Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 698: Landing on the Island


Ice sculpture island.

One of the eight major trading ports - the Arms Port.

The pirate leader sat on a big chair with a wide back, humming and munching on a watermelon.

He sat on the deck of the flagship and looked at the arms port in the distance.

The arms port is on full alert. The mage tower exudes a magnificent light, activates the giant magic circle, and sets off a magic wall of light.

The colorful wall of light, like an aurora, stretches between heaven and earth, intercepting all invading enemies.

The firepower fear pirate group led by Boompa is now blocked by a wall of light.

"The first round of bombardment, Bird Boy Cloud Mushroom Bombs are ready." The first mate of the Firepower Terror Pirate Group is located in the forecastle, holding an alchemy communication device, and directs the battle for the leader.

The ships of the Firepower Terror Pirate Group have been lined up in a straight line, with artillery barrels of various lengths and thicknesses densely packed together.

Bang bang bang...

The next moment, the cannon was ejected and smoke was everywhere.

Not all the guns were firing, but the longest ones.

There are about 50 cannonballs. After they are fired, steel wings pop out from both sides of the cannonballs. The steel wings vibrated in the air, making a noise like birdsong.

The cannonball kept flying upward, and after flying to a high altitude, it began to follow a full parabola and slowly descend.

They all hit the colorful light wall.

Boom boom boom...

Each shell exploded with an ear-splitting bang.

Amidst the huge air waves, white mushroom clouds rose rapidly.

After the clouds and smoke dissipated, the colorful light wall was thinned by one-third, but it was still huge.

"The mage tower in the Munitions Port combines seven different defensive magic arrays to create the super large spell [Aurora Great Wall]. It's really amazing in defense!" the first mate said with emotion.

After sighing with emotion, he looked calm and continued to order: "Second round of shelling, fire python stray bullets."

This time, the medium and long artillery pieces roared together.

About three hundred python stray bullets exploded in the air and turned into giant thunder and lightning pythons, rushing into the [Aurora Great Wall].

These pythons are like huge sea monsters, constantly tumbling and churning inside the Great Wall.

The [Aurora Great Wall] burst out with intense light, encircling and suppressing the thunder and lightning pythons that invaded it.

After a battle, the size of the thunder python shrank smaller and smaller, and finally dissipated into nothing.

A glint flashed in the pirate first mate's eyes: "[Aurora Great Wall] has been weakened by two-thirds."

"Then for the third round, let's do it all at once."

He suddenly raised his voice and ordered through the alchemy communication device: "The third round of shelling, shock bombs, launch!"

This time, even short cannons are involved.

Countless spherical shells were stuffed into the barrel, and during subsequent firings, they flew into the air.

After hitting the [Aurora Great Wall], these spherical shells disintegrated instantly.

There was no gunpowder explosion effect, but countless clusters of space cracks quickly formed.

The clusters of space cracks were intertwined and intertwined with each other, and soon they changed quantitatively and qualitatively, turning into huge space cracks.

Space cracks are full of [Aurora Great Wall], which is in danger, the gorgeous brilliance has been dimmed to the extreme, and the extraordinary aura has also been weakened to the extreme.

But at the next moment, the mage tower released terrifying mana and poured it into the [Aurora Great Wall].

With this help, [Aurora Great Wall]'s sluggish posture was swept away, and it once again became magnificent, thick, brilliant, and dazzling.

The first mate was stunned: "This, this..."

Click click click.

The pirate leader Hong Pa had finished eating the last piece of watermelon. He clapped his hands and stood up.

The colorful aurora shines on his pig face.

His face was filled with displeasure and confusion: "Didn't it mean that the spell [Aurora Great Wall] was formed once, and once it is cast, no more investment can be made in the future?"

The first mate's voice came from the alchemy device on Hongpa's waist, with obvious fear: "Regiment, leader, this should be a spell casting technique [Spell Refresh]. Unexpectedly, the snow elves of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom have already I can apply my personal spell-casting skills to the defensive magic circle."

Todoroki sighed: "I don't care about your spell-casting skills. The reason why we chose the arms port is because of what you said, first mate."

