Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 680: Sword of Time·Staggered Sword Slash



The pirate ship and the warship of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom collided fiercely.

Then various spells and hooks were thrown to the opposite side, causing the enemy's and our ships to become entangled with each other.

The decking also jumped on it immediately.


"Come up with me!"

"Kill all these damn pirates!!"

The pirates were shouting arrogantly, and the snow elves were also shouting.

The shouts of killing intertwined, and as the stormtroopers from both sides rushed to the other side's deck, the casualties suddenly increased.

The swords struck each other, and flesh and blood flew.

Fighting spirit and magic complement each other, and few humans or snow elves who fall can get up again.

The icebergs emitted a soft white light, like a veil, covering the bodies of the snow elves.

These radiances have comprehensive effects such as healing, recovery, and defense.

The Satoma family is in charge of the Second Navy Fleet, and the middle and lower-level leaders of the navy are all members of the Satoma family. They are united and never give up on their comrades easily. They often form formations of different sizes and implement defensive counterattack tactics.

On the other hand, the pirates were as arrogant as giant waves, crashing hard into the flesh-and-blood defense line formed by the navy.

Compared with the Kingdom's Second Navy, the pirates' equipment and military quality are weaker.

Therefore, after a short boarding battle, the pirates' losses greatly exceeded that of the navy.

The first mate walked quickly to Dahan and reported: "Master Captain! We have detected that every iceberg contains gold-level alchemical components."

"Currently, the drifting iceberg has demonstrated the function of protecting artillery shells, ships, and soldiers. We speculate that it is likely to have some attack capabilities."

"The Second Naval Fleet is the regular army of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, and it is even more elite. Now with the help of drifting icebergs, it has adopted rare naval battle tactics and has advantages in many aspects. Our vanguard is no match for them."

Dahan didn't finish his words, still maintaining the magic of time and predicting the future.

After a long while, he slowly said: "Let Vegetable Basket, Fire Fear, Hard Scalp and others kill them."

"Assemble the Ice Spike Team, Ice Explosion Team, and Frost Shooter Team and keep them on standby."

"Order the mages to prepare the light snow technique. I want to cover the entire battlefield."

Dahan was in command and issued a series of orders.

The Vegetable Basket Pirates Group, the Firepower Dread Pirates Group, etc. are all gold-level pirate groups. It's just that the scale is not as large as that of Dahan's Frozen Pirates. It's difficult for them to deal with the Ice Sculpture Kingdom on their own, but they want to plunder the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, so they are temporarily attached to Dahan.

This group of pirates formed a second wave of offensive. After the attack, the Usato family's maritime defense line was obviously shaken. The originally neat defense line became tangled under the attack of the pirates.

Several icebergs fell one after another, the alchemical components inside the mountains were destroyed, and the icebergs slowly sank into the sea.

Without the iceberg to rely on, the navy warships retreated one after another and merged around the iceberg behind.

Cong Mang held a long stick and struck it down, smashing the head of a Silver-level marine into pieces.

He was fighting from left to right on the deck of the warship, and he was excited to fight.

Behind him is the signature team of the Vegetable Basket Pirates - the Bachelor Team. Under the leadership of Cong Mang, they caused astonishing damage.

The Fire Dread Pirates have a different fighting style.

This pirate group is mainly composed of water pigs. It has specially trained an elite team for fighting in the sea and has strong ship-cutting capabilities.

From time to time, the bottoms of navy warships were punctured by water pigs, but soon these holes were filled with ice.

The ship-cutting attack failed, but the Water Pigs were not discouraged. They gave full play to another advantage - firepower!

A large number of artillery pieces, crossbows, etc. opened fire one after another, forming a tight and huge firepower network.

Under the pouring firepower, the snow elves moving on the deck quickly turned into corpses.

Hardhead laughed loudly: "Bump me!"

Although his flagship is only silver-level, the collision horn is a gold-level alchemical component.

