Infinite Bloodcore

Section 9: But we are Templars!

No chance!

Zhenjin and Zidi were hiding near the entrance of the cave, watching the fight between the beasts outside the cave.

During the whole process, the group of scaly-horned panthers were busy but not chaotic, firmly encircling the monkey-tailed brown bear in the center.

Once boys and girls leave the cave entrance, they will be exposed to the eyes of these beasts.

If you take the risk and rush out, your chances of survival are very low. They would never do such a thing unless absolutely necessary.

The more Zhen Jin looked at it, the more frightened she became.

In the battle between the two parties, the scale-horned panthers were slightly better in the end, as there were many of them.

"Although leopards do not travel alone, they often organize families to survive. So many leopards hunt in groups, which is unprecedented. On this island, not only the form of life has undergone horrific mutations, but their habits have also changed drastically."

Zhenjin also has speculations about the origin of these scaly-horned black panthers.

He remembered that when he was being chased by a swarm of fire poisonous bees, he was attacked by a mysterious beast like a leopard on the way. In the end, the beast fled in panic under the pressure of the fire-poison swarm.

This beast is most likely a scaly-horned black panther. After it fled, it probably returned to the group, contacted other black panthers, and finally came here following the scent of Zhenjin and Zidi's escape.

"Rather than seeking revenge against the Fire Venom Bee Swarm, these black panthers are probably more likely to hunt me and Zidi."

"Looking at it this way, this monkey-tailed brown bear has blocked the disaster for both of us."

Zhen Jin felt no gratitude at all.

The monkey-tailed brown bear first drove away the fire poisonous bee swarm, and now fought with the black panther group, fighting for the lives of Zhenjin and Zidi.

But if it returns victorious, it will still attack young girls.

It's all just a coincidence.


The black panther leader suddenly pounced on the brown bear's back. He opened his big mouth and bit the brown bear's neck.

The monkey-tailed brown bear was furious and shook its body wildly.

But the black panther leader gritted his teeth so hard that the leopard's body was almost thrown out. He only relied on his teeth to bite the brown bear's neck tightly.

The brown bear has fat skin and flesh, and it just bleeds profusely for a while. It stretched out two gorilla-like claws, and its sharp nails penetrated the scales and penetrated deeply into the body of the black panther leader.

The leader of the black panther refused to let go. At the same time, the other black panthers also pounced on him.

One by one, the black panthers jumped on the brown bear and pushed the brown bear to the ground.

"Opportunity!" Seeing this scene, Zhen Jin made a quick decision and immediately dragged Zidi and ran out of the cave.

But at this time, the only remaining black panther saw them, and one of them immediately roared and rushed towards them. The other ones are also ready to move.

Zhenjin and Zidi were forced by the scaly-horned black panther and had no choice but to escape back to the cave.

The black panther did not chase into the cave because the monkey-tailed brown bear broke out.

Its claws exuded a hot breath, and its nails as sharp and hard as black iron turned red, like steel being heated in a furnace.

The brown bear rolled wildly on the ground, throwing away most of the black panthers on it.

Then his two sharp claws were inserted deep into the body of the black panther leader. As the Black Panther leader struggled frantically, large streams of blood spurted out from his mouth and nose.


The next moment, the monkey-tailed brown bear brazenly tore the black panther leader in half!

Its sharp claws turned red and emitted a hot breath, as if the steel had been tempered in a furnace and had just been taken out.

The red iron-like sharp claws can easily pierce the scales of a black panther. Under the huge power of the brown bear, it becomes a killing weapon!

In one moment, nearly ten black panthers were slaughtered and their bodies were found on the spot!

The leopard group collapsed and suffered heavy losses.

Although the monkey-tailed brown bear was the final winner, it was also miserable. Its right eye has been blinded, and its body is covered with wounds and blood. Several wounds on the legs, feet and arms were so deep that the bones were visible.

The most serious wound was on its neck. This is where the Black Panther leader's lower mouth was. The wound was very deep and seemed to have broken an artery.

Now, bright red blood is constantly pouring out from the wound.

The monkey-tailed brown bear was so severely injured that after repelling the leopard group, it immediately walked back to the cave without any pursuit.

There was no other way, Zhenjin and Zidi could only keep retreating.

Injured beasts are often more terrifying!

Fortunately, the brown bear was seriously injured and did not run. He walked back to the cave not very fast.

Boys and girls were forced deeper into the cave.

If there is only one path in the cave, then they will eventually meet the brown bear, and a fight will inevitably begin.

But Zhenjin was unsure.

He originally had a long sword, but it was lost at the bonfire. The only sharp weapons on his body now are two daggers. One is on his body and the other is in Zidi's hand.

The boy and girl retreated again and again.

For them, the best situation is that there are still branch roads in the cave.

However, something unexpected happened.

The monkey-tailed brown bear reached halfway and stopped moving forward.

It stopped, dug out the ore on the cave wall with its claws, and opened its mouth to devour it.

It's eating these hot ores!

Zhen Jin observed secretly, his pupils narrowed. He was surprised to find that after the monkey-tailed brown bear swallowed more than a dozen pieces of ore, the wounds on its body gradually stopped bleeding. The brown bear's originally weak and scattered aura gradually stabilized.

Zhen Jin completely understood.

"It turns out that these ores are the food of monkey-tailed brown bears!"

He had previously found many claw marks on the cave wall, and originally thought they were monkey-tailed brown bears grinding their claws. Now it seems that they should be traces left by brown bears digging for food.

The monkey-tailed brown bear's condition is improving rapidly.

