Infernal Artist

Chapter 707 The final art of time!

Burning small words float in the air:

"Given that you have successfully secured all the roles, you will awaken a whole new power."


"You gain the Performance Department ability: Artist."

"Transform reality into virtuality, transform virtuality into reality, and even all performance skills are at your fingertips."

"——You can't defeat the enemy, but you still go to victory because you are good at creating all kinds of deception."

Collect all the fine print.

Liu Ping cupped his fists and said, "Master."

The old Taoist waved his hand and said solemnly: "Strictly speaking, you awakened many things by yourself. I am not actually your master."

"Anyone who has taught me can be called master." Liu Ping said.

"I agree with this. There is a sequence of hearing...Ah, that's wrong. I still can't call you your master. Forget it, the things here are too complicated. Let's talk about it later." The old Taoist sighed.

"Master, let's go, let's go rescue Xie Daoling's clone." Liu Ping said.

"Don't be busy, you have to first pass the power of the evil demon to the three strongest clones. They will analyze everything about the evil demon, find more ways to deal with it, and inject it into the six paths of reincarnation." Lao Dao said.

"She's not afraid of the power of evil spirits?" Liu Ping asked in surprise.

"The Six Paths of Reincarnation is her technique. She is not afraid of the power of evil spirits. She can even transform the flag bearer into a humane female path, let alone herself?" said the old Taoist.

"That's no problem. I have some ideas that I can try." Liu Ping said.

"That's your business. I can't interfere. From now on, all the results in future generations will have real results in your actions." The old man looked up at the sky.

I saw strange stars flashing in the sky.

They seemed to be alive and began to fly towards the city here.

A line of red characters suddenly jumped out:

"The evil spirit has arrived!"

The old Taoist patted the dust on his body and sighed: "I'm going to fight to buy you some time."

Several long swords suddenly appeared in the void behind him.

The long swords all exuded fierce murderous intent.

From one of the extremely simple long swords, a voice as rich as a mountain sounded: "Are they coming in multiples, or one by one?"

"I'm the only one here, so of course I'm the only one to stop them - be careful what you say." The old Taoist said helplessly.

Another long sword struck the one that made the sound fiercely, until it flew into the wall behind.

"Master, don't blame me."

A female voice rang out from this long sword, which had a slender blade and was as bright as a stream of autumn water.

"It's good to teach it a lesson." The old man said with a shrug.

He looked at Liu Ping again and said: "The three most important clones are waiting for you. I can't interfere with the matters here, you can only rely on yourself."

"Wait a minute," Liu Ping said, "Master, you just said about the afterlife - if there is an afterlife, is the outcome here already determined?"

The long sword suddenly said: "Young master, you can chat for a few more words, I will go first."

"Okay." The old man nodded.

The long sword shook, suddenly transformed into an old Taoist form, rushed into the sky, and flew towards those strange stars.

The other long sword made a soft buzzing sound and followed like a swimming fish.

At this time, the heavy sword that was knocked into the wall staggered back and fell into the hands of the old man.

The old Taoist looked at the sword in his hand and said:

“We cannot assume that everything in the hereafter is foreordained.”

"Why?" Liu Ping asked.

"Do you still remember the conclusion you made about 'fish'?" asked the old Taoist.

"I understand... a fish is still a fish, but what will happen besides those fixed events in later generations still depends on this." Liu Ping said.

"Yes, this is the moment that really decides everything."

The old Taoist said in a deep tone: "The moment everyone lives is a dark night before and after. Only by struggling desperately in this moment to seize a glimmer of life can we rely on this glimmer of life to achieve real victory in the future."

"I understand." Liu Ping said.

He felt something in his heart and turned to look at the other side of the street.

The childish goddess was leaning against the wall with her arms folded, as if she was waiting for him.

"I'm going." Liu Ping said.

"Go ahead, the outcome of everything we have is up to you."

The old Taoist smiled at him, and his figure suddenly turned into a blazing sword light and soared into the sky.

Liu Ping walked towards the childlike goddess.

The childlike goddess sent a message: "Find a place and pass on all the knowledge you have gained about evil spirits to me."

"No problem...but everything I get is not as good as the flag bearer." Liu Ping said.

"Oh? Do you have a better idea?" Zhi Tiannu asked with interest.

"If we really want to win this battle, I have a new idea." Liu Ping said.

"I believe it," said the childlike goddess.

"Do you believe me?"

"What you have done has already proven yourself."


Liu Ping and Zhitiannu looked at the battlefield.

Xue Yu is fighting with several monks.

"Tell me! How did you practice? Why did you ascend to this realm after only entering Taoism for such a short time?" a monk shouted.

They surrounded Xue Yu in the middle and kept attacking.

Liu Ping said: "Let her be on the verge of death."

"Are you sure?" Zhidiannu asked.

"OK." Liu Ping said.

The childish goddess flicked her finger.

In the battlefield, the bloody rain suddenly fell to the ground and lost its vitality.

Those practitioners were at a loss and didn't know what was happening.

Liu Ping flew over, took out a gourd, and poured the Wangchuan water inside into Xueyu's mouth.

"What should we do now?" Zhidiannu asked from the side.

"Do you know the art of parasitism?" Liu Ping asked.

"No, but as a witch, I can." Zhi Tiannu said.

The witch appeared quietly and looked towards the bloody rain.

"I understand," the witch praised, "As expected of you, this method is actually the best."