Behind his flagship, there are more than a dozen mana ships, all equipped with superior quality rams.

The pirate group that is hard-headed and in control likes nothing more than driving a sea ship and ramming it around.

Bang bang bang...

The warships were knocked upside down by the fierce pirate group, and some warships capsized on the spot.

"These warships are too tough!"

"It's the floating icebergs that are causing trouble. It's really troublesome."

He gritted his teeth and cursed.

Whenever his ship collides with it, a layer of ice armor will quickly condense on the surface of the navy warship. The ice armor is controllable and can be increased to a considerable thickness in a short period of time.

The hard-headed pirate ship first broke through the ice before it could damage the warship itself. Often the lethality of an impact will be mostly destroyed by the surface ice.

Some of the pirates committed mass killings, while others fell into a stalemate, but overall they still suppressed the Second Navy Fleet.

"With the new warships and the tactics of floating icebergs, we have an advantage in this regard."

"But our middle- and lower-level officers are no match for the pirate leaders and have to sacrifice more."

Sansha Mantuo nervously assessed the battle situation.

Pirates baptize themselves in battles all year round. Those with talent and luck gradually stand out from the cruel elimination and become small bosses, big bosses and leaders.

After such fierce competition, those who can reach high positions are naturally the best among the best.

On the other hand, in the Navy, the training of the middle and lower levels is far less intense.

"In order to maintain control of the Second Navy Fleet, the Usatoma family relies on nepotism and places members of the Satoma family in many key positions. Combat strength is not the only criterion, or even the main criterion."

"On the other hand, among pirates, the strong are respected..."

Sansha Mantuo's thinking was divergent. As an outsider, she joined the Utopia family. She had a deep understanding of the inside story. She started from the battle situation on the spot and deduced inward to analyze the real reason.

Slightly clenching the staff in his hand, Sansha Mantuo realized that it was almost time for him to take action.

Sure enough, not long after, Kongpan issued an order for Sansha Mantuo and others to go into battle.

Sansha Mantuo took a deep breath, canceled the spell, and actively leaked the breath.

As a mage, she has to protect herself. Especially in such a chaotic battlefield, it is impossible to estimate what will happen next moment.

Sansha Mantuo cast a debuff spell, which immediately hit many pirates, and then the navy around him took the opportunity to pounce on and kill them.

The jump quickly flashed across the battlefield.

He is the Mesozoic of the Utorama family and will be the future pillar of the family. The concentration of blood from the other world in his body is very high, allowing him to cast spells that flicker and teleport over short distances.

This makes his support ability and dodge ability extremely strong. The pirates cursed and couldn't make the jump at all.

As a gold level jumper, he has very strong combat power. Soon, he killed three silver-level pirates and slightly injured a gold-level pirate.

With the support of Yue Qian and Sansha Mantuo, the navy barely stabilized its position.

But the good times didn't last long. Dahan gave an order and the pirates' third wave of offensive immediately struck.

"The defense line can no longer hold up." Kong Pan judged the situation and sighed secretly.

She took out a plate-shaped magic prop and was about to take action herself, casting a spell to create a space barrier.

But the next moment, a ray of ice traveled thousands of meters in an instant, piercing the entire battlefield, like a slender and extremely sharp spear, shooting towards the empty plate.

The alchemy tools on Kongpan's body flashed rapidly, buying her critical time.

Kong Pan quickly dodged to avoid the ice ray.

She immediately vomited a small mouthful of blood and was forced to break the spell, causing her to suffer backlash.

At the same time, Dahan Shi Shiran retracted his index finger.

Just now, it was him who took action himself!

Kongpan was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat, and his face was completely pale.

"how come?"

"I was just about to take action, but Dahan reacted so quickly!"


"Dahan believes in the God of Dusk and has mastered the magic of time. It should be that he used the magic of time to predict what will happen next moment in advance."

