Infernal Artist

Chapter 670 The Secret of the Gate World

Three days later.

Everlasting night.

Liu Ping fell quietly and stood in a dark world.

This is the bottom of the eternal night.

——The darkest world.

Liu Ping stretched out his hand, took out something, and weighed it gently.

This is a storage bag on the practice side.

It is actually not difficult to collect materials in the dream world. You only need to complete various tasks step by step to get the rewards you want.

It took Liu Ping three full days to finally collect most of the armor-making materials.

One of the characteristics of dreams is that you can take things you obtain out of the dream and use them in the real world.

Now is the last task of the dream——

Liu Ping looked into the void.

Lines of small characters stayed there:

"There are many fantasy objects in the dream, but there is no Soul Moon Secret Jade. It is something unique to the Eternal Night World."

"Go to the darkest world in eternal night."

"There you will find the treasure you seek."

Liu Ping was slightly surprised.

Even for the next era of armor, almost all casting materials can be found in the dream.

——But there is no Soul Moon Secret Jade.

Is this thing too rare, or is the world of Yongye somewhat unique?

The voice of God sounded: "This question is actually easy to answer. Liu Ping, have you ever seen divine pillars like the Pillar of Purgatory and the Pillar of Eternal Night?"

Liu Ping thought about it and said: "In the endless history, I have seen many divine pillar worlds, but none of them are like the Purgatory and the Eternal Night Divine Pillar."

"That's right," God took over and said: "The Pillar of Eternal Night can allow the souls of the endless world to sleep, while the Pillar of Purgatory is surrounded by eternal hellfire -"

Liu Ping said: "No other divine pillar world has such strange power and vision."

He fell silent.

Purgatory and the Pillar of Eternal Night...what secrets are hidden?

For a while.

He took out the gourd filled with Wangchuan water and drank it until the evil aura in his body was completely suppressed, then he put the gourd away.

——Now I have to drink a few more sips to suppress the evil power.

I'm afraid that by the sixth day, the Wangchuan water will also lose its effectiveness.

"Without further delay, according to what the clown said, let's go find the Soul Moon Secret Jade first." Liu Ping said.

"Three thousand miles to the southeast," God said.

Liu Ping's figure flashed and flew away in the direction God said.


He fell down and stood on a piece of solid rock ground.

"There is nothing here, so we have to dig?" Liu Ping asked.

"I can't say," God said.

Liu Ping shrugged, took out a shovel and started digging.

"Is it buried deep? Will it be damaged if I use magic? After all, the name sounds like it is a piece of jade." He said to himself.

God suddenly said: "I have only one sentence. After I say it, please don't have any communication with me for the time being - you are obviously looking for the Soul Moon Secret Jade, what are you doing with a shovel?"

Liu Ping was shocked.

He suddenly recalled the more distant scene.

I was also digging soil at that time.

What is that for?

...Yes, that was to help Yana retrieve the Whip of Torment and Pain.

At that time, I was solving problems in the "temporary prison of the useless" and met a great and indescribable existence.

It was it that gave the whip to itself.

Does God’s last reminder mean that...

Liu Ping swung his shovel and dug hard into the soil.

It took about ten minutes to dig.

The dirt outside has piled up into a small hill.


A clear crash sounded.

Liu Ping squatted down and swept away the dirt with his hand, only to see an extremely hard rock below.

He gently rubbed his hand over the rock.

That's right, I have never seen such a substance anywhere. I only saw it once in the "Temporary Prison for the Useless".

This rock is related to that great being!

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw lines of burning small words popping up in the void:

"The unknown existence has awakened, and it has noticed what you have done."

"It's coming to communicate with you."

"At this extremely delicate moment, this sequence must make an urgent statement to you:"

"Nothing you know can offend it!"

"The next few minutes will determine your life or death, so be careful when you speak!"

Liu Ping read it silently, feeling waves of panic rising in his heart.

This description——

It’s exactly the same as before!

"What... I'm obviously already a world-like life form..."

Liu Ping murmured absently.

When I first saw that existence, I was just a reserve card master.

At that time, the Heroic Spirit operating interface gave such an explanation, which I could completely accept.


He is already a world-like life form, possessing the cards of the gods, possessing the art of the world, and even possessing the main attributes of the world——


However, the Heroic Spirit operation interface still gave the exact same instructions.

What was the existence that I met back then?

Liu Ping thought in his mind, and was about to ask God quietly, but suddenly remembered the last words God just said.

"I have only one sentence. After I say it, please don't have any communication with me for the time being..."

God is an omniscient being.

God's temporary refusal to have any contact with him must have a deep meaning.

Liu Ping thought silently and simply closed his mouth.

next moment.

As if they had noticed something, the small burning characters sank silently into the void and disappeared completely.

The whole world became blurred and dispersed from Liu Ping's eyes.

There was a flash of void.

In the endless darkness, stars as vast as the sea suddenly appeared, like countless blooming flowers, all blooming in front of Liu Ping's eyes.


Endless stars began to gather together, forming a huge head that exuded a cold light.

