Infernal Artist

Chapter 673 Forbidden Monument

The front of the card is very simple.

In the large blank space, there lay a heavy black tombstone. Blood gurgled out of the tombstone, dyeing the surrounding ground red.

The back of the card flashes with flowing dark purple, releasing some invisible power——

Liu Ping's brows jumped.

This card seems to still be taking effect!

It has obviously changed its race and become a human, so why is there still a card in effect?

He looked into space.

I saw lines of burning small words floating in the air:

"Forbidden Monument."

"The only card, a flip card, one of the Holy Cards of the End, a card exclusive to the Holy Demon."


"The 'power of planting demons' is at work."

"Effect: When the master's soul returns to any world, this monument will begin to breed undetectable demonic seeds for all living beings and all things in that world. Until all living beings fall into demonization, the world will begin to become suitable for the master's resurrection and awakening."

"Once the card owner dies, this card will be flipped immediately."

Collect all the fine print.

Liu Ping took a breath of cold air.


There are actually cards that can continue to take effect after death!

If he hadn't come to check on the evil spirits, he might not have known when this six-path fragmented world would have completely turned into the evil devil's lair.


He suddenly remembered something, put away the cards, and flew out of the cave.

I saw Xue Yu standing outside, the bamboo pole in his hand just raised——

A piece of white jade fished out of the void and fell into her hand.

"What is this? My bamboo pole seems to be urging me to destroy this jade."

Xue Yu said in confusion.

"Then what are you going to do?" Liu Ping asked.

"Merits can make me stronger. You see, I have gained magical powers. I will only need more and more merits in the future, right?" Xueyu asked.

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

Xueyu nodded and crushed the jade stone into pieces.

"Ah... I feel that my merit has increased a little."

she said happily.

Liu Ping waved.

Jade powder scattered in the wind flew over and fell into his hands.

A line of small burning characters quickly appeared:

"The demonized jade (has been shattered)."

"Because it has been shattered, it has lost its effectiveness and cannot have an impact on the world."

very good.

The cards on Xueyu's body are corroding the world, but she doesn't know it.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation turned around and gave her a magical power, specifically used to help her destroy those corrosive things, and also gave her merit.

This is simply wonderful.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation must have a spirit, otherwise it would not have done such a cruel thing.

——But why are the six realms of reincarnation in pieces?

Who broke it?

"What are you doing?" Xue Yu's surprised voice sounded.

"Nothing, just check this piece of jade." Liu Ping came back to his senses and said with a smile.

He scattered the jade powder casually and said to the blood rain: "I'm going out for a while, you can stabilize your realm later."

"Okay." Xueyu said.

Liu Ping's figure jumped up, instantly rushed into the sky, penetrated thousands of miles, and landed on a seaside.

He placed layers of restrictions so that no being could see what was happening here.

After doing this, he took out the card and looked at it carefully again.

"The flip card... it flips when the demon dies... I've never heard of such a card."

Liu Ping murmured.

"There are really not many cards that use life and death as activation conditions. Now is the time for us to take advantage of it." God's voice sounded.

"How to use it?" Liu Ping asked.

"I dare not say that. As the person who brings order to the chaos, you should find a way on your own." God said.

"That's it." Liu Ping said.

God says “bring order to chaos.”

And this card is flipped.

Then you should——

Liu Ping placed the cards upside down in front of his eyes.

The cards were silent.


Something must be wrong.

Die, flip, activate.

So if you want to stop its effect and make it correct, you need to——


But this card has confirmed the result of the demon's death, so it was flipped.

So the correct way is... let it confirm again that the evil spirit is still alive and well and not dead.


After the race change, I am the living devil.

So what I need to do is collect this card and let it recognize me as its master.

How to collect cards...

Liu Ping opened his card book and said, "Lilith, take a look, can I make this card recognize me as the master?"

Lilith crawled out of his hair, glanced at the card, and said with fear on her face:

"No, it's too strong. I'm a little scared and need some help."


"Have you forgotten that there is a person who is your servant god? According to the card master's agreement, the stronger you are, the stronger she will become. She can help me!"


Liu Ping opened the card book and threw out a card.


Yana appeared quietly.

Since the knot between her and Maria was resolved, her whole person was becoming more and more sunny.

The power of the Paladin became even more shining in her, coupled with the blessing of the tormenting divine power, and the explosive increase in power of becoming a world-like life form——

She can now be said to be the strongest among them all.

"We are earning merit, why did you suddenly call me here?"

Yana walked forward with a smile, touched Liu Ping's face and said.

"Something happened." Liu Ping said.

He took out the card and told the whole story.

"This is simple." Yana said.

She casually pulled out the long black whip and turned it into a black snake, biting Liu Ping's hand.

"Hiss, hiss - be gentler!" Liu Ping gasped.

"This is the best way to help you own this card." Yana said.

