“That… In that case, will I be able to come here often in the future? ”

For this small request, Lin Yu naturally did not refuse, and smiled heartily.

“If you want to, naturally there is no problem.”

Affirmed by Lin Yu, although there was still a faint feeling of loss in Ganlu Temple Honey Li’s eyes, compared with just now, this girl who was not rejected for the first time was obviously almost recovered.

Perhaps with a cheerful personality, it is easier to see things away.

“I know Mr. Lin Yu, I caused you trouble before.”

“There is no such thing, but please don’t talk to Aunt Whaley about it, I don’t want to go on another blind date.”

“Hmm! Don’t worry, Mr. Lin Yu, I will definitely not say it, then I will leave first. ”

Ganlu Temple Miri said nothing, then stood up and hurriedly left.

Listening to the footsteps that were gradually moving away, Lin Yu shook his head, hoping that Ganlu Temple Honey Li did not go too far into his heart.


After explaining the misunderstanding with Ganluji Miri, Lin Yu and Kanahu’s life seems to have returned to its previous calm.

Every day, as before, practice swordsmanship and carve wood carvings.

As if there were no waves, Ganlu Temple Honey Li did not come over as often as before.

A week is fleeting.

That afternoon, Lin Yu was carving wood carvings on the first floor, while Xiannehu was cleaning obediently, but he didn’t expect a familiar voice to come over.

“Mr. Lin Yu, can I come in?”

Hearing this familiar voice, Lin Yu’s mind suddenly appeared the figure of Ganlu Temple Honey Li.

“Don’t be so polite, come in.”

At the door, Ganlu Temple Miri was carrying a small basket and was walking in with a little smile.

Originally, Lin Yu thought that it would be very embarrassing to see Ganlu Temple Honey Li again, after all, those things happened before, but he obviously thought a little too much.

Ganlu Temple Honey Li’s voice was light, and it seemed that the previous incident had no effect at all.

“Chanel come soon, look what I brought with me.”

Came to sit next to Lin Yu, Ganlu Temple honey glass greeted Xiang Naihu warmly, gently opened the basket in his hand, and saw that it was filled with all kinds of exquisite snacks.

“Come and try it, I made it myself.”

Chana couldn’t resist the temptation of food and quickly ran over.

“Mr. Lin Yu, do you know why I brought snacks over today?”

The sudden question caught Lin Yu off guard, and he put down the snack in his hand in confusion and shook his head.

“I know you don’t know, there is a lantern party in the town today, let’s go play together at night, right?”

Hearing the words of Ganlu Temple Miri, Lin Yu seemed to have some impressions in his mind, and he had heard of it from Aunt Huili, but Xiangnai was not interested in it and left it behind.

“Let’s come with Chanahu, I also made a lot of sweets, you can eat and stroll around, it must be fun~”

Seeing that Lin Yu seemed to be a little hesitant, Ganlu Temple Honey Li turned the muzzle, and in a few words, he changed the camp of Xiangnaihu, who was not interested before.

In the face of Xiannaihu’s defection, Lin Yu just smiled, anyway, there is nothing to do, it is good to go out.

“Well, let’s take a look together.”

“That’s great.”

Ganlu Temple Honey Li smiled and seemed to be particularly happy.

Night soon fell.

Compared with the past, today, when there is a lantern festival, the streets are obviously a lot livelier.

Lin Yu was draped in Haori, and he walked on the street with Ganluji Miri and Kanahu.

The two youthful girls, dressed in decent kimonos, were so eye-catching that even the bright lights were a little dim compared to them.

“Mr. Lin Yu, Xiannai wants you to come over this lantern!”

Walking on the street, looking at the delicate lanterns around her, the smile on the face of Ganlu Temple never stopped.

Watching the lantern show with your favorite people is indeed a happy thing.

Because he knew that Lin Yu couldn’t see it, every time he saw some interesting lanterns, Ganlu Temple Honey Li carefully described Lin Yu and took care of his feelings.

If it weren’t for the slight discord in age, the three of them would look or really look like a family of three.

After a lantern party, the time is not early, and Ganlu Temple Honey Li and Chanai Hu have eaten all the snacks they brought, and they can feel that the two are very happy today.

“Mr. Lin Yu, thank you for being able to accompany me out to watch the lantern show today, I am very happy today~”

“Still don’t need to call me Mr. Lin Yu, it always sounds a little strange, just call me Lin Yu, if there is still this kind of activity in the future, come again.”

Lin Yu patted Xiangnaihu’s head next to him, and it seemed like a good thing to come out occasionally to stroll.


Ganlu Temple Miri nodded happily, in her simple thoughts, since Lin Yu did not dislike herself because of her physique, then she came to pursue Lin Yu.

As long as he insists until Lin Yu wants to get married, then it is not logical that he can become Lin Yu’s wife.

This somewhat natural girl, for her own ideas, can’t help but want to praise her wit.

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