Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 688: Attack and Defense of Snowbird Port - Caught Off guard

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With the help of the thick darkness of night and the alchemy equipment they carried with them, the navy successfully reached the ship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

They used a small team as a group structure, dispersed their positions, and kept distance from each other. However, no one spoke during the action, and they moved quickly. They also watched the positions of friendly forces around them to constantly adjust their positions and march together. These all reveal the good military qualities of the Imperial Navy.

The alchemy equipment they wear also has excellent camouflage capabilities. The navy almost blended into the night, making it impossible for ordinary people to detect it with the naked eye.

On the dock, no warning appeared.

The mage tower has been demolished.

The warning arrangements that were originally part of the Snowbird Port Pier were quickly dismantled by the navy.

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group itself also has its own defense. However, the peripheral defense measures were all silently dismantled one after another by the miniature flying saucer props released by the navy.

The Dragon Lion Mercenary Group's greatest defense is the ship itself.

Every ship can be thought of as a mobile fortress.

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group had quite a few ships docked at the pier. The flagship among them is a silver-class warship that was eliminated from the regular army of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. The boat has a slender shape, but is actually the largest in size.

Next is the black iron-level love triangle number. This ship was originally the flagship of the Applause Pirates Group, but was later captured by the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

Again, there are the bronze-level White Bandage and Iron Pimple, which are the properties of the two mercenary groups on Eye-Eye Island respectively. After the Battle of Eye Island, the survivors traded one ship from the island owner Hutong. Although the two mana ships are low-level, they both have unique alchemy devices. These devices make the White Bandage good at healing and the Iron Pimple good at defense.

Apart from this, they are just some ordinary ships, which can only play a cannon fodder and auxiliary role in a slightly fierce naval battle. Not worth mentioning.

The information about these ships is available in Tanmo, and it is very detailed.

The imperial spies themselves were engaged in intelligence, and the survivors once sent the ships to the repair shop of the Lord of Snowbird Harbor for repairs.

This shows the level of detail and authenticity of this information.

In fact, the Lord of Snowbird Harbor was not only collecting intelligence, but was also repairing them, and had secretly done some tricks on these ships.

If it is a naval battle, the battlefield will be intense and fierce, and the navy will have great obstacles if it wants to make a sneak attack. But under this situation, it was a perfect scenario for a sneak attack.

"This will be a perfect attack!" the navy leader thought.

Tanmo, on the other hand, huddled in a room outside the dock, watching the battle from afar through magical images.

"Let's get started." His eyes were full of greed and desire, and he couldn't wait in his heart.

Tanmo estimated: Longfu and Yaoma must have taken some money with them when they left, but most of it should have been left on the ship. Especially the antique calligraphy and paintings among them, it is a long-term process to realize them.

"The potion business of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is getting more and more prosperous."

"Some time ago, the Alchemy Guild was destroyed by the enemy, but now it has resumed work and production."

"Although the Satojian family is the main force in producing potions, it is obvious that the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group has not given up on this."

"Since medicines are refining on a large scale every day, there must be sufficient funds to purchase raw materials, pay for transportation, etc."

"Anyway, take down these people first. If you don't have enough money, blackmail the dragon suit!"

"We are all pirates now..."

Tan Mo couldn't help but smile when he thought of the wonderful thing.

Because he knew too much information, he was very optimistic about this battle and believed that the strength of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group branch was not something to worry about.

In his field of vision, the ships of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group had turned into huge treasure boxes.

These treasure chests were tempting him—come on, turn me on, turn me on.

"How much wealth will there be here?"

"Hehehe, it's all my money."


Suddenly, sirens rang across the pier.

His own thoughts were interrupted, Tan Mo's expression froze, and he became surprised: Why is there still an alarm sound?

He subconsciously looked at the Mage Tower, but it wasn't the latter.

Tanmo looked at the ship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group again, it was not them either!

So, where do the sirens come from?

San Dao suddenly sat up from the bed. He's not on duty tonight. But at this moment, his rest was interrupted by the sound of sirens. For the first moment, Sandao himself was confused. Because this alarm sound was not familiar to him, it was quite unfamiliar.

Whose alarm?

"What happened outside?" San Dao was still very strange and did not realize the danger on his side.

"Damn!" The quickest reaction was the navy lurking halfway.

The navy leader cursed secretly. He was very decisive and ordered categorically at the next moment: "All-out attack!"

The navy members mustered up their fighting spirit, emerged from their disguises, and attacked the large and small ships of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.


"Kill them, grab money and ships!!"

"Put up the pirate flag for me!"

When attacking, they did not forget to disguise their identities.

