Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 674: Divine Invocation, Divine Trial

White Hair Trench.

Outside the wall of the ocean mother nest.

The buzzing sound of the huge magic and divine complex array gradually weakened.

The original dazzling brilliance has long since disappeared.

The Necromancer was half kneeling on the ground, extremely tired.

Even if he is a strong man in the Holy Realm, one of the Twelve Saints, and has such a super magic circle to help him, extracting the divinity of death is still a chore.

"Well it's finally over."

"A total of four copies of the god of death were harvested..."

"Sigh, I didn't expect that condensing and extracting divinity would be such a laborious matter."

The Necromancer's mana and spiritual power were consumed a lot, and his vision became blurred.

What he didn't know was that he had actually condensed and extracted eight pieces of divinity, but half of them had been secretly stolen by the fish-man boy.

In this process, Cang Xu and Jian Gui have been involved and witnessed it all.

And Porridge Zhang is naturally no exception.

From beginning to end, she was supervising uneasily.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Necromancer stood up slowly and took out the artifact [Slate of Truth] from his arms with slightly trembling fingers.

At this moment, half of the Slate of Truth has been eroded and turned black. This abnormality is very conspicuous.

Seeing the doubtful look cast by Cang Xu, the Necromancer Master smiled slightly and took the initiative to explain: "It is difficult to carry divinity. This time I loaded it mainly by relying on the [Slate of Truth]."

"However, although the [Slate of Truth] is an artifact, it is a combination of knowledge, logic, and rules, and is not suitable for the divinity of death."

"So, after loading 4 copies of the Death Divinity, the power of the stone slab has been suppressed by 50%."

Cang Xu asked curiously: "Does it mean that we extraordinary beings cannot carry divinity?"

"I've heard of some examples."

"We are necromancers. Isn't the divinity of death the most suitable for us?"

The Necromancer nodded: "You are right."

"Extraordinary beings can indeed carry divinity."

"However, this varies from person to person."

"Generally speaking, the higher the extraordinary level and the higher the bloodline grade, the more likely it is to carry divinity, accommodate divinity, or even absorb divinity."

The ship ghost interjected: "Master Necromancer, you are a strong man in the holy realm. Can't you carry the divinity of death?"

The Necromancer shook his head: "Of course not."

"According to my strength and bloodline, I can bear up to three shares of divinity."

"But then, divinity has other important uses."

"Secondly, if I carry the divine nature, I will immediately and passively absorb it. I will often fall into enlightenment, unable to extricate myself and unable to guarantee my own safety. This is the divine appeal."

"Thirdly, I have to be prepared for the test of the gods."

Cang Xu is clear about divine appeal. His knowledge in this area mostly relies on the fish-man boy's rapid progress on the path of becoming a priest.

Cang Xu knows: the so-called divine inspiration means that the condensed and formed divinity will have a strong influence on the adapted extraordinary person and actively share the power of divinity. Once an extraordinary person realizes it and has the qualifications to tolerate it, over time, he will naturally be able to absorb divinity and be promoted to a divine life form.

A large number of gods were born this way.

But Cang Xu was not clear about the divine trial.

Fortunately, the Necromancer took the initiative to explain: "The gods master the divine skill [Perception of Divinity] and can search within a huge range."

"We, the undead orthodox forces, have in-depth cooperation with the God of Death and have signed a contract."

"Once I accommodate the god of death, I will be immediately sensed by the god of death, thus triggering the trial of the god of death."

"If I pass the trial, I will have faith in the God of Death. If I advance on this path, the highest achievement will be to become the God of Death."

"If I fail the trial, I will gain some benefits, but the god of death in me will be taken away by the God of Death."

"The gods have always been determined to obtain the divinity that suits them."

"Trials of gods are a way to obtain divinity. Of course, many gods will also use this method as an important means of spreading their faith."

"They will take the initiative to spread their divinity outwards, usually diluting it and casting their net over a wide area."

"Once you encounter a gifted seed, the diluted incomplete divinity can make the god feel that it has been absorbed, thus triggering the god's trial."

The ship ghost who has been listening carefully has learned a lot.

"So that's it." Cang Xu sighed, "The gods also have their needs and requests."

At the same time, he also knew in his heart that this kind of knowledge involving the secrets of the gods was of great value. Even the leader of his own group doesn’t know. It can be seen that even if his captain is so favored, he still has reservations about what Mei Lan God bestows on him.

"The Necromancer told me this secret knowledge directly, but he still wanted to undermine my faith in Charming Blue God."

"With the attitude of the Necromancer, it's no wonder that the Necromancer is the enemy of all gods."

Cang Xu was thinking that the Necromancer had recovered a lot by continuously swallowing magic potions.

He stared at the super magic circle in front of him, then turned his head and took a deep look at the ocean nest.

"Let's go."

"It's time to leave here." He said to Cang Xu and Kangui.

