Infernal Artist

Chapter 692 I am very disappointed

In the dark and quiet bronze hall.

Liu Ping and the man in black robe stood there, waiting silently.


The void opened, the statue fell down, and stood motionless on the carved platform again.

Boundless blood poured down and spread quickly, finally turning the entire hall into a river of blood.

"He lost."

The man in black robe sighed.

"Yes, he lost." Liu Ping also shook his head.

Just now, the statue pointed the spear in its hand at Centaur, saying that before killing it, it could put forward a fighting condition.

Remy Ma thought for a while and put forward a condition that even Liu Ping found very good.

"I will summon many companions to come and fight with you."

This is the condition of Remy Martin.

The statue agreed.

Next, Remy Martin released many world lines and contacted dozens of world-like life forms with whom he had made friends.

As soon as those world-like life forms arrived, they released the gods who filled the entire hall.

——All gods.

Plus a full thirty-two world-like life forms.

No matter how you look at it, you won’t lose this battle.

But when the battle was over, only the statue returned, and the centaur and its companions were turned to blood.

Liu Ping sighed, turned his hand, and cleared away the river of blood in the palace.

"It's too scary... Is it really invincible?" the man in black robe said.

I saw the statue slowly raising the spear in its hand, pointing at him and saying:

"This battle is about to begin. You can propose a battle condition."

"This is the mercy of my Creator for all living things."

The face of the man in black robe changed, and then he quickly calmed down.

He put his hands behind his hands and said: "Since the beginning of the era, the era of holy springs, random pendants, artifacts, etc. has been too simple. The world-like life forms have only mastered all the gods and have very few world arts-"

"Don't compare me to those idiots before."

The statue listened and did not make any comments. He only continued: "Set up your fighting conditions."

The man in black robe stared at it and said: "Why do you bring them into your world every time? No, this time I hope we fight here."

The statue was silent for a few breaths, holding the spear, slowly walked down from the sculpture platform, and said:

"Smart man, it's a pity that even if you fight here, you will still die in my hands."

It suddenly disappeared from its place.

The man in black robe immediately sensed it and waved his sleeve, shooting a stream of light in a certain direction.


The statue was hit by the stream of light, appeared from the void, and hit the other end of the bronze hall from a distance.

The man in black robe looked calm, put up a posture on the spot and said: "I am different from others."

The voice of the statue came from the other end of the hall: "I didn't expect that you are the existence of the world system. You are indeed stronger than them."

The man in black robe suddenly turned around, pulled out a staff and held it at his side.

A spear appeared from the void and stabbed him fiercely.


The staff broke immediately.

But a bright and bright light surged around the man in black robes, knocking the statue away again.

At this moment, the man in black robe took out another staff and tapped the ground lightly.

Several layers of luminous barriers quietly emerged and enveloped him.

They come from the multiple worlds he owns, and their power intersects, superimposes, and emerges, and their power suddenly increases many times.

Liu Ping watched silently and couldn't help shouting: "Come on! You can win it!"

He also saw it at this time.

Everyone else has a single world, but the man in black robe in front of him has multiple worlds!

He himself constitutes a complete multiple world system!

In fact, if you don't compare him with evil spirits, this man in black robe can already be regarded as one of the strongest beings Liu Ping has ever seen.

The voice of the statue came from afar: "Really? In your era, the world's life-like bodies have already learned to build their own systems?"

"Of course, we are the strongest era." The man in black robe said coldly.

"No, you are not the strongest...say your last words." the statue said.

The man in black robes, his beard and hair spread out, said angrily: "Do you think you can still win? That's ridiculous!"

He put his hands together, released roaring power from his whole body, and chanted: "The Original Daughter——"

Liu Ping felt something move on his body.

But before he could react, a sudden change occurred in the field!

All the radiant barriers were dimmed together.

All the power, even the new staff in the hands of the black-robed man, could not resist——

The spear pierced the body of the man in black robe and lifted him high in the air.

The man in black robe spat out a mouthful of blood, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and said, "No, this is impossible. I am the strongest existence among all the lords of the world."

"Not really." The statue hummed.

The spear in its hand shook.

The body of the man in black robe suddenly turned into a burst of blood mist, with billions of rays of light inside that were constantly flickering and extinguishing.

That was the scene when the world was destroyed and all the gods died.

The statue no longer paid attention to this vision and slowly turned around.

It looked at Liu Ping and said:

"This battle is about to begin. You can propose a battle condition."