The first mate hurriedly said: "That's right. According to my analysis, relying on the strong firepower of our regiment, we can definitely easily consume the [Aurora Great Wall]. Then, we looted this port, which is mainly engaged in arms trade, and made us strong." Strengthen it."

"This is definitely an accident. This is an intelligence error, not mine!"

Todoroki sneered: "We made an agreement when we came here. You suggested that we attack here, but now, even the outermost layer of defense cannot be broken through. First mate, it's time for you to go."

"No, no, Captain, please spare my life. Please, please give me another chance!!" The first mate squeezed the alchemy communication device tightly and begged loudly for mercy.

But the next moment, the door to the captain's cabin was suddenly pushed open, and several big and round water pig pirates came over fiercely.

The first mate's face was full of fear, and he collapsed to the ground without even a hint of will to resist.

The water pig pirate grabbed the first mate's feet and dragged him out from the captain's cabin to behind the barrel of a cannon.

The first mate burst into tears and frantically begged for mercy.

But the pirates were unmoved, opened the barrel of the cannon, and stuffed the first mate inside.


Soon after, a special bombardment using the first mate as a cannonball was released.

The first mate's screams pierced the sky, and then he crashed into the Aurora city wall.

He was an entity, and the Aurora City Wall showed hard physical properties, blocking him directly.

The next moment, the aurora spewed out, completely melting the first mate.

Hongpa took a deep look at the [Aurora Great Wall] and sighed: "Little boys, retreat."

The Fire Dread Pirates followed the Frozen Pirates and participated in previous naval battles.

After the Utoma family's second naval fleet was defeated, the pirate coalition dispersed. The green vegetable basket pirate group was one group, and the firepower fear pirate group was another group. In addition to these, there are other pirate groups.

The pirates are not regular troops, and even the Sanctuary-level Dahan would be hard-pressed to restrain them in this situation.

In fact, he won't do it either.

Because he understood the greedy nature of pirates. If he insists on it, of course he can restrain it. After all, who can not be afraid of death when facing the Holy Domain level?

But as a result, Dahan's reputation among pirates became terrible. If he takes any action in the future, it will be difficult for other pirates to take the initiative to rely on him.

Under the strong advice of the first mate, Boompa chose to attack the arms port.

As a result, they were unable to break even the outermost layer of defense.

The eight major trading ports of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom have always been important defense areas. Like the Firepower Fear Pirates, it would be difficult to attack by force, and even if they pay a heavy price, they might not be able to succeed.

Therefore, Hong Pa chose to retreat.

The retreat made the pirates unhappy, and the loss of the opportunity to plunder made them even more unhappy.

Fortunately, Hongpa dealt with the first mate in advance, which to a certain extent calmed a lot of public anger.

"From this point of view, it is difficult for us to invade seaside cities at the level of the Eight Major Ports."

"The most convenient thing is to follow the Frozen Pirates and use the power of Dahan."

"Unfortunately, the Ice Pirates rejected any request to follow and strictly ordered us to leave. Anyone who follows us will be the enemy."

When Todoroki thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh again, his heart full of regret.

Dahan is walking alone in the wild.

His movement speed is normal, but after adding the magic of time, the effect of rushing has been increased several times.

He was the only one, and all the subordinates of the Frozen Pirates were abandoned by him and did not follow him.

Choosing to walk alone concealed his whereabouts to a large extent.

The extraordinary props on him provide powerful invisibility capabilities, but they are certainly not as good as the magic of deception.

"Relying on these gold-level disguise props will not help me sneak into the Ice Sculpture Capital."

"If you want to enter the Ice Sculpture Capital and go deep into the Ice Lake, you still need to wait for the opportunity."

"The Grand Duel of the National Code is an opportunity!"

Dahan's eyes were deep and he was walking alone.

The brilliance of the teleportation spell went from being intense to dissipating in just three seconds.

After the space stabilized, three people appeared out of thin air.

Led by the Necromancer, Cangxu and Shipgui followed.

"Where is this?" Cang Xu looked at the valley. He was already an immortal and could feel the cold in the air.

