Infernal Artist

Chapter 688 Continuous Summons!

not long time.

Liu Ping soon arrived at the woods again.

"Huh? Where was that guy just now?" Andrea asked in surprise.

She was floating in the air, her eyes scanning the entire forest, but she didn't see the prisoner from before.

It was unusually quiet in the woods.

A cold breath came faintly from the woods, making people shiver involuntarily.

"It already knows I'm back."

Liu Ping said, finding a place outside the forest to close his eyes and rest.

Andrea understood and followed him, acting alert.

Time passes slowly.

The prisoner never showed up.

Liu Ping didn't open his eyes until the lines of small burning characters appeared.

"An hour has passed."

"The power of the Four Holy Pillars begins to rotate again."

"The Holy Pillar of Earth has completed its rotation, and the current rotating pillar is the Holy Pillar of Fire."

"You have gained the power of the Holy Pillar of Fire."

"You have acquired the enchantment of the goblin clan: 'You can't see me'."

"Rare instant skills, special skills, world skills."

"Explanation: Once you find any existence or non-existence, you can immediately activate this technique to hide yourself and your partners behind the existence or non-existence, and will not be discovered by any existence or non-existence."

"——No matter what the law is, please help me hide. I can give you a bite of my ice cream!"

Liu Ping looked at the explanation of this technique blankly, feeling a little speechless in his heart.

After waiting for an hour, such a technique came.

If it was the Holy Pillar of Wind that was rotated just now, Gun Ye would definitely be able to get some weapons and armor.

Needless to say, the Holy Pillar of Water.

——God has a lot of sacred cards in his hand that can be passed on.

In short, I can rely on it for combat purposes.

Fairy magic...

It's completely useless for fighting.

Liu Ping looked at the forest and fell into deep thought.


His mind changed and he gradually came to his senses.

With the goblin's technique, although it can't help in the battle, it adds another layer of protection to his safety.

in addition--

What do “existence” and “non-existence” mean?

While he was thinking about it, he stood up and said, "Let's go, it's time for us to go in."

"Okay." Andrea said.

Liu Ping held her hand, blocked her behind him, and walked toward the jungle.

As he stepped into the woods, a female voice suddenly sighed.

"You shouldn't have come."

The female voice said quietly.

"I want to talk to you." Liu Ping said.

"What's there to talk about? I've already given in, but you still want to enter my prison. Do you want to kill me and eat me?" the female voice asked.

"No." Liu Ping said.

"What is that?" the female voice asked.

"I'm going to Purgatory to do something. If you are strong, come with me." Liu Ping said.

"Going to purgatory?" The female voice was a little surprised.

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

"What's in it for me?" the female voice asked.

"I will rescue you from the prison." Liu Ping said.

The female voice giggled and said, "It's impossible. No one has ever been able to walk out of this forest alive. There were other prisoners who wanted to eat me. They were either eaten by me or killed by this forest."

"What if I can do it?" Liu Ping asked.

"Wait until you arrive at my underground palace before saying this." The female voice said and then disappeared.

Liu Ping stopped and looked around.

This forest is indeed a bit weird. When I walked in, I found that the ground was full of skeletons.

Liu Ping squatted down and pressed his hand on a bone.

Two lines of small burning characters appeared quickly:

"Prisoner's Bones."

"The prisoner is completely dead, his soul and body are completely destroyed."

Liu Ping took a deep breath and put his hand on the ground again.

Another line of burning small letters pops up:

"The current prison is an unknown prison."

Liu Ping was unwilling to give in. With a casual move, the bones scattered in the forest flew towards him and landed in front of him.

"They are all the skeletons of prisoners... It is very dangerous here, Liu Ping." Ms. Mystery said.

Liu Ping nodded, feeling something in his heart, and looked back.

I saw that the way I came had disappeared.

There are woods all around, and you can't see what's going on outside the woods.

Liu Ping was a little confused.

Where is the danger...?

Suddenly, the panda on his waist said urgently: "I'm a little out of breath."

Liu Ping did not hesitate, grabbed Andrea, and directly activated the goblin's technique.


They disappear from their place.

No one can see them or know where they are hiding.

In the woods.

Still quiet.

A few more breaths passed.

The trees swayed slowly.

All the leaves on the tree were gathered up and turned into soft tentacles, flying continuously in the void, as if looking for traces of Liu Ping and others.

And these tiny tentacles are just tiny parts of the forest.

The surfaces of the big trees became smooth and fleshy, like dexterous arms, constantly groping and searching on the ground.

In the void, the female voice sounded again:

"Hehe, where are you hiding? These thorns of nothingness can't find you."

Liu Ping's voice also sounded from the void: "Are they part of your body?"

"No, they are my shackles, sucking my blood all the time, preventing me from having a chance to resurrect." The female voice said.

In the void, a sharp sword light suddenly appeared.


Dao Mang stood on a big tree and didn't even cut out a white seal.

Lines of small words popped out of the void:

"The thorn of nothingness."

"A strange existence that absorbs all nutrients, is immune to any harm, and never dies."

