Infinite Battlefield: Ten Times the Points

Chapter 454: Investigation of the Eternal Vanguard

The Eternal Vanguard has only eight members.

These eight members are members of the Shadow Clan, born to hide in the shadows.

They feed on the shadows of all things and do not come out of the shadows all year round.

Because they are particularly afraid of light.

The dazzling light for ordinary humans is the blazing sun for them, and it only takes two or three seconds to completely kill them.

Each shadow can be their tread or foothold, and with enough shadows, they can even travel kilometers in a second.

Their only means of damage is by eating the shadow of the enemy, causing the enemy to be in a trance or even stunned.

But that's about it.

Their body is a mass of pitch-black slime, without any combat power.

But they are the first-class scouts in the universe.

They cannot be detected by the scout abilities of many capable races.

"Oh my God! What the hell is going on with this planet!? Why are the same race but different abilities??"

The members of the Eternal Fleet Vanguard named Anjie exclaimed.

They all act in pairs and teams, and his teammate is named Anke.

The two people (the people here are on behalf of the people, referring to two units, not the real two people) just wandered nearby, and they rushed over when they noticed that there was a noise here.

But in that short period of peeping just now, the two people's worldviews were completely overturned.

"Impossible! Aren't capable creatures born with only one ability? Why do some of them summon flames, while others summon thunder and lightning, and most of them even have multiple abilities!!?"

Anjie originally had the idea of ​​​​estimating the combat power of this unknown race, but when he saw the scene where the Demon King attacked the Demon King just now, he was so shocked that he didn't have the mood to observe it!

"And, what the hell is that terrifying creature!?" He looked at the majestic Demon King hovering over there, trembling with fear.

It's not that he has never seen animals, but which planet's animals have superpowers?

"Could it be that the giant snake is also a race of capable creatures that has never been discovered?" Dark asked.

"This... does not rule out the possibility..."

As soon as Anjie finished speaking, he saw the giant snake using its second ability.

Its eyes lit up with red lights, and then it summoned hundreds of giant pythons seven to eighty meters long.

Seeing this scene, the two who were hidden in the shadows were silent.

"Even that monster has multiple abilities..." An Jie exclaimed.

"Maybe we have come to a very terrifying planet..." Anke's voice trembled.

He was frightened.

With the physique of their shadow family, once exposed, they would be killed in minutes.

Now the species that see this planet basically have multiple abilities, and they don't know if this group of people has discovered their abilities.

If there is, then they are extremely dangerous now!

"What should we do? Do you want to retreat quickly while their attention is on that monster?" Anke asked Xiang Anjie.

The shadow hidden by An Jie kept moving, and it seemed that he was engaged in a fierce ideological confrontation.

After a while, he sighed and said, "Leave the record mosquitoes and let us retreat. We will collect the record mosquitoes after they finish fighting."

The recording mosquito is a machine that looks like a mosquito and has an ultra-clear shooting function. Even objects running at a high speed of kilometers per second can be clearly photographed at close range.

"Okay, okay." Dark agrees with this proposal very much.

Then, an inconspicuous little mosquito emerged out of thin air from the shadow ground and flew slowly towards the battle area at the speed of a regular mosquito.

After the mosquito flew out, the two scouts of the Eternal Vanguard ran non-stop.

The first law of survival in the universe: Life is the most important thing, everything can be abandoned in order to survive.


Shenxia Danjiang Shenmeng Branch.


A large group of players gathered together and watched a large screen in the front while eating delicious food.

On the screen, there is a picture of the player Yakai, who was randomly selected by Blue Star this time, in the Demon Realm.

"This Yakai is only level 23, alas, which one of us is not higher than him?"

Someone sighed and continued to eat the burger in their hands.

Players who have developed normally up to now should all be around level 30 or 40.

Level 23 is really low.

Hearing his words, the uncle next to him interjected a little proudly: "Yeah, my nephew just entered the battlefield last week, and he was promoted to level 20 yesterday."

"People are really mad at people."

Hearing this, many people around pouted secretly, thinking in their hearts: 'It's not the credit of the 116 emails from the Phantom God. ’

Last week, Huan Shen gained a lot in Demon God Realm. If he received all the emails, he would have more than 3,000 points.

Counting the points obtained by other means such as the sign-in lottery, it is normal to rise to more than 20 levels in a few days - if all the points are used for upgrading.

Yakai is only in his twenties now, you don't need to guess to know that he is using his points to upgrade his career.

On the screen, he is crawling forward in a dense forest, surrounded by tall and dense trees.

Just now, he saw a wooden treasure chest in front of him from a distance, and he is now heading in that direction.

"Fortunately, this Yakai is still self-aware and didn't go to the devil."

Guan Qin took a sip of hot tea, then chuckled.


Shi Feng Tian Yang, who was sitting at the same table with Guan Qin, also laughed.

Having experienced the Demon God Realm last time, all players in all realms have a general understanding of the Demon God's strength.

This time, although there were also people looking for the Demon God, it was far less than the first time.

The first time around 30 percent of adults were looking for the Demon God, but this time it wasn't even 1%.

And so far, the demon gods of this second Demon God Realm have not been discovered yet.

The shadow of the chair Guan Qin was sitting on and the shadow of one of the legs of the table fluctuated slightly.

The two vanguard members, Dark Water and Dark Fire, who were just dangling from the trash can, swayed here.

"What are they looking at?"

Dark Water said in a low voice.

"It seems to be the performance of one of their clan members in another place." An Huo looked at the content on the screen and thoughtfully replied.

Looking at Yakai's performance on the screen, he added: "But it seems that the combat power of this group will not be too high."

Because the Divine Alliance branch has enchantments, most people are unarmed.

But there are still armed patrols from time to time.

Some people found that there were life fluctuations in the shadow under Guan Qin's table, but the breath was pitifully weak, so they thought it was someone else's summoned beast and didn't care.

Dark Water and Dark Fire recorded everything they saw, so that when the vanguard exchanged information later, there was information to exchange.

Different from the thoughts of Anjie and Anke, they believe that this is a race with lower combat power.

"This group of people sat together to watch this person. Obviously this person should be the strong person they selected or something."

"Even the strong ones among them are just like this. It is conceivable that most of them are not too strong."

Dark water guesses like this.


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