Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 717: Gathering the Thorns

The content of the second assessment of the Nuanxue Cup was officially announced on the second day.

Even if Zidi was mentally prepared, her heart would become heavy when she actually saw it.

"Form an alchemy puppet that automatically fights on the spot. After activation, you have to defeat the ice sculpture guard to advance to the next round?"

"The production cycle of an alchemy puppet is at least one month. Even a small puppet toy with some functions will take a week."

It has to be made on the spot, and the time limit is only 12 hours, which is already extremely difficult.

Maybe a gold-level alchemist can do it, but most of the alchemists participating in this year's Warm Snow Cup have a silver-level status like Yaoma.

It is extremely difficult for an individual to do this.

Fortunately, there is an additional explanation after the announcement - teams are allowed, with a maximum of three people and a minimum of two people.

How could two people form a team?

Only three people working together could barely complete such a huge workload!

"That's not the most difficult part!" Zidi frowned.

The final alchemy puppet must defeat the ice sculpture guardian.

"A silver-level ice sculpture guard... this requires that the alchemy puppet produced must reach at least a silver level."

This is just the most basic standard.

If you can't reach Silver level, if you are only at Black Iron level, don't compete.

Because the ice sculpture guard's true combat effectiveness is much stronger than most silver-level alchemy puppets!

The ice sculpture guardian has extraordinary spirituality, which depends on the main material used to make it. It is none other than the Chinese ice from the Ten Thousand Years Ice Lake.

This kind of ice has been severely radiated by divinity because of the time dragon corpse, and has full spirituality.

Just by sculpting, it comes alive. With a little alchemy and a frame, the ice sculpture can move freely. The effect is simply cheating.

Otherwise, how can we say that the Ten Thousand Years Ice Lake is a super resource point?

The entire ice sculpture kingdom is based on it and gradually developed.

"Therefore, it is not enough to just refine a complete silver-level alchemy puppet. You must also ensure that it has strong combat effectiveness, allowing it to defeat the ice sculpture guards."

Zi Di felt breathless.

She couldn't think of a way to deal with it.

Her alchemy talent is not very high.

If she relied solely on her personal strength, she would be rejected in the first assessment. She used the elders to cheat, get the questions in advance, and then prepared frantically with all her strength, practicing a lot in private, and then passed.

Although she won the first place in that competition, it was all in vain.

It doesn't mean that Zi Di has no alchemy talent.

She is still good at potions, but in a high-level competition like the Warm Snow Cup, she is completely inadequate.

At this moment, Zidi faced the second test question and had no idea at all and no way to start.

"But I have to get through..."

Zidi's eyes were full of determination.

The Ryūman boy wanted to break away from the Satoma family and had no intention of cooperating with the Shizuka family. The rumors of cooperation with the Shizuka family were just a cover for him to delay time.

During this period, the young dragon man wants the dragon and lion mercenary group to truly stand up. With his current strength, why not take all the profits from the mount potion? Why share it with others?

There is no problem with sales channels, thanks to Zidi borrowing chickens to lay eggs and making great use of the Utojian family.

What the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group lacks is actually a place to produce magic potions.

To cope with the demand for potions throughout the kingdom, the production capacity must be strong enough. What's more, safe!

Just like before, the alchemy workshop in Snowbird Port was successively attacked by the dead soldiers arranged by Meilin.

This is not possible!

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group had to live alone, and faced not only the Usato family, the Shizuka family, but also the Alchemy Guild.

Survivors must take precautions in advance.

The best way to prevent it is to build a mage tower.

The defensive performance of the mage tower is very outstanding, and it is often used as the defense center of a place.

As long as it is built, even if it is only one floor, it will be easy to defend but difficult to attack.

After adopting space alchemy technology, every room in the mage tower can be spacious, and there will be no problem in arranging an alchemy factory.

"As long as we get the top three in this year's Nuanxue Cup, we will have funds to fund the construction of the Mage Tower."

Funding is actually secondary.

The survivors guarded the booming business of mount potions and had no worries about funds.

What Zidi values ​​​​is qualifications!

In the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, even possessing a gold-level armor requires extensive review and approval, let alone the Wizard Tower.

It is almost impossible to build a mage tower secretly.

This is a large engineering project.

If you get the top three, as an outsider, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group will be qualified to build a mage tower and have your own mage tower. This is very important!