Zhenjin and Zidi looked at each other and saw each other's expressions becoming extremely solemn.

Right now they have two options.

One is to continue to retreat and find a branch in the cave to avoid the monkey-tailed brown bear.

The second option is to go to war with the monkey-tailed brown bear. Take advantage of the enemy's illness and kill him!

Both options carry considerable risks.

The first option is to give up the current opportunity and let the monkey-tailed brown bear rest smoothly. Once there is no diversion, they will still have to fight with the monkey-tailed brown bear.

The second option is to start a war with the brown bear. Zijin has no confidence in the outcome. Although it was true that he had seized the opportunity to fight, wouldn't it be too unfair if there was a fork in the cave and he ended up dead at the hands of a brown bear?

Zidi suddenly held Zhen Jin's hand. She didn't speak, but her beautiful purple eyes had already revealed her intention - Zhen Jin had the final say in everything!

For a moment, Zhen Jin was caught in a decision.

This is a choice about life and death!

The key is that it is not only about his personal life and death, but also the life of his fiancée Zidi.

A heavy responsibility rests on Zhen Jin's shoulders.

Zhen Jin's eyes flickered for a while, and soon revealed a determined light.

He shook Zidi's hand and then let go.

He drew out his dagger, started slowly, and quietly approached the monkey-tailed brown bear that was eating.

With both options, Zhen Jin has no confidence. There is no reliable information to help him make a judgment.

So he followed his natural choice - he preferred to fight and try to grab fate by the throat!

Even though he didn't have a long sword in his hand, he only had a short dagger.

Closer, closer.

The distance between Zhenjin and Brown Bear keeps getting closer.

The brown bear was still eating, perhaps because it had returned to its den, or perhaps it was in such a bad state after the brutal fight that it seemed unaware of the approaching needle gold.

But at this moment, Zhen Jin's expression suddenly changed.

A memory emerged from my mind.

"Damn it, it happened at this critical moment!" Zhen Jin cursed feebly in his heart, but could only temporarily immerse himself in the flash of memories.

In an old tavern, the lights were dim and people were noisy.

"We won!"

"Drink this cup to the full!"

Zhenjin found himself sitting in a corner, surrounded by knights in shining armor. Of course, he himself is one of them.

This group of knights all had brand new scars on their armors, cloaks, or bodies, but everyone was excited.

It seems that this is a post-war celebration banquet.

"Ula!" someone cheered, "I don't think there is anything in this world that can stop us Templars?"

"Looking back now, the battle just now was still very difficult and dangerous." Someone sighed.

Someone else was stroking the wine glass with a fearful tone: "I almost lost control of my mount."

The sighs of the Templars elicited a sneer.

"What kind of danger is this? You guys, you are too young." The voice came, attracting the attention of Zhenjin and the other Templar Knights.

The speaker was an old man.

He has a gray beard, a majestic physique, and he is also wearing a Templar armor, but the decorative patterns of gold and silver carvings are obviously different from the knights around him - more gorgeous and majestic.

The Templar Knights did not say anything to refute, but looked at the old man with expressions of awe.

The originally lively and noisy sounds in the tavern quickly decreased until they were completely gone.

"Captain, tell us. I know that you have participated in many battles, such as conquering the Iron Banner Castle, encircling the Blood Knights, and guarding the Griffin Cliff. What do you think is the most difficult battle?" someone asked. .

The old group leader laughed and said nothing. Instead, he raised his head and drank every drop of the beer in the wooden barrel and wine glass.

And when he just put down the wine glass, there was a Templar beside him, bringing another full wine glass in front of him.

The old group leader reached out and held the handle of the wine glass. This time he didn't drink heavily, he just took a small sip and drank almost all the rich beer foam on the wine glass into his stomach.

His only remaining eye, illuminated by the firelight, showed a look of nostalgia.

He said: "To say that the most difficult battle has to be the one six years ago in the Jackal Valley."

"I know, it's the annihilation battle of the Hanshan Knights!" someone said excitedly.

There were many people who looked at Zhen Jin with sharp eyes.

The old leader nodded and continued: "Yes, it's in the Jackal Valley. Those southern nobles are almost all treacherous villains. Looking for Shuyuan despicable and capricious!"

"Our fifth regiment of Templar Knights has been marching for five days. After entering the Jackal Valley, we were betrayed by friendly forces. Thousands of Hanshan Knights surrounded us."

"Our fifth regiment had just withdrawn from the front line. After being attacked by the first wave, we were caught off guard. We lost 30 people on the spot, leaving only more than 1,000 people. Almost everyone was injured."

"The Hanshan Knights launched waves of charges. We barely defended based on the dilapidated camp."

"The second wave of offensive was repulsed by us, and we lost three hundred people."

"After the third wave of attacks, we lost more than two hundred people."

"After the fourth wave of attacks, there were only about 80 of us left."

"We have used up all the violent potions and have no supplies at all. What's even worse is that there is a strong man in the enemy army called the Corruptor. This warlock is extremely vicious. Under his spell, our weapons and armor have been damaged. to severe corrosion."

"We had no choice but to fall into a desperate situation. At this time, the leader of the Hanshan Knights surrendered to us."

"We know that the southern nobles want to capture us so that they can have an important bargaining chip to negotiate with the emperor."

"Hehe, but he underestimates us Templars!"

"We discussed for a while and then launched the charge!"

"No swords, but we are Templars."

"No armor, but we are Templars."

"No horses, but we are Templars."

"No supplies, but we Templars."

"No matter how many enemies there are, how powerful they are, or how few our numbers are, we will not surrender."

"Because we are Templars!"

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