Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 749: 7th Lang vs. Violent Gen

Public opinion is boiling!

Qicilang's record of forcing Dahan away was so amazing that even before he actually landed on the Ice Sculpture Island, he had already become the most famous figure in this year's National Ceremony Duel.

What people discuss the most is no longer the root of violence or the tameness, but the seventh child.

As for the dragon boy, at this moment, he was also forgotten in the corner by the people.

People mainly discuss and debate "How powerful is Seventh Lang?"

As the discussion deepened, people began to compare Qicilang, Long Meng and Fenglian.

At present, these three are at the peak of the gold level.

"Although Fenglian had a confrontation with Dahan, he took the initiative to escape. When Qicilang fought against Dahan, it was Dahan, the holy realm level, who retreated. Comparing the two, Qicilang must be more powerful than Fenglian!"

"So, how about the comparison between Qicilang and Long Meng? Who is stronger and who is weaker?"

The final topic focused on Qicilang and Long Meng.

At this time, we can see how solid Long Meng's reputation is.

Even if Long Meng has never had such a confrontation with the Sanctuary level, he still has a group of loyal supporters. In the hearts of this group of people, the powerful impression of Long Meng is almost unbreakable.

"I support Long Meng!"

"Long Meng is from our country. He has experienced countless duels and has always been able to do it with ease. I have never really seen him fight hard."

"I believe that even Seventh Lang cannot defeat Long Meng."

Then, the two parties who were arguing fiercely reached a consensus: "In short, the champion of this national ceremony duel is either Long Meng or Qici Lang!"

The Ice Sculpture King's attention was also focused on Nanjiro.

The defeat of Violent Root and the astonishing record of Qijilang dealt a double blow to the royal family's plan.

After thinking about it, the Ice Sculpture King gave the order to the military. He wanted to protect Long Meng and try his best to test out all Qicilang's trump cards. Violence has a character flaw at all, and the increased combat power of the magic construct [Cold Pudding] is not enough to compete for the championship position, so we simply change the plan and let the root of violence pave the way for Long Meng!

Violent Root was defeated and received divine healing.

The person in charge of the military found him: "Although divine magic has cured you, your weakness will last at least seven days. During this period, you must take a good rest."

Violent Gen nodded vigorously: "When I fully recover, I will challenge the dragon suit!"

"After defeating the dragon suit, I will meet this barbarian warrior again."

In Violent Gen's heart, the dragon boy is his number one object of hatred.

But the military leader shook his head: "No, I came here to tell you personally. His Majesty the King personally ordered that you will challenge the Seventh Lang!"

Violent Gen was shocked: "What?!"

"Qici Lang is very strong!" The dragon boy sighed.

He has never personally fought against the Sanctuary level. His strongest Bolang fish-man form is triple gold, blessed with god-level bloodline. The boy really didn't fight a tough battle with this life form.

Zidi said: "If you, Captain, use [Mermaid's Fairy Tale], even if Seventh Lang can be resurrected continuously, what's the use?"

"In my opinion, Dahan is just worried about being entangled, or worried about Qicilang's background, and doesn't really want to fight."

Girls naturally support their sweethearts.

Cangxu agreed: "I think Dahan has an ulterior motive. Since winning the naval battle, he disbanded the pirate allies and commanded the Frozen Pirates to never really attack coastal towns."

The dragon boy said solemnly: "In the grand duel of the National Code, I used the dragon form. Haven't you bought the red dragon's bones yet?"

Zidi nodded: "Come on, the deal has been reached, just waiting for the delivery from the royal family."

In order to facilitate the deal, Zidi personally negotiated three times and paid a high price.

However, for them who have opened the Wisteria Secret, this part of the price is completely within their capabilities.

"I hope this complete red dragon corpse can bring me a considerable improvement in my bloodline!" The dragon boy expressed his expectation.

The Thirteenth Prince returned and Seventh Lang landed on the island, causing a nationwide sensation.

The Thirteenth Prince has a high prestige among the ice sculpture people.

Nanjiro's first duel was arranged in the largest duel venue in the royal capital.

When the duel began, the aisles of the auditorium were filled with people. It was a sea of ​​people. For the duel field, they spent heavily to hire alchemists from the Alchemy Guild, used space folding technology, and urgently added hundreds of independent viewing rooms, but they were unable to meet the viewing needs of the upper class across the country.

Seventh Lang's opponent is an old snow elf magician. He is not a fan of duels, but was secretly ordered to spy on Nanjiro and pave the way for violence.

Shichijiro showed his unparalleled strength!

After the battle started, in the past three rounds, he successfully bullied the magician.

In the fifth round, Nanjiro grabbed the shield with both hands and tore off the magician's shoulder.

The magician suffered heavy injuries, but his fighting spirit was very tenacious. He risked his life for two rounds and finally passed out.

"Stop!!" The magic circle activated by the staff of the duel field in time blocked Nanjiro's fatal blow.

"Huh, that's really disappointing." Qicilang looked unhappy and had a sinister look on his face.