Despite the extremely high difficulty, Zidi is still full of motivation.

"The leader has given so much, and I will work harder!"

The ghost girl has always believed: the harder you work, the happier you will be.

Working together with her sweetheart, the process alone made her intoxicated.

The dragon boy had a duel with Mi Fang before and was seriously injured. The fingers of the hand holding the fighting spirit bomb were all blown off. Zidi felt extremely distressed about this.

Obviously the dragon boy could win at a lower cost, but the dragon boy did not do so. For the sake of the overall situation, he tried his best to disguise his combat prowess, and at the same time, in order to gain more fame, he deliberately bombed with fighting spirit bombs and endured so much pain.

Zidi is grateful for the efforts of the young dragon man, and she will try her best to achieve the best goal!

This kind of enthusiasm was far beyond what she had when she was partnered with Zong Ge.

Zidi had many conflicts with Zong Ge at first and was very wary. Later, she gradually understood Zong Ge's character and had a lot of admiration. The experience of fighting side by side along the way enhanced the friendship between the two parties.

Being with the dragon boy is completely different. Zidi enjoys every moment. She sincerely wants to try her best, even risking her own life. She is like a moth flying into the flame, burning her own energy.

“The Warm Snow Cup event actually only has two stages in total.”

"The first stage is for the Alchemy Guild to provide a few test questions, eliminate some of them, and screen out the real elites."

"The second stage is to display the alchemy results. This is the highlight!"

"As long as I pass the first stage, I can show off my talents in the second stage!"

Zidi is very confident in her performance in the second stage.

Not to herself, to be precise, but to the war traffickers.

The War Dealer is a legendary and alchemy master level figure. Others have tried their best to show off their alchemical achievements in recent years. Zidi only needs to choose from the war dealer database.

"So, we must cross the first stage!"

Zi Di took a deep breath and stared at the elder in front of her, with a cold light in her eyes.

She said slowly and calmly: "Elder Jijin, I don't want to embarrass you. But why do you always embarrass me? I am participating in this year's Warm Snow Cup just for the sake of our mercenary group. Is it so difficult to pass the first round? Do you deserve to target me with such lavishness?"

Jiujin quickly explained: "This is not me embarrassing you, Master Yaoma. It's Elder Hua Ni! She is very cautious, but in fact she is also very stingy. Coupled with the instigation of the Utorama and Shizuka clans... she is really from your group. The strength is quite strong, making people fearful."

"I don't care!" Zidi waved her hand, showing her unruly side, "If I can't pass this time, I will disclose your evidence."

"So, you'd better think of a way for me, otherwise, you, the elder of the Alchemy Guild, will definitely not be able to continue."

There was no other way, so Zidi asked Elder Jiujin to find a way.

She holds conclusive evidence in her hands that the elders have had close contact with the necromancer.

Once this kind of evidence is disclosed, the position of the elder will definitely not be able to sit still, and he will have to be investigated. The investigation of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom itself is not bad. If the elders can mobilize their contacts and manage everything, they may be able to pass the test, but they are afraid that people from the Blood Light Sanctioning Institute will interfere. You know, when it comes to encircling and suppressing the Necromancer, almost all the forces in the main plane are fully cooperating, and the Blood Light Sanctioning Institute of the Shengming Empire is the main one.

Ji Jin suddenly had a sad look on his face, this was what he was afraid of. However, he was caught with evidence and was restricted by others, so he could only make suggestions for Zidi.

"Master Yaoma alone will definitely not be able to do this."

"If you want to pass the second assessment, you have to focus on other people."

Although Zidi passed the first test with excellent results, she was still one of the parties involved and had some knowledge of Zidi's alchemy ability.

His idea was: Zidi can't do it alone, so find two legs and play with Zidi. Zidi couldn't run and could be dragged through.

Zidi also has this idea, but there is a huge hidden danger in it.

She continued to stare at Elder Jiujin: "I don't trust outsiders very much, and I'm also very worried that spies will be planted by Hua Ni or Utama and Shizuka. When the time comes, the spies will use their hands and feet. This will be worse than facing the second battle alone. It’s even worse.”

Elder Jiujin also considered it, and immediately said: "So, we try to start in advance and contact some alchemy mages from the past instead of this year. We will contact them secretly, buy them with heavy money, and then use magic contracts to restrain them!"

