Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 720: Admonition in a crisis situation

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Cangxu walked into the space summoned by the Kingdom of God's Advent Technique and joined the dragon boy.

"Cang Xu, I didn't expect that we would meet up so soon, in the capital of the Ice Sculpture King!" The dragon boy was surprised and happy, laughing loudly, patting Cang Xu's shoulders, and was sincerely happy to see Cang Xu again. .

"Lord Captain." Cangxu bowed and saluted, treating the dragon boy with respect, like a butler serving the lord.

His tone was calm: "I didn't expect that we would get together in this way. The Necromancer must have a huge conspiracy when he comes here."

When Cang Xu left with the Necromancer Mentor, he planned to actively get closer to the orthodox forces of the undead and actively develop bilateral relations. This would undoubtedly be of great benefit to the survivors.

Zidi interjected: "Cangxu himself has a mission and needs to participate in the assessment of the Nuanxue Cup. He said that he can help, and we can pass the second item together by using undead methods."

The dragon boy couldn't help but worry: "Is this too risky? If the aura of the undead is exposed..."

Cangxu waved his hand: "Let's not talk about it for now. Whether we can advance and pass the second assessment is not the most important thing at the moment. I am anxious to see you, the leader, because I am really worried about the current situation of our group."

The dragon boy was slightly startled, not quite understanding what Cang Xu said.

Because since he came back, not to mention everything has been smooth sailing, but there has also been progress.

He first deceived the Utojian family and made a comeback for Zidi and Zongge. Then in Snowbird Harbor, he toyed with the other two parties. Then he subdued Cong Mang and arranged for the big man and others to go out. While avoiding the limelight, he gathered the pirates and attracted external help. As for the Snowbird Port branch, he also made good arrangements, actively supported military training, and placed Huntong as insurance.

He recently defeated Mi Fang and unexpectedly received guidance from Long Meng. It can be said that he is making good progress in an orderly manner. At this moment, I heard Cang Xu say that he was deeply worried, which seemed to indicate that there was a major hidden danger?

The dragon boy knew Cang Xu's talents and immediately asked carefully.

Cang Xu shook his head and sighed: "Captain, you should not expose your Holy Domain qualifications."

“Think about what happened to the big guy.”

"During the food intake duel, the big man was spotted, and he was immediately robbed by Da Dou. Sandao and others launched a search and rescue, and at that time Widow Lian discovered that all forces were taking action for the big man. The big man was still Just the Black Iron level is already so in demand and is coveted by powerful forces."

"And now, my lord, you have also shown your talents in the Holy Realm. This is the biggest source of risk!"

The dragon boy was silent for a moment.

Cang Xu sighed and sincerely advised: "Master Captain, you seem to underestimate the influence of the Holy Domain. Even if it is just the Holy Domain seeds!"

"Perhaps it's because you now have abundant god-level blood and god-level qualifications. In your opinion, you have only shown a little bit of talent and have not even reached the legendary level. You should be safe and sound."

"But that's not what happened."

"The impact of the Sanctuary level is huge! There are only three Sanctuary level pirates in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. Dahan, a Sanctuary level pirate, can turn the coastline of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom upside down."

"This is the world of the strong!"

"Even if you are not now, but with such qualifications, after you grow up, you will definitely be a key figure that affects the overall situation. I want to ask, how can other holy realm levels not take action?"

"The reason why the current situation is calm is mainly because we still have the guise of arms dealers. But this skin, which used to be able to frighten other forces, can only be used temporarily now."

"The reason why they didn't take action is more because the Ice Sculpture Kingdom and Dahan are in a confrontation. They don't have the energy to take care of us, and they can't take action for the time being."

The young dragon man was ashamed.

He lowered his head slightly and told the truth, he had once shown legendary qualifications.

Cang Xu was stunned.

The young man then told the details, it was at the Snow Bird Harbor battlefield, and the main purpose was to intimidate and subdue Hutong.

Cang Xu was speechless for a moment.

After a moment, he sighed: "Master, the risks here are too great."

