Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 715: The two tribes join forces

In the middle of a vast snowfield, there was only one city standing.

The city has been carefully laid out. Light blue and dark blue ice bricks are the main colors of the city. Dome roofs, round arches and other architectural structures make the city full of elf elegance and artistic flavor.

The originally cold and harsh natural environment has been greatly relieved by various soft architectural lines. The vitality exuded by vegetation and pedestrians dots the white and blue city.

This is Igloo City, the main city of the Satoma family.

As the great nobles of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, the Satoma family has perfect control over this city, just like they control the kingdom's second naval fleet.

As the contemporary patriarch of the Utoma family, Watari Kuro is currently in his study, handling heavy affairs.

Outside the window of the study room, there was peace and quiet, the sun was shining in the city, and there was no wind or snow at all.

However, the members of the Satojian family all know that an invisible huge snowstorm has swept through the Satojian family.

This powerful family is as weak as a small boat in the snowstorm.

As the helmsman of this small boat, Matarizo faces huge challenges!

After the battle with Dahan, the Second Navy Fleet was defeated. Although the main force was still there, the situation of the Satoma family was quite bad. They were disliked, ostracized, and even hostile by almost the entire kingdom.

In this case, the announcement of the conflict between the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group and the Satoma family made it even worse for the Satoma family.

"Master Patriarch, this is the information you requested before." The attendant knocked on the door of the study and brought in a magic crystal ball.

Mianrizang nodded slightly and motioned to the attendant to place the crystal ball on the desk.

The attendant respectfully exited the study, and after closing the door, Matarizo gently stroked the surface of the crystal ball.

The next moment, a magical image appeared in the crystal ball.

A large crowd of people surrounded a shop.

There are only three magic potions for sale in the store, namely Dragon Power Riding Potion, Walking God Potion, and Run Ben Potion.

"Queue, please line up and come and buy one by one!" The clerk tried hard to maintain order, but with little success.

Customers crowded into the store to buy potions.

"I got it, I got it!!"

"Don't try to rob me. Do you want to die?!"

"I want to buy sixty sets of potions. No matter what they are, get them to me quickly."

"Here's the money, I want one hundred and twenty sets!"

The only reason why customers are so crazy about hoarding mount potions is that the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group has recently issued a marketing strategy: as long as you purchase 60 or more sets of potions at a time, you will receive a dragon suit as a gift. Ice sculpture.

Customers who made successful purchases happily held or held high the ice sculptures of dragon suits and squeezed out of the shop with their heads held high. Wherever he went, he attracted many envious eyes.

The magic image was now enlarged, giving the dragon-suited ice sculpture a close-up.

Matarizo could see it clearly, and even he had to admit that the workmanship of the ice sculpture was extremely excellent. Not only were the materials chosen for the ice sculpture carefully and solidly made, but the carving work was also excellent. The bravery of the dragon boy dragging the fighting spirit bomb and swooping down was extremely vividly depicted.

The magic image continues to play.

Blood City, Snowbird Port, Arms Port, Snow Rabbit City, Frost Flower City, Ice Sculpture Capital...

The conditions of shops in various towns are similar. The sales of the dragon and lion mercenary group’s mount potions are extremely hot!

"After Longfu won the battle with Mi Fang, his reputation skyrocketed."

"According to the latest information, Longfu is even more favored by Long Meng. The latter appreciates Longfu from the bottom of his heart and personally teaches and trains him. This news has further boosted Longfu's reputation, as if adding fuel to the fire. !”

"Obviously, this news was spread deliberately. It is very powerful to have the news spread across the country in such a short period of time."

"Is this the ability of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group itself, or have they already cooperated with other forces?"

Mianrizang sighed deeply.

Regarding the handling of the relationship between the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, Mianrizang has always been personally involved.

Before, he took the initiative to ask the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group to treat the Satoma family as its only partner. It was because he saw that the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group was quickly gaining a foothold, and the role and value of the Satoma family in the cooperation between the two parties were rapidly decreasing. . Only then did he take precautions and respond in advance.

Unfortunately, the young dragon man returned secretly, and used Hutong to play the role of Huatang. He severely tricked the Unoma family and successfully turned the tables.

A series of operations later made the conflicts between the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group and the Usato family public.

If it were normal, Mianli Zang would naturally be able to take action calmly. But after the defeat of the Second Navy Fleet, the difficulty for Mianrizang to deal with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group increased hundreds of times.

After watching the magic image in the crystal ball, Matsurizou lowered his head and thought, frowning, thinking about how to deal with the aggressive offensive of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

Some tribesmen suggested that they simply stop the production of mount potions in family workshops and factories everywhere.

Since the intention of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group to break away is so obvious and the Utopia family has stopped producing potions, even if there is a huge demand for mount potions across the country, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group cannot sell them.

Matarizo rejected the proposal without much thought. Instead, he ordered to increase production intensity, work overtime all night, increase manpower in shifts, and try his best to work 24 hours a day.

As an outstanding politician and outstanding operator, Matsurizou knows the truth that "cooperation will benefit both sides, and division will cause two harms". Now, the cooperation between the two parties has not ended, so it will be beneficial to everyone if we continue to cooperate.