This year's Warm Snow Cup has reached its second round, but not only those who passed the first round are eligible to participate in the second round.

As long as those who have performed relatively well in the previous Warm Snow Cup competitions will be granted permission by the Alchemy Guild, allowing these elites to leapfrog and participate in future Warm Snow Cup Alchemy Competitions.

Because in essence, the first stage of warm snow cup is the main function of screening.

Naturally, the alchemists who have been screened out in previous competitions do not need to be screened again.

Of course, there are a lot of fine print. According to the results, some mages can skip the first assessment, some can save two, and some are directly qualified to participate in the second stage of the display of alchemy results. Previous champions can directly display their alchemical results and have the best exhibition hall location.

And the qualifications for this kind of leapfrog competition are also time-limited. The longer the time passes, the more the qualifications weaken. If the time drags on for too long, the alchemist will have to participate in the first assessment again.

However, there are exceptions. For example, if some alchemists have already become famous outside the Ice Sculpture Kingdom and come to participate in the competition, the Alchemy Guild will give special approval and allow them to be automatically promoted and directly display their alchemy results.

In short, the Alchemy Guild has considerable room for maneuver in this regard.

Zidi knew about the fact that "previous alchemists can participate beyond their level".

She immediately asked: "After searching the elders, who can be recommended?"

Elder Ji Jin was well prepared and directly took out a list: "This is the person who is qualified to participate in the subsequent competition. I copied this information from the guild database. It must be complete!"

"Of course, if a foreign alchemist master suddenly appears in the competition, we won't be able to predict it."

Zidi took the information and did not let Elder Jiu go easily. Instead, she continued to ask: "I'm asking you if you have any recommendations?"

After all, the elder did not want to take responsibility at first, declined politely, and was unwilling to express his opinions.

Zidi snorted coldly and reiterated her previous words: "If you don't tell me, if I can't pass, you will definitely be doomed."

Ji Jin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and had no choice but to name a few people and comment on their outstanding strength.

Zidi found these people in the information.

The information is very detailed, not only the names, but also their brief introductions, and most importantly, their past performance in competitions, all well recorded.

After Elder Jiuji left, the figure of the dragon boy appeared in the corner of the room.

He had already known about the fact that Zidi was controlled by Zidi, and at that time he praised Zidi for her skills. At this moment, he was observing on the spot and felt that Elder Ji was still under his control, and his words were more honest and trustworthy.

Seeing Zidi's sad look, the dragon boy said clearly: "Are you worried that there is something wrong with the recommended candidate?"

Zidi nodded: "We can think of it, but there's no reason that our opponents can't. After all, the recommended people have very high evaluations in their information. Won't they focus on these people?"

"They are the local snakes. Maybe they are already contacting these people."

"If we don't discern the truth and pounce on it, we will step into a trap."

If you buy it with a lot of money, others will use more funds.

Magic contracts are not omnipotent. Just like the offensive and defensive relationship between guns and shields, there is always a way to solve it.

The dragon boy felt the same way.

Previously, the Utojian family signed a contract with Zidi and Zong Ge. After he came back, they used the magic blue magic to solve them.

When he was in the White Hair Trench, the powerful Necromancer was working hard to condense and collect the divine nature of death. He was also making a wedding dress for the fish-man boy, but he stole four copies. Even if the Necromancer holds the artifact [Slate of Truth], what is its use? Calculating mentally but not intentionally can still be effective.

The dragon boy thought for a while: "Do you still remember the little prince I told you?"

"If that doesn't work, we can pay a lot of money to buy the previous alchemist, and then secretly control him and let the little prince pretend to be him in the competition."

The little prince of the necromancer has some alchemy skills.

He can independently make magical props such as the Elegy Tombstone, which has a teleportation effect.

Zidi shook her head and sighed slightly: "It can only be used as a backup option."

There is some doubt about the little prince's true alchemy strength.

He was a necromancer, and it would be terrible if he was found out during the competition.

There is another hidden danger: the little prince has been transformed by memory.

The tense battle was okay. There was no time for the little prince to think blindly. He could only concentrate on dealing with the powerful enemy in front of him.

But when it comes to alchemy, it's different.

Alchemists need to think quickly, constantly discover and solve problems. In this state, their thinking will be very active, and they must dig out knowledge from memory and increase reliability from experience.

This is very unsafe, and it is very likely that the little prince will discover the falsity of the forged memory. It can range from cognitive disorder to seeing through the truth.

