Infernal Artist

Chapter 704 Fight?

According to the plan.

I have to find everyone and let them wake up in the real world.

But it was too late.

——God said it was too late.

Liu Ping stood on the cliff and thought for a few breaths, then said: "Old drunkard, what kind of existence is there in this prison."

"Ah, he has no name, but everyone calls him the 'Transformation Master'. His strength is quite terrifying. Among all the people I know, only the Childlike Goddess can fight against him." The old drunkard said.

After hearing this, the childish goddess' eyes wandered and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Andrea smiled half-heartedly, glanced at the childish goddess, and then looked at the old drunkard.

The old drunkard was looked at inexplicably.

——What are these two women thinking?

Why do you feel so scared?

Liu Ping didn't look at them.

He took a deep breath and roared towards the vast basin under the cliff:

"Transformer, I know you are here, come out and meet me!"

His voice spread far away, bringing with it waves of echoes.

The old drunkard was startled and said quickly: "We must be careful when dealing with such a top-notch existence. Be careful when he gets angry——"

Before he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred!

An afterimage flew from the distant sky and said with a ferocious smile: "Seeking death!"

One of his hands turned into a sharp spear and stabbed towards Liu Ping.

Liu Ping said calmly: "I have something to tell you."

The scream of the spear piercing the void suddenly stopped.

The childlike goddess firmly grasped the spear and said with a slightly raised corner of her mouth: "You dare to be as famous as me with this method? It's better to die."

But the next moment.

The afterimage turned into an invisible air current, and the spear also turned into nothingness, leaving the hands of the childlike goddess.

The airflow re-formed into an existence in mid-air with the head of a human and the body of a snake.

He has a handsome appearance, and his skin is fairer than that of women. His long hair is tied into a long braid, and his endless snake tail is slowly entangled in the air, staring at everyone with unkind eyes.

"Is it a transformation master?" Liu Ping asked.

"It's him." The old drunkard nodded.

"Who are you?" the transfiguration master asked.

"I don't have time to say more, but I have a way to unlock your shackles and let you out of the cage and regain your freedom," Liu Ping said.

"What's the price?" the transfiguration master asked.

"I need your power, you have to go to purgatory with us." Liu Ping said.

The transmutation master glanced back.

"No, although this basin has imprisoned me, I have tried every means to manage it into a small world. It is too dangerous to go to purgatory. I just want to stay here and not move." The transformation master said.

Liu Ping became irritable.

If God thinks it’s too late, then it must really be too late.

It was too late for him to save Yana, and it was too late for Maria, Libertas and all of them.


There has been no news about Zhao Chanyi and Li Changxue for a long time.

Liu Ping turned over and opened the card book, and his expression suddenly changed.

Zhao Chanyi and Li Changxue's cards have disappeared without a trace.

"Lilith?" Liu Ping asked.

"I don't know. I thought they were still there, but they disappeared without a sound." Lilith said hurriedly.

An idea suddenly crossed Liu Ping's mind.

Zhao Chanyi.

Li Changxue.

They are all people of the six realms of reincarnation.

And the scene I saw just now——


The higher-level world of practice among the six reincarnations is actually constructed by more people in their dreams.

At this moment, God’s voice echoed in my ears again:

"Leave us alone, it's too late, you have to collect those powerful prisoners immediately and go to purgatory!"

Liu Ping closed the card book, his breathing slowed down, and his eyes fell on the transformation master again.

"Sorry, for the safety of more people, I have to take you to purgatory. After this is over, if you are still obsessed with this cage, I can let you back."

He spoke.

The transfiguration master smiled deeply and said, "You alone want to force me to do something?"

"For the last time, I ask you to come with us." Liu Ping said.

"You either get out or die here." The transformation master said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed into the sky, and his body suddenly transformed into a giant sword, pointing towards Liu Ping.

The childlike goddess took a step forward and stood in front of Liu Ping. She held her hands and waved them continuously.

The afterimages of thousands of weapons and palms clashing appeared in the void.

Andrea tilted her head and thought for a while, then said to Liu Ping: "If I kill him, will it prove that he is not strong anymore?"

"Have you recovered?" Liu Ping asked.