This head looked down at Liu Ping, its expression becoming more and more serious:

"In the future, you once got the 'Rock of Nothingness' from me, is that right?"

"That's right, Your Excellency." Liu Ping said.

"So how many secrets have you unlocked?" Star Giant Skull asked.

"Originally, I could have solved the three secrets directly, but you told me that the time has not come yet and the secrets should not be revealed lightly. You only allowed me to reveal the first secret." Liu Ping said.

"Those three secrets?" Star Giant Skull asked.


Liu Ping recalled it and said: "We met in a temporary prison called the 'Temporary Prison for Useless People', and those three questions were there."

"Yes, I will spread these questions in the surface world of Purgatory and the Eternal Night Pillar, looking for existences that can answer them." Star Giant Skull said.

Liu Ping said: "Three questions——"

"The first question is how a place like a 'temporary prison for the useless' is constituted."

"The second question is, if there is a world similar to a 'temporary prison for the useless', how to conquer this world."

"The third question is, if a world similar to a 'temporary prison for the useless' has a will, then how can it be resurrected after its death."

"——In our extremely long history of world practice, it is known as the 'Triple of Death of the World'."

Star Giant Skull said: "What is the answer to the first question?"

Liu Ping said: "This 'temporary prison for the useless' is made up of a world."

Star Giant Skull asked in confusion: "How do you know this answer?"

"The so-called 'Triple of Death of the World' contains three puzzles, each puzzle is the answer to another puzzle."

Liu Ping continued: "The second riddle is the answer to the first riddle; and the third riddle is the answer to the second riddle; as for the first riddle, it is the answer to the third riddle." Answer."

"To solve the first puzzle, just look at the second puzzle."

The Star Giant Skull looked down at him and sighed: "In the years to come, I used magic to weave a 'temporary prison for the useless' and put it in purgatory, hoping that someone would explore it, but who knew that it would be discovered in the end?" Think of it as a place where humans are imprisoned.”

"But fortunately, someone finally solved the first puzzle."

Liu Ping spread his hands and said, "Sir, I'm here to find the Soul Moon Secret Jade. I need it."

"The Soul Moon Secret Jade...can't be given to you." Star Giant Skull said.

"Why?" Liu Ping asked in surprise.

"You are filled with the power of the 'Demon of Ending'. Once you successfully cast the armor, it will lose control and everything will end." Star Giant Skull said.

Liu Ping was silent.

——It knows!

It actually knows everything!

The giant skull of stars emitted rounds of brilliant light, shining in all directions, completely encircling Liu Ping in the light.

"Tell me the answer to the second puzzle, and I will consider giving you a chance." Star Giant Skull said.

"I'll solve the second puzzle. Will you give me the Soul Moon Secret Jade?" Liu Ping asked.

"If you really solve the puzzle, I will consider it - no lie." Star Giant Skull said.

"Deal." Liu Ping said.

He thought for a while and said: "The second question is, if there is a world similar to a 'temporary prison for the useless', how to conquer this world."

"Actually the third question is the answer to it."

"——Such a world is actually dead. As long as you find a way to resurrect it, you can gain its allegiance."

The words just fell.

The Star Giant Skull suddenly erupted into a roar.

At the same time, the prison-suppressing knife on Liu Ping's waist could not help but tremble and make a buzzing sound.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You have revealed an important part of a great secret."

"The Prison Knife is protecting you from all harm."

"The great existence opposite you has released unparalleled power, allowing the secret to be suppressed here and known only to you and it."

Collect all the fine print.

The majestic voice of the Star Giant Skull sounded again:

"The secret of the door world has been cracked twice by you, but I'm not sure if I want you to continue cracking it."

"Now, go and solve the hidden dangers in you——"

"It is said that to untie a bell, one must tie it. This is the help I give you, and it is also the final test."

"If you can solve the hidden dangers in your body, then the secrets of the door world of Purgatory and the Pillar of Eternal Night will be opened by you!"

Before he finished speaking, all the surrounding scenes quickly disappeared.

All of a sudden.

Everything is gone.

——Like a dream.

Liu Ping found himself in a strange world, standing in a bustling city.

This world looks like the world of practitioners, with similar buildings and people wearing the clothes of practitioners.

Liu Ping looked around.

I saw myself standing at the corner of the street in front of a restaurant.

A strange power lingered around him.

Two lines of prompts pop up:

"You have the help of that being."

"The power of the evil spirit has been suppressed for the time being, and is under your control just like your own power."

Liu Ping looked at the two lines of words and was stunned for a few breaths.

What is this for?

Temporarily allow the power of evil to be controlled by yourself?

What can I do here?

While he was thinking, he suddenly heard a female voice coming from the restaurant:

"Forget it, since there is better food, it's okay not to eat the food."

A wave of spiritual power belonging to Jiuyou burst out, causing ripples in the void.

next moment.

The violent roar of magic spells erupted in the restaurant.

Amidst several screams, vigorous blood mist flew out and sprinkled down the street like drizzle.

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