"Dahan, he's out..." Kong Pan looked at the magic image with a rather ugly expression.

After Dahan took action, he did not stop, but slowly rose into the air and pounced on the location of the empty disk.

Kong Pan didn't care about anything else and quickly teleported to another ship through the alchemy component.

She was no longer in her flagship to prevent Dahan from carrying out his beheading plan.

This is the world of the strong.

The pirate side, which possesses sanctuary-level combat power, has a clear advantage.

Dahan flew high into the sky, overlooking the entire battlefield below his feet. From his height, the ships looked like wooden toy cars.

The pirates and marines who were fighting were in full swing, while those who had not participated in the battle for the time being raised their heads and paid close attention to Dahan's every move.

In a normal person's field of vision, Dahan has shrunk into a black spot high in the sky, making it difficult to see clearly.

No one dared to approach Dahan, but Kongpan decisively ordered the bombardment.

However, after the gold-level cannonballs were fired into Dahan's sanctuary, they all stopped.

Dahan sincerely prays:

"My Lord, believer Dahan salutes you!"

"You are dusk, the god of time, and the end point that all things must face."

"You control the passage of time, and all phenomena disappear with you."

"Please use your divine power to let the enemies appreciate the ruthlessness of time."

Unlike ordinary prayers, prayers on the battlefield are often short.

As Dahan's prayer ended, the endless light from high in the sky shone down, forming a translucent sword of time.

The sword blades flew down like a downpour.

The snow elves who were hit by the sword vomited blood and retreated. They could hardly succeed in using their fighting spirit and spells.

The sword blade fell on the mana ship, which exploded, the mana circuit was damaged, and the alchemy devices failed one after another.

The Magic of Time - Sword Slash·The Intersection of Time!

The time of each part of the body of the target struck by the divine spell was seriously intertwined. Some days the flow is faster, others slower.

This seriously affects the use of mana and fighting spirit, and the magic ship is no exception. In fact, the magic ship is more rigid than the extraordinary. It can only watch the magic circuits on the ship take damage without being able to make fine adjustments.

"It's such a magical technique!" Kongpan gritted his teeth when he saw the Sword of Time flying down from the sky.

It's not that she doesn't have trump cards, but the new warships and the powerful means of floating icebergs are all defeated by the Sword of Time.

"It was Dahan who predicted the future, so he took action in advance and specifically used this magical technique to suppress us!" Kong Pan raised his head and sighed.

Her fighting spirit hit rock bottom.

"Withdraw, withdraw the troops!" she ordered decisively.

At this point in the battle, the Satoma family can already give an explanation.

The Lord of Snowbird Port knew the delicate political situation within the kingdom, how could he not know about the Utopia family's empty position?

When Da Han took action and there was no sign of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom's sanctuary, Kong Pan knew: she would not be able to wait for the support from the Ice Sculpture Kingdom's sanctuary.

"You must retain your strength for the family!"

"Order, everyone enter the iceberg!"

Following this order, the warships that were still able to move freely crashed into the icebergs near them.

When they collided, a magical scene happened. The iceberg was like a layer of light and shadow, causing only a ripple before swallowing up the warship.

The momentum of the iceberg continues to increase, and every time it absorbs a warship, the momentum increases a little.

The Sword of Time fell on the iceberg, and its effect was greatly reduced.

"The drifting iceberg uses a large amount of time ice as construction materials. Its resistance to time magic and spells is quite outstanding."

Most of the warships, including the crew and crew, entered the iceberg.

The speed of the drifting iceberg surged, and with the main force of the second navy, they ran away decisively!

Da Han did not take action again.

He leisurely flew down to the flagship Frozen.

"Go after it."

"Go grab it."

"We are pirates!" He laughed several times.

The pirates burst into loud cheers.

Some of them hunted down drifting icebergs, exploded them, and killed the navy. Some simply left the team, acted alone, and rushed towards the coastal towns on Ice Sculpture Island.

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