Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 754: Fighting for Godhead

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"The dragon suit wins! How many people could have predicted this result at the beginning of the duel?"

"It's too scary. The barbarians are too tame and fierce!"

"What? The news just came that Lord Long Meng is going to be defeated! Seventh Lang is about to win."


"This must be fake news!!"

The cheering crowd gradually became noisy.

"What happened?" The dragon boy retracted his arm. Seeing the strange reactions of the audience, he realized that something important had happened.

"Could it be that it's Long Meng's side..."


Just as the dragon boy stepped off the field, the earth began to tremble.

After a few seconds, the tremors became more and more violent, reaching the level of an earthquake!

"what happened?"

"The earth is shaking and the king is trembling!"

"Run away!!"

The crowd fell into chaos and rushed towards the gate of the duel arena like crazy. Then, at the door, the crowd huddled and a stampede soon broke out.

Another execution arena.

Qicilang looked down at Long Meng who fell to the ground: "I was almost killed by you again. It's not easy for you to be able to do this when you have almost no fighting spirit reserves!"

"Hehehe, in order to reward your efforts, I will give death as a gift to you."

Qici Lang formed a knife with his palms together and struck Long Meng's head fiercely.

"No!" the audience shouted urgently.

Many people couldn't bear to close their eyes.

Seeing that Long Meng was about to be beheaded, the mountain suddenly shook, huge cracks appeared in the ground, and the entire duel arena began to collapse. A large number of ice sculpture guards descended from the sky.

Qicilang was taken aback, and after taking a small step back, he realized what he was doing. He was about to continue killing Long Meng, but found that Long Meng had mysteriously disappeared!

The voice of the Thirteenth Prince came through the alchemy device: "Seventh Prince, don't worry about Long Meng. The critical moment has arrived, and the real situation is probably the worst case scenario predicted by the empire's divination. The reason why you followed me here is Take this layer of insurance. Now, you need to carry out your mission!"

The earth is cracking.

The loud cracking sound of ice cracking made people feel chilly and hair-raising.

Countless strands of icy breath spurted upward along the cracks in the ground, causing the temperature in the Ice Sculpture Capital to drop rapidly.

Then, various types of aquatic frost monsters emerged from the cracks in the ground and began to destroy all surrounding facilities and wreak havoc on the entire Ice Sculpture Capital.

The residents of the royal capital fled frantically for their lives, and the entire royal capital fell into huge chaos. From time to time, tall buildings slowly overturned due to earthquakes and ground fissures, causing large areas of death and injury.

The defense measures of the Ice Sculpture Royal Capital were activated, and the statues on the streets of the Royal Capital began to move. Massive ice sculpture guards fight everywhere to eradicate the raging aquatic monsters.

In the chaos, the dragon boy took Zi Di and Cang Xu and quickly rushed to the temporary residence in the royal capital.

"These aquatic monsters should all come from the ten thousand year ice lake."

"That's right, the Ice Sculpture King's Capital was originally built on an ice lake. What's going on?"

"Let's meet up with the rest of the mercenary group first!"

The bottom of a thousand-year-old glacial lake.

Under the third layer of thousand-year ice.

The Necromancer carefully concealed his appearance and carefully observed the magnificent light array around him.

An extremely huge three-dimensional magic array encompasses the entire Ten Thousand Years Ice Lake, which is the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Formation.

The moment before, the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Array was suddenly activated, causing a drastic impact on the surrounding area.

"The previous activation showed a maximum of 38% of the power. Why was it suddenly forced to activate above 80%?"

"What changes happened? The royal family had to forcefully open it?"

The Necromancer secretly guessed.

He is extremely good at magic circles and can easily repair the blood sacrifice formation near the ocean nest. He naturally knew that after a large-scale magic array like this was built, it had to be opened part by part and constantly tried to verify whether the magic array was correct step by step.

Until the magic circle is finally fully opened.

It is very risky to suddenly turn it on to more than 80% like now.

Once a certain magic circle is constructed incorrectly and the internal friction is relatively small, if the internal contradiction is too great and self-destructs, triggering a chain of collapses, it will form an avalanche, and even a legendary powerhouse will be unable to stop it. .

It can be said that the royal family's sudden move to activate the magic circle is very risky!

The severe earthquake in the Ice Sculpture Capital, the shattering of the ice, and the spewing of aquatic monsters were the consequences of forcing the magic circle to open.

I don't know what went wrong, but the power of the magic circle leaked out and hit the ground.

"Long Meng, wake up!"

Long Meng slowly opened his eyes amid the strong urging.

When he saw the man in front of him, he quickly knelt on the ground and saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty."

It was the Ice Sculpture King who teleported Long Meng in time and saved his life.

The Ice Sculpture King nodded slightly: "The godhead is complete. I need you to pray and then enter the Duel Kingdom to provide spatial coordinates."

Long Meng nodded, knelt down on his knees, lowered his head and prayed.

Soon after, he consumed the divine power in his body, disappeared from the place, and appeared on the top of Anqiu.

