Infernal Artist

Chapter 93 Burning Money

The gate on the other side of Dark Mist Town opened with a bang.

The convoy filed out and rushed towards the direction where the old god was walking.

Wang Meng stood on the roof of a car, staring closely at Hyena and Liu Ping, guarding against any possible attack.

The hyena boss took one look and said with a smile: "Split the troops into two groups? It seems we have to eat you quickly and then send them on their way."

Liu Ping didn't say anything, just threw the card out.


The card turned into a burst of white mist and completely enveloped him.

"Seeking death." The hyena boss said in a low voice.

Behind him, a hyena member drew a card and handed it to his mouth.

The hyena boss ate the card in one gulp, and the hair on his body became thicker, and his muscles suddenly swelled. He lay on the ground and howled in pain.

He quickly turned into a monster more than five meters long and two meters high. He looked like a real hyena, but was more ferocious than a hyena.

It lay on the ground and roared twice, then rushed towards the white mist——

But for some reason, the monster's feet slipped and his whole body fell to the ground crookedly.

"Hehehehe, hahahaha."

There was a burst of unsuppressible laughter in the white mist.

A figure walked out of the white mist.


"Are you too impatient? You want to eat me before I even speak?"

The clown lit the cigar in his hand, took a long puff, and blew out the smoke ring.

In front of it, rows of burning small characters quietly stayed motionless:

"You activated the mysterious skill 'Beginner'."

"You designate the enemy as the first performer and choose him to perform the failed action."

"Activating this skill requires a large amount of currency."

"——Money has nothing to do with art, but our art requires money."

"This sequence has accepted the privacy agreement of Hellfire Bank and is linked to your bank account."

"The deduction for this consumption has been completed."

"The cost for the first performance is: 20,000 spirit stones."

Twenty thousand spirit stones!

It cost 20,000 spirit stones to just knock the monster down so casually!

The corners of the clown's eyes twitched slightly, and unprecedented killing intent erupted from his body.

"You spend every second of your life burning my money, but..."

"I enjoy it."

He put the cigar in his mouth and pulled out a card.


The difference is that this time Kaling's "Forty Meter Sword" did not come, so after being professionally specialized, this card turned into a thin card and fell into the hands of the clown.

The clown stretched out two fingers to hold the card and put it in front of his eyes.

I saw that the pattern on this card was constantly changing. One moment it was "7 of spades", the other moment it became "9 of diamonds", and when I looked closely, it turned into "10 of clubs" again.

——Just like the changeability of the sword.

The clown gently held the card and walked towards the monster step by step.

"Your death day has come. Eat more vegetarian food in your next life."

he whispered.

The monster that looked like a lion and a hyena looked wary, staring at the clown, and let out a low roar.

Behind the monster, a hyena quickly pulled out a card and shouted: "Armor!"

He threw the card.

The monster suddenly gained a set of thick leather armor.

Another hyena pulled out a card and shouted: "Claw!"

The monster's four claws were immediately covered with sharp steel claws, scratching cracks on the rocks on the ground.

"You will be cut into pieces by me."

The monster roared, and suddenly disappeared from the place.

It turned into an afterimage and hit the clown head on.

The clown smiled playfully and stepped forward to meet him. He twisted slightly and passed by him in an instant.

The monster landed on the ground and immediately turned around to look at the clown.

But on the card in the clown's hand, a bright red color quietly dripped.

"Tsk, the leather armor is too thick and I couldn't cut off your head."

The clown said with a sad face.

The monster looked at the card in his hand, and then realized that his neck had been cut open.

——It was only then that it felt pain.

The speed of the blow just now exceeded the body's reaction, no wonder he didn't notice it.

"Amazing fighting skills... Third brother, give me the elements of enlightenment!"

roared the monster.

A hyena immediately reached out and drew into the void.

A card with a miserable green mist appeared in his hand.

"Poison element, boss, I have civilized the poison element for you!" the hyena shouted loudly.

"Very good." A green mist suddenly rose around the monster, and bright colors gradually appeared on its claws.

The clown looked at the monster with a heavy gaze and whispered: "It's meaningless to keep fighting like this."

He looked into the distance.

I saw that the old gods were getting closer and closer to here.

On the top of the god's head, all the small characters suddenly flashed away, and then, a new line of small characters appeared:

"The stranger in the nightmare,???"

"Explanation: The person with this name is the master of fire and wind elemental spells. He will not be harmed by magic, physical, and curse attacks. He likes to devour all things and living beings that contain strange powers."

"——In ten minutes, it will completely complete its evolution!"

The clown's eyes changed.

ten minutes!

The next moment, he disappeared from the place.

Behind the hyenas, a card quietly stretched out.

The monster's expression changed and he shouted: "Draw cards, draw cards! Hurry!"

The defensive hyena stretched out his hand and was about to draw a card, but found that his five fingers suddenly twisted together and failed to draw a card.

——My hand is cramped!

A voice rang in my ears: "You burned my money, and I will kill you. This is reasonable."

The card turned into a sharp cold light and flashed from the hyena's neck.

The blood mist dispersed.

A human head flew up.

Everyone else drew their cards one after another, but after killing one person, the clown had already passed them and landed on a motorcycle.


The roar of the locomotive suddenly sounded.

The clown twisted the accelerator, and the motorcycle flew out like an arrow off the string.


The hyenas were about to take action, but they saw the clown sitting on the motorcycle and throwing out the cards in his hand without looking back.

The card transformed by the sword changed various patterns in the air, and finally settled on a king holding a long sword, whirling into a rock and standing on it.

Lines of burning small characters quickly appeared in the void:

"King of Spades."

"You used the talisman technique of Shu Dao and released the talisman: 'Summoning of Divine Beasts'."

"The sword has been customized by the Joker, so the effect of the talisman has been changed."

"The card generates a random summoning mode and randomly summons three existences for you to fight."

"——Unpredictability is the way the Joker likes to fight."




There were three sounds in a row.

A robot carrying a heavy machine gun, a rabbit, and a magician holding a staff appeared in front of everyone.

"It's really troublesome. I hate this kind of mysterious summoning the most. It's a pity that in order to get the power of the mysterious rules, I had to sign a mysterious contract."

The magician shook his head and said something, raised the staff in his hand, and recited a spell.

"Magic is rubbish. Let me kill them all first." The robot said.

——Da da da da da da!

The robots opened fire on the hyenas!

Not to be outdone, the magician pointed his wand at the monster the hyena boss had turned into.

"Petrified!" he shouted.

A beam of light flew from the wand and hit the monster.

The monster rolled on the ground, immediately dodged the ray, got up and rushed towards the magician.

A shield with flashing lightning appeared in the magician's hand.

The rabbit stayed where he was and looked at it, then yawned.

It turned and looked into the distance.

I saw the clown driving a motorcycle, rushing forward like a fast cheetah in the wilderness.

As if he was dissatisfied with the lack of speed of the motorcycle, the clown flashed, jumped into the sky, and rushed forward like a stream of light.

In front of the clown is the huge god shrouded in dust and mist!

At the feet of the god, a truck was shooting.

On the other road, a whole convoy was quickly approaching the back of the god.

The rabbit looked at the flying clown and then at the god, his eyes gradually brightened.

It's him?

——He wants to fuck the gods?

This is interesting!

The rabbit blew a long, cheerful whistle, and the whole rabbit suddenly turned into a ray of ice and light, flew into the sky, and chased in the direction of Liu Ping.

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