The long whip flicked, and another one turned into a second snake head, biting the card.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

Yana whipped back her whip and said with a smile: "It's done, I have to rush back to accumulate merit - I'll give you a surprise later."

After saying that, she touched Liu Ping's bitten hand, then transformed into a card again and flew back to the card book.

Liu Ping looked down.

The traces of the black snake bite on my hands are gone.

Look at the flip card called "Forbidden Holy Monument" again——

It floated in mid-air, slowly rotating, and had changed from flipped over to right side up.

Lines of burning small characters then appeared:

"Through the 'change' effect of the flag bearer, your race has been changed to evil."

"You remain alive."

"The evil power in you is temporarily suppressed and is controlled by you, just like your own power."

"To sum up, the card confirms that you are the one who can recognize the master."

"The card has recognized you as the master and flipped it in reverse."

Liu Ping looked at the card.

I saw that the tombstone on the card had changed.

It turned into a huge monument floating in mid-air, with strange and difficult-to-read runes written on it.

At this time, its description became different again:

"Forbidden Monument."

"The only card, a flip card, one of the Holy Cards of the End, a card exclusive to the Holy Demon."

"Place it frontally."

"The 'Art of One Man's Ten Thousand Lives' has been activated."

"Effect: Release the technique of one person and ten thousand lives for the master. This technique can turn endless creatures into the master's parasite, from which the master can obtain all information, control over the flesh and blood, and nourishment for the soul."

"Once the card owner dies, this card will be flipped over immediately, and the 'Power of Demon Seed' will be activated."

Liu Ping held the card and his expression became confused.

When this card is turned over and the so-called "One Man Ten Thousand Life Technique" is activated, all the evil power in his body "awakens".

Just by standing still, I slowly began to understand the power of "One Man's Ten Thousand Life Technique" in his heart.

Let all sentient beings become your own parasites——

What a terrifying force this is!

The mysterious knowledge of demons related to this technique was like a surging wave, constantly washing away Liu Ping's thinking, allowing him to begin to understand the composition of the power of demons.

Time passes slowly.

It got dark, then lightened, then dark again.

Liu Ping finally let out a breath and regained consciousness.

"Incredible...the overwhelming power and knowledge almost made me lose my mind."

A layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

This is much scarier than the demon encountered during the tribulation.

——This is the supreme power at your fingertips!

As long as you master it, you master the lives of all sentient beings!

Liu Ping walked back and forth on the beach for a while, then he shook his head and suddenly rushed into the sky. He flashed several times and returned to the cliff again.

He fell into the cave.

I saw Xue Yu sitting cross-legged on the futon, and Man Sheng said: "I've been here for so long...Why do I feel that the power in your body is full of excitement?"

She stood up suddenly, stared at Liu Ping without blinking, and said breathlessly: "What an intoxicating power, this is what we should pursue."

"Do you know what this is?" Liu Ping asked.

"I don't remember..." Xueyu said calmly.

After trying for so long, he still couldn't use this power, but Liu Ping suddenly got in.

It seems that I am still far behind, and I need to learn more from him.

Liu Ping stood there and took a few breaths, then immediately sat down on the futon, closed his eyes and meditated.

The majestic demonic power lingered around him.

The knowledge of demons kept rolling around in his mind, constructing various possibilities to control and destroy everything.

Liu Ping frowned more and more, and suddenly his whole body shook uncontrollably——

Closed eyes began to appear in the void behind him.

The art of evil!

This is not a "skill that can save one person and thousands of lives", but a skill that Liu Ping created with the power of "creation" based on the demon's power and knowledge system at random.

Liu Ping suddenly opened his eyes and said, "My strength, thinking, and consciousness are losing control. In a few breaths, I will completely lose myself. Can you help me?"

Xueyu was stunned, looked at the eyes behind him and said, "Let me think about it."

As she thought about it, a look of pain appeared on her face.

This forced recall of the past seemed to break through some kind of shackles, causing her severe pain.

Liu Ping was shaking all over.

One breath.

Two breaths.

The eyes behind him are gradually opening -

Can't wait any longer!

Liu Ping sighed secretly and took out the gourd containing Wangchuan water.

However, before he could make any move, Xueyu suddenly staggered towards him, made an extremely weird seal with one hand, and pressed it hard on Liu Ping.

"This is a method of control!"

She turned pale and endured the pain as she spoke.

Liu Ping sat still.

The eyes in the void behind him gradually disappeared.

Blood Rain's spell works!

Liu Ping stared at her and asked softly: "How many things do you remember?"

"I wanted to save you, and I was desperately trying to think of any way to control power, and I remembered this." Xueyu said.

"What about the others?" Liu Ping asked.

"No." Xueyu said.

Liu Ping was silent for a moment and nodded slowly.

She told the truth.

——She really wanted to save me just now.

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