Swish, swish, swish, swish——

The inexplicable blow made the branches of each "big tree" become softer and more fierce.

They twisted and left traces of shadows on the ground, trying to find those who were hiding.

The female voice sounded again:

"This thorn of nothingness can absorb everything from you and digest your soul in a creeping way. It will not completely eat your soul until thousands of years later. So once you are eaten by them, you'd better pray that your soul will explode." Magic, otherwise what awaits you will be eternal despair."

Liu Ping hid behind a "big tree" and looked into the void.

At this time, Andrea had been taken as a card by him and hidden in the card book, leaving him alone to deal with the current situation.

I saw lines of burning small characters emerging:

"You activated the fairy's vocation: 'You can't see me'."

"You hide behind a thorn of nothingness."

"It can't detect you."

Liu Ping took a look and said, "Why don't they eat you?"

"Because I'm too unpalatable - they have no choice but to trap me and don't dare to eat me anymore." The female voice said with a smile.

"You said you were in the underground palace?" Liu Ping asked.

"Yes, these thorns can kill anything. If you touch them, you will die - why aren't you dead yet?" the female voice asked curiously.

"I'm dead, but I'm still alive."

Liu Ping said and glanced at the panda on his waist.

The panda was twitching all over.

Although the Thorn of Nothingness cannot detect Liu Ping, the panda will die every time it passes by him!

This is quite a problem.

——Although there is a panda to die for him, he cannot be caught by the thorn of the void.

If he is caught, there is no point in dying multiple times, as those tentacles will directly absorb all his flesh, blood and soul.

"If you don't understand, come to me if you have the ability." The female voice said.

Her voice fell silent.

Liu Ping stood still, stretched out a hand and gently pressed it on the card book.


he read.

A flash of red light flew from the void and turned into a bloody skeleton in front of him.

"Huh? You can obviously summon a more powerful guy, why did you summon me?"

The bloody skeleton holds a knife in one hand and a shield in the other.

——It is the most elementary Blood Sea Heroic Spirit, and it is also the first Blood Sea Heroic Spirit summoned by Liu Ping.

"I'm reluctant to throw away all my chips at once. I only need 20 points of collection value to summon you."

Liu Ping said.

"Okay, what are you looking for me for?" the bloody skeleton asked.

"If you die, you can definitely return to the sea of ​​blood?" Liu Ping asked.

"Yes, nothing can stop me. I can definitely return to the sea of ​​blood." The bloody skeleton said confidently.

"Okay, then I'm relieved." Liu Ping said.

"Don't worry?" the bloody skull asked curiously.


The branches of the "big tree" were pulled over, and the bloody skeleton was scattered in an instant.

As if something had been triggered, all the tentacles in the entire forest went crazy, catching the bloody bones scattered in the air at a speed beyond imagination.

But all the bloody bones turned into light and shadow and disappeared into the void.

The Thorn of the Void jumped into the air, squirmed unwillingly, and then slowly retracted.

Liu Jing watched this scene calmly.

"I can really run, now it's better."

He sighed and looked into the void.

Lines of burning small characters appeared there motionless:

"20 collection points have been spent."

"The remaining collection value is: 280 points."

"You can continue to summon the blood-sea heroic spirits to fight at any time."

Liu Ping fell into deep thought.

280 points, which means it can be summoned 14 times.

Hope it works.

He put his hand on the card book and shouted: "Summon!"

A streak of blood penetrated the void, fell in front of him, and transformed into a bloody skeleton again.

It was obviously stunned for a moment and asked, "Why are you looking for me again?"

Due to the summons, it could sense Liu Ping's position, but it was alert and did not look at him. It just asked through sound transmission.

Liu Ping said sheepishly: "Because you are the cheapest... Let's not talk nonsense. You have to attack the ground immediately to see if you can find the entrance to the underground palace."

The bloody skeleton looked at him for a few breaths, then reluctantly said: "...Okay."


The thorns of the void flew in, sweeping the bloody skeleton into pieces, turning into light and shadow, and returning to the sea of ​​blood again.

"This guy can't do it." Andrea whispered in the card book.

Liu Ping also felt a little sore.

I spent another 20 points and got nothing.

But now is not the time to summon a stronger heroic spirit. After all, countless prisoners have died here, and even that woman can only be imprisoned here.

Even if 300 points of collection points are spent, the summoned Blood Sea Heroic Spirit is dozens of times stronger than the skeleton——

That can't deal with the Void Thorn.

This is a matter of good judgment.

"The bloody skeleton is intelligent and dares to quarrel and fight with you. I guess it will learn a lesson and learn to adapt," Liu Ping said.

"Humph, it's just a skeleton, but it knows how to adapt?" Andrea muttered disdainfully.

Liu Ping put his hand on the card book and shouted: "Summon."

A red light flashed in the void again.

The bloody skeleton fell down. The knife and shield in his hand were gone, but he was carrying a huge bloody hoe.

"Ahhhh! I dug out that underground palace. You are not allowed to summon me again this month!"

It shouted at Liu Ping while hoeing the ground frantically.


Liu Ping shrugged.

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