The transfiguration master also came out and said critically: "But there is a problem here - how to avoid being noticed by her."

Liu Ping said: "There is no time here."

"So?" the transmutation master asked.

Liu Ping reached out and pressed the button in the void——

The power of artists!

All of a sudden.

Everything around him turned into heavy light and shadow, dispersed one after another, and re-formed a brand new scene.

"What is this?" asked the witch.

"To measure it in time, this is the moment when she transformed from a demon into a human being." Liu Ping said.

The witch nodded and chanted a few spells in a low voice.

She suddenly turned into a shadow, flew past, and disappeared into Xue Yu's corpse.

In this way, when Xue Yu wakes up again, nothing about her can escape the control of the witch.

Because the witch hides in her body, follows her through her experiences, and is always in control of her thoughts!

"Let those people go and resurrect her." Liu Ping said.

"No problem." The transmutation master said.

He disappeared from where he was.

At the same time, all those practitioners disappeared.

"What will happen next?" Zhidiannu asked with interest.

"Let her wake up - you'll know just by looking at her," Liu Ping said.

The childish goddess flicked her finger again.

Liu Ping then waved his hand and let go of a curtain of nothingness, covering himself and the childish goddess.

on the ground.

Xueyu opened his eyes.

It was night time, and the sky was as dark as ink.

She stood up and looked around, only to see a mass grave here.

"here it is……"

A look of confusion appeared on Xueyu's face.

Thousands of miles of solitary peak, no one around except the long wind crying.

"Yes, this is the moment when I first became human."

The woman gradually showed a thoughtful expression.

She looked at the cemeteries around her and felt the same world scene as before.

"...It's here, but I can't seem to remember anything."

"Am I reborn?"

"There is no other explanation. Sure enough, I am immortal because I am not human in the first place."

Xueyu walked back, sat down in the grave, closed his eyes and entered a state of concentration.

This time, I can't be so careless anymore.

You must not expose the Jiuyou method you have learned!

Liu Ping looked at it from a distance and said softly: "It seems to be done, but to fully display the world she has experienced, we have to ask the help of the Dream Guardian."

"Don't bother it, I will reconstruct this world and return it to the intensity of the previous world."

The young goddess put her hands on the ground.

For a while.

I saw that outside of the many illusions that Xue Yu was in, the entire world was rapidly degrading.

Countless coffins packed all living beings, leaving the world directly and disappearing into the void.

And the aura, geographical area, population, and level of civilization of this world have all begun to decline.

The whole world is in chaos.

——This is exactly the world of cultivation that Xue Yu was in before!

"It's done!" said the childlike goddess.

"What are we going to do next? Are we still going to save other clones?" Liu Ping asked.

"Of course, we must save other clones - the more clones we rescue, the stronger the witch's power will be. She can continuously sense all the memories of the blood rain and obtain the knowledge and skills of the evil devil." said Zhitiannu.

"I didn't see your clone in the city just now." Liu Ping said.

"I can't be found by the evil spirit, so the strongest clone became a prisoner and sealed myself, waiting for someone to unlock the trio of death of the world, while the other clones were hiding in the last spell of time." Zhitiannu said.

"Is it a time spell..." Liu Ping said.

Childish Heavenly Girl said softly: "Time cast this technique with the last drop of blood at the moment of death in battle."

"What is it?" Liu Ping asked.

"It turns everything into a structure - just like this copper coin, which is a circle and has two sides." Zhitiannu said, holding a copper coin in her hand.

"...It's too profound and hard for most people to understand. Only I can understand it as soon as I hear it." Liu Ping said.

The childish goddess laughed.

"Time can see everything and know the general situation of this moment, so its technique should be in you." She said.

"On me?" Liu Ping said in surprise.

"At the moment when Time died in battle, he used his last drop of blood to use this powerful time technique... Ms. Mystery is his lover, and there is a way to activate it." Zhi Tiannu said.

The mysterious lady appeared quietly and gently placed her hand on Liu Ping's heart.

"Are you ready? Go to the back of time and rescue all her clones." Ms. Mystery asked.

"Time really has two sides? How do I get there?" Liu Ping asked.

"Memory." Ms. Mystery said succinctly.

"When life is faced with extreme danger, it will occasionally transcend the limit of time and see everything in its memory in the past." Zhidiannu explained.

The two women looked at him together.

Ms. Mystery looked deeply at Liu Ping and whispered: "We are counting on you now."

"The same is true for all living beings," said the childlike goddess.

"There is no other way out, I can only do it with all my strength." Liu Ping said.

The two women nodded together.

The mysterious lady chanted a spell in a low voice and suddenly shouted:

"With all my power, I call upon the blood of time to reverse time and reveal everything it hides!"

Liu Ping felt a huge force wrap around him and pull him into the void——

All of a sudden.

The surrounding scene disappeared.

The mysterious lady and the childish goddess walked away together.

All is gone.

In the endless dream, Liu Ping seemed to see a drop of blood.

A sudden realization came to his mind——

"The blood of time..."

"It turns out that everything that I, Eternal Night, and the sentient beings on the Pillar of Purgatory have experienced are in this moment, in this moment when it drips."

"This is the moment when time fights to the death."


Finally it dripped.

When the drop of blood fell, Liu Ping clearly saw his life, until the final moment——

That was the 181st year of Taiping.

Wanren Plain.

The spells are flying, the swords are screaming, and the world is chaotic with blood.

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