The dragon boy sighed.

He also knew that this proposal was not very good.

He also wanted to personally help.

Unfortunately, although he is now a gold-level mage, his God-given experience is concentrated in spellcasting experience, and there is very little in alchemy.

For Zidi, he was helpless.

Zidi could see her sweetheart's helplessness and distress. She stretched out her hand to caress the boy's chest and comforted him gently: "Sir, you have more important things."

"Leave the matter of the warm snow cup to me."

"If it fails, it's not unacceptable."

"It would just be better if it could pass."

The dragon boy nodded, he did have more important things at hand.

Saying goodbye to Zidi, he called Cong Mang.

After transforming into a fish-man form, he descended through the Kingdom of God, opened the curtain of space, and stepped out to the sea thousands of miles away.

On the sea, the Vegetable Basket Pirates Group and the Thorn Pirates Group were already confronting each other.

The two flagships slowly drove out and finally docked together.

The fish-man boy did not come forward, but Cong Mang took the lead and jumped onto the opponent's flagship.

When he saw the leader of the other party, he suddenly showed disdain: "Are you the current boss of the Thorn Pirates?"

"Haha, it's just a silver level, why?"

"What qualifications do you have to discuss cooperation with me?"

The original leader of the Thorn Pirates was called Jing Wen, and he was killed by Fenglian. The newly appointed captain is only a silver-level human race, short and thin, with long curly hair, a gloomy face and heavy bags under his eyes. I don't know what happened to my skin, but it turned out to be a strange dark green color.

He raised his head slightly, looked at Cong Mang, who was a head taller than him, and sneered: "My name is Thorny. Do I have the qualifications to discuss cooperation? It's better for the two of us to just fight."

Cong Mang was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect the thorns to be so straightforward.

He looked a little impressed and nodded immediately: "Okay, let's have a fight first."

Thorny Thorns was well prepared. He jogged a few steps, jumped, and landed on the sea.

His feet touched the water, but there was no sign of sinking, as if he were walking on flat ground.

Cong Mang pulled out a new gold-level long stick (the previous long stick was damaged in the battle with the Lord of Snowbird Harbor), also fell to the sea, and started fighting with Thorny Thorns.

Thorn's weapons are two daggers.

Cong Mang waved his long stick, stirring up the sound of whistling wind, and made a powerful attack.

Thorns are agile and very good at sea combat. Sometimes he shoots, sometimes he dives into the sea, and then he emerges from under the green feet to make a surprise attack.

Cong Mang is the type who attacks hard, and the battlefield is actually the best place for him to perform. For a moment, I was a little confused.

The fish-man boy was observing in secret and was surprised to find that although Thorns was a genuine silver-level player, his physical fitness was that of a gold-level player.

Not only that, his performance in terms of speed is even better than Cong Mang.

However, when Congmang used magic to amplify himself and become faster than Thorns, Thorns was at a disadvantage.

Although Cong Mang looks like a fierce general who charges into battle, he is actually a druid. Divine magic is his major, and fighting spirit is his secondary skill.

The more the onion fights, the stronger the aura becomes.

He followed the youth leader and was in the Ice Sculpture Capital, so naturally he did not dare to neglect and was cautious. Returning to the sea and engaging in fierce battles were exactly the scenes he was used to and loved, which made him feel very high.

"Come again, come again!"

"Can it be faster? Stop hiding and dare to take my blow head-on?"

"If this is your limit, then just listen to me this time!"

Cong Mang drank continuously, initially recognizing Jiji's strength.

As a silver-level person, it is indeed rare to be able to fight beyond the level and fight like this with Cong Mang.

But the fishman boy could see that Thorny Thorn still had some strength left.

He used the divine descending technique to control the big man and let him come forward.

"Cong Mang, step back." The big man's eyes were glowing blue, and his voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the audience.

Cong Mang didn't dare to respond, so she quickly put away her stick, quit the battle, and returned to the boat, acting as if she was obeying orders.

The people in the Thorn Pirates were all surprised.

On the surface, Cong Mang is the leader of the Vegetable Basket Pirates. He actually obeyed the orders of a silver-level little giant. What was going on?

There was a look of surprise on Jijiji's face, and what he was thinking of was the information about "In the battle at Snowbird Port, Cong Mang was taken away by a mysterious fishman strongman."

