Infernal Artist

Chapter 676 The Destruction of the Void Divine Pillar

Liu Ping stood in the boundless darkness.

He could no longer feel his own body, but he was sensitive to the entire dark armor.

Every part and every scale on the entire armor—

The state in which they pass by the wind, the impact they bear in the intertwined spells, and even their mere existence.

All the conditions on the entire armor were attributed to Liu Ping's heart.

at the same time.

The demonic knowledge and skills contained in the countless weird runes washed away Liu Ping's consciousness like an irresistible torrent.


Liu Ping read subconsciously.

He must control this huge armor and not allow its evil nature to burst out.

Liu Ping stirred up his consciousness and began to try to control the armor according to the power control method taught by Xue Yu.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

He suddenly let out a painful roar, so that the armor only paused for a moment before climbing towards the divine pillar again.

There is no way!

Countless knowledge washed over Liu Ping's soul.

Too much evil power surged out from the armor, as heavy as a thousand stones, and almost completely uncontrollable.


What else can be done?

Liu Ping opened his eyes and roared: "Stop! Stop first and see the situation clearly before talking!"

The huge black armor suddenly stopped on the sacred pillar.

The entire huge armor remained motionless on the divine pillar, a pair of scarlet eyes emitting billions of rays of light, sweeping toward the void in all directions.

Liu Ping took a breath.

The method of controlling the power that he had just tried his best to release, coupled with his strong will, finally made this armor compromise.


Although it stayed in place, it still shook and released pieces of black scales.

These scales peeled off from the armor.

As they flew, they transformed into various weird and huge monsters, streaking across the dark void at extremely fast speeds, flying toward the top of the Void Divine Pillar.

The armor wants to destroy the place where the soul originated!

This is its instinct.

Apart from that, it doesn't mind letting Liu Ping control it to explore other information.

"Damn it."

Liu Ping cursed secretly in his heart and continued to think quickly about how to deal with it.


A consciousness emerged in his heart.

"Look...look...see everything clearly."

——This is the weapon spirit of the huge armor!

Liu Ping was startled for a moment, and then he remembered that the order he had just given was to stop and see the situation clearly.

There was no other order that could be issued in the hurry just now, so I shouted randomly.

This extremely huge dark armor obeyed this order!

Does it also want to know what's going on now?

The next moment.

Infinite consciousness awakened in Liu Ping's heart.

The body's perception turns into the armor's perception, extending towards the boundless darkness.

All laws.

All knowledge.

Everything exists.

The huge black armor is like an endless net, allowing everything to fall into its net, and everything can be sensed and understood.

In the void.

All laws present a perfect structure.

They intertwine, merge with each other, and emerge into countless forces, allowing all living beings and all things to be born, exist, and die.

The laws are eternally busy according to their own attributes.


Liu Ping suddenly sensed something was wrong, which made his heart tremble.

The moment he lost his mind, even the armor also took a defensive posture, trying to protect him.

"Let me see the truth of everything clearly." Liu Ping calmed down and shouted.

The huge armor slowly turned its head, and the pair of scarlet eyes on the mask emitted an even more eerie light, penetrating the endless void.

It begins to understand everything!

"Time - yes, there is something wrong with the law of time!"

"It doesn't exist?"

"Yes...time doesn't exist."

Liu Ping murmured in despair.

The power of the armor continued to protect him.

Soon, he felt that his mind had expanded tens of thousands of times, and he could make extremely complex calculations in an instant.

Many things that I had never thought of came to mind, and many doubts hidden in the corners of my memory emerged.

All doubts in life are solved by thinking the moment they appear, and perfect answers are presented. After staying in the mind for a while, they become part of the memory.

Liu Ping influenced all his thoughts, and with the help of the armor, he began to think about everything he saw in front of him.

Thanks to this, he gradually understood many truths.

Immediately afterwards.

He immediately began to think about how to control the entire armor.

For a moment——

The answer suddenly came to mind.

There are two methods.

First, long-term integration will inevitably make the armor completely obey its own command.

Second, it is still very difficult to completely control it right now——

Even if a real evil demon forged such a uniquely powerful armor, he would not be able to control it easily in the first place.

But Liu Ping had already figured out his own way.