"Now that the matter has been done, we must strictly control risks. Do our best to tie Huntong to our side and monitor him at all times. Where is he now?"

Dragon boy: "Snowbird Port."

Cang Xu:......

The dragon boy told why he arranged it like this at that time.

Cang Xu was speechless again.

After a moment, he still comforted the dragon boy with an encouraging tone: "Captain, you are now able to understand human nature and make use of it. This is a huge progress."

"It's just that this time we've lost a lot of money."

Zidi couldn't help but retort: ​​"Isn't Long Meng also a holy seed? He is not being targeted now, right?"

Zidi has never felt that there is anything wrong with the dragon boy exposing his sacred qualifications. Seeing her sweetheart being criticized, the love in her heart made her subconsciously defend herself.

Cangxu said: "According to my analysis, Long Meng has a background. He has never admitted that he has the qualifications for the Holy Realm. This is just the mainstream speculation of the public. He has never done anything like 'the leader of the group blesses a large number of gain spells' in public." ’, something that is obviously out of line.”

"Generally speaking, the seeds of the Holy Domain will be strictly protected by all forces. Once the Holy Domain is cultivated, it will inevitably break the regional balance."

"However, precisely because of this, Mi Fang made a wrong judgment in the previous duel and played very conservatively, allowing the leader to win easily."

Cang Xu has seen the magical image of the duel.

After saying these words, the old mage looked at Zidi seriously.

"Miss Zidi, you shouldn't be blind to the hidden dangers here. You have an extraordinary background and a broad vision."

"Don't let love cover your eyes."

"In your subconscious mind, do you prefer to see your sweetheart show his brilliance and achieve more glorious achievements?"

"However, being in the limelight like this will harm yourself."

Zidi was shocked inside.

Cang Xu: "Now that the leader has openly displayed his sanctity, targeting and encirclement will definitely follow."

"In the past, we relied on fictitious arms dealers as our backers and cleverly frightened many external forces. But the leader now represents a future saint. What will all the forces think?"

"The leader of the regiment is currently famous all over the country. Our regiment is also actively expanding in the potion business. We are making great progress and making money every day."

"Isn't this ambitious and aggressive gesture meant to intervene in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom and transform the structure of the three holy realms into a four-pole competition?"

"Do you think the three holy realms of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom will sit back and let us develop?"

"We should thank Dahan. Find Shuyuan The reason why the three saints did not take immediate action to spy on our regiment is because of the external pressure brought by Dahan."

"But after this round, when they have the energy to free their hands, what will happen to us?"

Cang Xu said again: "This time, why can Matsurizou easily convince the Shizuka family, and how can the two families join forces and use Hua Ni of the Alchemy Guild to try to eliminate us in the Nuanxue Cup? It is precisely because of the resources of the Holy Domain. It’s a huge pressure.”

"The three parties were originally in a competitive relationship, but they united because of this. However, such targeting is only a small part of the future, a very small part."

Zidi took a deep breath, feeling a chill in her heart.

She fell into self-blame, why she didn't see this mistake, she never even thought about it.

She reflected on herself and found that she was dazzled by love. The return of the dragon boy made her indulge in sweet feelings.

At the same time, she was paralyzed by the victories in front of her. She wanted to move forward and continue to achieve more results. Her attention was attracted by the warm snow cup, and she wanted better and the best.

Her actions are like her business, which is constantly expanding and expanding.

It was so smooth. Success came one after another, making her forget to pay attention to her steps and gradually ignore the risks.

Now she was reminded by Cang Xu, and upon reflection, she broke into a cold sweat.

The dragon boy couldn't bear to see Zidi blaming herself, so he defended: "I don't blame her, this is my full support."

"Cangxu, after you and I separated, you still don't know what my subsequent experiences were. During this, something important happened."

Immediately, the dragon boy told Cang Xu in detail his own experience, focusing on the section about dueling gods in Meilan Shenqi.

Cang Xu was stunned: "Dueling Godhead?!"

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