"This is the mercy of my Creator for all living things."

Liu Ping closed his eyes and carefully recalled the battles between the previous few people.

One breath.

The entire process was clear, but no flaws were found.

Like the man in black robe, he did not see how the statue broke all the defensive barriers and how it killed the man in black robe.

It seems to have some incredible power...

Liu Ping suddenly opened his eyes and smiled: "What do you think of me exiting the cage now?"

The statue said coldly: "It's too late for your decision. This battle cannot be terminated, but you can state your fighting conditions."

Liu Ping nodded.

——But how to fight it?

"Use 'Dramatist', it is the only force that can deal with the current situation." Ms. Mystery said.

"No, we only have one left to activate the power of the 'Dramatist', and there is a most evil prisoner behind us. If we use it now, we won't have any confidence in the future." Liu Ping said.

"But this guy can't be defeated." Ms. Mystery said.

"Let me think about it..."

Liu Ping fell into thinking again.

Completely invincible.

Does such a thing really exist?


Although it is strong, I have a feeling in my heart that it is still a bit weak against evil spirits.


Is there really no way to deal with it?

Liu Ping lowered his head silently and went through every scene, every action, and every sentence after the statue appeared in his mind.


The statue held the spear tightly, assumed a fighting posture, and said in a humming voice: "You still have a little time. If you don't put forward the conditions for fighting, you will give up this opportunity, and the fighting will begin directly."

"Of course I have conditions." Liu Ping said.

"Speak." the statue said.

"The battle will begin in my time." Liu Ping said.

"Are you sure?" the statue asked.

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

The statue said: "Your era...let me see, that was..."

It stared at Liu Ping and gradually fell into deep thought.

Contemplation turned into silence.

There was no sound in the entire dark bronze hall.

For a while.

The statue suddenly broke the silence and asked: "Why do you want to save the prisoner here? She is the most evil existence, and no existence has ever been able to subjugate her."

"Since you can see the era I live in, you should understand that as long as I rescue her, she will have to fight for survival." Liu Ping said.

The statue said: "In this way, you are not here to save her, but to let her fight against those things."

"Yes." Liu Ping agreed.

"Are you sure you can control her?" the statue asked.

"I already know about the 'Trio of Death of the World' and have corresponding methods to control her." Liu Ping said.

The statue put away its spear, stepped aside, and said: "You will either die in her hands, or leave with her. I will no longer interfere in this matter."

"Thank you." Liu Ping cupped his hands.

The statue walked back to the stage and stood still.

Rumble, rumble——

The entire sculpture platform slowly sank into the ground and disappeared.

Almost instantly.

The faint female voice said in an unbelievable tone:

"This is impossible!"

"For countless years, no one has defeated it, and no one can stop the battle, and no existence can escape from here - why would it let you go?"

Liu Ping put his hand on the handle of the knife and said, "Tell me your location and I will rescue you."


Two cold fingers pressed on the back of his neck.

The female voice sounded close to his ear: "Tell me your secret, why did it let you go?"

Liu Ping's figure was shaken and he couldn't move immediately.

Behind him, the woman was holding a basket in one hand and pressing her other hand on the back of his neck, urging:

"Tell me quickly, why don't the guards of the cage attack you? I must know this secret."

Liu Ping smiled silently.

"Let me guess, I have opened your shackles. The reason why you dare not leave is because this statue is invincible. Even you dare not escape, for fear that it will attack you, right?" He said .

The woman's tone became gloomy and she said, "That's it. Tell me how to deal with it."

Liu Ping said: "I'm here to save you. Just follow me. I'll tell you slowly later."

"Tell me later?"

The woman showed a sarcastic smile and said: "It seems that you have really obtained the Trio of Death of the World. It is indeed the method to control us prisoners -"

"But you thought I would let you take control?"

Liu Ping said sincerely: "This is a deal. I will rescue you, and you will go to purgatory with me. After the deal is done, you and I will be cleared."

The woman said: "No, there is no deal. If you don't tell me the secret of the statue, I will torture you here until your life is exhausted and your world is completely destroyed."

"This is different from what we said at the beginning." Liu Ping shrugged.

He thought for a moment and continued: "You will disappoint me if you do this."

The woman chuckled softly, and said in his ear: "You are trapped by my spell, now you can't play that card, right? I was watching from the side, waiting for the opportunity - now you finally fall into my trap In hand."

Liu Ping listened silently and couldn't help but sigh:

"I am disappointed."

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