As for the Vegetable Basket Pirates, they have already been included, so they are naturally not surprised.

The big man stared at the thorns, and the blue light in his eyes became a little brighter.

Jiaoji suddenly felt that he was being peered at, and his whole body seemed to have been stripped naked and thrown into the water. He immediately snorted in displeasure: "Hey, who are you?"

Dadou then came forward: "How presumptuous! A little pirate, shouting and screaming. And you can easily know my master's name?"

Dadou was naturally blessed with the magic of deception, and his face changed drastically. But his gold-level aura has not been tampered with.

Seeing another gold-level giant revealed and claiming to be a servant, everyone in the Thorns Pirates group was shocked.

In an instant, the way they looked at the big man completely changed, and they reached a consensus - the big man had an extraordinary origin, and might be a core member of a big force.

Under the control of the fish-man boy, the big man said solemnly: "Is that a totem you are wearing?"

Jiji's expression changed slightly: "Since you have seen it, there is nothing to hide."

"This is indeed a totem, the demon totem of Captain Jingwen. It is precisely because of it that I have the combat power to rival the gold level!"

Totem is one of the characteristics of shamanism. In today's main plane, it is prevalent among the orc tribe. But it's not just the orcs, it's also widespread among other intelligent races.

For example, the dragon boy had seen the flame totem from Dadou.

When the remnants of the Bayonet Gang escaped from Snowbird Harbor, the rocket assault boat they relied on also had many totems carved on it.

The big man held his head high, raised his legs and stepped forward, climbing the steps in the air. He looked down at the thorns from a high position and said, "Is this the demon spirit totem? I can see that you have not fully utilized the full power of this totem."

"I allow you to do this!"

"Next, as long as you can block my punch, the Vegetable Basket Pirates will join forces with your Thorns Pirates and swear in the name of the Pirate Throne that the proceeds from the robbery will be divided in half."

Jiji's face was very gloomy: "What if I can't block it?"

The big man raised his head and used his nostrils to look at the thorns below: "Submit to me, and I will allow you to still command your people."

Thorny was furious, raised his head and shouted: "Pirates are free!"

The big man geared up: "Then, I will give you more freedom - death."

Thorny gritted his teeth.

He regretted it very much at this time. Why did he cooperate with the Vegetable Basket Pirates?

Damn it, the information is so inaccurate!

The situation is stronger than the person, what can he do?

Jiji looked at the big man with a sinister look, then looked at Cong Mang and Dadou, and finally returned his eyes to the big man.

He snorted: "I accept it!"

"Let you see the full power of the Demon Totem!"

After speaking, he bit the tip of his tongue, spurted out blood, and spit it on his palm.

He wiped the blood on his chest and arms with a swipe of his palm.

The blood was quickly absorbed, and his dark green skin suddenly "came alive", transforming into dark green vines that waved out of his body.

In the blink of an eye, Thorny Thorns was wrapped in heavy vines. Hundreds of vines entwined with each other, wrapping him into a huge sphere.

The gold-level aura was raised to the extreme, and the extraordinary aura of the Thorn itself was suppressed to the point of almost disappearing.

"Come on!" The dull voice of Thorns came from the vine ball.

The big man smiled softly, stepped slowly, and climbed down the steps in mid-air.

Arriving in front of the vine sphere, he slowly extended his palm and guided it to the surface of the sphere.

Fighting skill - Giant Wave Palm.

Blessing - Penetration Power!

The force of the palm is like a huge wave, carrying huge gravity and impact force, spreading down. With the blessing of penetrating energy, he struck through the body and hit the thorn in the heart of the vine ball. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

No matter how strong the external defenses are, the Thorn itself is only a silver level.

The big man's fighting spirit has completely transformed into a silver level, and his physical fitness has been nourished by the silver fighting spirit. Under Dadou's elaborate cooking, every aspect has grown explosively.

In terms of attributes, the big man is completely superior to the human race's Thorns. It bypassed the totem defense again and hit the red heart.


Jiji felt as if he was hit by a huge wave. After vomiting a large mouthful of blood, he fainted.

He lost consciousness, and there was no one to control the demon totem. It quickly converged on his body and covered his whole body, forming a dark green complexion again.

One hit to win!

All the members of the Thorn Pirates group looked ashen, while the Vegetable Basket Pirates group burst into deafening cheers.

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