It can make the undead beings feel cold, proving that the air temperature is very low.

The Necromancer led the two of them out of this hidden cave.

Cang Xu and Ship Ghost then saw a snowfield.

The snow is flying heavily, the cold wind is howling, and the sky and the earth are mixed together.

The voice of the Necromancer came: "This is the hinterland of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom."

"Ice Sculpture Kingdom?" Cang Xu was surprised.

The ship ghost was confused: "Sir, why do we come here?"

"In fact, this is the real destination of my trip. Follow me, there will be a big show here." The Necromancer did not explain much, and took the lead to walk into the snow and wind.


The fish-man boy mentally controlled the water element's big hand and threw the captured Cong Mang on the ground.

This is a wild forest.

Hanshan and pine trees stand tall, and there is not much life.

Cong Mang coughed violently, and he was almost suffocated to death just now.

At this moment, he was almost alive. He was breathing hard, but his head was still confused. He had no time to think about why the mysterious and powerful enemy let him go.

The next moment, a wisteria secret order was thrown on the grass where the snow remained.

Cong Mang looked at the Wisteria Secret Order for more than ten seconds before he realized what was happening. He widened his eyes and glared at the fish-man boy: "You, you are a member of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce? Why did you attack me? !”


The fishman boy looked calm and just waved his big hand that controlled the water element.

Cong Mang was hit by the sweep and his body was thrown away. His back hit the trunk of a pine tree and fell to the ground.

He coughed again, coughing up blood.

Due to the violent impact, the snow on the branches fell one after another, covering Cong Mang's body, making the latter look miserable.

The fishman boy approached slowly.

After Cong Mang was taught a lesson, she completely sobered up and recognized the reality: "Wait, wait, let's talk about what we have to say!"

"I have been cooperating with your Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, you should know this."

The fishman boy looked down at his feet and said in a calm voice: "What I know clearly is that you were supported by the Chamber of Commerce, but in the end you did not contribute your strength and prove your loyalty. You betrayed the Chamber of Commerce."

"No, when I received the funding, I wasn't affiliated with the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce... Ah." Cong Mang screamed.

Before he could finish speaking, the fish-man boy kicked him in the abdomen.

Cong Mang vomited a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and the severe pain made him curl up like a cooked lobster.

After panting for a while, Cong Mang finally recovered.

His eyes were black and his mind was buzzing. At this moment, he heard the voice of the fish-man boy, which seemed to be conveyed from the misty sky: "Betrayed by the Chamber of Commerce, you will be punished."

"Your pirate group grew up with funding from the Chamber of Commerce."

"Now, I have recovered some of this investment with an explosion."

"As for you, you are also part of our Chamber of Commerce's investment..."

Cong Mang grabbed the instep of the fish-man boy's leather boots with his blood-stained hands. He took several breaths of air before he struggled to say, "I, I was wrong."

"Sir, give me a chance."

"Let me correct my mistakes, and I will correct them properly!"

The fishman boy's tone softened a little: "That's a good realization."

Cong Mang grabbed the life-saving straw and said in an urgent tone: "I can create more value when I am alive than when I am dead, sir!"

The fish-man boy hummed: "Actually, the superiors did say they would give you one last chance."

"Above?" Congmang looked up eagerly.

He realized with horror that the strong fishman in front of him was not the supreme leader. There is someone above him!

The next moment, the fishman boy opened his big webbed hands, grabbed Chong Mang's bald head, and lifted him up.

"Opening the Wisteria Secret Order next will indeed allow you to show your value." The fish-man boy said.

Cong Mang quickly said: "I will do my best, sir!"

"Good attitude." The fish-man boy nodded slowly, "Then, welcome to the Ice Sculpture Island."

ps: I have received the gifts related to Master Gu. I am very grateful to Green Mountains Beyond the Mountains, Cat's Head Stuffed in the Lunch Box, Yin Disaster Dies, Suijinye, Old Dream Lone Star, Su Ming, Shen Feiye Desmarson, and several book friends for their kind gifts. Thanks to Yinhuang for sorting it out. The gift is very beautiful, I am very happy, thank you.

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