Infernal Artist

Chapter 67 Playing cards

"Liu Ping, what do you want to do?" Old K couldn't help but ask.

On the wall, the man stood up, patted the dust on his body, and said, "I just said, we just have to chat, and I will surrender when the time is up."

"Yes, you said it." Qi Lu said in a deep voice.

The man slowly climbed down from the wall and walked towards the three of them holding a bouquet of flowers.

"do not come!"

Alger shouted and raised his shield.

Old K also raised his gun.

The man stood there helplessly, stretched out his hand and separated a few flowers from the flowers. After thinking about it, he separated a few more flowers.

He held up the flowers and said seriously:

"I wanted to send you some flowers to say sorry."

"——After all, I lied to you just now when I said I would surrender."

The words have not yet finished.

Those flowers suddenly turned into flying lines of fire, flying through the air and hitting Alger's shield.

Gorgeous fireworks burst into bloom on the streets, like a grand fireworks party, lighting up the dark night sky.

Several scattered fireworks hit the surrounding walls and streets, exploding into small potholes.

——Magic flame!

At this moment, whether it was Old K, Qi Lu, or Alger, they were enveloped in the flames of the grand fireworks, making it impossible to see clearly the surrounding scene.

"Be careful," someone shouted.

"Of course!" Old K, Qilu and Alger responded at the same time.

Before they finished speaking, they suddenly realized something was wrong.

But it's too late.

one hand.

A hand stretched out from behind and carefully inserted the flower into the gap in Qilu's steel helmet.


A bright flame burst out from inside the steel helmet, and Qi Lu's whole body was shaken by it.

He fell straight to the ground.

"Damn liar!"

Old K roared, picked up the gun, and said without looking back: "Alger, cover me and kill him!"

Alger didn't reply.

Old K turned around and saw that Alger's mouth was filled with flowers and he stood there without daring to move.

that person.

The man with a smile on his face stood next to Alger, held his shoulders, and said happily: "Old K, I remember you gave me a pistol, and now I also have something to give you. Please look around you. "

Old K looked at him warily and looked around with his peripheral vision.

I saw flowers arranged in a circle on the ground around me.

"You are surrounded, Old K." The man said with a smile.

"Damn it, Liu Ping, you——"

"Shh! Don't move. If you move, these flowers will explode, just like they did just now."

The man stepped back step by step.

Alger and Old K didn't dare to move.

When the man saw this, he turned around with relief and walked towards the bar.

"Your fighting skills are really poor, so just stand there obediently."

He said without looking back.

The corners of Old K's eyes twitched, and he slowly raised the machine gun in his hand. Just as he was about to aim at the man, he saw a flower stuck on the black barrel.

"Liu Ping!"

Old K suddenly shouted loudly.

The man stopped.

"Do you think you'll win if you trap us like this? The bartender will take care of you!" Old K said.

The man was silent for a moment, chuckled, and raised his wrist to look at the time.

"Ah, it's time."

Across the street.

The flowers in Alger's mouth, the flowers surrounding Old K on the ground, and the flower in the barrel of the gun lit up at the same time.

--boom! ! !

Brilliant fireworks soared into the sky, making deafening explosions.

In the void, lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"The flower tribute was placed for more than twenty seconds."

"time up."

"All the flowers start exploding!"

——After ordinary flowers became the clown’s exclusive props, they turned into magic bombs that cannot be left for a long time!

A strong wind blew.

The man stroked his hair and said softly:

"Trapped you? No, I just lied to you."

The sky-high firelight reflected the figure of the man.

He stamped his feet, raised his head and burst into a burst of mocking laughter.

Lines of burning small characters appeared before his eyes:

"You caused a scene."

"You expressed your joy and pleasure by stamping your feet and laughing."

"The next card you draw will be transformed into a clown-specific prop."

The man suddenly stopped laughing.

"Innocent guys."

He withdrew his gaze and walked toward the end of the street.


He sat down across from the bartender.

"When you resurrected everyone in Dark Mist Town, I felt strange why everyone had spare cards but I didn't - I thought I was a newcomer, so I hadn't received the treatment of resurrection yet," he said.

"Do you understand now? Because you are not my card." The bartender said.

"Yes, now I know this, but how can I make a person become my own slave - bah, I'm wrong, it's to become my own card." He asked.

"First, the other party must be willing, then you must pass a trial like this, and finally, you must ask the gods to drop a card for you that is specifically used to enslave others - the gods are proficient in the method of enslavement." The bartender said.

"I see."

As he spoke, he looked into the void.

Lines of burning small characters emerged:

"You learned the secret of turning all living beings into cards."

"Your role has increased."

"Current scene: 6/10."

At this time there was a noise on the wall.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.


The clock goes one minute.

The bartender immediately reached out and drew a card.

I saw a large off-road truck painted on the card, which was filled with all kinds of supplies.

"This car... is prepared for escaping to the wilderness in the future, but it's a pity..."

The bartender sighed, put the card aside, and turned to stare at the person opposite.