If the production of potions is stopped, the interests of the Satoma family will be harmed. The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group will be more eager to get rid of the Utorama family and accelerate their approach to the Shizuka family and other forces. The latter still have a large number of alchemy production lines, which can produce large quantities of mount potions.

Therefore, stopping production may seem like a punishment, and it seems to highlight the role of the Satoma family, but in fact it is essentially just a way to vent negative emotions.

If used, it will make the whole incident develop in a direction that is even more unfavorable to the Satoma family.

As a mature clan leader, it is impossible for Matarizo to do this.

"To deal with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, other methods can be adopted." Mianli Zang's brows relaxed slightly, and he had already thought of a method.

He conveyed orders to the doorman.

After a while, he came to another room.

A huge alchemy component was installed in the room, occupying almost all the space in the room.

This is an emergency contact device.

As a major noble of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, the Satorama family has very rich political resources. Through such a device, they can directly contact almost all high-level forces.

This time, the person whom Matarizo contacted was none other than the Shizuka family.

The alchemy device was activated, and soon after, the magical image of Patriarch Shizuka was condensed.

Patriarch Shizuka looked gloomy.

In recent days, he has been in a bad mood.

Mi Fang, whom he had placed great hopes on, lost to Longfu, and the loss was ugly.

This cast a heavy shadow over the business negotiations between the Shizuka family and the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

There's more bad news.

Soon, Patriarch Shizuka heard the news that Long Meng took the initiative to teach Longfu.

This made the Shizuka clan leader immediately decide to suspend the negotiations between the family and the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. If you negotiate under such circumstances, you will definitely suffer!

However, after receiving active communication from the Utorama clan leader, Matarizo, and seeing Matarizo through the alchemy device, Patriarch Shizuka's expression softened a lot.

When people are unlucky, they will naturally feel better when they meet someone who is even more unlucky.

"Clan Leader Utopia, why do you contact me?" Clan Leader Shizuka's attitude was somewhat arrogant.

Mianrizang smiled: "Because it's a mercenary group, more accurately, an outsider. He brought a lot of trouble to our two families, didn't he?"

Chief Shizuka snorted coldly: "The dragon suit does bring some trouble to our clan, but it will bring more benefits. Matarizo, you don't think that I will stand on the same line with you to deal with the dragon and lion servants." Corps?"

Matsurizou shrugged: "Why not?"

The leader of the Shizuka clan was about to sneer, but the next moment, Matarizo said something that changed his mind: "In this duel, Longfu showed the qualifications of the holy realm. If he can get rid of my clan today, even with your Shizuka clan Cooperation, what about the future?”

Patriarch Shizuka's pupils shrank, her face became gloomier, and she fell into silence for a while.

Matsurizou's words hit the deepest worry in his heart.


There are currently only three experts of this level in the entire Ice Sculpture Kingdom. The reason why Dahan poses such a major threat is because he is a great pirate at the sanctuary level!

In the duel with Mi Fang, Long Fu received so many spell blessings and showed his rich bloodline talent. This is a shining asset of the Holy Domain!

In other words, given time, he is likely to become a saint.

If the Shizuka family cooperates closely with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, how will they deal with the day when the Dragon Server becomes a sanctuary?

Dragon Server suppresses it at the holy level, allowing the Shizuka family to cough up more benefits. Can the latter resist?

almost impossible.

Even if the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group wants to annex the Shizuka family, it will be difficult for the Shizuka family to resist.

By then, their cooperation with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group will no longer be a blessing, but a disaster!

"Come on, Matarizo. Don't you think that using some bad possibility in the future, you can persuade me to stop cooperating and let the cooperation between the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group and you continue?" Chief Shizuka sneered.

He continued: "If you are afraid, why don't you get rid of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group now and increase the production of potions?"

The smile on Mianrizang's face faded a bit, and he said in a sincere tone: "Because this is just a possibility."

"It's not that easy to grow to the Sanctuary level."

"Please don't get me wrong."

"I have no intention of killing the dragon suit in advance. Since he can be released by the arms dealer behind him, he must have powerful means to protect himself."

"Not to mention anything else, the Holy Domain teleportation scroll can be used instantly. The Ice Sculpture Kingdom does not prohibit space teleportation, so there is no need for us to make these meaningless attempts."

"To be honest, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group are our friends. We can make a lot of money by working with them."

Chief Shizuka narrowed his eyes: "Do you want our two families to cooperate?"

Mianli Zang nodded slightly: "If you have money, let's make it together. Isn't it good to go to Shuyuan"

Chief Shizuka snorted coldly: "Even if I agree...if the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group doesn't want to, what's the use?"

Mianrizang smiled: "Then let the dragon suit have a taste of the power of our Ice Sculpture Kingdom. We don't need our two families to rush to the front, but I heard that the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group had a confrontation with the Alchemy Guild before. Betting on the agreement."

Patriarch Shizuka's eyes suddenly lit up, and she smiled for the first time: "Well, this is a good idea."

One advantage of group dramas is that the reactions of other characters will be very natural, and the conflicts in the plot will naturally have a sense of factual logic. Take Mianrizang as an example, even if he has to deal with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, he will adopt milder but sharper methods. Such behavior is completely in line with his personality and abilities. It's not just a simple trick to give away treasures.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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