There were originally some patrol personnel on the ship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. But for the navy, none of them discovered it. After the siren sounded, they saw the enemy and shouted "enemy attack, enemy attack", but in fact it was already too late.

The naval assault team directly pressed forward with all its strength.

For a time, the navy besieged the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group from all directions from the dock, from the sea.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

This time, it was the serious siren call of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

"Enemy attack, there are enemies."

"Pirates, lots of pirates!!"

"Is this Snowbird Port?"

The mercenaries yelled hastily.

Most of them are still resting.

The consciousness was in a hazy state, but the body had already responded - mechanically quickly getting out of the hammock, quickly putting on clothes and armor, picking up weapons, forming a formation, and rushing to the battlefield in an orderly and fast manner.

At critical moments, they showed good military qualities.

These are all the results of previous hard military training.

But the problem now is that their true identity this time is the navy, the empire's regular navy.

If faced with a pirate raid, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group often has advantages in terms of military discipline and military literacy. But facing the regular navy, this is not an advantage. At most, it makes up for some disadvantages. After all, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group was created by a young man, and it only lasted a short time.

Especially now, one side is well prepared to attack, and the other side has just woken up, and the situation is very obvious after the confrontation.

Therefore, when San Dao ran to the deck, he saw that many of his ships had been lost.

These ordinary ships are under control. Everyone on the deck was dead, but not many. Most people are resting in the cabin, but the enemy has controlled the stairs up and down, and because the entry and exit space is very narrow, they are all trapped inside the ship.

This is very passive.

When San Dao saw this scene, he became extremely anxious, his eyes almost spitting fire.

"Why are there pirates?!"

"Yes, the Satoma family was defeated before and the coastal defenses were lost! Is that why pirates came here?"

Ever since the defeat of the Satoma family, coastal ports have been full of turmoil and fear.

With such psychological expectations and the lack of key circumstances, San Dao did not realize the true nature of this battle.

San Dao quickly gathered his thoughts and began to command.

He was once the leader of a mercenary group and had rich experience, and he had also experienced being surprised by the enemy.

Sandao quickly ordered. On the one hand, he dispatched troops and generals, and on the other hand, he sent messages for reinforcements.

"Is the Mage Tower also under attack?" Sandao looked at the Mage Tower from a distance and found that the latter's brilliance was gone and completely dimmed.

Sandao was shocked: "The ones who dare to attack Snowbird Port must be at least the gold-level pirate group! Judging from the situation, the gold-level pirates seem to have raided the Mage Tower."

"Damn, they actually succeeded! How did they get in?"

San Dao can only bite the bullet and fight.

It takes time to assemble the mercenary group, so San Dao released almost all the alchemy puppets.

These puppets joined the front line and had good results, but they could only provide slight relief.

Sandao decisively took the initiative to abandon some sea ships and summoned strong men to return to support his flagship.

Not all extraordinary beings are concentrated on the flagship. This distribution method is obviously unreasonable.

The configuration arrangement of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is to arrange silver-level captains on most sea ships, and stronger elites on some magic ships.

It is worth mentioning that the number of Silver Level Extraordinaries in the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group has increased from the original seven to eleven.

There are even more bronze and black iron levels.

Before the dragon boy left, he recruited many snow elves, and the key point was that he recruited many magic chefs and magic apprentices.

After the Dragon Man boy left, under the premise that the potion business was booming across the country, and with the help of the reputation of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group branch continued to recruit extraordinary people.

Some extraordinary people were recruited by them, some were introduced through intermediary agencies, and some came to invest on their own initiative.

But now, the fight had only lasted for more than 10 minutes, and two silver-level members of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group had already been killed.

This silver level is relatively common.

Chi Lai is naturally not an ordinary silver level.

He was sitting on the Love Triangle and was awakened by the fighting. He ran to the deck and immediately cast his magic.

The Divine Art of Justice - The Righteous Soldier!

The Divine Magic of Justice - Mark of Good and Evil!

The Righteous Soldier's Edge is a large-scale buff magic that can double the friend's melee damage capability.

Marks of good and evil can mark targets as 'evil enemies' or 'righteous allies'. After making this mark, the attack will be more lethal when it falls on the enemy. If it falls on friendly troops, it will be ineffective. Healing spells that fall on allies will receive a large amount of buffs, but will be ineffective if they fall on enemies.

Once the two magical spells are released, the effect will be immediate. The front that was originally losing ground finally took a critical breath and began to stabilize its position.

When the navy leader saw this scene, he immediately took action personally and led five silver-level men to kill Chi Lai.

When Chi Lai saw the enemy's movements, his heart skipped a beat and he retreated decisively towards the flagship.

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