"Is it the Joker card? It is an extremely unpopular card, and no one has ever chosen it."


"Because every card master is a transcendent being, noble and dignified, and will never act like a clown for people's entertainment."

The man grinned: "Dignity? You seem to have forgotten what kind of era this is, and you have also forgotten that you are already a slave to the goddess of pain."

"I did fail," the bartender said, "What about you? Liu Ping, do you think you can escape the control of those gods?"

"Escape?" The man looked surprised.

The bartender shook his head and said: "Stop pretending, the card master is the only chance to be free."

"You reminded me that I forgot to draw a card just now."

The man reached out and pulled out a card from the void, but covered it with both hands so as not to look at it.

He just stared at the bartender and whispered, "You've got it all wrong, bartender."

"Where did I go wrong?" the bartender asked.

"You think too highly of yourself, and you think too highly of me. In fact, in the torrent of the times, you and I are just tiny ants with nowhere to escape."

The bartender was silent for a moment and said: "In this damn era...if we can't even escape, what room for struggle do we have?"

The man shook his head and smiled: "You are completely confused, bartender. In fact, this is an era of slavery and being enslaved. Being a good person will not end well -"

He leaned forward, put his mouth next to the bartender's ear, and whispered: "So, we want to let those gods taste the feeling of being enslaved."

The bartender's eyes suddenly opened wide with an expression of disbelief.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.


One minute to go!

The bartender came to his senses and drew a card again.

The man also drew a card and placed it upside down on the table.

The bartender suddenly laughed and showed the card in front of the opponent.

I saw a tombstone painted on the card, and a holy light fell from the sky, shining on the tombstone.

"Liu Ping, this is my strongest resurrection card. It can revive the three people who were killed just now - you are going to lose." The bartender said.

The man tapped the two upside-down cards with his fingers and whispered softly: "I still have two cards that have not been opened, but I don't want to fight you. I have a little suggestion."

"What?" the bartender asked.

"Actually, there is no god presiding over this trial - the gods are busy fighting with each other and don't even care about us little shrimps. Why don't you let me win? I will give you a reward."

"This makes no sense. I am already a slave to the Goddess of Pain. Everything you give me belongs to her." The bartender shook his head.

"But what if I spend a large sum of money to buy you from her?" the man asked.

The bartender paused for a while before saying:

"Just you?"

The man pointed to the two playing cards on the table and said: "No one knows my cards. You, me, the gods, no one knows, so I have infinite possibilities, and you -"

He pointed to the resurrection card in the bartender's hand and mocked:

"Homeland? With such a name for the deck, the gods will know directly what you are thinking, and it will be too easy to deal with you."

"What's the name of your deck?" the bartender asked.

The man puffed out his chest and said proudly: "Happy!"

"Joy...don't clowns please everyone?"

"I am also a sentient being."

The man held down two cards, stared at the bartender and said: "You have the courage to build a home, why don't you have the courage to let me go?"

"But why don't you think of a way to defeat me?" the bartender asked.

"Because you must first prove that you are willing to fight against the gods. In this way, it will be worth my money to buy you. This is more important than me killing you once." The man said.

The bartender fell silent.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.


Another minute!

The bartender reached out and drew a card.

The man said softly: "Whether you want to be a slave to the goddess of pain forever, or leave yourself a glimmer of hope and be rescued by me in the future - you need to make a decision."

The bartender's hands froze.

The man drew a card, but still didn't look at it, and put it on the table.

He stared at the bartender.

The bartender lowered his head and thought quietly.

Time passes slowly.

The clock on the wall jingled again.

The man drew a card again and placed it on the table.

——Now he has four unknown cards.

"Hurry up. Although men can't be faster, they shouldn't be nagging." The man crossed his legs and said casually.

The bartender sighed, put down the card in his hand and said, "Kill me."

The man laughed and turned a card from the table.

I saw a crooked cane drawn on the card.


The card turned into a crutch and fell into the man's hand.

In the void, a line of burning small words appeared before his eyes:

"This card has been transformed into a clown-exclusive prop."

The man pulled hard and pulled out a thin sword from the cane.

He stood up, holding the sword in one hand, and stretched out the other hand to shake hands with the bartender.

"You are welcome to join me. Sooner or later, I will buy you from the goddess and let you live like a human again." He said seriously.

"I hope so - but what should I call you? Liu Ping? Or clown?" the bartender said.

"It doesn't matter. When I dress like this, you can call me a clown. Calling me Liu Ping will ruin the atmosphere."

The man smiled and thrust out the rapier in his hand!


The moment the bartender was struck by the sword, his entire body turned into a card.

This card was surrounded by dense lines of iron ropes, as if to declare his status as a slave.

The void opened, and the cards flew in and disappeared.

The entire Dark Mist Town returned to deathly silence.

——The trial is over.

The man sat down at the bar again and poured himself a glass of wine.

"Like a drowning person, desperately trying to grasp the last straw..."

"Tsk, I wonder if the gods will do the same. It's really exciting."

He raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass.

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