The ice sculpture king's eyes sparkled and he whispered: "Right now!"

He controlled the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Array, locked onto the spatial coordinates he had just captured, and then opened the array with all his strength and bombarded it.

The magic circle buzzed, the royal capital shook even more violently, and even a corner of the king's castle collapsed.

A large number of people were injured or killed, but the Ice Sculpture King had an iron face and showed no mercy. He intends to duel the godhood. As long as he can obtain it, all sacrifices will be worth it!

The power of the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Array is so powerful that it forcibly breaks open the space barrier of the Duel Kingdom, allowing it to build a bridge with the real world.

The Ice Sculpture King quickly stepped into the space door without hesitation.

The next moment, he appeared at the edge of the Duel Kingdom.

He is not a duelist, but a heretic, and it is impossible to teleport directly to Anqiu.

However, this was also expected by the Ice Sculpture King.

He identified the direction and immediately flew with all his strength, rushing towards Anqiu!

"found it!"

"Discover the space door and capture the specific spatial coordinates."

"The Duel Kingdom has finally been discovered!!"

In the alchemy laboratory under the ice lake, the imperial spies were almost dancing with excitement.

They have been carrying out this secret mission for more than thirty years. After lurking in difficulty for such a long time, we finally saw the light of day when the mission was completed.

The Thirteenth Prince sneered: "Ice Sculpture King, you finally couldn't help it and did this."

"Thank you for forcefully opening the space door. Otherwise, how could we follow the clues and find the specific location of the Duel Kingdom?"

"The next step is up to you." The Thirteenth Prince looked at the two people around him.

The duo from the Secret Sect were standing quietly beside the Thirteenth Prince.

Among them, the gold-level bishop nodded slightly and began to pray loudly.

"The great god of secret doors, the lord of space, and the traveler across all realms."

"The key to all realms is in your hand, and the endless road unfolds under your guidance."

"You can unlock and close all doors in the world with your invisible key."

“You are the guide to those who travel far away, and you are the loving voyager to those who seek.”

"Now, believers, please use your power to guide us deep into the tiger's den and through the unknown path."

"Please reveal your secrets and construct a gate to lead us through the wall to the enemy's fortress."

"For the sake of justice and victory, we must make our enemies stunned, our believers rejoicing, and our brave hearts lifted high!"

God's gaze came down.

The bishop trembled with excitement.

God allowed it!

The bishop's charism was consumed violently and bottomed out in an instant.

A mysterious portal appeared out of thin air and slowly opened. What was behind the door was the scene of the Duel Kingdom.

"This is a kingdom without an owner, so its defenses are weak. What a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" The Thirteenth Prince sighed.

The sanctuary-level shield guards were the first to take the lead, pass through the secret door, and enter the Kingdom of Duel God.

Following closely behind was none other than Seventh Lang.

After that, a large number of members of the imperial secret agents swarmed in one after another. Among them, there are more than thirty gold-level ones!

"There is something strange happening in the Kingdom of God. The space fluctuations are very strong and they are still going on!"

"What exactly is going on?"

The Tower of Mixue was in chaos. The two masters and apprentices, Wu Lian and Bu Quan, were on the control floor on the top floor, trying their best to find out the cause.

"Someone forcibly opened the space barrier and asked Shuyuan to communicate with the Kingdom of God and the main plane." Widow Lian whispered.

Buquan exclaimed: "So, we can use the king's crowbar now to open larger space holes. We can leave here, teacher."

Duolian hummed absentmindedly and was about to speak when she suddenly received a summons.

"Mage Du Lian, as the Ice Sculpture King, I am recruiting you and your Mage Tower. Please quickly go to Anqiu Mountain in the center of the Kingdom of God to assist in defense work!"

At this moment, the Ice Sculpture King has reached the top of Anqiu after a long journey.

"The preparations of previous kings have not been in vain." The Ice Sculpture King was filled with emotion. "Finally, it is my time to bear fruit."

"Longmeng, Meilin, Gudong, and Violent Gen, you are in charge of the defense in Anqiu."

Meilin and other four duelists knelt down and blessed: "My Lord, the great god of duels, welcome you to the throne!"

The Ice Sculpture King used the alchemy device, and as soon as his eyes flashed, he entered the space inside Anqiu.

This is a huge dark space.

There is the only light source in the center of the space, emitting colorful and dazzling light, which is the duel godhead.

Different from the previous situation when the dragon boy received divine enlightenment, the duel godhead at this time is already intact!

The ice sculpture king took a deep breath and rushed towards the godhead excitedly.

But halfway through the race, his face was as dark as water and he was in a difficult situation.

The radiance released from the Duel Godhead shone on the ice sculpture king, turning him into a ball of colorful light, with a vague human form visible. The light suppressed him with invisible huge pressure, preventing him from continuing to approach.

The Duel Godhead hates him and is rejecting him!

"Why? Why is this happening?!" The Ice Sculpture King was confused.

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