Infernal Artist

Chapter 8 Escape

Darkness and fog mixed together.

Endless coffins are densely arranged, extending into the distance, disappearing into the depths of the mist.


The faint cold wind passed through the air, wailing miserably, like many ghosts and gods hiding in the darkness, all making urgent urging sounds.

Liu Ping looked towards the dead silence ahead, and could not help but hear the practitioner's voice again:

"——They will hunt down your soul and body until they completely enslave you!"

Liu Ping calmed down deeply and couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Even the Golden Core Sword Cultivator could only resist for a moment, and then he had to evacuate. As a Qi Refining Cultivator, without knowing anything about the monster, he had no choice but to escape.

He has lost all his power, and now he is still being hunted——

It's just so infuriating.

If there was any hope of a comeback, he would never run away in such embarrassment.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but said loudly:

"Hey, there's no one here. The spell you gave me is completely useless. Can you change it to something more powerful?"

The sequence is unresponsive.

In the void, no new prompts appeared.

It ignores itself.


What a hassle.

Liu Ping shook his head and put the broken knife into his storage bag.

How to deal with it?

Even with injuries all over his body, he couldn't improve his strength despite his eagerness.

He looked at the black talisman in his hand.

Actually, if you think about it carefully——

The two practitioners didn't mean to harm themselves and returned the talisman.

So, how can I activate this charm?

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt something in his heart and looked up.

From the rock wall above the head, fine dust gradually broke away from the rock wall and scattered in the empty cemetery.

Some kind of weak and vague sound sounded from behind the rock wall.

"This kind of movement..."

——There must be something coming.


Liu Ping quickly looked around,

He found a corner, opened an empty coffin, lay down in it, and stretched out his hand to perform the Breath Condensation Technique.

The Breath Condensation Technique is the most basic technique in the spiritual world, used to conceal one's own strength so as not to be noticed by others.


This word came to Liu Ping's mind.

He couldn't help but summon up all his spiritual power and changed his technique.

——The Secret of Ten Thousand Silences of Breathing!

This is his unique skill, which is improved on the basis of general techniques and can isolate himself from all fluctuations.

Unfortunately, he is now only a practitioner in the Qi Refining Stage, the lowest level in the entire practice system, and cannot fully unleash the power of this technique.

But at this moment, there is no other way.

Another way...


Liu Ping was silent for a moment, then suddenly remembered what happened just now, and quickly came up with an idea.

"Activate 'a person without a role'!"

He shouted silently in his heart.

I saw lines of small words quickly emerging in the darkness:

"You activated your extraordinary ability in the performance department:"

"A person who has no role to play."

"From now on, you won't attract undue attention from anyone."

"Duration: a quarter of an hour."

Does this thing work?

Liu Ping was still a little uneasy, but now he had no other choice but to use it, hoping that it would have some effect.

He lay in the coffin and waited.

Wow – Wow –

The sound of soil being lifted came from the high rock wall.


The sound of falling gravel became louder and louder.

The rock wall has been broken through!

Immediately afterwards, a cold and ruthless metallic sound sounded in the cave:

"Battlefield robot S9005 has arrived at its destination."

"No threatening targets were found."

"Report completed."

Waited for a few breaths.

Several voices that were obviously from humans were heard:

"Are you sure this is here?"

"Boss, the time and space fluctuation just now came from around here."

"Yes, boss, we are close to our target."

"...It seems like this is it."

"Everyone, get ready."


Bursts of noisy sounds followed.

With his spiritual sense, Liu Ping gradually sensed several figures.

These people had flown down from the rock wall and were standing among the many coffins.


One of them landed on the coffin where Liu Ping was.

Liu Ping closed his eyes, stopped breathing, and held the Breath Condensation Jue with both hands without moving.

Those people observed for a while, and then the voice sounded again:

"There are no monsters here, right?"

"Do you want to search it?"

"Yeah, search it, it's safer."

Liu Ping gently moved his hands to his waist and pressed them on the storage bag.

Broken knives... can also be used.


A line of small words jumped out of the void:

"The presence that stepped on your coffin was affected by being so close to you."

“‘A man without a role’ comes into play.”

The next second.

Just listen to the man who stepped on his coffin say:

"A group of cowardly guys, the battlefield robots have already inspected it. Even if there is anything else here, it is just worthless garbage."