"I've recovered quite a bit," Andrea said.

"Kill, dead ones can be used," Liu Ping said.

Andrea smiled, put her hand in the void, and softly chanted: "Holy World, no one can desecrate your majesty. Please use my true name to lower the Summoning Divine Pillar."

Bloody ripples spread from her hands.

In the depths of the eternal night sky, a towering shadow suddenly appeared.

The phantom gradually turned into reality.

A huge pillar reaching the sky and the earth suddenly descended, struck straight down, and penetrated deeply into the basin.

"What are you doing!"

The transmutation master snapped.

He turned around, swam around in the sky, and suddenly turned into a stream of light with an extremely fierce aura, and hit the bloody giant pillar with all his strength.


The bloody giant pillar was hit and cracked.

Immediately afterwards, the entire giant pillar broke from it and collapsed in the basin.

The transmutation master laughed and said:

"Hahaha, what kind of material is this pillar made of? It can actually destroy my cage - I won't need you to save me now!"

There was a hint of meaning on Andrea's face, and she said softly:

"You actually broke the blood column... This shows that you are strong enough, but on the other hand, it will give it a chance to come in its true form..."

She flew up and pointed towards the giant pillar.

The giant pillar trembled non-stop, as if something was about to crawl out from inside.

A giant hand suddenly stretched out from the fracture of the giant pillar, and punched the Transformer away, hitting the cliff and sinking deeply into it.

Seeing this, the childish goddess turned her palm into a fist and punched the ground.

"get out!"

she shouted.

The cliff turned into pieces of rubble, collapsing like a tide and rushing into the basin.

An afterimage hurriedly emerged from the cliff and flew towards the sky.

The childish goddess followed and soared into the sky.

same moment.

A voice full of murderous intent sounded from behind Liu Ping:

"I know, as long as I kill you, everything will be over."


The afterimage that flew out just now turned out to be a clone, and the real him had already arrived behind Liu Ping.

He stretched out his arm covered with sharp spikes and aimed it at the back of Liu Ping's head.

At this moment, Liu Ping no longer had anyone to protect him.

However, Liu Ping still didn't take action.

He said without looking back: "I don't have time to fight you. Either die or come with me."


The transmutation master shouted sharply.

His arm flew towards Liu Ping and penetrated Liu Ping's body at once.

"Liu Ping!" Andrea screamed.

"Don't scream, he's fine." Zhi Tiannu said in a deep voice.

Andrea looked again.

I saw that the arm of the transfiguration master had turned translucent, almost void, and Liu Ping was not injured at all.

Not just arms.

His entire body also began to become insubstantial.

Lines of small burning characters quickly appeared in the void:

"You unleash the power of the Dramatist."

"The other party has started to change from real to fake, and can no longer hurt you."

"You can decide the direction of this effect at any time."

Collect all the fine print.

Liu Ping slowly turned around and reached out to shake the transformation master.

His hand penetrated the Transformer's body and directly grasped the beating heart.

"I seem to have remembered something..."

Liu Ping stroked the heart and said in a low voice:

"At a certain moment, I once had the power to blur all things... But now I have been sleeping for too long, and I can only do so with the help of the power of sequence and mystery."

He looked at the Transmutation Master.

Countless claws, tails, horns, hands, thorns, and tentacles sprouted from the Transformer's body, and he attacked Liu Ping like crazy.

But none of the attacks worked.

They were like illusory shadows, all passing through Liu Ping's body and unable to cause any harm to him.


Andrea, the childish goddess and the drunkard looked at him together.

"Is this a fight? God, I've never seen a fight like this."

The drunkard muttered.

"Fight? This is not a battle, but a power that is not on the same level at all." Zhitiannu said.

"You can call it crushing," Andrea said.

As he spoke, Liu Ping gradually squeezed his heart and said:

"My patience has run out."

"You know, no matter how strong your power is, it is still futile in front of me."

After saying this, he was suddenly startled, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

The heart was crushed by him and thrown to the ground casually.

The transmutation master fell to the ground and turned into a real corpse, no longer making any movement.

For a while.

"Someone said this before...but I can't remember when."

Liu Ping said thoughtfully.

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