This caused many viewers to criticize, thinking that Qicilang did not have the demeanor of a strong man and would kill the defeated, which was far different from Long Meng.

However, more people saw the power of Qicilang and supported him more and more.

After all, this is the world of the strong.

The dragon boy successfully invited Qing Hongyan to a battle.

Green Eyes once attacked the caravan of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, and he determined that the Dragon Man boy was the murderer of his friend Fujituro. The dragon boy also identified him as his enemy.

Neither side held back.

As a result, Qing Hongyan almost died in the duel.

He fell into a state of madness and lost his mind. The dragon boy finally stopped and did not take his life.

If it were the boy before, he would be inclined to seek revenge. But now, he is thinking more about the big picture and profits.

He had already given Qing Hongyan a good beating, which must have left a very deep impression on him. Keeping the blue and red eyes alive can deepen the duelists' good impression of the dragon suit - the dragon suit can tolerate even the blue and red eyes and is willing to coexist, and he and we can also coexist harmoniously.

On the night when he defeated the blue and red eyes, the dragon boy used his blood core to successfully absorb the red dragon's bones.

The skeleton is quite well preserved.

Hundreds of years ago, during the prosperous period of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, it possessed legendary combat power and great martial arts. In a certain grand ceremony, it received a gift from a friend.

It's this red dragon skeleton.

The red dragon bones are carefully crafted, similar to the specimens made after hunting, which can fully demonstrate the achievements.

Because it was positioned as a gift, the Ice Sculpture Kingdom did not separate it and consume it as an alchemy material.

It's just that whenever the Ice Sculpture Kingdom's national power weakens, this great gift will be hidden deep in the treasury and will not be easily exposed.

Because the kingdom needs to fully consider the opinions of the dragon clan.

It can be understood in another way.

If the kingdom displays the bones of the red dragon, it would be like the goblins transforming the corpse of a human warrior and displaying it as a symbol of military success. How would the human race feel?

When the Ice Sculpture Kingdom has legendary combat power, it will use it generously. But the current king is only at the sanctuary level, and the national power is not strong. In addition, Zidi created a high price, so instead of leaving the dragon corpse to mold at the bottom of the warehouse, it would be better to trade it.

After absorbing the bones of the red dragon, the concentration of the Flame Dragon King bloodline of the young dragon man increased greatly, raising the upper limit to the holy realm level. This time, he was finally worthy of the name "sacred realm asset".

After the concentration was greatly increased, it also gave the dragon boy a new spell-like ability.

The effectiveness of all old spells has greatly increased.

With such a huge improvement, the dragon boy immediately gained confidence: even without the magic construct [Cold Pudding], he could defeat the root of violence.

But in the end, he waited and waited, but did not wait for the open challenge from the violent root.

The dragon boy discussed with Cang Xu and Zidi and felt that this should be some plan from the military or the royal family.

So, the young dragon man invited Yi Moxi to fight at his own pace.

Yi Moxi disguised himself as Huatang and failed in his attempt to steal the necklace. After he calmed down, he concentrated on preparing for the duel.

But his thorough preparation was not as good as the dragon boy who had greatly improved in strength.

Ultimately defeated.

The dragon boy also felt tired.

Yi Moxi was so good at running that he could explode faster than him. This makes this duel largely devoted to chasing.

After the battle of Yi Moxibustion, the dragon boy basically swept away all the duelists outside the military faction.

Except Long Meng.

Among the military factions are Meilin, Gudong and Violent Gen.

Meilin cannot be challenged. She has military duties, so she has not participated in a single duel at this national ceremony.

Then what's left is Violent Root and Mushroom.

Dragon boy gives priority to the root of violence.

This time, he took the initiative to contact me privately.

The response he received was that Violent Gen had a heavy responsibility. He wanted to fight Longfu, but he had to try his best to stop Qicilang.

Therefore, the survivors immediately determined that this was a game between the Ice Sculpture Royal Family and the Shengming Empire. The chess pieces of the game are none other than Violent Gen and Seventh Lang.

The former is obviously no match for Qicilang, but considering that Long Meng is still there.

Cang Xu then deduced the king's plan: let the root of violence pave the way for Long Meng!

Cangxu counted the duels in detail after Qicilang entered the royal capital, and guessed: I am afraid that these duelists were arranged by the royal family. Find Shuyuan They will pave the way for the root of violence.

Therefore, the Dragon Man boy went to the scene to watch the duel between Violent Root and Nanajiro.

Not only did he come, Long Meng also came to the scene in a rare occasion.

The Kingdom's military tried their best to change the magic structure [Cold Pudding] for Violent Gen, giving him several means to target Nanichiro.

In the early and middle stages of the battle, the violent roots had a slight advantage.

But in the middle and late stages, Qicilang seized the flaw and turned the situation around. Since then, he has maintained the initiative and gained the upper hand.

In the end, Violent Gen was defeated, and his physical injuries were quite horrific, especially the wounds on his waist and abdomen, which almost split him in half.

As for the magic construct [Cold Pudding], it was torn apart by Qijiro during the battle!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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