked.

"You can't learn about the results of the battle with the demon. Any prying eyes will cause unstable changes." The old man sighed tiredly.

The man was silent for a while and said, "I remember that we have used thousands of parallel worlds."

"To be precise, there are seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-one parallel worlds." The old man said.

A female voice sounded: "That's seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-one times."

A long-haired woman appeared from the void, poured herself a glass of wine and said, "No matter who you look for to save all sentient beings, they all fail without exception."

"I have tried those heroes who are particularly lucky, and those extremely powerful spirits, even the Night King in the depths of eternal night, the God Lord on the Pillar of Purgatory, and even the spirits coming down from the Holy World. None of them belong to that evil devil. Opponent." The man added while holding a cigarette.

"That evil spirit is actually just a flag bearer," the old man said.

"You mean that demon is not the strongest among them?" the woman asked.

"Of course not, it's just the first one to appear - when it begins to gain a firm foothold and wave the banner of the changing era, those truly powerful evil spirits will follow." The old man said.

"But we tried seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-one times, but we couldn't even defeat this flag bearer."

There was silence in the bar.

"So he is also the spirit of the Holy World... How is his strength compared to Andrea?" the woman asked tentatively.

"No, he is not a spirit from the Holy World." The old man said flatly.


The man and woman looked surprised together.

The old man pondered for a few breaths, then suddenly laughed and said: "When we tried our best to assist Andrea, Andrea also failed, but this guy went further than the spirit of the Holy World. It is really unexpected. .”

The woman said in surprise: "His true identity——"

The old man said: "He lied to all existences. In order to avoid remembering who he was, he even made up a memory to lie that he was a spirit from the Holy World. In fact, he was not. Since he is so cautious, I can't say it either."

"Why do you have to go to this extent?" The man spread his hands to express his confusion.

"In order to be in the show - haven't you noticed that he has been winning until now?" the old man said with a smile.

The woman said: "In other parallel worlds, other heroes we chose have also made great progress -"

The old man interrupted her and said: "But he has been taking advantage even though he has absolutely no chance of winning -"

"He couldn't defeat the King of Nightmares, let alone the flag bearer among the demons, but he accepted Gaia, the Ancient God, the Fairy Princess, and my help to establish the extremely rare Four Holy Pillars— - Until just now, he was still taking the initiative, and was even about to learn the demon's armor-making technique - but in terms of real fighting, he could only lose - but he was winning - this was too strange, it was simply — indescribable.”

As the old man spoke, his eyes showed a little vividness, and a layer of light shrouded his back.

The man and woman looked at each other and their expressions became serious.

"After seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-one attempts, you have not shown up. Do you plan to show up in person this time to help him?" the woman asked.

"None of the other seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-one combatants have reached his level." The old man said.

"Although he is the one who has walked the furthest, he has already arrived in front of the devil. If he fails in the next attempt, this timeline will be completely over." The man said.

"Once you show up, the devil will know your existence, and you will be in danger in the future." The woman also advised.

"Sacrifice is one of my teachings - after all, all living beings and even the gods and the Holy Spirit have sacrificed everything, but our laws don't take any risks? There is no way to defeat evil spirits in this way."

The old man drank all the wine in his glass, stood up, and walked out of the bar.

The man took out a coin and threw it on the table and said, "I'll take you back to that moment."

The old man said without looking back: "Well, I'm sorry to bother you."


The bar door closes.

The man pondered: "Wife, what do you say?"

The woman held the wine glass and said, "You control all your time. I will take care of God when necessary."

"Now we're stuck too." The man sighed.

"The power of chaos has not yet awakened... We must also fight." The woman said.

After saying that, she also disappeared from the place.

The man relit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and whispered: "Damn it, damn it, I still can't believe it... We are going to face the devil head-on."

He held down the coins on the table, and his face gradually gained a little fighting spirit.

That moment.

"Now I will begin to teach you the art of armor making," the woman said.

Liu Ping knelt down on one knee, imitating the posture and expression of the Nightmare King, and said respectfully: "As ordered."

The woman nodded, stretched out her hand and touched his eyebrows gently.

Lines of small burning characters were refreshed crazily, flashing into the void at an incomprehensible speed:

"You are the first being in history to be taught the knowledge of the next era."

"This is something that has never happened before in infinite parallel worlds and multiple worlds. It means:"

"The sentient beings who are bound to be eliminated have obtained the information and knowledge base for the next era."

"This matter is too crazy and violates the iron law of the change of eras."

"With all your 'deception' and 'special effects artist' powers, this Heroic Spirit Operation Interface can only deceive it for five more breaths."

"Please escape immediately within five breaths."

"After five breaths, the 'Special Effects Artist' will not be able to take effect in front of it!"

Liu Ping glanced at it, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

After five breaths.

You can no longer fool the opponent with "special effects artist".

——Fighting it on her own is no match for her.

So if you don’t want to die, you have to escape in the five breaths.

But where can you escape?

After a while, the King of Nightmares will definitely feel that the waiting time is too long.

Once the King of Nightmares makes a little trial, nothing in his sleeves can stop him.

It will inevitably break through that space and return here again.

The King of Nightmares is the most powerful of all nightmares. For 96000 years, it has eaten countless souls, and no one has ever been able to defeat it.

Plus the monster in front of me turned into a woman.

Together, they are invincible to billions of worlds. Where can I hide?

The Eternal Night and the Purgatory Pillar cannot stop them.

Nothing can stop them.

All is lost.

A line of small burning characters jumped out of the void:

"One breath has passed, and there are four breaths left."

Liu Ping's mind was empty, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

Can't escape.

To escape is to die.

If you stay, you will die!

He almost didn't think any more, and immediately probed his spiritual thoughts into the world of Qiankun in his sleeves, and said in the woman's voice:

"My servant, in the past 900 million years, I don't know what your strength is. Now use your full strength to blast into the void and let me see how far you have reached - this is an order!"

Two breaths.

The King of Nightmares listened silently and said respectfully: "Yes."

——Calculating carefully, only tens of seconds have passed since Liu Ping put it here, not even a minute.

Now the master has given an order and he feels he must obey.

It's time for the master to see the power he has mastered over the past 900 million years!

One breath.

Liu Ping suddenly raised his head and looked at the woman.

The woman did not doubt that he was there, and said to herself: "When you have digested the art of forging armor, I will pour my power into you so that you can cast this armor."

Liu Ping said respectfully: "Master, I have something to offer."

time up.

Liu Ping raised his hand and shook it slightly.

At this moment, the King of Nightmares struck the void with all his strength——

This blow was released directly by Liu Ping using Qiankun in his sleeves!

Almost at the same moment, violent killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he whispered:

"Earth·Forbidden Technique."


A world suddenly came from a very far away place and enveloped everyone in it.

This is Liu Ping's world.

Big desert!

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