Cang Xu was stunned for a moment, the Necromancer's departure was so sudden. He wasn't expecting it at all.

The Necromancer said: "My mission here has been completed."

"You two come with me."

The ship ghost suddenly showed excitement.

Although he is a direct descendant of the undead, this opportunity to follow the Twelve Saints is also rare.

The ship ghost looked at Cang Xu and knew very well: "I have taken advantage of him."

"The mutation of his bloodline is still continuing, and there is a possibility of becoming a saint."

"No matter what force it is, it will not give up a sacred-level seed easily."

"Of course Master Necromancer will keep him by his side and personally observe and witness the results of his bloodline mutation."

Even if Cang Xu only has gold-level potential in the end, the Necromancer can still gain a gold-level necromancer.

Thoughts flashed in Cang Xu's mind, and the next moment he showed a look of honor, expressing his willingness to actively follow the Necromancer and thanking the latter for giving him such an opportunity to study.

The ship ghost will not let him go, Cang Xu knows it. After all, it is possible to become a holy realm level!

Cang Xu actually also wants to follow the Necromancer.

Don't forget, his original goal was to get close to the ship ghost and use him to get to know the orthodox forces of the undead.

Now that you can follow the Necromancer, it is certainly more efficient than wooing the ship ghost. The Necromancer is one of the Twelve Saints, a proper decision-maker among the orthodox forces of the undead!

However, Cang Xu did not expect that the Necromancer would leave so quickly.

"It's too late to say goodbye to the leader."

"However, he can know what happened on my side."

"Over there with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group... ugh."

Of course Cang Xu was worried, but there was nothing he could do. Now that he is under the custody of the Necromancer, even contacting the fish-man boy is risky.

The Necromancer is much stronger than Zou Zhang.

In the Deep Sea Monster Fish, the fishman boy watched helplessly as the Necromancer took Cang Xu and the Ship Ghost out of his sight.

He still thought about taking Cang Xu back with him, but the reality was helpless.

"Next, I have to keep an eye on Cang Xu."

"Although he has temporarily gained the attention of the Necromancer, the possibility and consequences of exposure have increased many times."

"But fortunately, he has faith in Charming Blue. I can understand his situation through divine magic, and at the same time, I can also release divine magic to help him remotely."

The fish-man boy observed the artifact [Mermaid's Fairy Tale] in his hand.

Similar to the Necromancer's artifact slate, his Charming Blue artifact was also eroded by the death black for a quarter because it carried the divinity of death.

Divine Art - Artifact Control.

The fish-man boy consumes his divine power to deepen his control over [Mermaid's Fairy Tale].

In an instant, he knew that the Charming Blue Artifact in his hand could not display a quarter of its power because it carried the divinity of death.

"Half of the Necromancer's artifact [Slate of Truth] has been eroded, while [Mermaid's Fairy Tale] is only a quarter."

"From this, we can see who is strong and who is weak."

"However, considering that the [Slate of Truth] is only a part of the [Book of Truth], the ranking of [Mermaid's Fairy Tale] among all artifacts may not be high."

There is another theory that supports the fish-man boy's guess.

That is, the power of an artifact is often directly related to the strength of the god who made it.

"A total of four Death Divinities..."

There is no doubt that this is a huge gain.

The fish-man boy is very sure: the value of these four death divinities is definitely far beyond the war monger's legacy on the Mysterious Island!

"But how to use it?"

The fishman boy had already heard the words of the Necromancer before and knew what [Divine Invocation] and [Divine Trial] were.

"Although I am only at the gold level, I have a god-level bloodline. The concentration of the god-level blood is now close to 100%!"

"How much of the divinity of death can I bear?"

"According to common sense, the divinity that suits me should tend to be water-based, or related to fish-men. The divinity of death is not suitable for me, just like using the [Slate of Truth] or [Mermaid's Fairy Tale] to load the divinity of death."

"So, to be on the safe side, you still have to advance to the Holy Realm first!"

"Before you leave, pray to Charming Blue God again and try to reach the Holy Domain level."

The fish-man boy quickly made this decision.

However, this was his original plan.

He planned to leave the ocean nest and meet the big man halfway. It was just that some time was wasted because of the need to steal the divinity of death.

"Let's see where the little boy is."

"After a few days of delay, he must be anxious, right?"

The fishman boy decided to comfort the big man first, and then pray for the last time.

After a moment, the fishman boy's eyes widened.

He contacted the big man and was surprised to find that he was captured and taken to Snowbird Harbor.

He then discovered that Dao Heng had also arrived at Snowbird Port.

The fishman boy also knew this. After all, Dao Hen had already heard about Tan Mo's plan, and even took the opportunity to save Huntong.

What shocked the fish-man boy was not this, but—that the Lord of Snowbird Harbor was actually the biggest mastermind? The first gold-level killer who attacked us turned out to be the person he sent.

The Lord of Snowbird Harbor is actually a member of the Empire’s secret spies? !

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