As soon as he spoke, other voices suddenly stopped.

Just listen to him continue:

"Don't waste time with me, cheer up, find the source of time and space fluctuations immediately, and use the token to open the time and space channel——"

"let's move!"

Everyone responded in unison: "Yes, boss."

Sounds broke through the air.

Everything fell silent.

It was obvious that these people had gone far.

Liu Ping breathed a sigh of relief and waited for a few more breaths before opening the coffin board.

No one.

Looking in the direction where those people left, I saw that in the cave far away, the fog became a bit thicker.

An inexplicable feeling of depression surged into my heart.

"This is……"

Liu Ping murmured.

With the help of his spiritual sense, he could sense that there was something lingering in the mist far away, like countless squirming unknown things glued together, twisting restlessly, exuding a suffocating omen. .

Liu Ping's heart skipped a beat.

——That direction is exactly the direction I came from.

Could it be that the fluctuation those people noticed just now... was caused by the monster in the tomb?

The monster has locked itself in!

A sense of crisis arose spontaneously, lingering in Liu Ping's heart.

"Go quickly..."

He murmured, looking up.

I saw a dark hole on the right side of the rock wall dozens of meters above.

This is the hole made by those people just now.

——Maybe this hole can help me get out of here?

Liu Ping jumped with all his strength, soared into the air, clung to the rock wall and swam like a gecko, quickly arriving at the entrance of the cave.

A cold wind blew from the entrance of the cave.

Liu Ping held the uneven rock with both hands without moving, and gently sniffed his nose.

The wind came long and fast, with a fresh and moist breath.

There must be a way to the outside world!

He was about to crawl into the hole when suddenly there was a burst of penetrating sounds in his ears. When he turned his head and looked, he found that there were new changes in the depths of the cemetery.

In that fog——


A panicked voice suddenly sounded.

This voice was somewhat familiar, as if it was one of those people just now.

Two or three figures passed through the fog, smashed the coffins blocking the road from a distance, and ran towards this direction regardless of the situation.


The leader yelled.

Sudden changes occurred——

At the far end of the cave, long tentacles covered with mucus rushed towards him like afterimages.


In just one move, the three people were skewered on the tentacles.

The three of them suddenly screamed hysterically.

The tentacles didn't care about this, they wrapped around the three of them and flew away, submerging themselves into the mist again.

A roar full of anger sounded:

"A bunch of troublesome guys...I was about to..."

When Liu Ping heard this, he immediately got into the hole without any hesitation and ran towards the passage with all his strength.

Unexpectedly, this passage was quite short. In about three to five minutes, Liu Ping jumped out.

He looked around.

——Here is another underground cave filled with coffins!

On the surrounding rock walls, deep caves are arranged irregularly, and it is unknown where they lead.

Those people probably arrived here from a certain cave. They discovered that there were abnormal fluctuations nearby, so they continued to dig downward, and finally opened the tomb!

But there were so many caves that I didn't know where to go.

what to do?

Just as he was thinking about it, a strange vibration came from his arms.

——That black talisman!

It broke free from Liu Ping's arms and floated gently in the air.

Liu Ping stared at the black talisman closely.

——According to what the previous practitioner said, this talisman can help him.

The talisman floated towards a coffin dozens of feet away.

Finally, it stopped motionless above the coffin.

It's here!

Liu Ping jumped to the coffin and suddenly heard the faint sounds of wind and water coming from the coffin.

He lifted the lid of the coffin.

The coffin was indeed empty, but there was a large hole dug downwards inside.

The sound of water came from this cave.

In an instant, lines of burning small characters appeared in the void:

"Specific environment has been matched."

"Anchoring the flow of time and space."

"The talisman of sending souls begins to activate."

"You can rely on the power of the spirit talisman to immediately enter the corresponding hidden time and space."

I see!

Your own escape route is here!

Liu Ping grabbed the black talisman, walked into the coffin, and carefully closed the coffin from the inside.

After doing all this, he jumped down along the hole——

One breath.

Two breaths.

Suddenly, a misty light appeared in the darkness.

A world exuding infinite light and shadow flew from an extremely distant and unknown place, hit Liu Ping head-on, and completely enveloped him in it.

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