"Let's go, keep climbing up." He ordered.

The huge armor let out a deep roar and began to climb up the pillar.

Rather than following Liu Ping's orders——

It would be better to say that the evil nature of the armor can no longer be suppressed.

Even Liu Ping, who had received numerous enhancements at the moment, could not suppress his instinct.

——It can’t wait to climb up.

It wants to destroy the place where the soul originated!

Liu Ping let the armor continue to climb upwards, but he used his mind to let it extend in the endless void to find that existence.

Almost instantly.

He found the other person.

It was a man holding a black sword.

He stood in the void, fighting an unknown body.

"Are you - Rabbit?"

The man suddenly said in one direction.

"It's me, leader, listen up. I'll only tell you the whole thing once. This is how it happened. You must..."

Liu Ping quickly explained what happened in history.

Yes, this is the God of Purgatory, the head of the Seven Gods, the leader of the human secret organization, the existence nicknamed "Darkness".

The others are tiger, white wolf, star, greyhound, fox and rabbit.

Liu Ping is the rabbit.

At this point in time, the leader should meet himself at this moment and escape together from the destruction caused by the evil armor!

And this destruction——

Liu Ping closed his eyes, took a few breaths, and then suddenly opened them.

His consciousness was retracted from the endless void, regrouped, and went up along the Purgatory and the Eternal Night Divine Pillar, all the way to the top of the Void Divine Pillar——

The world where the soul originated!

At this moment, the huge armor stretched out its finger towards the void and immediately obliterated the five old gods of purgatory who came to attack.

It speeds up and continues to climb upward——

We are almost reaching the top!


Behind the dark mask, Liu Ping spoke softly.

All of a sudden.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You activate the power of 'deception' and at the same time release the 'special effects artist' to start building a perception."

"The current perception is completely enveloped in the huge armor."

Liu Ping glanced into the void.

In the place where the soul originates, the destruction of the Four Holy Pillars can be completely felt.

There is no time left.

"Come on!"

Liu Ping suddenly shouted loudly.

The huge armor moved slightly and continued to climb upward.

But what’s surprising is—

It was about to arrive at the place where the soul originated, but it jumped over that world with a slight jump and continued to climb up in the void.

In the void——


But it seems to be still climbing the sacred pillar.

It used its hands and feet to continue climbing up the void, so that Liu Ping and it could feel the existence of the divine pillar at the same time.

Of course, this is a false touch created by "special effects artists".

From this moment on, everything it sees and feels will come from the illusion released by Liu Ping!

Even the six senses are no exception!

——This is the final use of the "special effects artist"!

The huge armor climbed a long distance and finally arrived at the "Birthplace of Souls".

It watches the world quietly.

Boundless destructive power emerged from it and began to destroy everything.

Liu Ping hid in the dark mask, feeling its various destructive techniques while releasing corresponding scenes of destruction.


He moved his mind again and released the power of the "Special Effects Master" towards the entire Void Divine Pillar below.

Rumble, rumble——

The entire Void Divine Pillar began to "collapse".

It turned into countless broken fragments and fell towards the Purgatory Pillar below.

In the illusion, everything fell into destruction.

The huge black armor stood in the void, standing on the "top of the divine pillar", watching everything come to a complete end.


It made a low sound of satisfaction.

The pair of scarlet pupils on the mask gradually became dim.

The armor as huge as heaven and earth moved slowly, kneeling on one knee in the void, and made a buzzing sound from its mouth:

"Master... the danger has been eliminated. From now on, I will obey all your instructions."


Liu Ping responded, slowly closed his eyes, and began to activate another of his abilities.

A line of small burning characters quickly flashed into nothingness:

"You have exhausted all your merit and activated the power of 'creation'."

"You integrated the knowledge and skills of evil spirits, and based on the control taught by Blood Rain, you began to create a technique that can control the armor and seal other evil spirits."

"The current technique will receive its name in history immediately after its creation:"

"A lonely life."

"special reminder!"

"You have successfully deceived the Lord of Nightmares, the Flag Bearer, and the Giant Black Armor in several consecutive performances."

"Your role has increased again."

"Current scene: 10/10."


"You are about to gain a new weird performance ability."

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